
Skill Recognition Quotes

There are 196 quotes

"The world could be better at finding, selecting people who are highly skilled, and promoting them."
"I think that the artistry shows really, really strong."
"She's displayed incredible skill as an attorney."
"This isn't about sexuality, this is about ability."
"Their skill and work ethic make them desirable employees."
"GG, you can't say that wasn't a little impressive."
"He's got an eye for talent, that's for sure."
"There are levels to this game. Some people called Tom Brady a game manager until it was very obvious that this man is not a game manager."
"Octane showing why he is one of the world's best."
"Better players should be rewarded for being more skilled in the game that we've built."
"This is incredible. I know, and you didn't think I was good at this game."
"Players don't hate stealth archers because they're bad. Far from it, they actually hate them because they're too damn good."
"These workers are the very best at what they do and it's clear they more than earn their living."
"Your skills, your abilities will be in high demand in your career."
"Skill and performance matter in the military."
"This is why he's been so scary, so much of a kind of legend of the game."
"It's an art to be a Matchmaker, it's an art to be a promoter." - Acknowledgment of the intricacies of the sport
"It's not just marks that we're talking about. We have enough examples in our schools where children may not be good at particular subjects but they are brilliant at something else."
"Just because I've got somebody in mind who's better than me at certain things does not mean I have to beat them."
"It's not a bad cooler but if you don't particularly care for it, there are many other liquid coolers out there that are at least as good if not better for efficiency."
"Big thumbs up for the skillful work of the Ukrainian drone operator"
"He is the literal best to ever live at doing it."
"Camo challenges add depth to weapon progression, rewarding skill."
"She protested saying she was just as good as him at airbending."
"That's awesome. You stick with it. You're so good at catching those largemouth, too."
"X-Pac consistently proved he was one of the most talented men on the roster."
"Recognizing exceptional individual skill or play." - Appreciating outstanding performances or moments of brilliance.
"Absolutely can't run from this man." - Praising someone's relentless pursuit or skill.
"What a player! It's one big run going in." - Recognizing exceptional individual skill or play.
"How can you watch what he did and be like that wasn't awesome?"
"He played really, really well. Everything he did there was super logical."
"Whether you want to admit it or not, motorcycle stunt drivers are truly skilled."
"At its core, expertise is about recognition."
"It's basically an elite bonus for skilled players."
"If it's for fame and notoriety, then do you want to be famous and well known for having a skill or just because you've got numbers next to your name?"
"Writing's hard a lot of people don't understand that and the reason it's hard is because you have to take these things into consideration."
"She's quite literally the fastest braider in Minnesota."
"Amazed by the guy's fast work, Ellen asks who he might be."
"Celebrating smart riders and their race craft."
"He's responsible for a ton of the big skips that we have."
"That's what happens when you've got an actual good penalty taker."
"Nible was not just copy and pasting stuff, he really knew what should and should not be surfaced and that is a true skill."
"Stop playing with me yo that's called skill right there."
"It's skill-based. It takes effort to get that."
"If people won't play with you because you're too good, it's not your fault."
"I want the game to be fun above all else. I want players to be rewarded for their playtime and their skill."
"It's really delicious and I can't believe Amber cooked."
"How many of you have been accused of cheating in the game chat when you pulled off an awesome shot? It's very satisfying."
"Winning one race is luck, winning the championship is talent."
"Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before Kings."
"Anyone who has legitimately completed this game back in its Heyday deserves an immense amount of credit."
"I'm good, not because I'm black, I'm good because I am good."
"Know your greatest strengths. What are you better at doing than anybody else?"
"I really appreciate your level of research detail, your level of skill, and your grounded heart-based energy."
"Kyrie, he really cemented himself, he got the best Handles in NBA history."
"We're developing infrastructure you see this is something we have the talent to do black people are the smartest most well-trained most highly educated group... literally problem-solving bringing people together."
"Skill and innovation should be appreciated more."
"Imagine being so good at your job that people reach out to you and give you jobs left and right."
"You gotta recognize who's the best of the best in this game."
"He's really good at holding signs, yeah he's the man that guy."
"I saw what you did and I thought it was pretty awesome."
"This course is just amazing. You can't get lucky to get that score."
"Let nobody question my skills. I am the indisputable caravan master."
"When it comes to climbing, this guy is the king."
"Her skill set should never be taken lightly."
"It's hard not to instantly be at least a little bit impressed."
"It takes a good player to know how to play bad."
"At a glance Steve seems as if he is the living embodiment of all things that are evil and wrong with the music industry, but once you get to know him a little bit, you understand that he has a very particular skillset."
"You cleared every word. You're the greatest player."
"I just want to say that you are really great at what you do."
"You need to acknowledge the good things that happen to you and not just shrug that off and attribute it all to skill."
"IG gets fifth because they had an insane apex of skills and they embarrassed the best teams in the world."
"Those can be the greatest challenges but if overcome they also make the most inspirational stories."
"Throughout device's career one thing that was never in question was his mechanical skill in the game."
"Maxwell is still the fastest wood chopper, once you take into account you have to pick up the logs as well."
"If you were a master Carpenter you wouldn't say don't call me a master Carpenter I'm just a carpenter."
"This guy, he is no joke, legitimately one of the most skilled if not outright most powerful Swordsmen in the world."
"He was underrated for a while... now he's just... really fun."
"Susie, well done, friggin master hacker over here."
"So, Kristin's driving down this nasty rock crawl section. She is one badass off-roader."
"I never cared. It was that simple. I knew guys was good at what they did. I knew I was good and solid at the way I passed..."
"I think skill should be rewarded more than advantage."
"Your age shouldn't dictate how talented you are."
"If you're good at what you do and you're doing the right things, it doesn't really matter where you're from."
"What the actual f, how are they so bloody good, man? They're good freaking hell."
"The ability for you to convert that randomness into success, that is your skill set."
"I'm beyond thrilled. The finish is just so luxurious, it's been so beautifully done, the carpenter that worked here was so skilled."
"He's the best commentator in wrestling today."
"Detecting mastery in this way does actually matter quite a lot."
"That's a really good Morgana if I do say so myself."
"Our labor is integral to the comic book industry. It requires specialized skills, dedication. It makes quality publishing possible."
"You're going to be highlighted for... some great effort that you put into your skills."
"Wow, that was so impressive! And they say I have no skills, I would like to timestamp this as evidence, exhibit A."
"It's so [ __ ] stupid, it's like is it it's one of the few things you can watch where if you're the best at what you do they don't give a [ __ ] what race you are."
"The application nobody can deny is just clean, solid, tight tattooing."
"Probably by far one of the greatest drop fades that YouTube has ever seen."
"We believe in the individual teacher and the teacher's skill set."
"When Suma comments that her last attack was magnificent and he praises her even more for being a fine swordstress, Lena feels like she's coming home at peace."
"Excellent game, so gratits. You should be very proud."
"There's so much enjoyment of enhance that makes a good enhanced player stand out."
"Everywhere, black American women are the best hair braiders in the world."
"I don't care what anybody says, he is so good at this."
"Opportunities will come looking for you if you're good at what you do and you keep pushing."
"I mean, he's so mad. It's not just a product of getting lucky. This is a player making plays on a consistent basis." - Mike Wright
"Wow, they know how to handle it. That's done so well."
"Skill is the ultimate equalizer. It doesn't matter if you're 14, doesn't matter if you're 26. If you're good, you're one of the boys, and there is no separation."
"When you become really really good, it becomes impossible to ignore you."
"I think somebody called it a tidal wave of competence and I think that's exactly what it is."
"Your actions, skills, are amazing. Thank you so much."
"Score early, score quick, keep a clean sheet."
"LeBron James, he's the most skilled player we've ever seen."
"If you know who selling is, this guy basically does this for a living, guy's a beast and it'll really help you especially in SND clutch moments."
"Yo, you're doing a lot of smart plays today."
"I swear that dude can do any trick. He's insane. He's a dude that when you see him skate in person you're like it's [ __ ] yeah this guy's gnarly."
"That looks even better than in the movie! Wow, that girl is a flipping pro!"
"Harry Kane is gonna pick the opposition apart." - Acknowledges excellence and skill.
"Look at that lighting! I mean, fantastic job. I've worked in video production my whole life and you really nailed it."
"I think you'd be good and you're really good at picking things up quickly."
"He just gets it man, he picked exactly where to go, he just... he gets the game so well."
"He knows he's very good at slide tackling... he's done well then."
"He's just one of the most skilled players in the entire game."
"I've always looked up to you as being one of the best free to play players."
"Juice is really good at ingesting he gets more credit than people realize"
"Everybody don't have certain skill sets, you know? And it's just what it is."
"I've never seen someone else do that before. I don't know if it's because of the build because of how good he is at the game, but it was insane."
"There's a reason this guy has won seven road courses in his young career."
"I was like okay I'm I'm really good at something and like I know it now."
"Andrew Feather is one of the best humans on the planet at riding bikes uphill."
"The murmurs among the crowd hinted at rumors of her exceptional skills, solidifying their belief that her recommendation signified her remarkable prowess."
"I like watching her block shots too because she's an unselfish shot blocker."
"The beautiful thing about that play is Shed created that off the dribble, then he relocated in the corner for Moore to find him for that knock-in three."
"I'll stick to flying, what I'm good at, or relatively good at, or wanting to be good at one day."
"...great job of catching the football by Marvin Pearson..."
"...a walk is an accident or simply a batter getting lucky when he happens to be up there when a pitcher loses his control, but if you check the walk leaders you see the same names year in, year out."
"I'm a better drafter than I get credit for."
"Brock Pie needs to seriously be in the conversation for MVP. He's not just doing things well in the system, he's doing things well."
"Observing Bong's deft needlework and his ability to manipulate the muscle to exert pressure on the blood vessel, Han recognized acupuncture as a remarkable medical art."
"It gives people an appreciation for what these guys do and just how good they are."
"You're a talented, highly skilled individual... don't let all that stuff I've told you about put you off."
"These men have a great feel for each other's techniques, for each other's abilities."
"Who knows, maybe soon your friends, like mine, will be marveling at your ability to turn subtle quirks of behavior into a confident identification."
"That's a compliment you're probably going to be paying to Nate Sexton a lot as he's certainly known for that forehand."
"He was amongst the greatest ever to lace up a pair of boots."
"Perhaps you have some skills after all."
"It's time for the world to admit that applying makeup takes some serious artistic know-how."
"We need to show that Ruby is not perfect and that Weiss for sure has some redeeming qualities in the form of her skill."
"With advanced sword skills like the top entrant, they would have become a knight already."
"AJ Styles at the end of this night, at the end of this match, has absolutely nothing to be ashamed of."
"I'm truly grateful for that because it's nice to see somebody walk up to you and say, 'Man, you've been a great inspiration,' and I can actually turn around and say, 'Man, that guy plays his ass off.'"
"LeBron's got some skill man, pretty sure it takes some skill to score the second most points in the NBA."
"You are fantastic at what you do."
"First time I've been on a team with someone who shoots it better than me, so it's fun playing with Steph."
"John's got the skills to pay the bills."
"Ladies, we all know that multitasking is our forte."
"Your knowledge of audio electronic technology is very impressive."
"If they've shown the skill set, they've shown the aptitude repeatedly that they can do the job, then why not give them the ability to do it within certain parameters."
"Scarlet realizes that the team needs Jasmine; she's the only one on the team that's actually really good at challenges."
"It's a meritocracy, so there's no affirmative action in baseball; if you're good at it, you're good at it."
"Daniel was an amazingly talented dude with skill sets far beyond his years."
"Well, Andy, I got a huge amount of respect now for taxidermists, more than I did before."
"We are overlooking the things that are obvious. What are you consistently running away from that you're good at, that you can do in your sleep?"
"It's the sign of somebody who knows what he's doing."
"He's good and he knows he's good, but he's not over cocky about it."
"This could go in, he is one of the best."
"Double congratulations, Chewy, firstly because it's your 12th birthday and we hope that you have an amazing day, and secondly because you proved to be an amazing frisbee detective."
"You're a bona fide guitar player."
"Trust yourself. You are a far superior player."
"She clearly knows what she's doing with the training."
"I've always been really sad that fantasy art or illustration art sometimes gets some shade, and I think that's crazy because this is a really involved skill."
"My sensei's used to say if they gave out black belts to street fighters, to people on the street, there's a lot of black belts out there."
"I didn't realize and I completely forgot how good of a boxer she was."
"It's actually ridiculous she's one of the best midfielders if not one of the best players in the women's game."
"I can't help but admire them for their impressive professional skills."
"Money is coming. You will be benefited and rewarded with money or valuable for all the skills and capacity shown in your actions."
"It's a real testament to Noel Gordon's skill and ability that she was asked to do this."
"Work hard, man. You won't need anybody to tell you that you're good, you'll know it."
"You stand out, and you're going to get an offer for the very skill set that you've been judged hard for."
"You just have to believe in yourself a little more and stop discrediting your skills to accomplish something."
"This person thinks that you are amazing at what you do."
"You got some game on you, brother."
"Many people call Vanessa Selbst the best female poker player on the planet, and I think that's a huge disservice to her. She's just one of the best poker players on the planet, period."
"He seems like the only one on the offense that knows how to play NFL football."
"I'm telling you, his skill level, his game, you'll never hear me bash it."