
Overthinking Quotes

There are 525 quotes

"You've got to stop thinking and start living before the system in your head has a chance to stop you."
"Overanalyzing the situation won't provide the answers you're seeking."
"You're overthinking and you need to start looking ahead instead of backwards."
"Trying to think your way out of overthinking is like trying to sniff your way out of a cocaine addiction."
"I think the far majority of people overthink shit."
"Going to come to you at the right time. I really sense that a lot of you guys are due to meet your soulmate, but you're overthinking it."
"Pick one and try. The number one thing I see...is people overthinking and not starting."
"I think what stops a lot of people is just overthinking stuff in general and making it seem like things are more complicated than they are in real life."
"I'm like a big 'keep it simple' person because when you start overthinking [stuff], you can just keep going forever."
"Last night when I was going to sleep, my usual 'Oh my God, let's think of everything' started to rev up."
"One of the greatest addictions for most humans probably on the planet is the addiction to overthinking, excessive thinking, unhappiness-inducing thinking."
"Overthinking isn't about thinking too much; it's about being stuck in a loop of thoughts."
"When you can't turn it off and you start talking about the soda as you're drinking it, that's when you choke."
"Our brains are so far above everybody else's that sometimes we overuse them when we overthink."
"Happiness is actually your default state and what you're doing is you're depriving yourself of that happiness by thinking too much so if you simply stop thinking then what winds up happening is you become happy."
"Stop overthinking... You lose nothing trying."
"It's almost like they reach your shield, and your shield is this overthinking, the overthinking part."
"The key is to keep your mental state simple. Too many people struggle with mental health because they overthink things."
"Overthinking is not something that we should allow in our lives because the result is never good."
"Overthinking doesn't solve overthinking." - "Thinking that you can logically think your way out of letting go... that's the biggest mistake."
"Just in case nobody told you today: don't overthink it. Thank you, thank you very much, I needed that."
"Just in case nobody told you today, don't overthink it."
"Think about the people that don't overthink this stuff... kids."
"This person does overthink, which is both helpful and unhelpful at times."
"It really is so simple... you can't possibly overthink this."
"Be very careful of repeating patterns and overthinking things."
"You have to stop overthinking it... and you have to make those sounds, release those sounds."
"I don't like thinking about those hypotheticals man because they're just so pointless."
"There is love shared between you two and what blocks it is that someone overthinks it."
"You don't need to always overthink it first."
"Very, very easy. I mean, you're so overthinking things."
"Sometimes you can outthink yourself." - Overthinking and its consequences.
"I've always thought that anyone can be a theorist right if you are passionate about a topic and you love to overthink it and over research it then congratulations you're a theorist..."
"Stop adding so much complexity to what you're doing, man. Get out your own way, get out your thoughts, I mean, get out your head, stop overthinking [] man, go [] execute."
"Do not over complicate it. Don't overthink it. The less you overthink it, the less you spend time creating all these ideas."
"Catastrophizing makes a mountain out of a molehill, recognize when you do it."
"They actually may have lost interest in this person... decided that you didn't want to overthink it anymore."
"Stop overthinking and stop going inside your head because when you go on your head, that's when everything goes downhill."
"Do you guys feel like right now we're maybe over-intellectualizing something that is quite funny if not over-intellectualized?"
"Maybe you're doing too much thinking on the situation, it's best just to let go and trust that things are going to get better for you."
"Overthinking is not the problem, it's the solution."
"Take action as soon as you think it's a good idea, don't just keep thinking through a million things."
"Maybe we're overthinking it, or maybe we're onto something."
"Stop overthinking things, have compassion for yourself."
"Always thinking, always complaining. That's your second mouth."
"Don't get preoccupied with trying to find signs from your ex."
"Trust your intuition more than the overthinking part of the brain."
"Bro, everybody overthinks. Everybody's so fucking insecure about losing that they think, which makes them never do, which keeps them away from losing."
"Sometimes the game plan is just to serve it in. Sometimes when we get subbed in or nervous, we end up over-engineering the situation or doing too much."
"Don't overthink it. You guys spend a lot of time in self-reflection and a lot of times that can equal isolation."
"Quiet your mind to prevent obsessive overthinking."
"I just feel like this is a no-brainer and I feel that a lot of people are kind of maybe overthinking it."
"You're overthinking something way too much. It's time to let it go."
"Somebody is overthinking about career, love, kids, family—anything."
"I think I'm over complicating things in my head, but either way, I'm really enjoying the aesthetic of this game."
"Analysis paralysis: analyze something so much that you end up not even doing it."
"When left alone with nothing but his own thoughts, he became consumed by his constant over-worrying about death."
"Think it through but don't get obsessed about it... If you've been thinking about your name for more than two weeks you're overthinking it."
"Overthinking is literally just the process of creating your own problems."
"Stop overthinking little things that do not matter."
"An object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. So if you can just focus on getting some momentum, watch how the overthinking starts to go away because you're building on wins."
"If you're overthinking, your ambitions are crippling you."
"You tend to overthink things but you're more your the two of you are similar in a way because I feel like the both of you overthink things but it doesn't change the fact that the both of you want this."
"Just have a little faith Gemini's, stop overthinking. You have all the tools necessary, you got this."
"Diving into your soul truth, learning how to stop overthinking."
"Anxiety, though, is self-focused. If I go into this grocery store, I'm gonna see my ex's mom. Oh my god, and then what? Does her world stop turning 'cause she ran into you buying hot dog buns? Nobody cares."
"Try not to overthink too much, just trust your gut."
"Instead of just doing it, we dramatize it too much, we romanticize it too much."
"I apologize about how much I overthink things sometimes, but in my nature and I feel it's necessary at times to be more careful than not."
"You might be asking, 'What's blocking me then?' Well, overthinking."
"Don't worry about stuff like that don't be paralyzed by it and don't turn knobs for it for four hours."
"Quit trying to overthink and overanalyze, just leave it, move on, and accept it for what it is."
"Come on, Nami, you're not you're not thinking too much into this, you know."
"You need to get out of your head, stop overthinking, and take action."
"You're blocking your own success by overthinking."
"Sometimes people overthink stuff and get it and turn the snowball to an avalanche."
"No normality does not need to be guided by the worst case extreme don't let the binge eating tail wag their healthy dog it could almost be Shakespeare."
"I'm willing to gamble it was actually I was very very much overthinking it."
"Don't overthink, overthinking for me has is the biggest barrier."
"Some of you, it's not even like you're in delusion or denial but you overthink so much that you even create scenarios in your head that don't exist."
"My biggest weakness is probably overthinking things, but it's also my strength."
"Your overthinking isn't bothering you so it's a really nice time to reconnect if you've got old friends that you would like to speak to."
"Working and overthinking is like sitting in a rocking chair; it gives you something to do but doesn't get you anywhere."
"Stop thinking too much; don't go into the past, don't go into the future, be in the present."
"Overthinking keeps you trapped; you could find that your mind goes into these spirals when you're overthinking something."
"I just overthink things too much, definitely."
"To stop overthinking, we have to start asking ourselves, 'How can I love others and how could I love God in this situation?'"
"It's the thinking about a thing all the time that makes it seem worse than it really is."
"What is the smallest step that I could take to move closer towards this thing that I'm overthinking about?"
"If you're stuck in your head about this whole situation, you're getting further from what you're actually wanting."
"A lot of people have paralysis by analysis and they never just start because they're so intimidated by all the information that's out there."
"This person is one hell of an overthinker."
"Intuition doesn't mean much if we can't be honest. All that to say, honey, you're overthinking all this."
"Overthinking and anxious thoughts can literally ruin your life."
"The act of overthinking is harmful to the mind. It gets into our thoughts through doubt and moves around like a bug."
"We make things way more complicated than they need to be."
"Sometimes if you overthink things too much, then they happen. I don't think that's true at all."
"Thinking is the act of thinking, trying to figure things out, attachment to thoughts, thinking, thinking, thinking, figuring it out, anxiety."
"They're very logical, overthinking right now."
"...your challenge is overthinking...trying to get in your head and say okay I really do feel guided...but maybe I'm just imagining that."
"Do not limit what you think you're capable of or what you think your life could look like, what opportunities could come in. Don't limit it through overthinking."
"As soon as you start to overthink, you're dead in the water."
"Sometimes you build things up to be such a massive deal in your head that you think it's got to be perfect."
"Your person may have a lot of negative thoughts in their mind, a lot of overanalyzing, overthinking things."
"Overthinking is a snare that the enemy uses to paralyze us."
"A wise man once said, if you overthink, you can cause problems that only just so when I took your bar so what you gonna do back if you guys know what you talk about you know."
"You're creating problems for yourself that aren't there."
"Over planning and overthinking... that's also one of my strengths because I was able to make very engaging videos."
"Don't give in to too much overthinking or negative thinking."
"This person is overthinking, not sleeping, having nightmares because they're unable to function. They're unable to make amends or to do the right thing."
"That's completely unnecessary, just a whole thread that I started from a little fear or insecurity that I had."
"It's so simple that the biggest reason people fail is because they overthink how simple it really is."
"Why are they being hot and cold or distant? It says they're overthinking the situation confused by too many choices."
"She has her own philosophy of life. She's a philosopher, and she really gives serious thoughts to things, and that is her downside also in some cases because she can think a bit too much."
"People overthink things and think they got to work more than they do."
"No amount of overthinking about this situation is going to allow you to move forward in the direction you need to go."
"If you're still having a hard time choosing it, it means you're overthinking."
"Once you start thinking and overthinking, there's no good going to come out."
"They're overthinking but they also can't stop thinking about this."
"There is a need to let go of overthinking and overanalyzing to fully access psychic abilities."
"Smart people sabotage themselves by overthinking."
"People kind of overthink this or make this more complicated than it needs to be."
"...overthinking and rumination... turns acute stress into chronic stress... if we can put down the overthinking, we can transform something chronic to something temporary."
"Break free from overthinking, overanalyzing."
"Now's the time to stop overthinking."
"He's stressing himself out, he's getting in his head and he's making a simple task very hard."
"How to stop overthinking? Don't think, just do."
"The only people who are going to tell you that it's bad to overthink don't want you to think because what if you outthink them."
"That's the way I feel like it's intended to be because I feel like if this person stepped straight up towards you with this love offer, not to say that you haven't healed because you have, but you guys, I'm hearing, have a tendency sometimes to overthink."
"Right now, this person is overthinking about you. They're in their head, they're overthinking about this, wondering."
"I haven't been this scared being alone in my room at night since that movie I watched on Disney Channel in 2003."
"They do really, on a soul level, have love for you... they're just overthinkers to a high degree."
"Overthinking leads to doubt and mistrust in the opportunity before them."
"Overthinking kills me. Like, I could literally say something in a weird tone and I'm thinking about it months later."
"I'll retext something like a thousand million times to make sure that like I'll put the right Emoji in the right thing so my message doesn't get like, you know, like that kind of overthinking."
"I think it is so easy to overthink things and just get in our own way."
"You have a limitless potential, but overthinking can spoil the magic."
"The individual has to be careful however that he doesn't manufacture difficulties. It's bad enough to face the real ones but it is even worse to imagine a great number of problems that do not even exist."
"Now they call it pure O because the actions that we take are actually mental actions so and I don't know what that would be for the person who asked this question because they didn't really say but I would assume that part of your compulsion is this overthinking."
"...the danger in being every therapist I've ever went to has been like you're just so self-aware... the danger in that is that I think too much..."
"Constantly questioning yourself, constantly trying to negotiate with yourself, that is exhausting. It's just overthinking; it's not helping you, it's hurting you."
"Overdoing everything... overworking, overthinking, overachieving, overexplaining."
"Life can change in an instant if you don't make it that complicated. If you think too much and you sit there and think too much, then you're gonna complicate it."
"I was thinking about overthinking. Ain't that crazy? I'm thinking about overthinking while I'm thinking."
"One of the main things stopping you or me or any other musicians from succeeding is overthinking."
"I feel like a lot of people, they overthink the start and what they need to get started to the point where they just simply don't start."
"Overthinking tends to cause anxiety and depression."
"She also encouraged me to be more spontaneous and to stop overthinking too much."
"How do you stay more present instead of over analyzing things? You shouldn't ask yourself, 'Is it a situation like, 'What?'"
"You're overthinking it because you assume you're more special than others."
"Keep it simple. A lot of times we want to overthink these situations."
"You've put too much thought into this, baby."
"Your worries are unnecessary. There's no need to worry. You made the right decision. Stop overthinking it. Let it go. Let it go. Let it go."
"We get so caught up in our heads."
"That's what anxiety is from is from the overthinking mind."
"Overthinking things and seeking perfection is an absolute path to failure."
"I'm absolutely shattered because I didn't sleep a wink last night with overthinking everything that needs to be done."
"Okay, so do you see how you're overthinking? Maybe."
"The theories that were going on in my head were literally giving me a headache."
"How many of you have freaked out about things that never happened?"
"Your manifestation is coming through, stop overthinking things. Get out your head, okay? But remain optimistic."
"It can't be fixed by thinking: trying to think your way out of overthinking is like trying to sniff your way out of a cocaine addiction."
"I tend to not overthink stuff which for me is an absolute Miracle because I always overthink stuff."
"If you're worried about this situation, you're going to overthink it. Almost everything. And he should be blindly loyal to me at all times."
"You're overthinking things like you always do, causing yourself unnecessary stress and anxiety."
"It is easy. The number one thing that we do as human beings is we over complicate everything."
"just quit overthinking it like me you know that you drive yourself crazy"
"Keep things simple, exercise becomes one of those things we way overthink."
"Simplicity is best, I feel like I overthought this one a little bit."
"My decision made after stopping my overthinking couldn't be stopped by anyone."
"I have a habit of overthinking everything and sometimes it stops you doing that thing and I think the best thing to do is to just get on and do it."
"Greater clarity is going to come from doing things rather than overanalyzing. You're in your head too much, causing more confusion and doubt."
"When you're too conscious about what you're trying to do, you almost block yourself from doing it."
"People calculate too much and think too little."
"The idea of your mental state is in such a poor place that you can't sleep properly, that you're overthinking everything, that you have created this nightmare in your head for a situation."
"Don't overthink the photo reference, but it is super important and invaluable."
"I think there is an overthinking but if you've done that for a week on just non-stop and you came to no conclusion then yeah that's overthinkable I think we're meant to think."
"...it's just a time where you completely disconnect from the world and you're in your thoughts and it becomes very toxic the longer you do it because you know nothing good comes out of overthinking..."
"So he explained basically deep thinking and overthinking in such a simple term in a simple way for me you know and then he talked about Sin."
"Let's shift from overthinking to deep thinking."
"Sometimes I really need to remind myself, like, I cannot think myself out of overthinking, like, I realize I'm overthinking that I'm trying to think myself out of it."
"Overthinking is a huge profitable niche."
"Nothing bad is really gonna happen. I think I'm just overthinking it."
"Overthinking is harmful. It is harmful to you. It is harmful to your journey. It is harmful and preventative for what's available."
"You don't heal from the past by overthinking about it."
"The only way to know God is through the hearts, but most of us haven't unlocked it because we're always overthinking."
"I create fake scenarios in my head and hurt my own feelings."
"Stop overthinking. Most people do not realize that they live more in their thoughts than in reality. In the process, they create an imaginary reality often influenced by fears."
"He overthinks everything and does the worst, most dangerous possible things to out-psychology people. Dude, this is a metaphor for life."
"I don't want you to know all of me, but there is still that part of me that is constantly overthinking things and filled with anxiety."
"You're constantly overthinking everything because of social media."
"I think I blow things up in my head. I'm just like a massive over-thinker."
"He is such an overthinker, I relate to him so much."
"He's such an overthinker, I relate to him so much."
"That's the problem with overthinking, it can get you in trouble."
"Honestly, my biggest advice is don't think about it too hard. If you think about it too much, you make it harder than it actually is."
"I overthink everything, better safe than sorry..."
"You're too focused on overthinking things. You just keep getting in your own way."
"I was extreme how much I was overthinking it it was totally unnecessary but I had this deep fear that something would go wrong and it would delay this entire process by months."
"I feel like sometimes overthinking is good cuz if you're underthinking something, you don't care enough."