
India Quotes

There are 1385 quotes

"Thirty million Indians died needlessly of famine as a result of British agricultural policy, a catastrophe recounted in horrifying detail by the historian Mike Davis in his book 'Late Victorian Holocausts'."
"The one hope I have about India is that this is one country where the best is yet to come."
"The beauty of growing up in India for me was the familial idea of family is beyond just four people or five people."
"India is an important country for our business, and we're very excited about the opportunities here."
"It's perfectly natural to see the return of China and India."
"The idea that we could actually have an 'invented in India' vaccine, that we could actually have multiple 'make in India' vaccines... the Indian producer was actually way ahead of his peer group in the rest of the world."
"India is in the early parts of a demographic sweet spot where the majority of their population is now of working age. This really helps support growth."
"This is the new India whose voice feels it has been suppressed for a few decades and this voice has come back in a big way."
"The loss of life in famine, for example, is estimated we have recorded evidence that at least 35 million Indians lost their lives to famine."
"The tallest statue in the world is now in Western India... it's 600 feet tall, four times taller than the Statue of Liberty."
"India has always helped the world when the world is in distress."
"India offers a rich tapestry of landscapes, traditions, and mythology that could be wonderfully incorporated into a Pokémon region."
"India is witnessing a pragmatic shift in her interests, fueled by able leaders who are paving the way forward with impeccable diplomacy and international presence."
"Sanskrit texts, the subcontinent of India has one of the richest cultures in the world."
"India is changing. India's stand on the global stage has been rejuvenated with new energy, fueled by Jan Shakti."
"Ease of doing business... has seen great progress in India."
"India has become the world's largest open Internet economy."
"To all chess lovers out there, ever wondered where this board game was invented? Yep, it’s India!"
"Even nowadays, about 85% of Indians prefer an arranged marriage, and only one out of ten ends in divorce."
"According to Guinness World Records, the City Montessori School in Lucknow, India is the largest school in the world by number of students."
"The popular game Snakes and Ladders was invented in India many centuries ago."
"In 1963, India’s first rocket was transported to the launching station…on a bicycle!"
"India’s Shakuntala Devi got in the 1982 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records thanks to her ability to multiply, add, subtract, and divide huge numbers in her head."
"The world learned about the art of purifying and cultivating sugar from India."
"From India's point of view, from an economic perspective, buying oil from Russia at a discount to market prices makes absolute sense because it's one of the biggest costs that they have to pay for."
"India now joins an exclusive club, becoming the fourth country in the world to reach the moon."
"It was very normal for time travelers to come to India in the future because it's one of the biggest superpowers in the world."
"India has implantable chips that make your brain six times more powerful."
"But soon, China will no longer top the population list. It's about to be overtaken by India, one of the fastest growing countries in the world."
"Good afternoon, guys, from Delhi, the capital of India. Today, I'm going to be going to Old Town and Red Fort and exploring this vibrant, very characteristic area."
"This is finally, after probably half an hour of walking around, it's so good. Very much colorful places, nice photographic place for visiting India."
"The first known depiction of two guys punching, kicking, kneeing, and elbowing each other comes from ancient India... so yeah, we're talking about two and a half thousand years ago."
"Indian mathematics described Fibonacci numbers before anyone else, employed the number zero before anyone else, and invented the Hindu numeral system."
"For most of human history, it hasn't been; India and China becoming the world's largest economies would really just be a return to the status quo."
"India needs to wake up and shake up, recognizing the massive impact AI will have on society."
"It's the number one street food snack in all of India."
"I realized when I went to India and started studying yoga and meditation that there's actually a system to understand this."
"India is now ranked a dismal 142nd in the Press Freedom Index."
"India had this really abusive relationship with Britain, where Britain constantly abused us, completely destroyed any sense of self-esteem, and then we broke up."
"Our government reached out to India to seek normalization of relations and resolution of all disputes, including the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir, through dialogue and engagement."
"Botany of India is the richest heritage, one of the most significant treasures of India... This civilization has been its knowledge of plants, the taxonomy, the classification, the understanding of these plants, how to use them, where to use them."
"It's really crazy growing up in India. If you're growing up in India, you're either becoming a doctor, an engineer, or a family disappointment."
"India isn't simple and shouldn't be simplified."
"India boasts a large land mass and an abundance of labor due to its young population."
"The game changer in India is... our natural resources are actually all of you. It's the people."
"India needs something the scale of Israel, something the scale of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, for Artificial Intelligence."
"India definitely will stand by the world to be the next big manufacturing hub to source and get products developed for the world market."
"I salute India one more time, I salute every Indian."
"This is absolute proof, of how advanced ancient technology was in India, especially in the medical field."
"India's cash to GDP was nearly 13% - the highest in the world."
"There is no problem of India which cannot be solved with risk-taking initiatives."
"India may be the best bet for moral leadership."
"The prominence of the holy cow in Indian religion is well known."
"Their view instead is that Indian culture grew out of the interaction between indigenous peoples of South Asia and the various groups of people that migrated into it over the centuries."
"India has had long-standing historic connections to Afghanistan."
"India has had a very long-standing historic friendship with Russia."
"SBI, founded in 1806, is the oldest surviving bank in India."
"India just banned 59 Chinese mobile applications... one of the apps that India did ban was tick-tock."
"India's unique ability to become a service sector hub could make it one of the world's foremost economic superpowers in the coming decades."
"India started laying out its own plan to safeguard its economic interests."
"India's economy is expected to grow at 6.7 percent in 2024 compared to the measly 5 expected by China's economy."
"I think the Indians will probably recalculate the long-term value of Russia."
"India is booming. It's joining the elite club of global superpowers."
"Within a generation India's economy will overtake Japan and western Europe to become the third largest in the world."
"Hands-down, the classic budget traveler destination has to go to India."
"Victoria was delighted with the new title, Empress of India."
"In our lifetime...we need to establish His kingdom in our country India."
"India has suffered, it needs to understand and assert itself."
"Growth in India happening quicker than people realize."
"The mysterious stepwell Chand Bowery is an incredibly fascinating stairwell located in Rajasthan, India."
"In India is where we get the concept of zero from."
"India at this point took a truly massive change that would forever Define their civilization."
"India's musical tradition is the stuff of legend."
"Having ten percent of your population being able to speak English is a huge plus for when India fully steps out onto the world stage."
"India's ongoing religious tradition offers a different perspective, especially in contrast to Abrahamic religions."
"India has an enormous contribution to make to the world of the 21st century, and it should. We have the ability to contribute to the stewardship of the global commons."
"I do believe India has a significant and credible role to play."
"Taliban is insisting on a direct flight connectivity between Kabul and Delhi."
"As India sets ambitious targets to decarbonize its economy."
"India's IT sector has evolved so far out of its call center beginnings and it's now a 150 billion dollar industry."
"Ancient India was much better at environmental planning than modern India."
"India is going to be a huge growth economy over the next few decades."
"India shall rise only through a renewal and restoration of that highest spiritual consciousness that has made her at all times the cradle of nations."
"India is the leading country for the preservation of our ancient human heritage."
"India will be the example for the rest of the world."
"The prevalence in India is most indicative - 80 to 90 percent of people are deficient."
"India's magnetic hill, where nothing works as it should."
"There's a diner in India where customers can enjoy their meals between 12 different graves."
"India is home to the world's largest democracy."
"India is becoming a force to reckon with in more ways than one."
"India's healthcare system is one of its biggest achievements."
"India, while not growing as fast as China, is still emerging as a regional economic powerhouse."
"We cannot allow the temples of modern India to be destroyed."
"If India is moving slower than China, most Indians see their democracy as a big long-term asset, a winner over time."
"With its population growing twice as fast as China's, India may actually be in better shape for the next stages in the race."
"India's own homegrown software giant and a major contributor to India's explosive growth."
"It's like yes, it's after British colonialism left, India built itself into one of the major global powers."
"Modi is a really impressive human being, a transformational leader for India."
"India needs something like anti-drone technology."
"The ideal position for India is to be closer to both China and the US than they are to each other."
"Outsourcing was a great thing that India innovated and invented."
"Thankfully they're very few... in professional circles India is regarded very highly."
"Something fundamental, something unique is happening in Haryana."
"There is no country on earth that is more diverse than India... and yet we get together, we work under a shared Constitution, we work in a United polity..."
"If they want to see India as a role model, we ought to be there for them... the Indian experience is a sort of defining principle for the 21st century world."
"If anyone has won, it's the people of India."
"Lipsticks were invented in Europe? No, Indians were using lipstick more than 2,000 years ago."
"Indian women alone still hold more than 10 percent of the world's entire gold."
"India has been a beacon of democracy in the last 75 years."
"India is modernizing in a very interesting way."
"India produces more movies than any other country on Earth, about 2,000 every year."
"Centuries before the Pyramids of Giza, India had urban planning that wouldn't be beat."
"India has a certain policy about how its Army conducts itself."
"India's richest held a collective $596 billion between them."
"India was like number one on my list of places I wanted to travel."
"Australia... the Indian Market has really strong potential for storage going forwards."
"India's economies have seen unprecedented growth, they have a rising middle class, increasing foreign direct investment, and most importantly, they've got way better demographics than China."
"India is home to rich culture and spirituality."
"No country in the world is more colorful than India."
"India is 7 to 10 times cheaper than Europe and America."
"India has largest young population in the world."
"India is the second most populous country in the world and its potential is unlimited."
"India's democracy still allows for citizens to voice their opinions."
"India is transforming itself as a global economic powerhouse."
"The bookshelf of the average Indian: Da Vinci Code, The Kite Runner, Harry Potter, Chetan Bhagat, The Alchemist, You Can Win, Shivkhera, Red, Martin, Immortals."
"India has been one of the very few civilizations which has a very Advanced education system of that times."
"The knowledge of ancient India... one of the most comprehensive and complex education systems in the world."
"You eat a Dosa with your hands it's gonna get messy so keep some napkins on hand."
"This will be a turning point, not just for the politics of this country, but also for restoring the cultural heritage of India."
"Ram temple in Ayodhya on January 22nd and Adi Purush, these are..."
"It's amazing, I mean it literally is like I'm walking into India here in New York."
"India is at a turning point and that the vibrancy of its market is unbelievable."
"Indeed India is known for many things but what India is specially known for on this planet Earth is its unique contribution in the field of spirituality."
"There's going to be an awful lot of people still getting sick in india right up until august."
"India is not just the biggest democracy, in a way it's the most well-established democracy."
"If you listen to any classical music concert in India, the kind of mathematical permutations and combinations that they conjure is just out of the world."
"Every country has its secrets and India is no exception."
"These are 20 mysterious discoveries from India."
"America is the home of fast food... so many options."
"Food is so Central to everybody's identity especially in a tropical country like India you know every 100 kilometers the food the you know the palate is changing completely."
"This defensive strike has taken out most of the air of India's arrogance and aggression."
"The Agoris tribe of India are ascetics with aromatic rituals and renunciation practices."
"I think it's the right time for eSports to take off in India."
"Begging is big business in India, and many beggars can make the equivalent of around $500 a month."
"Nowhere is affection for his Britannic Majesty stronger than in the fabled lands of India."
"Ancient Indian civilization is the oldest in the world."
"Indians invented navigation, yoga, the world's cheapest car, and thorium-based nuclear power."
"India had achieved independence and was finally its own country after decades of struggle against colonial rule."
"The relationship between India and Russia has deepened manifold."
"Change is necessary and Indian society is conducive to it."
"I will feel comfortable saying that the 21st century... will include India."
"In the new global order that is the way I see it... both the United States and China fully understand that New Delhi, India will play the role of the pivotal."
"The world should work together. I think there's going to be big, big clashes there between India and China."
"India's gonna have to stand firm and I feel India will win in the end."
"Kumbh is a golden opportunity to glimpse into the soul of India."
"All life is sacred in India, especially holy is the cow."
"Launch date announced... Mars orbiter mission... India's boldest step in the global space race."
"The most important and profitable colony of all was not in the Americas, it was India."
"England is really becoming the de facto puppet leaders of India."
"They're like the puppeteers pulling the strings of India here for a long time."
"In India, we have one culture which celebrates diversity."
"India is a democracy so you will have parties with various ideologies and various political plans and programs so each of them may try to woo the voters with a different package."
"India's digital economy is projected to 10x."
"India has the world's largest democracy." - "Close to a hundred million more voters than in their last election."
"India is such a huge consumption place if you can find the right thing that India needs you will do better than perhaps many other countries."
"Why and how India has become the global epicenter."
"95% of our 12 year-olds across India can read and write."
"The fact that India has other equities and other activities does not detract from what will be at the end of the day a sort of a central aspect of its foreign policy direction."
"The only game in town is going to be, you know, countries such as India which is going to drive and add to the aggregate GDP of the world."
"No power on Earth can stop India from becoming a $35 trillion economy."
"Our partnership will be a great Catalyst to make India the world's leading Digital Society."
"India is an absolute powerhouse in the crypto market."
"And India's is more than 5 and 1/2 times what it was."
"India will become the education Hub, not just an idea but the education Hub."
"The Shamala River in Karnataka, India, has revealed an ancient surprise. For the first time in a long time, reportedly the water level dropped and revealed thousands of mysterious rocks covered with ornate carvings known as Shiva lingas."
"The second wave of the pandemic in India appears to show no signs of slowing down."
"If cricket disappears from India, it will be the best thing to happen."
"It's a remarkably difficult and distressing situation in India, with high death rates and delayed medical infrastructure improvements."
"The success of the show tells us that India wants to change."
"India already had four gigawatts of solar capacity."
"Tamil Nadu politics is taking a very interesting turn MK Stalin is a little rattled with the BJP's growth is a very practical issue."
"India emerges as the next Colossus poised to challenge China's long-standing dominance."
"India emerges as the world's premier Democratic Powerhouse."
"Snakes and Ladders originated in ancient India."
"Of all the fascinating wonders of nature that humans have been able to discover, a reverse waterfall at Nanagat in India is surely one of the things that has left us all in awe."
"India is poised to become the third largest economy in the world."
"Was it the same for foreigners after getting back from India? Starter pack: one t-shirt, jewelry, head tattoo or henna, bag, comfy pants."
"We have been working to solve this situation in the form of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana."
"India is very vibrant. It's getting every time I go I'm amazed at more progress and more progress. It's visible to the eye."
"Patients are dying because of a shortage of oxygen in India."
"India has done a reasonable job in preserving legitimate free speech."
"We want a strong Bharat, a vibrant democracy. That's what's going to make things better."
"2023: A narrative between Hindutva and Dravida culture."
"We spent our first two months backpacking around India and at this stage that's exactly what we were doing backpacking."
"India is proud to be Indian, celebrating its cultural diversity and unity."
"India has the second largest film industry in terms of volume, pumping out over 1,200 films per year."
"India celebrates the commonality of major differences, a lineage of belonging rather than blood."
"Extreme heat is placing 80 percent of India's population in danger."
"India's Got A very good democracy, but corruption is rife."
"India is one of the most attractive destinations for investment and technology transactions."