
Equanimity Quotes

There are 332 quotes

"Equanimity is your ability to experience an emotion or a sensation or any phenomena basically and not be affected by it and not react to it in an emotional way."
"Yoga is equanimity, tolerance, forbearance, and acceptance of things that can't be changed, things beyond your control."
"Meditation has given me that kind of equanimity."
"Equanimity...whether something goes bad or something goes good, you're able to have a very neutral mindset."
"The greatest warrior on the battlefield is the peaceful warrior, the warrior that maintains equanimity in the midst of chaos and turmoil."
"Meditation works every time. It is crazy. It is a way to return to equanimity."
"Happiness or distress, we have to flow through them with equanimity."
"Equanimity is so useful the moment you're in response mode."
"A Karma Yogi must always maintain equanimity of mind in success and failure, praise and blame."
"Facing death with equanimity at some level is the goal for all of us."
"Success and failure... treat those two impostors just the same. You just roll with it. Sometimes it's going for you and sometimes against. It's all part of the same game."
"If you can keep a sense of equanimity whatever outer events are occurring, then you are truly in a state of peace."
"If Allah has you under his control and his protection... the same circumstances matter nothing to Allah."
"If you could meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters just the same."
"I do not let the insults go to my heart... and I do not let the compliments go to my head."
"Equanimity is really learning how to have calmness and peace under duress, that's what the word actually means."
"That's what this space is going to be for, equanimity's."
"When auspicious and inauspicious things come, we remain detached."
"He then greeted Death as an old friend, and went with him gladly, departing this life as equals."
"Awareness of higher self is being a love energy of total equinity, balance, the peace that passeth understanding."
"Equanimity is having a balanced state of mind in the face of things that might throw you off."
"If you practice Zen in the right way, it does not matter whether you are the best horse or the worst one."
"Equanimity involves maintaining mental and emotional balance in the face of life's ups and downs."
"Triumph and disaster, greet them just the same."
"Equanimity is a lesson that helps you navigate life's challenges with grace and dignity"
"...the main teaching here is to attain balance to attain equilibrium Equanimity."
"In all things have no preferences."
"Accept everything just the way it is."
"The blue sky just holds space and all weather patterns pass through with what Buddhist call equanimity."
"Never let anything disturb the evenness of mind."
"Equanimity is the ability to maintain a calm and steady mind regardless of external circumstances or fluctuating emotions."
"Equanimity is looking into the areas in your life where you feel triggered even subtly even triggered by thoughts or beliefs or contractions."
"Equanimity is that perfect balance of mind which accepts everything."
"Equanimity is the ability to remain steady and undisturbed by external circumstances, whether pleasant or unpleasant, and is considered a key factor in achieving true happiness and liberation from suffering."
"Consciousness is the ability to keep an equanimity that allows you to deal with heavy."
"By recognizing the impermanent and interconnected nature of all phenomena, we can cultivate equanimity and remain grounded and centered amidst the turbulence of life."
"I don't mind what happens. This is my secret."
"It feels like equanimity. It is equanimity is what this is. It's another degree of peace."
"How do I know I'm sincere? The day where praise and criticism feel the same in your heart."
"Having to learn a new way of approaching my work that's more balanced, that involves more equanimity."
"...the blue sky holds all weather patterns. The blue sky doesn't get freaked out. If there's a thunderstorm passing by the blue sky, holds it, stays there, observes it, and lets it float by."
"You're very emotionally stable and even-keeled."
"Whether it's going for him or whether it's going against him, he's always got The Equalizer."
"So in the context of love, for example, there's divine love, the sun doesn't choose upon which it's going to shine on, it shines, you know, equanimously on everything."
"Embracing fate allows us to develop equanimity in the face of life's uncertainties."
"For one who has transcended the world, there is no joy or sorrow."
"The wise one neither yearns for fulfillment nor frets over non-attainment."
"The sage neither praises peace nor blames the wicked."
"...Equanimity embraces it all, whatever it is that arises."
"A stoic approach isn't about focusing solely on the positive or the negative; it's about embracing life's complexity with equanimity."
"The big piece here is equanimity, which is not fighting our feelings further, not resisting them or tightening up around them, but to actually open to them."
"But Nimitz never lost his Equanimity proving what that longtime friend said of him he knew how to deal with people."
"And whenever they look with complete poise over all things in the world, in thus such a way, they gain the enlightenment element of equanimity or perfect balance, and so their enlightenment is fulfilled and complete."
"The quality of equanimity is then finding a peace in the midst of all the changes of life."
"The quality of equanimity wishes well for every being without trying to change and control and manipulate."
"The yogi considers praise and blame as the same."
"Why not find a spirituality which allows you to keep your sense of equanimity, your sense of happiness intact?"
"So I try to feel equally the same way about public perception of the good public perception of the bad."
"Treat losses with equanimity and note the lessons learned." - Gautam Baid
"'I want to learn to trust the world,' and I sat down and I flooded the valley of my uncertainty with equanimity and I said, 'Show me why I shouldn't trust.' And then about five minutes later, I burst out laughing."
"So yes, good place to develop equanimity. Just like a muscle, the more challenging the circumstance, the better it builds the muscle."
"I'm comfortable with the truth, and I don't get angry at it."
"Being as equanimous as I can is probably the most important thing I can do."
"Real equanimity comes from going like a big yes to whatever is. It's not easy and it's not sexy."
"Don't get excited or upset over that kind of stuff. Let him be a horse."
"The lousy terrible critiques...rather than intellectual charity and fairness and a sense of equanimity and comedy."
"By anchoring ourselves in stoic wisdom, we can view our situation with greater clarity and equanimity, focusing on our inner character and what truly matters."
"You win some, you lose some, you know what I'm saying... like I ain't tripping."
"If ever there were a commercial for the equanimity that can be achieved through mindfulness, that was it."
"The middle way is all about letting go of happiness and unhappiness."
"It wasn’t necessarily that I was that upset at the company for being fired. I have worked at a job before and I’ve been let go. I understand that things happen, so I wasn’t necessarily that upset at the company."
"...we’re in times of multiple pandemics and so much uncertainty and threat and so many of us feeling reactive, distressed - being able to step off that spinning wheel and access that space of equanimity, that refuge of inner ease, is a tremendous gift."
"Understand suffering, and you'll have no craving for things to be different."
"If you can dream and not make dreams your master, if you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two impostors just the same."
"Deal with the ups and downs the same way - remain peaceful."
"Equanimity, composure, steadiness of the mind under stress."
"When attachment and aversion are both absent, the way is clear and undisguised."
"Dream objects are contained within mind, when we know the dream is unreal and we don't attach importance to it and become equanimous automatically."
"The Buddha or bodhisattva type of person fundamentally is one who's seen through that, who doesn't have to be stirred up by hatred and fear and competition to go on with the game of life."
"So much of this practice is about training Your Capacity to maintain Equanimity through moments of adversity."
"To consider both praise or blame with equal-minded spirit is the best example in spiritual progress."
"The various Scriptures talk about equanimity, and how that’s characteristic of the awakened state."
"the attitude of gentled surrender so that you can treat it with a kind of quiet equanimity."
"How does the enlightened person react in sorrow? Unperturbed and transcending fear and desire."
"You are whole, complete. Therefore, in sorrow and in pleasure, in pain and in pleasure, thou art serene."
"The wise man will view all these as benignly as a physician does his patients."
"It's like imagine if you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters just the same."
"One ceases to focus on any particular content and all is seen as simply mind and matter, an empty process arising and passing away of its own, a perfect balance of mind with no reactions."
"In its pure state, the mind is peaceful without happiness or suffering."
"It's important to cultivate equanimity, being at ease with whatever happens."
"The money that you make, it really balances out somehow, some way."
"Yoga nidra means you still are in touch with that underlying essence of unchanging equanimity that's unshakable."
"The thunders of battle never disturbed his equanimity."
"I don't have vengeance, I don't have vendettas, I don't take things personally."
"The entire spiritual path rests on the development and the cultivation of this one particular mind state: equanimity."
"Equanimity is not indifference at all but rather it is a spacious impartiality."
"The vertical relation with the Paradox allows you to properly proportion the horizontal tensions and that gives you Equanimity."
"May they never part from the happiness that knows no suffering; may they dwell in equanimity, free from attachment and aversion to those near and far."
"Equanimity... is the ability to maintain inner stability and peace amidst the ups and downs of life."
"Don't ever be too high or be too low."
"Equanimity is the kind of on-looking witness to things, a detached witness but not an uncaring witness."
"All wholesome factors eventually converge in this beautiful, pristine, refined condition of equanimity."
"When we face crisis, challenge, and turmoil, the world needs people like us that can maintain an equanimous mind and a steady heart."
"Regard both praise and blame as one and the same, facing pleasure and pain, loss and gain, remain impartial, aware, focused."
"Mindfulness is able to be with the positive or negative experience without reacting."
"Whether you are doing good or bad to others, if you are doing it with a calm state of mind without agitation, that is what matters."
"Whatever you are doing, having the sense of balance, equanimity, no hesitation, and no strong passion is important."
"Dispassion or equanimity means you don't let your emotions get affected too strongly."
"When you have great, painful, terrible things happen, that you manage to stay calm anyway, and when you have wonderful great luck, amazing wonderful fantastic, that you also can stay calm about it."
"Treating everything with the same attitude with equanimity is basically the pinnacle."
"The fifth meditation is the meditation on serenity, in which you rise above love and hate, tyranny and oppression, wealth and want, and regard your own fate with impartial calmness and perfect tranquillity."
"Mindfulness has this quality of equanimity; it sees things in a balanced way."
"The lesson of the ocean: receive all joy and misery without being disturbed by them, maintain your balance and peace at all times."
"You are complete in yourself and therefore, serene in pain and in pleasure."
"If you can greet triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters just the same."
"When you get to the biggest game, it's like every other game."
"Equanimity is the precursor for emptiness."
"When you can be in neutral even though someone is quote unquote triggering you, that is liberation."
"She was a woman who simply had a way of casting off her worries, a very equitable temperament."
"I try to kind of just ignore the highs and the lows."
"To look at all pleasure and pain as the same is my definition of devotion."
"Don't get too excited, don't get too depressed, what happens happens, move on."
"Equanimity practice allowing us to be at peace because of that contact we have with the ground of being where there's a rightness even in the wrongness."
"Internally they are filled with joy, internally they are filled with relief, internally they are filled with equanimity."
"Equanimity is not about being calm; it's about being present."
"An enlightened person walks over the waves of birth and death and does not drown in them."
"You must meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two impostors just the same."
"Practicing equanimity, the evenness of temperament, is very important."
"When we're identified with the eternal, then the transient situations don't bother us so much."
"Blame does not make us any worse; praise does not make us any better. We are what we are before God and Guru."
"Whether you're good or bad, you're still a pony."
"One who considers praise and blame as one because he's not dependent on that."
"Shanti is the peace quartet where how do I develop equanimity, how do I develop equality."
"Nirvana is actually living with equanimity and it can be in this very lifetime."
"May they dwell in great equanimity, free from attachment and aversion to those near and far."
"He maintained this attitude up to the very end, and no man ever saw Socrates too much elated or too much depressed."
"In the midst of innervating situations, you have to have the ability to keep your equanimity."
"You relax a little bit more and you have a little more collectedness, a little more equanimity."
"You've got to treat those two imposters just the same."
"May they dwell in the great equanimity that is free from attachment and aversion."
"Equanimity in the face of all the turbulence of life."
"There also arises in him equanimity associated with insight."
"He taught me how to stay sort of even keel, never get too high up, never get too far down."
"Equanimity was among their highest virtues, as it was in Asia among the Buddha and his followers."
"Forget both joy and grief, pleasure and pain."
"The state of equanimity is the state of bliss."
"Equanimity is possible, and it is not something that is removed under certain circumstances; it's unconditionally possible."
"Equanimity is the freedom or balance that we experience when we're not grasping after anything and when we're not pushing away anything."
"We're advancing to the higher and more refined uses of equanimity."
"Equanimity is the function of stability and balance in the midst of activity."
"In the midst of the polarities of life, equanimity is profoundly useful."
"The other form of equanimity is a very spacious stillness."
"A life that is led equanimously also sets up the preconditions for the development of Samadhi."
"Equanimity is such a delicious flavor."
"Equanimity is responsive in the various ups and downs of life."
"Equanimity will be the most valuable tool in our kit to deal with the inevitable variables of life."
"Equanimity is another word for wisdom."
"Equanimity is in short supply out there."
"Equanimity is the gyroscope at the center of your system; it's what keeps you stable and balanced."
"Equanimity is not the absence of emotion; it's the presence of refined emotion."
"Just as a solid rock is not shaken by the storm, even so the wise are not affected by praise or blame."
"The characteristic of equanimity doesn't arrive in its fullest form until the deepest states."
"The fourth jhana is characterized by equanimity so profound, you feel unembodied."
"That quality of centeredness, that quality of being in the middle, is established as a genuine and fundamental equanimity in relation to that."
"To be equally minded is to be peacefully minded."
"Meditation... it gives you both an equanimity... and it gives you a creativity."
"True love is equanimity, flat, balanced."
"Be indifferent to pain and pleasure."
"The feeling that accompanies consciousness can be either joy or equanimity."
"Equanimity signifies a mind that cannot be swayed by biases and preferences."
"Equanimity refers to the ability to engage, be present, especially when there's a stressful event, but also remain calm and return to your baseline more quickly."
"The wrong acts of others no longer arouse wrong and pain in the mind of the disciple; he is glad and calm and wise."
"Be like the wind; the wind carries the stink of manure and the fragrance of a rose but it itself is unaffected."
"Keep the mind calm and equanimous."
"The rising and the setting are one to me; all contradictions are solved."
"If you can treat triumph and disaster the same, that's the only way you can do it."
"Turn your attention inward, find a sense of emptiness in the mind, a sense of equanimity."
"You have to hold the center and be like, look, I'm good either way."
"But death certainly, and life, honor and dishonor, pain and pleasure, all these things equally happen to good men and bad, being things which make us neither better nor worse."
"Do thy work, O Arjuna, established in yoga, giving up attachment and unconcerned about success or failure."
"Equanimity is the ability to allow sensory experience to come and go without push and pull."
"What is yoga then if you're doing your duty in the world? Samathwam, equanimity whatever comes success, failure."
"Success, failure, it's the same; it's just external, superficial."
"The inner Citadel is about having that presence of mind to maintain a level of equanimity in the midst of life's challenges."
"Good news, bad news, all the same to me."
"If we can find a sense of equanimity here on the mat when things get intense, that is a skill that we can take off the mat."
"Treat accomplishment and failure evenly, this is the key, this is the missing ingredient: equanimity, calmness."
"That's why I never think of revenge; I never consider life unfair. I live in calm, looking forward to the end."
"You can have a tranquility that is regardless of happiness or sadness."
"There's a kind of wisdom that comes with equanimity, where we're just being with what's happening."
"Equanimity is the grounds of loving."
"Equanimity, the word Pali word is Upekkha, is in many ways the end goal of all of Buddhist practice."
"Spread a heart full of equanimity to the whole world, abundant, expansive, limitless, free of enmity and ill-will."
"Life experiences don't seem to push or pull on you as much anymore."
"Equanimity is the heartfelt recognition that friend, enemy, and stranger are equal to each other."
"There's a taste that comes about when a person experiences pleasure or pain with equanimity, and the taste is identical."
"Neutrality of mind means equanimity, a beautiful quality of inner balance."
"When consciousness is unified, however, all vain anxiety is left behind; there is no cause for worry, whether things go well or ill."
"Perform work in this world, Arjuna, as a man established within himself -- without selfish attachments, and alike in success and defeat."
"Being established in which even the greatest of sorrows will not shake you."