
Ancient Technology Quotes

There are 274 quotes

"The Antikythera mechanism...was determined to be a kind of analog computer used to predict astronomical events...it changed how they perceived ancient history."
"Legend has it that hero, the king of Syracuse, wanted Archimedes to demonstrate his Archimedes screw."
"The antikythera mechanism, often described as the world's first analog computer."
"The fact that these circles are all connected by the stone channels makes it very clear to any scientist who works with electricity or energy that the stone circle complex is a giant energy generating grid."
"The implications of this truth on the debate around the existence of ancient high technology are utterly profound and entirely devastating to the orthodox claims."
"There are even texts suggesting that the pilots of the Vimana aircraft were capable of what we today would call radar and radio communication."
"Neanderthals dabbled in chemistry; ancient glue reveals."
"You might think what they have just found is an old arrow; it's not. It's a technology that predates bows and arrows by thousands of years."
"The Persians mastered the technique of building natural refrigerators by 400 BC, which were called yakchal, and could be used to keep food cold even in the heat of the desert."
"Every stone circle is literally an energy generating device."
"This evidence for ancient high technology is a vital piece of the overall argument for a revaluation of human history and our origins."
"The idea of an advanced ancient civilization being responsible for this tube drilling is both an entirely possible scenario and one that makes sense."
"It was a truly complicated astrological clock used to display the positions of the Sun, the moon, the five planets known to humans back then, and the phases of the moon itself."
"The houses had a water supply and plumbing system, with bathrooms and toilets well separated from the rest of the rooms."
"The message that comes home to me is just how amazingly impressive and ambitious and technologically competent these people were that were building these ancient vessels."
"This video is part three of my series on the evidence for ancient advanced technology."
"Neanderthals actually had bigger brains than us and they knew how to use fire and made some pretty sick cave paintings."
"They had highways, textiles, megalithic structures, knowledge of astronomy."
"These were crafted roughly 2,000 years before Egypt's Iron Age even started. That's just mind-blowing."
"Ancient technology: More complicated than a modern-day Swiss watch, yet over 2,000 years old."
"The colossal labor of the ancient Nazca Indians will forever remain one of the most enduring achievements of ancient technology."
"Is it possible that the ancient builders of Puma Punku and Tiahuanaco had access to advanced technology that's been lost in history?"
"Pyramids also acted as portals or wormholes."
"This is absolute proof, of how advanced ancient technology was in India, especially in the medical field."
"One of man's oldest energy storage systems may prove to be the key to our energy storage future."
"The power of the pyramids had to do with electromagnetism."
"The Antikythera Mechanism: a 2000-year-old computer that predicted the position of planets and stars."
"The anti-kythera mechanism: a testament to the advanced technology of ancient civilizations."
"The Baghdad battery: a controversial artifact sparking debate about ancient electricity."
"The pyramids may have been built to produce an energy field that could power cities."
"Evidence left by the same technology used to cut astonishingly hued long caves."
"The Mechanism of Antikythera: an ancient astronomical clock that can calculate various planetary constellations."
"The pyramid was basically a device, a generator for, if you will, broadcasting and transmitting throughout the planetary structure a type of field which uplifted the entire humanity."
"Solomon built a complex water aqueduct system from Hebron to Jerusalem in about 950 BC."
"Imagine a water tower installed on the temple platform that is 25 meters in the air. This would give excellent water pressure at about 30 PCI."
"The Great Pyramid was almost certainly the embodiment of this very precise ancient precession mapping technique."
"New archaeological revelations suggest that pyramids were not mounds or tombs, but were built for other purposes."
"I think the dynastic Egyptians were capable of shifting, of manufacturing, and moving blocks like this."
"The serapium is like this smoking gun evidence for some other form of transportation."
"A wooden Stone Age platform was found on the seabed close to England's Isle of Wight in mid-2019, and it might be the oldest boat-building site in the world."
"Whoever created Puma Punku had very advanced lost ancient high technology."
"Mysterious ancient ancestors who displayed such astonishing abilities of stone building we still have no logical explanation as to their methods."
"The mysterious desert lines are actually ancient animal traps."
"Ancient hot pots helped Siberians survive in the inhospitable wasteland."
"The true first telephone ever created was made by an ancient culture in Peru."
"The Egyptians figured out how to make egg ovens 2,000 years ago."
"The very first steam engine in the world was created nearly 2,000 years before the Industrial Revolution started."
"Pyramids were built as very complex energy machines."
"Mariners of ancient times measured and mapped the earth with fantastic precision."
"The Great Pyramid is a massive Wireless power plant and this is just one of many multi-functional purposes of this gigantic Stone computer that's here on Earth."
"The remnants of furnaces in the baths are a sign of an elaborate heating system which, according to archaeologists, is the first such discovery among the remains of the ancient city of Philadelphia."
"The Antikythera mechanism was so sophisticated that no other tool like it would be invented in the entire planet for another thousand years."
"Not only did the people of mesoamerica clearly figure out how to create or derive liquid mercury from Mercury or they also knew of deep underground water systems and lakes that could be accessed through caves."
"It is a feat we would struggle to recreate even to this day, clearly demonstrating an ancient high technology that has undoubtedly been lost over the millennia."
"Compelling evidence for a form of mechanical high technology being used to shape stone."
"The golden airplanes could be evidence of an ancient culture's knowledge of flight well before modern times."
"Whoever drew up those original source Maps thousands of years ago had a level of technology as high as our own."
"Archaeologists found an unusual artifact on the island of Rousey, an anvil that is believed to be 1500 years old... the anvils find led to the discovery of a copper smith's workshop."
"The discovery of the oldest axe fragment in Australia, dating back to between 45,000 and 49,000 years ago, proves the early technological innovation of the first Australians."
"If this Theory turns out to be true, the Baghdad battery will change our understanding of our ancestors."
"How could it be that our ancestors managed to create something so far ahead of their time?"
"Alien heroglyph in Egypt: Engravings on the wall of the Temple of Seti showing unmistakable vehicles... Helicopters, spaceships, submarines?"
"The first vending machine dispensed holy water."
"It’s almost as if the Greeks actually happened upon some big mechanical man, perhaps brought down from the heavens by visitors from outer space."
"Precision cut stone masonry which today could only be achieved with the use of advanced stone cutting machinery."
"The real mystery is not what the object was used for but who were those who had the skills required to format it."
"The device was not a clock but more like a calculator that could show the position of the heavens past, present, and future."
"The evidence for power tools is really undeniable thanks to these marks."
"Using ancient technology as a window into the Indus culture."
"The discovery of sundials in Neolithic sites like Ireland and Scotland sheds light on ancient sun tracking techniques."
"Machu Picchu, a complex too massive to construct in 25 years, holds anomalies suggesting advanced technology."
"The Great Pyramid is eight-sided, locked into the Giza Plateau, and likely part of an energetic system."
"300,000-year-old nanotechnology found in Russia."
"The Dashka Stone: A 120 million-year-old manufactured map."
"If there was anywhere on Earth where crashed preserved ancient alien technologies could still be found, it would be here."
"Could the pyramids really have been portals to other worlds powered by an unknown force?"
"It was here that one engineer would harness the power of steam 1,700 years before the world ever imagined a locomotive."
"What seems laborious, even with the aid of modern technology, would have taken months in Pericles' time."
"The cranes were immensely strong, capable of hoisting a 13-ton column."
"It's extraordinary to think that it was built with the very simple tools."
"Everything is inversed; we began as technologically advanced and got more primitive."
"This artifact was found 150 feet below the surface of the Aegean Sea in a shipwreck, and it is the oldest kind of computer ever recorded."
"The anti-kythera mechanism: an ancient Greek hand-powered model of the solar system."
"The technology that's there is Atlantean technology. There's even pre-Atomite technology there."
"Scientists can't always explain the seemingly sophisticated technologies of our ancestors."
"An object discovered back in 2015 might actually be an 800 year old mobile phone left behind by aliens."
"The Dendera light seems to depict an ancient lighting system that went throughout the tomb."
"In order for us to tackle new tasks or things we're unfamiliar with, it requires some level of bravery, courage, or confidence."
"Could this have been some transfer of technology from a forgotten civilization in our ancient past, perhaps contact with a group of offworld beings from a distant star system?"
"Did our ancient ancestors have a way of temporarily softening rocks? If they did, why have we never been able to rediscover it with all of our modern knowledge?"
"Valyrian steel, some technologies of the ancient world were so Advanced that even today scientists have never been able to replicate them."
"This is breaking news right now: is NASA covering up ancient alien technology?"
"The Vimana flashed away into heaven beyond the stars like a thought leaving a golden Trail in the sky."
"Telescopes today are pretty advanced but it's incredible what people 6,000 years ago were capable of making with only rocks."
"Batteries existed 2200 years ago, a clay jar found near Baghdad, Iraq, believed to be the oldest electric battery."
"Pumapunku's megalithic stonework, with precise interlocking blocks and drilled holes, raises questions about ancient Bolivian civilization's advanced techniques."
"How about an ancient computer that was lost in the ocean by some even smarter than smart ancient Greeks?"
"People say that the hieroglyphs at the Temple of Seti show a helicopter, a submarine, and a zeppelin or plane."
"This achievement we feel is clear indication of the fact that the builders of these ancient sites were far more capable than that of our more recent Roman ancestors."
"This is the remarkable story of the largest and most important copper mine of bronze age Britain."
"The Iron Pillar of Delhi: Not rusted since its creation in 300 A.D. And nobody seems to know why."
"Ancient ancestors were indeed far more technologically superior than we gave them credit for."
"The Great Pyramid: Evidence of ancient technology beyond our understanding."
"Every stone circle is an energy-generating device. It amplifies the sound as it comes out of Mother Earth."
"These temples... templates for giant circuit boards."
"The tiny structures found in the Ural Mountains appear to be the byproducts of an ancient civilization that developed nanotechnology 300,000 years ago."
"How did the Ancients create metals that still preserve their strength and sharpness? State-of-the-art analysis suggests chromium, mastered in China 2,000 years ago."
"The Baghdad Battery, also known as the Parthian Battery, is a mysterious object that's left many scientists scratching their heads."
"It's enough to make you wonder if there wasn't some kind of stone age 3D printing technology at play."
"What were the ancient weapons and why were they made?"
"Some researchers suggest the mound may have served as an ancient form of calendar, aligning with solstices and equinoxes."
"The Antikythera mechanism: an archaeologist was looking over artifacts recovered from the wreckage of a 2,000-year-old ship off the Greek island of Antikythera."
"The Baghdad Battery is still very much ahead of its time."
"Technology was far more advanced in ancient times than we realize."
"An ancient Greek computer... an ancient analog computer with gears."
"The Great Pyramid Void Enigma: Unraveling mysteries of ancient technology."
"The death ray was a series of mirrors which when angled by their operators concentrated the sun's rays on their target causing extreme heat."
"It was not a tomb or even an Egyptian artifact but a power plant."
"The Antikythera mechanism: it was a computer. The device contains 37 gears used to trace the motion of the moon, planets, and stars through the zodiac."
"Our where it leads may not be that... you can't explain the evidence we see in the stonework and the architecture with the tools and techniques that we're attributing to these guys."
"This is a civilization that the Egyptologist will tell you didn't have the ability to quarry this stone."
"Pyramids were built on vortexes, necessary to send out frequencies, open Gates, and activate Stargates."
"Nearly 450 feet long, it would have been a magnificent sight, certainly the biggest boat in the ancient world."
"Some say the Dendera light is certifiable evidence that the ancient Egyptians had electric light bulbs thousands of years before the rest of humanity."
"This was literally used as an ancient celestial clock."
"All of these ancient sites display a type of technology... influenced by some lost ancient civilization."
"The hand of Preels is unquestionably an ancient oopart and could quite possibly be a surviving relic of a once highly advanced yet now lost civilization."
"The concept of a vehicle moving across tracks is very old, dating as far back as the ancient Greeks."
"These obelisks were transmitters for energy."
"This mushroom allowed for the portability of fire. Moreover, you can hollow this mushroom out, put embers of fire inside, and carry fire for days."
"Each Yakchaw was built to a height of around 60 feet, then supplied with water from nearby pools, springs, and reservoirs. Wind catchers inside the Yakchaw cooled the water down, and the water turned to ice."
"The bakery is preserved so well that we can see how bread was made 2,000 years ago."
"The city is huge and has six tall pyramids, two special sunken ceremonial areas, carefully planned neighborhoods, and an incredible irrigation system that turns a desert into farmland."
"The statuette shouldn't exist; it was carved from granite without using any metal tools."
"Could this be proof that not only was advanced technology used by the ancient Egyptians but perhaps this advanced technology was piloted by extraterrestrial beings?"
"There is a rock in the small island nation of Sri Lanka that may have once been used to travel across the stars."
"Petra was equipped with a sophisticated irrigation channel that provided water for around 30,000 residents year-round."
"The Force saber was an ancient invention developed 25,000 years before the Skywalker Saga."
"How was it possible to orchestrate all the technological knowledge, all the resources, and all the manpower needed and to do it so quickly?"
"The pyramids could generate enough energy to reach not just across the planet, but across the universe."
"The ancient people were all building these same pyramids because it was a way for them to tap into the natural energy of the Earth."
"The multi-bladed automatic cutting mill in Jerash is a fascinating new discovery."
"Would it be fair to call the Antica Thera mechanism the world's first computer?"
"Adjustable lighting lanterns: eco-friendly design from ancient China."
"The Sakara bird: a wooden figure sparking theories of ancient aerodynamics."
"The ancient Egyptians clearly had the technology to move 1,000-ton stones."
"They had the knowledge and technology to repeatedly lift, maneuver, and delicately place enormous weights of stone at various heights."
"The evidence that the cutting point must have been much harder than quartz and tough enough not to splinter when so fine an edge was being employed."
"The map to peridia core is composed of these gears making it feel like this is indeed a very ancient map made from ancient technology."
"These remains show how Roman engineers created a revolving floor 2,000 years before we'd think it was possible."
"Since its discovery, the antikythera mechanism continues to be one of the most mysterious inventions from the ancient world."
"Check out this video full of amazing ancient technology if you want proof."
"Engraved on the walls of the Haor Temple at Dendera are stone reliefs that appear to show Egyptians with giant light bulbs."
"...a 3,000-year-old wooden wheel has also been found here."
"The Antikythera mechanism is an incredibly ingenious device for its time."
"The Archimedian screw is a good example of an ancient device which is still in use."
"The Sakara bird is proof that the ancient Egyptians had technology two thousand years ahead of its time."
"The first prototype of the modern lifting crane appeared about 2,500 years ago."
"The Baghdad battery exemplifies ancient civilizations' creativity and Innovation, challenging our assumptions about their technological capabilities."
"And finally given The Times They tested whether it would work as a religious experience and all three were found to be plausible."
"But one thing is very clear these batteries were made for something did ancient people have a rudimentary form of electricity they used in their everyday lives it definitely seems possible."
"Many refused to believe that the Ancient Greeks could have created such a sophisticated device, declaring the mechanism to be a forgery or a later device that conveniently sank in the same area as the wreck."
"Only in recent years has its true function been determined, revealed to be an ancient form of analogue computer - the oldest on record."
"Valerios Stais was cleaning some of the many corroded lumps of metal from the wreck when he discovered something completely unexpected: a fused mass of complex, intermeshing bronze gears and wheels, like a large mechanical clock."
"Wright and Bromley also discovered a smaller dial within the lunar dial, which appeared to measure the 76-year Callipic cycle."
"In 1997 Wright constructed the first practical working model of the Antikythera mechanism."
"Prehistoric cypriots were adept at creating and painting pottery, constructing terracotta figurines, and developing copper and eventually bronze trinkets for decorative and ferary purposes."
"The Antikythera mechanism, dubbed the world's first computer, was found near the Greek island of Antikythera."
"The discovery of the oldest known beehives in Israel sheds light on the history of beekeeping and the use of honey in ancient Israel."
"There is a possibility that since the dam was built over 700 years ago with less technology, these artifacts might have been put in place to aid its construction."
"The anti-kythera mechanism astonishes with its complexity."
"These beautifully crafted fluted stone projectile points were the high technology of the times."
"The world’s run on codes and ciphers John. But it’s all computer generated. This is different. It’s an ancient device."
"They're called wax tablets and they're a sort of infinitely reusable ancient notebook."
"They were able to develop a calendar that is almost as accurate as the one we use today."
"Just because modern people only produce precision objects for mechanical functions doesn't mean that ancient people wouldn't take the time to create ceremonial objects with the same attention to detail."
"The solar furnace generates a beam of focused sunlight as powerful today as it was three thousand years ago."
"We are going to look for evidence of lost ancient technology all over Egypt."
"These maps suggest a level of technology and science that was far beyond the period in which they were derived."
"If this theory is true, then 3000 years ago, this would have indeed seemed like God in a box."
"One of the more controversial theories on the Great Pyramid at Giza is that it was an energy source built at a specific location to harness a strong natural electromagnetic field."
"Lion Rock had, and still has, working water conduits and water aquifers which over 1,000 years later still provide clean water to the greater parts of the rock construction."
"Anytime an astrolabe is discovered, it's always a good time to sit back and marvel at how advanced some of our ancient ancestors truly were."
"One of his most well-known creations was a wind wheel, possibly the earliest example of man harnessing the power of wind in a non-sea environment."
"The Baghdad battery... could have generated electricity through spontaneous oxidation-reduction."
"This accurately calculated the position of the Sun, Moon, planets, eclipses—all of that."
"The ancient Roman hypocausts are deeply impressive, but so are the hydraulic systems that underpin the ancient Iranian city of Kish."
"The Antikythera mechanism was an astronomical calculator that could calculate the phases of the Moon, the position of the planets, the position of the Sun forward and backward in time by turning the gears."
"...Greek fire... sticking to ships, sticking to people, even floating and continuing to burn on the surface of the water."
"Atlantis wasn't just a place in ancient times; Atlantis was a machine that connected mortals with the stars."
"The tests at the deep tank have revealed that the ancients did not just master the seas but conquered its depths."
"We feel it is undeniable that whoever created these caves had in their possession incredibly advanced stone cutting technologies."
"They built in stone both cities and monuments and had a system of accounting using multi-colored strings with knots."
"The creation of the caves was simply perfect. We feel it is undeniable that whoever created these caves had in their possession incredibly advanced stone cutting technologies."
"Two thousand years and counting, their technology is still working perfectly - in some cases, better than our modern devices."
"If you ever visit them, you'll find yourself wondering how people had such detailed knowledge of hydraulic engineering two thousand years ago."
"By means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky."
"This is actually one huge interconnected structure known as a qanat, it's an ancient miracle of hydraulic engineering."
"There's no mystery as to how the Egyptians illuminated underground tunnels like the Serapeum without leaving soot marks."
"If you're putting it on like, one of the most expensive devices in the ancient world, like, you're pretty certain about it, I would say."