
Activities Quotes

There are 2352 quotes

"It was just quality time with family during normal family activities."
"Intrinsic motivation is when you want to do that activity for the activity itself."
"This music makes me think of jumping up and down in muddy puddles."
"We'll do things of that nature to keep the Cajun culture alive."
"The adventures give us something to do that keeps our minds healthy and stimulated."
"Whatever you are doing at any time, you are physically modifying your brain to become better at it."
"The popularity of something shouldn't determine how much fun you have with a thing."
"It's pretty cringey, but so are most fun things."
"Have fun. Remember to visit the whole park. Plenty of things to do and see."
"Make sure that you're picking truly relaxing activities... something nice and easy you can read a book... or chatting on the phones with friends and family in a way that doesn't arouse you."
"You burn more when you're having fun. You know how time flies by when you're having fun?"
"Why can't we do an activity together? Why can't we meet up in a park and run around and try to pet five dogs? Why can't we go to a street with a lot of dumpling places and create our own dumpling tour and figure out our best one? Why can't we have an experience together where we're doing something, we're having fun?"
"Hey, check this out, you guys. We're going to make s'mores."
"If you couldn't watch TV or go online for a month, how would you spend that time?"
"Every one of us is capable of [distinctively human activities]. Every one of us does these fairly routinely without thinking about them."
"Engage in activities that really make you feel happy and fulfilled."
"Vacationers will have many interesting places to visit and fun things to do, from hiking a tropical forest to kayaking in bioluminescent bays."
"The metaverse will allow you to live out your fantasies...in one single evening you could be slaying enemies, playing a quiet game of chess on the streets of New York, and surfboarding across the Tropics of the Bahamas."
"Spending time doing things that are worthwhile in your life... she spent time with friends, she went to the gym and worked out, she volunteered with a volunteer organization."
"I'm really happy with that; that was a lot of fun."
"On Royal Caribbean, you might have the option to try an escape room, attend a virtual concert, take a dance class, zip line, catch some waves, experience a skydiving simulator, learn fencing, drag your hand at the trapeze, play laser tag, archery, rock wall climb, ice skate."
"Let's go have a quick bite to eat and then I guess tomorrow we'll be opening up the clinic."
"I think you could have a lot of fun doing anything with friends."
"Oh my gosh we get to do cool things, get hyped."
"I'm really enjoying it. There's a lot to do."
"Black Flag offers more side quests and activities."
"I'm gonna try to do things that bring me joy."
"The logic behind this is to pair up an undesirable activity with a desirable activity."
"Do something else. You feel like calling them out? Bake a cake. Go to the garden. Do something else."
"But it's still stuff that is a challenge and it's exhilarating."
"This is about you doing things that put a smile on your face."
"That's fine, honestly, I'm having fun with all of this."
"Simple activities like this very calming in this game."
"Our properties are performing above expectations, and we anticipate significant debt reduction."
"Good character yields good aims, good goals, as a result, we have meaningful activities."
"There's really more to do as a PvP player in World of Warcraft than ever before."
"You never know, 20 years later people are still going to be talking about the shit that you were doing at that moment."
"Being outdoors even though if I'm doing something straining like hiking, running, fishing hard, it still puts me at peace."
"Family fun and environmentally conscious - sign me up!"
"Kristen loved the time she had with her brothers and whether they were playing house or climbing around outside on some Fantastical Battlefield they were always smiling and laughing."
"It's easily the most bizarre thing that you two ever did."
"Hang out with us today, it's going to be a busy day."
"Let's give them some little activity tables."
"That was so much fun, we definitely do that one again."
"Expressing yourself through creative activities."
"Okay, got some interesting stuff going on here in the base."
"I'm having fun trying to collect everything."
"Make Easter egg hunting actually really fun."
"Energy needs an outlet. Use it to teach, learn, grow, and travel."
"This is a really great activity to spend a couple of minutes."
"Read the cruise compass every day to ensure you're aware of all activities."
"That water feels so refreshing, come on buddies, let's go up another slide!"
"I want people to embrace what we do, that's why we do what we do."
"We're the best of friends and we will be meeting up soon to go and do Pottery."
"This PE teacher liked to take us on walks and runs, so we would leave school at lunchtime in a bus and come back as school was ending since PE was last."
"Life isn't short, you just got to do more... get a new head like you did."
"It's not something we should see as somehow a holy activity at all."
"Bring a friend that thinks you're crazy for doing this stuff. They will be just as crazy as you when they leave."
"But romance choices and scheduling are far from the only things you can do in the game."
"If you ever want to pass three days of your life, get involved."
"It felt like fulfillment because it was exciting and it was something to do."
"There's still plenty of stuff we have to play."
"When we chant Krishna's name, we're also connecting to his pastimes and his ansaraj and his leelas."
"There's a main social hub called Rider's Ridge, with various activities and challenges."
"I would suggest finding something outside of a traditional learning setting to do."
"That's love, Zayn, you [ __ ] go to Cowboys Saloon and we get down on country all the time."
"We'll have a dinner date in our bedroom, or we'll do a painting night, or we'll just sit and talk."
"I've been taking on life more, doing things I've been wanting to do."
"A big part of what makes the Grand Theft Auto series such a favorite is the sheer variety of activities you can do."
"I love field trips. I just think they're fun."
"Looking forward to getting back on all our favorite rides."
"The process of peeling tape is actually a really great fine motor activity."
"The winners win because of the activities that drive the result."
"Outdoor activities... I would expect to be safe."
"Shenanigans can also mean like silly stuff you do with your friends."
"Every single day this summer is an opportunity for you to do something great."
"I think there's a lot of different things happening."
"Paddle boarding is right now in this moment our favorite thing to do... paddle boarding is so amazing."
"I'm not doing homework right now, I'm doing this instead."
"There's a lot to do in the wild area... fishing is one of them."
"That was actually so much fun, I wasn't expecting that."
"The recreation at Swan and Dolphin is pretty impressive so if you have a resort day you're definitely not going to run out of things to do."
"Starfield is at its best when you just aren't rushing a single questline but rather engaging in a mix of activities and environments."
"Mounts can be earned by doing a host of things in this game, just about anything you can do, there's a mount there."
"Our family is different than your family but find what it is that your family can do together in that way."
"Let's show all the fun things that we can do."
"For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under the sun."
"Angels are part of a civilization, not just ethereal beings, engaging in various activities including eating and drinking."
"That's going to translate into your other activities."
"I want to know what you guys are doing in quarantine to help glow up."
"Something fun to do and it's become a real urban staple... bumper cars on Quantum of the Seas totally free."
"Valentine's Day holds promise for you, feeling admired and releasing grudges through healthy activities."
"Just enjoy the game, bro. Enjoy the scenery, enjoy the side quests, do a lot of fun things."
"Little kids are especially bad at recognizing when they are hungry or thirsty when they're out and about or having a good time."
"And there is no Greater Joy than when you do something weird with your kids and then they do it right along."
"Anything you do, you can basically think about as an investment."
"Cutting down that blue tree... Oh, it felt so good. I loved it so."
"Fishing in a game like New World, I think should just be obvious, you should definitely have fishing."
"What is your ultimate summer activity? And what is your favorite summer food?"
"Regular heists are where you're going to spend a majority of your time."
"Let's decorate the wall together, it'll be fun."
"Try and find something like this, especially during lockdown."
"I'm finding new things to do still after a month and that's impressive."
"It feels like there's a lot you can do at any given moment."
"I've had a smile on my face because this is not how World of Warcraft works."
"Self-care comes in different forms for everyone. Whether it be going out, staying in, doing something, doing nothing, do something for you."
"That's what they were doing. They were doing it for the culture."
"There is always something to do in Fallout 76, whether it's looking for supplies, farming enemies for legendary items, or questing."
"One-time activity does not make lifetime identity."
"We're gonna do it because it's fun, and hey, maybe we'll learn something."
"It's a good time to meet somebody new or to let somebody know you care about them. It's a good time to make your mother some cookies that aren't a Schedule one narcotic."
"She was just extremely boring and like didn't want to do anything but have sex and eat."
"This is the most fun thing you could ever do."
"In general, doing a lot of different things is rewarding."
"It's the immersion that you really get out of doing those things."
"Black Desert is an open world sandbox MMORPG. There are tons of things to do."
"Let's do pour the tea, orbit, and photon shine!"
"Maybe give some advice on what to do if you're stuck in the house for a while."
"Mum's beginning to realize that through doing these activities with her boys, it's just growing their relationship more and more."
"And now she does and she's enjoying it and that's really what it's all about."
"It's pretty much like playing Minecraft but in real life, I guess."
"Our friendship was deeper than those surface level activities."
"There's more to do in this game than just kill."
"I wanted this build to have a lot of activities and things for your sims to do."
"So while you're also doing these nurturing based activities, it's so darn cool."
"AC3 has great activities that justify exploring its world."
"We had a blast, highly recommended for anybody who's looking for something to do."
"Give us the world map give us things to hunt things to do places to go."
"Do something that you can keep doing for the rest of your life."
"Guests can swim to the heart's desire in the open ocean or sunbathe atop the building. Stargazing is a particular pleasure."
"I went out quite a bit and drank quite a lot."
"Few activities where one can prove true intellectual, not physical but intellectual, dominance over another."
"Everything we did today was completely and totally legal."
"The big chases themselves are definitely a net positive and a lot of fun to do."
"This is what happened. So back in high school, I was in PE class playing kickball."
"Explore that, like hey, I've never done pottery, you want to give that a try?"
"Honestly, I think the best part of this is how fun it is."
"Wow, yeah! Mommy, this is fun and my hands are so clean now."
"Great job, everyone! Let's go for a swim, shall we?"
"I don't know if it's the in thing to do, but I'm so glad we've done it."
"It just seems like there's going to be a lot to do."
"It's really, really fun and there's just so much to do."
"Life is worth living and life is fun, and it's great to get out and drive a car."
"There's so much going on, but do it legally, do it right."
"We're exhausted, but it was so much fun."
"One day announcing Brexit, the next day DJing - what a legend."
"I'm excited about the iceman's car then we're gonna have some fun together."
"Major emotional fulfillment in whatever you do."
"It's full-on comfy mode... I will either read a book or I will edit a video."
"Having a lot of things to do doesn't mean you have to be stressed about it, it just means you have a lot of different things to do."
"It's not just art here in Santa Fe; this city's got some other great things to do."
"So if you're interested, then all you need to do is fill out the survey in the video description to vote on the things that you would prefer in terms of destinations, activities, and things like that."
"I actually, my favorite part was running over the cones."
"He loved taking the kids to their after-school and summer activities, they had become close to their Uncle Fred's brother Michael."
"It's a lot of stuff that I like doing and I really like learning new things."
"So much more room for activities, look at all this more space!"
"There's so much to do in Berlin, it's insane."
"Leap is just so much damn fun, how do you say no to that?"
"Physical activity, even just a walk or yoga, helps me feel more at peace."
"If you happen to visit Toronto during the summer months, another thing to consider doing is renting a bike."
"It makes everything about what we're doing so much more interesting."
"Blind stages would be my favorite thing to do."
"Islands' Quest system gives you so many things you could do."
"Give your mind a rest, do something creative, exercise, or meditate."
"The open world itself is enjoyable because there's plenty to do here."
"I want to make time to do the stuff that we wouldn't normally do."
"I gotta go walk my dog so that I can burn some of this sugar off."
"If you want a rainforest, stay on St. Vincent. If you want snorkeling, go to the Grenadines."
"Literally me forcing my friends to do things with me."
"Royal Caribbean is still a family cruise line... they offer activities for everything and everybody on board."
"It was still a challenge, it was still good fun."
"He loves being a little boy. He loves all the boyish stuff, you know? From wrestling to bike riding to fireworks to fighting. Like, he's just such a boy."
"Our turtles gonna be so happy all right let's swim up."
"Start with getting your wife out of the house. Go have breakfast together. I love having breakfast for hard conversations."
"We would always do some funny stuff like every time we were together."
"Life is short. Write that novel, paint that painting, try that recipe, hang out with friends, form a militia, create a compound, acquire weapons, rush area 51, regroup, discuss a stateless society, knit that sweater, take that vacation."
"You want to go to a baseball game, you want to go to a concert, you want to go to Broadway play, you want to go to monster truck rally."
"Take pleasure in the things that you do."
"Summer is definitely ice creams and picnics, isn't it?"
"...really what goes along with the activities is the people you're gonna meet more people that way by getting more involved and that really makes it more fun too."
"Vibes are great right now, sun shining, people are kayaking and canoeing."
"I love doing different things and having a good time doing it."
"Plan your weekend activities to ensure enjoyment."
"This event is nearly four hours long, so we definitely have time for a game of catch with a kendo stick."
"It's dope actually, really cool that you guys do this."
"Enjoy how you are living your life, enjoy how you are gardening, spicing things up, cooking, dancing."
"This is so much more fun with friends."
"Take advantage of all the free things to do in San Diego."
"To hunt, to bathe, to gamble, to laugh - this is living."
"We wanted to share with people what we do."
"Field day was the event of the year."
"There's definitely a lot of things to do, so there's a lot of culture."
"You'll never run out of things to do in London."
"Mojave Road gives you so many different things to do."
"We're not ziplining next weekend."
"My favorite thing about East Tennessee is the fact that there is literally always something to do."
"Naturey things to do in Colorado could be a whole video of its own."
"Take the invitations, do the fun things."
"Another pro about Houston is that there's a lot of things to do."
"Hey guys, so I'm back from Aqua farm and it was actually so much fun."