
Societal Progress Quotes

There are 732 quotes

"Our society has gotten better and better with each decade."
"Women's achievements are America's achievements."
"Ensuring that mothers have a right to maternity leave and to return to their jobs afterwards is a sign of a civilized society and one that encourages women to work."
"We have to unite around our basic human compassion before we can move forward."
"Things have gotten better with respect to certain parameters. We live in a time of great material abundance, perfect ease, a good deal of domestic tranquility."
"The moral arc of the universe bends at the elbow of justice."
"It's so much easier to accuse the left of going too far than it is to realize that you might be uncomfortable with how far we've come."
"Isn't that the whole point, to ensure that generations after us have it easier? Isn't it so bad to improve quality of life so people have it easier?"
"Free expression like free speech is a human right. You need that for any kind of society that's going to push back on anything."
"This is a conversation that has to happen again and again because it's the only way we'll get to a better place."
"As history progresses, one thing we have learned is how to be more inclusive."
"We've got to stop living in the past... we really do need the 21st-century equivalent."
"This is evolution, you guys. What one generation suffers, the next generation should not."
"Reciprocity... It's how our society moves forward."
"San Angelis has become so safe that there has not been a murder in over 15 years."
"My biggest frustration is the ability to move our society better in a direction of equal rights and mutual benefit, where people assist each other."
"Over the past one or two generations, the rate of firearm deaths are down 50%."
"The world is actually becoming a much better place to live in than it ever was before."
"Society tends to move forward; we will probably see, over a very long period of time, the stock market is likely to go up."
"We're now in 2022 thinking only capitalism, communism, socialism. Where's the new thing?"
"I think that we need to start having these conversations and start talking to the people that we don't agree with so that we can actually reach some common ground."
"Let's invest in the future because old people are not the future, they're the past."
"Our voices, our stories, and our perspectives matter. Let's use them to progress."
"The arc has bent so that there is more freedom, there is more wealth, there is more prosperity."
"If we can't reason with one another, there is no path forward other than violence. Conversation or violence."
"It is the public that drives social change, not politicians, business leaders, or interest groups."
"The world's getting better in many aspects, but we must also consider the parts of the picture that are still missing."
"The only way that we can continue living in a country that we can all be proud to call home again is if we allow for diversity of opinion and we push for challenging our perspectives."
"By many objective measures, the lives of women in the United States have improved over the past 35 years, yet women's happiness has declined."
"Shifts in the status quo can sometimes lead to change for the better."
"Generational change... This is generational change."
"Any time we get off work is a prize clawed out of capital's hands by decades of working people fighting back in the streets and on the job."
"By adjusting our approaches, questioning our own understandings, and opening our minds to others' experiences, we're shaping a unified world."
"Technology can help rescue us from before we had capitalism and socialism and ways to organize human but now we can actually use technology to improve all these things."
"Democracy remains the best tool we have to unleash our full human potential."
"Having a culture in which reading is more common and encouraged promotes literacy in general, which is crucial for societal progress."
"America is not only the least racist it has ever been; it is one of the least racist multiracial countries on the planet."
"As we navigate through these post-secular times, the challenge lies in finding ways to integrate the wisdom of the past with the realities of our present, to forge a path that honors both our need for progress and our longing for meaning."
"Better conversations with people, better policies that we can advocate for, better things that we can talk about to move our people forward rather than having people endlessly fracture and atomize themselves."
"We need to talk about the fact that there are problems that occur when you're disabled. Because when we talk about them, we can think of solutions and we can move forward as a society."
"I think as humanity, we should always be striving for personal responsibility and for personal freedom and liberty."
"Now, in many nations, a ten-year-old can expect to live to the age of 80."
"My wife has a great expression: any country that out-educates us is going to out-compete us."
"In order for there to be a great America, there must be a great Black America; and in order for there to be a great Black America, there must be great Black businesses."
"The best chance we have is the people working together. That's all we have."
"I think it's progress when societies move forward to getting meaning and community and a sense of purpose from things that exist."
"Education is one of the most important variables in determining economic success on an individual, regional, and national level."
"Future generations will look back on this day... the same way that we now look back on the abolition of slavery or the defeat of the Germans in World War II."
"Stephen Pinker shows, I think definitively, that human society over the past 10,000 years has become incredibly less violent... We are the safest we've ever been as a species in our entire history."
"The greatest need is to be able to have the foresight necessary to make investments on the frontier of science."
"It's natural to be excited by proof that queer expression has always existed."
"Isn't it funny how history seems to repeat itself over and over and over? We're constantly being told we're progressing as a people, and yet we keep finding ourselves locked in the repetition of certain cycles."
"Sometimes things get better, and I know the doom and gloom sells... but I will say this, I really do have a lot of hope for our generation and for generations that follow."
"We are now in the least racist part of all of American history."
"We need times when we clear out institutions and allow new institutions to flourish and resources to be allocated to new agendas."
"CRT seems to imply that society has made no progress. If that were true, we would not be able to identify how absurd it is."
"Nowadays, people in poverty are so much better off than they were 30 years ago."
"A lot of the social constructs that we have right now in our society are not helpful for the generation and the progress that we're making out of this society."
"The great achievement in this period has been that when people get the facts, and they trust the facts and they understand the facts, they do the right thing."
"The American people need to understand there's no pain, no gain."
"Mental health was not talked about the same way it's now. Think now it's so much better, and we're so much more progressive in the way we think about it."
"Life is about progress and if we halt progress because of the concern that any individual might get harmed because of the progress of the group as a whole, we will not go anywhere."
"The ignorance can't survive in the long run."
"We are all living better in the United States, and generally around the world, than we ever have."
"From 1950 to 2010, life expectancy went from just 30 years to 61 years and the literacy rate from 12 percent to 68 percent."
"Civil society is more powerful today than it ever has been...it's a sign of a renaissance of critical thinking that will allow us to have a better, safer, and more free society."
"For once, we're actually moving in the right direction."
"The world without a king like him is progressing at a very slow rate."
"The act of the moral universe is long but it bends toward Justice."
"Cities are critically important to the global economy and to progress."
"Science: Making people uncomfortable and raising us to a higher level."
"We don't talk enough about the amazing innovations happening every day."
"We've made so much progress as a society, yet we don't celebrate that."
"It's insulting for us to be in the most successful country in the world, the most progressive people in the world, for people to tell us that we are in a perpetual state of oppression."
"Women are at the forefront of societal advancement."
"Cancelling voices is a slippery slope. It's critical thinking and open debate that powers real and necessary progress."
"She seems to have forgotten the color of her skin. I mean, that there's a post-racial experience you have with her which represents a fairly bright line to me of just what is possible."
"We have to defend democracy such as it is in order to move democracy forward."
"We concentrate on making sure that these gaps that have been there in the past between men and women are narrowed."
"Eliminating these gaps and moving together forward."
"It's helpful knowledge for Human Society to move forward."
"Humans have innovation and ways to work together."
"Know your history or be doomed to repeat it."
"Free speech and free ideas are what has caused society to progress."
"We're at our best when we're independent thinkers who respect new ideas and extend and challenge the status quo, not just accept it."
"How will you restore a society that ensures that its youngest citizens will be better off than their parents?"
"The goal here is to understand the experience of other people, understand our own experience, then do whatever we can to help it. It's about moving it forward."
"We haven't had a historic triumph since the moon landing."
"Overall, the average life was longer, healthier, and better educated."
"It's so important that the next generations get better and better and better."
"We're making progress towards being less evil every day."
"No, we cannot see this, and this is precisely the reason why we need to allow our imagination to lead us in a direction that may mean that we want something that has never actually existed in the world before."
"I believe the uncomfortable conversations need to be had for education, for healing, and to eventually move forward."
"The average person out there in the Big Blue world is twice as economically prosperous as they were just a generation ago."
"The Stones outlook fundamentally changed. They would never return to the ironic anger of 'Street Fighting Man' and distance themselves from any politics or idealism."
"Whatever we were living with back then, if I think in almost every metric it was much, much worse than whatever we're contending with today."
"We're supposed to be a wealthy country, why should we go backwards?"
"We cannot emerge from the pandemic with the clock spinning backwards on gender equality."
"Better is good. That's the history of progress in this country. Not perfect, but better."
"Isn't the world better now that we've been able to come up above the ground. It's amazing."
"The internet can be a great place for collaboration, interaction, change, and progression."
"Progress does not simply go in one political direction."
"A media ecosystem that fosters understanding, empathy, and progress."
"There's nothing that a woman can't do today."
"The purpose of humanity is for every person to achieve their highest potential," the speaker mused. "If everyone did that, the human race continues to move forward."
"Playing at justice isn't enough. Pantomiming it isn't enough. We must engage in the difficult work of honesty, of championing progress."
"Desensitizing ourselves to all this bad news, we lose sight of just how far we've come."
"As conditions improve, expectations increase."
"It cannot be denied that people are increasingly creative and constantly evolving."
"How far can a society get with alpha females and beta males?"
"Don't run away from failure; face it, learn from your mistakes, and go forward."
"It's forces those systems to have to adapt and change."
"The only way we're going to do this is if we become more than the sum of our parts."
"If you're looking for gift ideas this year, the Haines McLaren MP44 workshop manual is available in all good bookstores."
"The path to peace and progress and freedom and justice and a better world for all humanity begins at home."
"People just trying to f*** move forward, trying to move humanity forward and acknowledge mistakes of the past and show they've learned from them."
"If everybody started doing that then nobody's getting anywhere."
"It's becoming easier to have this conversation."
"If you don't stand up for shit you believe in, if you don't call bullshit bullshit, if you don't stop inappropriate stuff, you don't progress as a society."
"Things are progressively getting better but at a super slow rate."
"But if they want to put the final cap on that pyramid and that cap is wisdom then I think we can only do that if we create this Internet of Things future by working together."
"Folks, it was a good week for justice. Let's keep this momentum."
"We hold common hopes, we all want to move in the same direction."
"Education, education. That's when you are talking about Utopia when you're talking about reaching a progressive, more fair, more Equitable Society it has to start with education."
"Are we progressing forward or are we idling with all the technology?"
"Using more inclusive language is a good thing."
"When we lose the ability to critique, we lose the ability to improve."
"We're going to build a better Kingdom, we're going to do better than our forefathers did."
"The system doesn't have a reverse gear. For our economy to continue, it has to grow."
"Just the world around us, you know? I'm saying, like, crazy how far, you know, has come in just ten years."
"The economy industrialized quicker than any society ever industrialized."
"More people are better off with more rights, more privileges, a better standard of living."
"If you end Christian nationalism, you'll see progress on every one of those issues."
"The way things are happening at the moment are not helping us move towards truth."
"I happen to believe that decentralization is the most secure path for humanity to succeed."
"Gay people in this country have more freedoms than anybody in the entire planet. They've been the most successful civil rights movement of all time."
"Ultimately, the goal is for there to not be firsts in the near future."
"The world has progressed but patriarchy has not vanished; it is simply adapted."
"Juneteenth is a mark of how far America came in abolishing slavery and yet it is treated as a sign of how far America did not come in doing anything."
"I think the sign of reason and moderate thinking is actually winning."
"The backward march of civilization isn't inevitable."
"It's the ability to access the things in that legislation that equals progress," - Insight into legislative impact
"Each time we pull ourselves closer to our founding ideals, somebody somewhere has pushed back."
"The red wave is coming, so be encouraged Patriots."
"It's a great day for everybody, in terms of equality."
"Macaulay's assumption: the natural tendency of society to improvement."
"The prospect of turning Texas blue is like I never even dare to dream the dream in our lifetime and the fact that it is possible it's within reach is kind of outstanding."
"Social justice is not a competition... it's an opportunity for us to advance an agenda."
"The church and progress in the same sentence."
"In a progressive society, to meet our common economic, social and cultural needs, we must move from globalization to localization."
"For 50 years we've been in a constellation of ideas suppressing the really interesting new ideas."
"The biggest problem we have today is to bicker about partisan issues because the truth is things are actually starting to get better."
"This is how our society evolves, this is how we get better, lessen death, this is us growing past you."
"Free speech is just about the marketplace of ideas and good ideas will win out over time."
"It's okay to be wrong, it's okay to have an opinion... So what? Get on with it. That's how we do it, that's how we move forward in life."
"I stand for programs that will mean growth and progress."
"But we can also see rising in the distance new things, new institutions led by new people who are every bit as brave as the people who came before us."
"There's an exhaustive majority of Americans who are ready for some compromise and some progress."
"We've got to get out of this 19th century mindset."
"We can help to heal the generational curses and heal the generational scars that we have so that we can basically ascend."
"Abel thought to himself how the kingdom of Loria was on the right path."
"We live in a society where the progressive nature of this world is on an upward trend."
"The future will be won by those countries that unleash the full potential of their populations."
"We're starting to see new signs of hope in our economy."
"Humanity had taken one step forward in becoming a great society but yet three steps back when it came to International relationships."
"How did we get here? And how is the same process that helped us overcome that disease letting us overcome our current plague?"
"Real journalism is the painstaking reporting that will fight for progress and reform."
"I think yes, we [can make progress] and we can come at it and if it's in roads you can't make progress I mean it's fighting human nature and humans are flawed."
"Challenging people might upset them and it might piss you off, but if we don't challenge ourselves, we'll never progress."
"Maybe we should only applaud those people who were better than their time."
"This is a dividend on our phenomenal progress... we can easily afford a dividend of a thousand dollars a month for people."
"If we can survive our tribalism and get to that point, the ability for every human, no matter what, could be introduced to who knows how many non-humans."
"In short, something comes along that makes us advance in a decade, what we would have previously thought would have taken centuries."
"I want us always to be moving towards that goal of a more pluralistic, more Humane world."
"One fundamental responsibility we have as a generation is the next generation we produce must be at least one, if not better than us. If they are less than us, we have failed as a generation and as human beings."
"The argument is also less valid as time goes on because... it becomes harder and harder to hold that same argument."
"The umbrella of rights has constantly extended."
"It's a bit of a mess of a situation, the champion wants to move on, they're essentially begging him to stay."
"It's a good thing... it's how we progress as a society."
"Our collective moral progress depends upon the extent to which we are able and, crucially, willing to examine our behavior and most cherished beliefs."
"They say strong men made good times. I was a product of those good times."
"Civilization and advancement is neither a natural state nor a guarantee of the flow of time."
"There is no denying that there is a new standard for inclusivity."
"When you have cheap energy, you have an ability for human beings to progress."
"The world's been getting better at a remarkable pace. But it didn't happen accidentally."
"The means for social evolution lies in the intelligent use of the methods of science."
"The adolescence of humanity is coming to an end."
"I cannot admit that this hope [for the success of Muhammadan society] be denied... In truth, the Muslim religion has tried to stifle science and stop its progress."
"It's easy to miss the incredible things happening around us."
"We need to face where we are today but we also need to move forward with hope."
"No Society can ever achieve its potential if there is no rule of law because Merit is also associated with rule of law."
"I truly think this is a way where more people get a seat at the table."
"We are way less selfish and we're safer than historically."
"Anybody who says things haven't gotten better in this country is somebody who didn't live through the 50s, or the 40s, or the 30s."
"The greatest force of mankind is the power to adapt and evolve to higher living standards."
"What people want to see is progress, and that's where we're going to keep our focus."
"The preservation of democracy is foundational to all the other progress we want to achieve in this country." - Dan Pfeiffer
"If you're not pushing the culture forward, you're pushing it backwards."
"It was an important and necessary step towards building a better world."
"True institutional change is not only possible it's shockingly doable."