
Book Quotes

There are 1215 quotes

"Bill Gates called it his 'new favorite book of all time'."
"I'm quite pleased with 'The Blind Watchmaker.'"
"My beautiful book, Attract Soulmate Love, is available to all of you who are looking to attract that special someone into your life."
"This book is awesome, and I cannot recommend it enough."
"Outwitting the Devil was a book written by Napoleon Hill... it will change the way you view every single thing."
"Atlas Shrugged... will change the way you view everything in life."
"Get the book by Dale Carnegie, 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'. It will give you superpowers."
"This book it's called the element how finding your passion changes everything and I have to tell you that this book is terrific really honestly you would you'd be mad not to about this book honestly really."
"Reading slumps are normal. Sometimes you just read a really good book and just can't get into another one."
"Book Lovers by Emily Henry, definitely my favorite romance."
"It's time for them to be reacquainted. Go pick up a copy of my book 'How to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps' right now."
"Reminders of him by Colleen Hoover... Truly the only Colleen Hoover book I've read that I consider to be an actual romance book."
"My beautiful book, 'Attract Soulmate Love,' is available through my website. It's for coming into right alignment with your soulmate... It's been getting amazing results."
"The book is called 'Hidden Hand: Exposing How the Chinese Communist Party is Reshaping the World.'"
"Anyone who buys this book and reads it knows more than most people about training."
"Investigative journalist Katherine Eban is the author of Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom."
"If you like those movies you'll definitely like room hate."
"The fruits of this book have been absolutely amazing."
"Zero to one is like one of my absolute favorites that I think everyone should read."
"This is so cute, 'All the Ways I Love You,' and it's been well read, which is a good thing."
"I didn't change by the way apart from the one time that you put in your book so they know about that."
"It's not just a book, it's a story of us."
"There's quite a lot of science in the book, actually, especially in the second half."
"My book, The Obesity Code, it's very simple... I'm just trying to get you back to our understanding in the 1970s."
"This book is so fascinating; I can't put it down."
"That book always makes me tear up, especially now that I'm older."
"For my fourth birthday, my mother gave me a book."
"It's the first time in motion picture history that a picture is being released while the book is still the number one book in the nation."
"Do you ever start reading a book and it just instantly feels like rolling yourself up in a warm blanket with how cozy it is?"
"The time is finally here, Love Life, the new book, is no longer available to pre-order because you can actually order the bloody thing."
"If you don't get anything else, The Book of Shadows is really the thing that I would recommend."
"I just wrote a book 'Fat Girls in Black Bodies' that got released in September of this year."
"This is the book that's going to inspire a new generation."
"It's a perfect book to me, it's a book that speaks directly to me as a person and to my preferences and tastes."
"I had a blast here today, and I got a book coming out called Supermarket, which is dropping on the 26th, so get it, enjoy it, and peace, love, and positivity, as always."
"How to be free from the fear of death. A book written by Ray Comfort."
I started reading a book called "How to Make Friends with the Dark" and it's a really good book. It will have you in tears from the first chapter. Highly recommend it.
"For a more practical and easily digestible book on kabbalah, I recommend 'The Chicken Kabbalah'."
"For universal shamanism, I recommend 'Earth Magic' by Stephen D. Farmer."
"Oh, hold up. Isn't the point of the book to not make assumptions about other people?"
"Literally 1984 by George Orwell. 1984 George Orwell."
"It was an astounding engineering experiment and that alone is worth a book."
"Self-love duh! You guys can write the book on self-love."
"It's what I wrote that book for, Keto Continuum."
"Overall, I'm so happy with how this last book played out."
"One of the best primers, I guess, for everything that we've ever done is the book that John wrote called The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work."
"If there's betrayal, a wonderful book is What Makes Love Last, which describes how we get to betrayal as well as how to heal from betrayal."
"This book was recommended by so many, I think every single one of the homeschooling moms that I know and I talk to, they have used this book and they highly recommend it."
"The most famous book in Islam is 'Fortress of the Muslim.' What did this man have with Allah subh tala? He didn't write any extra word. It's only the duas."
"For some reason, I got this feeling of like writing a book or sharing your knowledge and wisdom in some way."
"The force downtime with a good book was an awesome way to spend the day."
"This book was so good... gut-wrenching... I just cannot wait to talk to you guys today about basically why I loved this book so much."
"This is a book about clandestine operations."
"Publish the book Vision, so that the people can prepare themselves for what's coming ahead."
"I just wrote a book released at last fall called seize the day, and in that book I tried to share with people how important it is to live your life on purpose for a purpose."
"This book, 'Al-Mustakhim,' it's an entire book written on the topic of being different from the non-Muslims."
"This book feels like a bunch of late-night texts that someone should have deleted before they press send."
"I have a book coming out this week."
"I really think this book is going to bless you guys as I've mentioned before, there are 14 chapters in here and I'm going to read to you guys every single chapter so you can understand what the chapters are like."
"It's more of a statement piece. It coincides with the book."
"Your book was a very personal look into your journey."
"I know you're not a big fan, but the book's gonna do really well for a career, however, for her family, I don't think it's good for her daughters. But who cares about them? I would read a full chapter about her plucking her eyebrows real time."
HA: "We write the book as the book that we wanted to have had when we were studying."
"You're writing a book on wrestling? That's so cool."
"Snow killed Dean High bottom with rat poison at the end of the book."
"I'm really really enjoying this book. I think it's really really funny."
"The idea that I had to quit my job initially came to me when I read the four hour work week by Tim Ferriss."
"Including an excerpt from your next book is a teaser for eager readers. It's like leaving a breadcrumb trail."
"Character art adds a visual dimension to your book, bringing your characters to life."
"Your book's size matters more than you think. It's about making a professional impression."
"...consider trying to make your book smaller to save money for your reader."
"...make all of the changes throughout the entire novel with one click."
"...you want to draw the reader's eye."
"Knowing how to put an image in your book can help you put in simple things like your title page or your author photo."
"Dedicate a little space to something special in your book. It's a way to give back."
"For those of you who don't know Meet Me at the Summit is my young adult coming of age novel."
"This book was so friggin good I can't even express you guys it was just so freaking good."
"...if you want your book to stand out from the crowd more and rank higher in search results then just put a little bit more thought into your title."
"Dust jackets that come with hardcover books double as a bookmark."
"thanks again for taking the time and everyone check out the book overcoming multiple sclerosis handbook."
"If only someone written an entire book on evidence-based weight loss... and indeed, 'How Not to Diet.'"
"If you want to understand mental illness you must read this book."
"If you have not read or listened to this book, I want it's on my top five all-time books that you need to read or listen to."
"The book takes you into the millennial Reign, into the New Jerusalem, covers a lot of territory."
"If you read this book and you find something interesting, learning more about your brain and mind will inform your waking life."
"Williams winner nap. Okay, the sweetest book ever."
"Ruins is one of the most unique stories I've ever read."
"Ruins relies on the reader's connections to these characters to shock you."
"Ruins is a deaf World it seems like the universe itself is actually hostile to its inhabitants."
"Ruins shows the human body pushed to its absolute limits and beyond."
"The book is good when you experience actual emotional pain over these characters."
"That's fine. I'll just be reading my book on women's suffrage."
"Everybody should go out and get Neil's book. I personally loved it. I really would definitely recommend it."
"The storyed life of AJ ficker this book feels like a warm hug I love it so much."
"This is one of those books that I love so much that I just don't even properly know how to articulate my thoughts on."
"This book is pure magic to be honest."
"The book contains a special kind of magic power within its pages."
"I do strongly recommend the book if you are interested as I am in the businesses inner working."
"The book is called infinite quest John Edward everybody thanks for watching we'll see you next time."
"Go away now, and go buy his book now, that's right, Dark Harvest."
"This book has saved the series for me so far."
"I would urge viewers to have a look at Fingerprints of the Gods as well."
"Let me just see how long it is. It's a little book, a little novel."
"A five out of five for me was 'The Happiest Man on Earth.'"
"So even if you were not interested in the technology, it's really an extraordinary book."
"I just love how the spines look all cracked and if the page gets bent a little bit, I don't think it's the end of the world."
"This is such a wonderful kind of a slow burn book. It's just such a fantastic book."
"The Fifth Season... blew my mind. One of the most unique things I've ever read. It's a masterpiece."
"The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle changed everything for me."
"I finished the book last night, it's a stunning bit of writing."
"This is the epitome of the perfect $50 book."
"This is the cover that will always continue to make this book sell."
"A book that encompasses the feeling of pure unfiltered wholesome love."
"A book that feels like a warm hug after a long hard day."
Support the show by checking out SJ Abraham's book "Tera Soul" - "A Sci-Fi Adventure that will blow your mind literally or maybe figuratively."
"This book changed my life, and I know that's dramatic but it's true."
"I was just reading my book for ages and it's really really good. I'm really enjoying it so far, and I mean how could I not? It's about my favorite gymnast and well, gymnastics."
"Jade City was the best book I read all year."
"This is one of my favorite books I have ever read."
"Highly recommend, the book is insane, it's like a true crime, a Noir, a murder mystery."
"I really do believe that this is a book for everyone... whether you have too much stress in your life or whether you have not enough passion."
"That book was amazing and grabbed me like nothing else ever had before."
"And in this book, I spent 10 years studying this ancient tradition of astrology from 2,000 years ago, going back and trying to reconstruct what the origins of Western astrology were."
"He spent like 50 or 60 years of his life just studying the history of astrology, until eventually, in 1996, he wrote this masterful book on the topic."
"Honestly, I'm only two weeks into this book but I am already feeling a more positive mindset taking over."
"One thing that has helped me become a productive babe is this book right here, Atomic Habits by James Clear."
"I remember literally and there's a few books that do this to me because I love my beauty rest I love it and so there are very few books I can get me to stay up all night and until I finish it and this was one of them."
"Your book The Infinite Atonement completely changed my life. I read it and I had an incredibly spiritual experience."
"This is such an excellent book and well worth the extra few dollars to add to your cart if you're buying the Way of the Panda Tarot."
"If god wrote a book wouldn't you want to see what he has to say?"
"This book has so many people that I recognize their name... They're people that I love from Clone Wars or Rebels and they're being brought in."
"If you're a Rebels fan and you're mildly interested in Thrawn who is being set up as the next big bad for Star Wars, I recommend the book."
"if it's a book you want to read to have thought-provoking ideas then this is the one."
"Surprisingly obsessed with this book I love them so much anyway five stars what a way to end this video."
"...it's the perfect book to give away to another person it really is..."
"Well, if it's true that people only are reading one book this year, we know which book it is."
"I've been listening to Station 11, a great novel by Emily St. John Mandel. I absolutely love it. It's all about the apocalypse. I like listening to things about the apocalypse because I feel like I can get prepared for when the apocalypse comes and I can dominate."
"Her famous book, 'The Private Life of the Brain,' has been nine years in Amazon's top 10 books on the brain."
"My book is going to be published and it's going to be a bestseller and it's going to change people's lives."
"A wholly remarkable book, in fact, it was probably the most remarkable book ever to come out of the great publishing corporations."
"Every generation has read this book and has been like, 'Oh, we're entering Orwellian times. It's happening.'"
"It's a tremendously melancholic book. The ending is one of my favorites ever."
"And when it was finished, I thought, 'This book is really good.'"
"...but a book that will for sure take you on a ride."
"This book was just a blast to read."
"With this book, the ability to make one's body old or young at will, the ability to heal the ill without physical contact, the ability to cure the insane and incapacitated is set forth."
"I love the sort of book where you just cannot decide what on Earth is going on, and it's meant to be that way."
"I've never read anything like it. I love this book as intended. It feels as if Martin is speaking directly to me without looking away, urging me to understand the fragility of life."
"A book isn't complete till it's read and there are as many interpretations as there are readers out there."
"The Art of Loving is not just a book; it's a mirror reflecting our deepest yearnings and fears about love." - Erich Fromm
"Writing a book is like managing a large codebase; you need a good outline and constant refinement."
"This is just an incredible, incredible book, an incredible achievement, and everyone should read it."
"...What's better than one good thing? Two good things, guys. And this book was every bit as good as it was advertised to me and I just love it, I, I love it so much..."
"This is not about popular demand or popular vote, this is about building the kind of book that you want to read, the kind of book that keeps you up at night."
"And to name the new book it's the myth of normal trauma illness and healing in a toxic culture which you wrote with your son daniel."
"What did change my life was writing The Power of Habit... I started getting these emails from people saying, 'You know, I read your book and I've been struggling with alcohol for years and some of the ideas in there helped me figure out how to get beyond drinking...'"
"...I feel like this is the kind of book where if you choose to start it you're going to end up taking it with you like wherever you go."
"My name is Nina Taishals. I'm a science journalist and author of a book called 'The Big Fat Surprise.'"
"This is the book to read if you want to understand the turmoil gripping the world."
"A+ for incorporating real American history into your book."
"I remember when I was very young I came across the book Men Are from Mars Women Are from Venus and always thought it was such a fascinating book."
"Every character in this book is just annoying. They are cring isimo. That's Italian for cringe by the way. I don't actually know if that's true, I've just decided."
"Such a great story! This book is perhaps the greatest work by Chuck Dixon and Graham Nolan, one of the best Batman creative teams of the 90s."
"The book was intended to inspire, and indeed it did."
"The Martian by Andy Weir is a Sci-Fi book that appeals to a larger audience, even those that don't typically like sci-fi books."
"Being an illustrated version of A Brief History of Time."
"I read this book called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill."
"I think it's probably the best adaptation of a book to a movie."
"...I realized I needed to write a book about returning to ourselves, about the concept that we are all born individual."
"I love this book so so much it is a slower burn but like that last bit of the book blew my mind."
"The Chalkman is simply the best I had one of the best times of the year reading this book."
"Reading the book he realizes there are people in his life whose existence is precious to him."
"I need good material for our next book."
"...this is possibly the most Cottage core book that I have ever owned in my entire life it is the absolute definition of snuggle up with a book."
"I thought the best way, the name of my new book is called 'A Return to Ordinary.'"
"There's a book which made a really big impression on me. It's named Finite and Infinite Games."
"Verin's reveal was the reveal of the book, it was so emotional and beautiful."
"...a groundbreaking book titled cancer as a metabolic disease."
"This book has solidified every single fear that I have of marriage and having children."
"Whoever made this book knows about interdimensional travel."
"Who cares about a book? Where the hell's the treasure?"
"Go buy this book, it could save you hundreds of dollars in therapy."
"I have a book that I'm almost finished ready to release. It's called 'Jesus Revealed.'"
"We are excited to be hosting Robert Reich presenting his new book 'The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It.'"
"Stephen King has the ability to write a book that is over a thousand pages and yet still make you cling to every single word there's no fluff I don't know how the man can write such a big book without fluff."
"If you ain't already got the book, go get the book."
"Linux Basics for Hackers. This is a fantastic book."
"If you're not familiar with networking, I have a book out called Network Basics for Hackers you might want to use as a reference."
"Oprah Winfrey wants my new book for her January book of the month club."
"Check out my book 'Happy and Healthy'."
"The self is the key thing of my beliefs and it's the book that Papa and I wrote."
"This is a book that kind of eases you into the horror... and then goes for the jugular."
"It's about... I'm reading an incredible book, an incredible book. It's a biography of a psychiatrist who, it's her life story."
"We wrote a book called 'Eight Dates: Essential Conversations for a Lifetime of Love'."
"This book has shaken and awakened me to my core."
"If everyone was to read this and apply the tools in your book they would probably feel that they're getting more out of their life."
"The book is a fantastic way that's the sort of success that book gets you."
"This book is one pound of information per day that the ship was in combat."
"Her book, which has just hit stores in the U.S., 'The Plant Power Doctor: A Simple Prescription for a Healthier You,' is a complete how-to go-to that is the necessary science for people to feel confident and empowered to thrive on their plant-based diet."
"I highly recommend this book as I've just begun to read it and I'm already so excited about it and loving it."