
Titan Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"Titan has all the ingredients necessary for life."
"NASA is planning to send the helicopter known as Dragonfly to the moon of Saturn known as Titan."
"NASA's Dragonfly mission aims to land a robotic rotorcraft on the surface of Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, in search of signs of life."
"Titan... has a thick atmosphere of molecular nitrogen... it's a mini Earth."
"Titan has proven to be one of the most fascinating locations in the solar system."
"Titan is one of the most interesting places in the solar system because it might possibly contain life."
"Titan is a full-on tyrant taking over Metro City."
"Titan could be the best place for human colonization. It's a remarkably Earth-like world that has a thick atmosphere about four times as thick as Earth's."
"Titan is the largest of the Cronian moons, indeed with 3,000 miles in diameter and 3 times 10 to the 20th pounds in mass."
"Titan, the moon of Saturn, the most interesting moon in the solar system because it's the only other object we know of except for planet Earth that contains things like liquid cycles, thick and active atmosphere, and even has rains and clouds."
"Titan: Described as a 'planet-like' moon with rivers, lakes, and seas."
"Titan is the only other place in the solar system besides Earth that has liquid water on its surface and is packed with the complex chemicals necessary for living organisms."
"James Webb Space Telescope view of Saturn's weirdest moon Titan."
"Titan, a moon with a dense atmosphere, similar conditions to early Earth, and the potential for complex life to emerge."
"Titan just so happens to be the only body in our solar system aside from earth where stable bodies of liquid are found on the surface."
"Titan is perhaps the strangest, most exciting object humankind has ever found."
"Titan's atmosphere is mostly made of nitrogen, although without the large dose of oxygen that makes life possible."
"Titan's surface is still warmer than if it were atmosphere-less but not much a difference around 21 degrees Celsius."
"NASA officially greenlights a 3.35 billion dollar mission to Saturn's moon Titan."
"If life formed on Earth in very similar conditions, maybe it's forming or has formed on Titan."
"A Titan among men, one of the richest in America and indeed the world."
"some people think that Titan is similar to the Prebiotic Earth long ago when the molecules were forming the basis of life"
"Cassini's mission to Titan reveals how life could emerge on other worlds."
"I think being connected to someone Royal makes it so that he can use the founding Titan better."
"Titan has all the things that we think are required for life. It has an atmosphere, rain, clouds, lakes, rivers, sand dunes, mountains - all the things we think are required for life."
"Titan is one of the best, if not the best place in the solar system to fly. If you personally were on Titan and you had some kind of wings attached to your arms for some reason, if you flapped your arms, you would actually be able to fly."
"Titan essentially has a methane cycle. Methane and other hydrocarbons pool into lakes and oceans, evaporate and form clouds, and they rain or snow back down to the surface."
"The Titan boasted a carbon fiber and titanium Hull, an exotic combination in the field of materials engineering."
"Titan's atmosphere, in some respects, is really similar to that of the Earth being composed mainly of nitrogen."
"Titan is the only moon with a dense atmosphere and other than Earth the only body to have stable bodies of surface liquid."
"So today we will be looking at Colonizing Titan, the largest moon of Saturn and slightly larger than the planet Mercury, a claim only Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede, can match."
"This is Titan, the frozen flammable gold mine of the solar system, with hundreds of times more natural gas and other hydrocarbons than Earth."
"Nasa plans to return to Titan in a few years. This time they want to send a quadcopter, that is, a robotic rotorcraft. The mission's name: Dragonfly."
"The Beast xgc88000: a Titan in the world of cranes."
"The correct answer is Titan. We say congratulations, Eggheads, you have won."
"Perhaps Titans life forms could do the same. To find life on Titan, we may have to dive into its methane lakes."
"Titans methane cycle makes it both alien and familiar to us."
"The Titan Dragonfly will land in the Shangar June Fields sometime late in the next decade."
"Titan is a moon that has captivated the imaginations of scientists for decades because below all that thick Cloud vast Seas lakes and rivers have been discovered pouring over parts of its frozen surface."
"I remember the first time I ever saw a photo of Titan; I was truly blown away as it never occurred to my young self that a moon could even have an atmosphere."
"Titan is the only moon in the solar system with a substantial atmosphere."
"Titan is the only other world in the solar system on which rainbows might be observed."
"The discovery of a methanogenic biotic life-form on Titan would be one of the greatest finds in scientific history."
"The most interesting place where there could be life as we don't know it would be Titan."
"The possibility of life on Titan cannot be readily dismissed."
"The planet has 83 moons... some of them may be habitable, and the best candidate among them is Titan."
"The Titan is a nice looking pickup truck."
"The Titan is a really good pickup truck."
"Titan is the second largest moon, which is kind of fitting because it orbits Saturn, which is the second largest planet."
"The pressure vessel of Titan was a fascinating piece of engineering."
"If alien life is going to be anywhere, Titan is one of the likeliest locations."
"The current name 'Titan' was proposed by the astronomer John Herschel, in honour of the Titans of Greek mythology."
"On Titan you would weigh only around 1/7 of your weight on Earth."
"Titan is the only satellite of the Solar System surrounded by an atmosphere."
"The sky brightness on Titan at midday could be very similar to the Earth’s sky brightness 5 minutes after sunset."
"In theory the colonization of Titan could be possible, but certainly not in the short term."
"The air pressure on Titan is the closest to that here on Earth."
"Titan is the largest moon of Saturn."
"Titan is unique in having a dense atmosphere, thicker than that of Earth."
"What sets Titan apart from all other moons in our solar system is its complex weather system."
"The presence of liquid bodies on Titan makes it a prime candidate in the search for extraterrestrial life."
"When the Huygens probe descended onto Titan's surface, it provided humanity's first close-up view of this alien landscape."
"The study of Titan is not just about understanding another world in our solar system; it's also about gaining insights into Earth's past and the potential for life elsewhere in the universe."
"Titan, Saturn's largest moon, is enveloped by a thick, nitrogen-rich atmosphere that is laced with organic molecules."
"Titan is just covered in carbon-bearing material—it's a giant factory of organic chemicals."
"Titan is the 'most hospitable' place in our solar system that humans could survive at."
"My largest moon is Titan, the cold and icy orb with a golden hazy atmosphere."
"Titan is the second-largest moon in the solar system."
"This was the first hint of potential, albeit primitive, life on Titan."
"Together this creates the same conditions on the surface of Titan that were on Earth 4.5 billion years ago."
"On Titan, its chemical reactor is located at the altitude of 300 miles, which results in huge amounts of organic compounds descending to the surface."
"A massive power spike originating from Titan's core."
"Against the very laws of physics, Titan visibly accelerated."
"It's gone, ma'am. No sign of Titan anywhere on passive or active sensors."
"Titan, Saturn's biggest moon, is the only celestial body in the solar system with the exception of Earth and Mars for which the existence of liquid on the surface has been proven."
"One thing is clear: Titan and Jupiter's moons are no longer sideshows to the planets they orbit."
"Titan is the only other world in our solar system with lakes and rivers."
"Titan is Saturn's largest moon, and it's the only moon with clouds and a dense, planet-like atmosphere."
"Titan's atmosphere is full of organic compounds; if they were discovered on our planet, they would definitely mean life."
"If life was a house, Titan would have a lot of the bricks you'd need to build it."
"Many scientists believe there's a whole ocean under the surface of Titan."
"Scientists have actually found real evidence that Titan might already have life on it."
"If you throw an Ewok into a lake of methane on Titan, it will shatter."
"...Titan is the only other moon in our solar system that actually has a man-made object on its surface."
"The lake asymmetry on Titan might be associated with Titan's orbital parameters."
"The Titan had one of the most diverse crews in Starfleet history."
"With Titan we have a strong, trusted route for our boot process."
"But since we're talking about the fall of Wall Maria, we gotta talk about Captain Levi standing atop the massive titan arm."
"I'd like to spend the next 45 minutes or so telling you a little bit about liquids on Titan."
"Everything we've ever learned about Titan when we've done more study on it, it's always been wrong."
"If you have clouds, you got to have rain, and if you have rain, you have liquids."
"The surface of those lakes is really smooth."
"There's almost no vehicle that one can't imagine viably working on Titan; it's a wonderful place to explore."
"Even on Saturn's enigmatic moon Titan, destruction can lead to the prospect of life."
"One day, hopefully, somebody will be standing out there, gazing off into a beautiful Titan sunset, looking at those tall, tall dunes."
"The astrobiology community is fascinated with Titan because it's got all the kind of building blocks of life."
"Titan might already have life on it."
"On Titan, you can lift more than 1,000 lbs."
"Once upon a time, there was a fallen titan."
"Titan is a wonderful place to explore because of its low gravity and thick atmosphere."
"Titan is different, Titan is special."
"The thing that makes Titan really fun in many ways an earth-like world is that it has an atmosphere with a hydrological cycle."
"We think that there is liquid water in Titan's interior."
"The hydrological cycle on Titan is interesting to study in its own right."
"Titan is the most Earth-like object in the solar system known to us."
"Titan is the only place besides Earth known to have liquids in the form of rivers, lakes, and seas on its surface."
"Titan has turned out to be absolutely one of the most interesting places in the solar system."
"The largest satellite is Titan, the only satellite in the solar system with an atmosphere containing substances in a liquid state."
"Titan is one of the most complex celestial bodies in the solar system."
"Many scientists believe that Titan looks like Earth did 4 billion years ago, making it the most promising candidate for finding possible life forms beyond Earth."
"And if you take the seas and you add up all the hydrocarbons that are present in the seas, it turns out there's about a hundred times more hydrocarbons on Titan than all of the reservoirs here on the Earth."
"Titan is one of Saturn's 82 moons, and according to this, one of the most fascinating, promising, and smelliest celestial bodies in our solar system."
"A moon unlike any other, and the name of that moon is Titan."
"My rivers and lakes are not made out of water, they are made out of liquid methane."
"Saturn's moon Titan is the most unique and exciting world in our solar system."
"This orange moon is a frozen, yet flammable world with hundreds of times more liquid hydrocarbons than all the known oil and natural gas reserves on Earth."
"Titan's thick orange atmosphere is the most distinguishable feature we can see from space."
"Given Titan's thick atmosphere and low gravity, you could fly like a bird with a set of wings strapped to your arms."
"Adorned with mountains, valleys, dunes, rivers, seas, and lakes, Titan's surface is covered with earth-like features making it an exciting study among the scientific community."
"All the evidence suggests an exciting potential for life to arise and thrive in Titan's adverse environment."
"Humanity's fate rested on the Titan."
"Titan has both an atmosphere and liquids; could life exist there?"
"With this discovery, speculation mounted that Titan might actually be capable of harboring life."