
Self-disclosure Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"There's nothing once you're the person to spill your own tea; people can't clock you for nothing."
"Tell me about yourself... You have to give me some insight on who you are as a person."
"This therapy session 'cause you're sharing with the world, your true self."
"Allow people to show you who they are before you tell them how to be."
"I'm trying to be as open and honest as I possibly can."
"As long as you're hiding your true self, you're incapable of a real healthy relationship."
"Don’t you love it when people tell on themselves?"
"Sharing this publicly now because keeping to myself was causing more damage to my mental health than sharing it ever could."
"I've bared myself to you all in all but one regard. There's one thing that I've been cowardly about."
"I went right out there and said, 'No, I was a crack addict.' Because we didn't make fun of anything else."
"You gotta tell people that because that tells who you are."
"It's not that mental health issues are to be ashamed of, hi I'm Jim sterling and I need pills to make my brain function normally sometimes, but it's only ever the right and the choice of the person with the mental health issue to publicize it."
"In short? Given the chance, many killers love to talk about themselves, especially if they have a captive audience."
"I talk about myself... so that people can kind of relate to my journey."
"The truth is, for many years, I have not been well."
"Damn, I'm attracted, I'm officially attracted."
"I love my parents, but I wanted to tell them who I really am."
"Mayweather showed us why he is the pound for pound number one."
"I want to say that I think I'm finally ready."
"I was obsessed with just ripping the curtain back and being radically honest with everyone."
"When you share the deepest parts of your soul, criticism hurts even more."
"I had to really release these skeletons from my closet."
"It's my ADHD. No, I'm trying to share that it's how my brain works."
"Instagram: I have a perfect life. Facebook: I have an okay life. Twitter: I am a hot mess. Reddit: I killed The Hitchhiker in '86 and buried his body in the woods and I've never told a soul."
"I realized how bad it was until I kind of started going out, and I didn't tell anybody that, but I was kind of just drinking just to, like, kind of just like fill that void."
"Disclose information that's been hidden inside of you."
"Open up about your own life and feelings with your family."
"I don't have dark secrets, I have bright ones."
"People were tell them themselves on social media."
"I'm like eight-mile like Eminem did it right at the last scene when you put out all your vulnerabilities first."
"You have to divulge certain things about yourself, you have to share, you have to show this other person who you are, you have to show them your wounds, you have to show them how you feel about certain things, you have to be authentic."
"Maintain a mystery, intentionally don't reveal everything about yourself."
"I can never keep living if I don't deal with this and share my experience."
"I hope that this gave you guys a little more insight about me."
"I want to be someone that can hold that space of 'this is who I am' and be honest about it."
"I'm an open book, that's all that needs to be said."
"You need to have integrity and tell people who you are and what you're about."
"I love that you can see my truth, but it scares the sh out of me too."
"The only record he makes where he's like I'm going to tell you about myself is sky's the limit."
"Vol'jin is wise, strategic, honorable, pacifist, has a powerful bond of trust with the trolls and the blood elves, especially so since he also warned the blood elves about the immense erection that was about to happen."
"I see a big pile of money earned performing questionable actions. It's what I do." - "I see a big pile of money earned performing questionable actions. It's what I do."
"Revealing your truth and embracing transformation."
"I just, like I said, I have trouble calling it a confession."
"I feel like I've been as honest as I could be."
"It's confession through projection. They were so eager to do it."
"Charismatic people reveal their flaws, reveal their weak points. They're not afraid to show their weaknesses."
"I have a really big issue, I cannot keep my hands off my meat."
"You signed up to be inside my head by watching the video, it's a dangerous place to be."
"More transparency on who I am and what I want."
"Coming out doesn't stop, you will always be coming out."
"I want to put everything on the table, I want to put it all out there. I want to explain who I am. I don't want to have to hide stuff that I felt ashamed of."
"Live your truth and speak up about your own life, you don't give a person a chance to call you out on nothing because you already did it first."
"By giving everything about yourself away, you're just handing the other team the playbook."
"People love talking about themselves, so if you want the person to feel loved, to feel appreciated, ask them questions about themselves."
"I've been very open about that because I was not responsible with my penis. It's just what it was, you know what I'm saying?"
"It's about how hard it's been for me and some of the struggles that I've faced."
"I'm coming out of the closet and I'm giving you the real me."
"You're seeing my vulnerabilities, my insecurities, my fears, all of that. I'm putting it out there."
"Closer to 30 than she was 20. I'm just putting it out there."
"I think it takes a lot of courage to say that."
"...nobody can get to know you or even get more interested in you if you don't share things about who you are and what you're interested in."
"Talking about yourself during session... that's just bad therapy."
"I have just a little bit of autism. It does come out when I preach, okay?"
"This whole self-disclosure thing is my whole point. It's difficult, and so I hope it's helpful."
"Because I feel like if you watch this anime you're gonna know way too much about me."
"When people show you who they are, believe them the first, second, third, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 777th time."
"To share more of myself, I have to go into the discomfort, be more vulnerable."
"Just so you know 'cause I feel it's important to say, I'm autistic."
"That was me, I will admit to that one, okay, because that was on my stream that I revealed during the 2023 Trend stream."
"I will open up and share more about myself."
"I put all my [expletive] on the internet, just 'cause I know it's gonna be there."
"Know when you could begin to open up and share more about yourself to those out there who are good for you."
"This has been the toughest year of my life. I've revealed more of myself to the world than I ever thought possible."
"Revealed means I take a nonessential part of myself and offer it to you."
"I'm always telling everybody about myself, and nobody knows who I am."
"You have to reveal something about yourself."
"We also reveal as much about ourselves to other people as much as possible. It just might also be a point of discussion with them, and that would invite a good topic of conversation."
"I want people to have enough so that they feel like they get what I'm feeling but like also not enough to where they know things about me that I don't want to share."
"But over time, like I've I've had to learn like what to put out there."
"Communicate about yourself on a date. Absolutely. The other things you can find out later on. But you don't want to lead with that. That can be very off-putting."
"I told Pat what I tell ladies on a first date: I got no money, I got bad credit, I'm not good in bed, and I'm very selfish."
"I do struggle; I just don't broadcast it all the time."
"If you're getting into a relationship, this may be the time where you are revealing the deeper things about yourself."
"I picture Nick like making all these jokes about not being gay and then one day we're just like kicking it he goes hey I am gay though."
"The things that I want to say about me are never date appropriate."
"I'm afraid that if you know the real me, you won't like it and I lose you forever."
"I know for myself, I often skip over parts of my story out of shame, fear of being judged, or being othered in any sort of way."
"You just want to be honest with this person and tell them, 'It's me. I'm the one that you've been looking for.'"
"For me that probably takes the most courage to basically say okay here's something about me you might not like uh but here it is and I want you to know this about me."
"I'm quite introverted. I've never spoke to people about my insecurities or how uncomfortable I am, so to just say it, to say like, 'Yeah, I'm better now, I'm comfortable now', it's like a great feeling."
"Lynn did not hide from her truth ever. She talked openly about drugs, alcohol, partying, her past record, past mistakes, all of it."
"Speech is revealing. God chose to reveal itself to us."
"Tell me something about yourself that doesn't matter at all."
"When someone tells you who they are, believe it."
"I never thought I would be this honest in my life."
"You can't get more answers from any other source like you can from an autobiography, one that's brutally honest."
"One of the wonderful side-effects of any form of self-disclosure is: you learn about yourself."
"That's a fun interesting fact if you don't know me."
"Don't share too much info about yourself at the very beginning."
"If you really knew me, you would know..."
"A good story is a story where you reveal a little bit more about yourself than you feel comfortable."
"Learning to talk quality conversation requires not only sympathetic listening but also self-revelation."
"Self-disclosure is a powerful and empirically proven effective tool if used right in therapy."
"People will tell you who they are; believe them."
"I'm going to impress you with my vulnerability here."
"Self-disclosure can be defined as how much we voluntarily tell other people about ourselves without being asked to."
"When people tell you who they are, you believe them."
"I want to tell you everything about me because I'm not your average R&B singer."
"The more that I told the truth about who I really was, the more people liked me."
"The biggest thing you can do is get them to talk about themselves."
"Kudos to them for being able to tell their truth."
"Decide what you want them to know about you."
"I love being honest about myself because if I'm gonna allow y'all to see the good about me, I want y'all to see the ugly about me too."
"If you let a person talk long enough, eventually they going to tell on themselves."
"You let the woman talk long enough, she will tell you some [stuff] about who she really is."
"It is only by fully disclosing ourselves and our problems that they will be persuaded to say, 'Yes, I am one of them too; I must have this thing.'"
"Maintain an air of mystery, don't overshare about yourself."
"Self-disclosure and transparency to the extent that it's possible... I think that mitigates the problem."
"You're being honest, like this is my situation, this is where I'm at, this is what I want."
"You have no idea who I am. The only thing I've shared with you is what I'm willing to share with you."
"Privacy is good, you know. I don't want everybody to know everything about me."
"Through our self-disclosure, we feel connected with humanity, perhaps for the first time in our lives."
"Self-disclosure: People who share information are liked more."
"Tell them exactly who you are; spill the beans."
"You guys are gonna learn a lot of things about me that you've never known."
"The ongoing self-disclosure of who we are is the ongoing openness of ourselves to the mystery of who we are before God."
"Research shows that effective self-disclosure leads to better outcomes."
"You're the only one who's ever met the real me."
"The first thing you should know about me is that I'm deaf."
"There is no Divine law that says you have to reveal everything about yourself all at once to everyone."
"I was always just open about who I am; you can't expose me, I expose myself."
"I am telling you this so you know who I am."
"Be truthful, honestly honest, uncomfortably vulnerable."
"People want to hear about that, people want to know who you really are."
"This is me at my most vulnerable, this is what I have, come on this ride with me."
"When people tell you who they are, listen to them, believe them."
"I feel so much better knowing that I know the truth and I let my truth out."
"I'm telling you this not for pity but so you can understand a little about the person that is me."
"It's been a rough road the last few years of learning to deal with obsessive-compulsive disorder and all of the stuff that's come with me putting myself out there."