
Famine Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Thirty million Indians died needlessly of famine as a result of British agricultural policy, a catastrophe recounted in horrifying detail by the historian Mike Davis in his book 'Late Victorian Holocausts'."
"In 1996, North Korea was in the midst of one of the worst famines experienced by any industrialized nation in modern history."
"The loss of life in famine, for example, is estimated we have recorded evidence that at least 35 million Indians lost their lives to famine."
"Famines are not about technology. Famines are about politics and corruption and the things that get in the way of proper food distribution."
"It's always the result of political choices. Never has there been a famine in modern history that was not because people with power made very specific choices and decided to punish civilians."
"The people of Yemen are not starving, they are being starved."
"As Professor Mike DVS recorded in his marvelously and painful book late Victorian Holocaust..."
"History suggests that throughout the famine, most Irish people got on with their lives as best they could. It was the worst tragedy in Irish history."
"Communism has led to massive starvation because of the inability to distribute supplies."
"The first years of his time as the dictator of the country were dominated by a catastrophic famine."
"The reality is everybody's loud to protest but we're facing biblical famines warns the UN."
"The idea of famine wreaking havoc on the entirety of the world isn't something that's necessarily out of the realm of possibility."
"Any attempt to save the population there from death by starvation by importing surpluses from the black soil Zone, that's Ukraine, would be at the expense of supplies to Europe."
"Starvation should never happen and the famine does not have to happen."
"Their work on the famine has been very important."
"We're seeing the beginning of a famine that will actually get worse in the tribulation."
"We're gonna see some of it. I don't believe that there's necessarily gonna be widespread dying in America of starvation."
"This is what you call a massive famine that is going to be killing people."
"Your body cannot tell the difference between a diet and a famine."
"These stones basically warn that when they're visible, famine and failed harvests will follow."
"The British were directly responsible for the deaths of an estimated 35 million people due to preventable famines during their rule in India."
"The first pyramid arose in the time of Zoser... during this time the Nile had failed to flood for seven years resulting in a lengthy and severe famine."
"The children also and the young men wandered about the marketplaces like shadows, all swell with famine, and fell down dead wheresoever their misery seized them."
"All the world came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph because the famine was severe everywhere."
"By summer, 1994, there were food shortages across the nation."
"Significant falls in food production all over Europe."
"The potato blight devastated crops, leading to mass starvation, disease, and immigration."
"A famine of the Word of God. The streams of divine revelation dry up."
"China could be staring at a famine not seen since Mao’s time."
"India was one of the major commercial and Industrial centers of the world back in the 18th century... after Britain was expelled it there were no more famines."
"If you're fat and there's a famine, you survive. If you're skinny in a famine, you die."
"A hundred and six million people have died from famines just in the past 100 years"
"Seeing seven fat cows was abundance, seeing the thin ones was famine."
"Famines make people move. We called these people refugees."
"Ethiopia has suffered two devastating famines in living memory."
"There's a famine in the land. It's not for food or for water, but for hearing the words of the Lord."
"Famine is being set upon the World by God, no doubt caused in large part by War and strife instigated by the first two horses and their Riders."
"This is what famine looks like, folks."
"You will witness famine like you have never seen."
"By mid June a famine is growing; the guerrillas are no longer able to get rice from nearby villages."
"Men will completely lose hope, and aside from the suggestion of cannibalism, his prophecy yet again makes perfect sense. Wheat is indeed extraordinarily expensive, and the good things in life are costing more and more as time passes."
"We're only about three days away from a famine any given time."
"Bad, really awful, people eating their children, right? Famine so bad they were eating dung and their children in Jerusalem."
"Famines expose people who didn't save when it was good seasons."
"Famines are very easy to dramatize people understand the government responsibility immediately."
"Prosperity gave way to misery as drought and famine took hold."
"Rafa is the epicenter of humanitarian operations in Gaza; attacking Rafa will further append our efforts to support people in dire humanitarian straits as famine looms."
"The story of the famine is a lot more complicated and a lot more disturbing than that."
"Famine is usually not the result of too little food but of exploitation and unequal economic relations."
"If famine does unfold... sometimes it takes those kinds of visuals to get the world to act."
"The specter of famine a very real and dangerous possibility."
"Isaac sowed in famine and reaped in the same year a hundredfold, and the Lord blessed him."
"Perhaps it was kindness that kept Dark Star away, though Dornish law did forbid Lords to tax their subjects amid famine."
"From the Great Famine 1845 to 1849, we lost a million people to death and to immigration."
"Our food system is failing both the well-fed and the hungry, and will inevitably lead to a terrible global famine."
"Did you know during the Irish famine, America sent hundreds of thousands of tons of corn cobs to help feed them when their potato harvest failed?"
"The Irish Potato Famine refers to 1845 to 1851 in Ireland where about a million people are estimated to have died of starvation and epidemic disease."
"We can't keep this to ourselves; we have to make sure we fix this famine."
"Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will send a famine in the land... but of hearing the words of the Lord."
"This food should be held in reserve for the country, to be used during the seven years of famine."
"All countries came to Joseph in Egypt to buy grain because the famine was severe in all lands."
"We've really got to give priority to famine, destabilization, and migration."
"The so-called hunger winter had claimed the lives of 18,000 Dutch citizens."
"The great famine decimated the population of Ireland between 1845 and 1852 with millions dying of starvation or leaving Ireland for hopes of a better life."
"Famine breeds a desperation unlike any other."
"The Irish Potato Famine should absolutely be included as it led to widespread death and migration."
"The painful memory of the Great Famine has motivated Ireland to become a world's leader in international food aid."
"People are literally starving to death during this time, it's a horrible time for this area."
"In a famine, it's not the starvation that kills you; it's the diseases that follow."
"The last recorded famine in France was in 1855, which is a hell of a thing when you think about how much famine has played a role in our past French revolutions."
"The Great Famine was a time of constant torrential rain and very cold temperatures which led to crop failures, food shortages, and huge death rates."
"Behold, the days are coming," declares the Lord God, "when I will send a famine on the land... of hearing the words of the Lord."
"The famine resulted in the deaths of nearly a third of Russia's population."
"Famine will become a military weapon."
"And the plenty shall not be known in the land by reason of that famine following; for it shall be very grievous."
"When famine comes, he will keep you alive, and in war, he will protect you from death."
"But afterwards, it will come seven years of famine; Egypt will forget all the abundance."
"I'm not on social media too often, but I just became aware of the huge famine going on in Somalia right now."
"There is enough food in the United States to feed the whole world a few times over, and yet still there is famine all over the world."
"The story of Ireland diverges because Ireland alone starved."
"I saw a thousand hungry, lean, scared, and betrayed faces as I crisscrossed Somalia."
"It was a vision of famine away from the headlines, a famine of quiet suffering and lonely death."
"United States with its overabundance of food cannot imagine that many parts of Africa are regularly ravaged by famine."
"The famine in Ukraine in particular would become known as the Holodomor, for 'to kill by starvation'."
"At the present moment, with means of transport always in readiness and the electric wire joining the most distant countries, it might seem that famine was a thing no longer to be feared."
"People from all around came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph because the famine was severe throughout the world."
"Eternally tormented, alone, anguished figure his heart reaching out to his starving people."
"God sent Joseph to Egypt because God knew there was going to be an extreme famine in the future."
"Behold, days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will send a famine on the land, not a famine for bread or a thirst for water, but rather for hearing the words of the Lord."
"There shall be a famine in the land, not of bread and water, but of hearing the word of God."