
Meteorites Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"They discovered ancient hieroglyphs alluding to the dagger being given to them from the heavens...the composition of the dagger was tested, and they found iron, but also included nickel and cobalt in exactly the combination that is found in meteorites."
"Antarctica's icy expanse harbors a treasure trove of pristine meteorite specimens, with thousands scattered across the remote, windswept landscape."
"Antarctica is one of the best places to discover meteorites."
"Antarctica is one huge meteor magnet, making it a goldfield for meteorites."
"Antarctica over the years has been a gold mine for finding meteorites."
"Meteorite hunters are fond of Antarctica... recently one of the meteorites turned up something remarkable as one of its grains proved to be a speck of stardust."
"200 years ago, men believed it was impossible for stones to fall from the sky."
"Meteorites! That is loud! Whoa! Oh my goodness, this is amazing! This isn't even a Minecraft mod, guys!"
"Researchers stumbled upon some meteorite pieces in the Sahara Desert that were like nothing they'd seen before."
"Oldest known solid material on Earth found in a meteorite."
"More meteorites have been found in Antarctica than on all other continents combined, making it a hotspot for extraterrestrial rock hunters."
"Ancient grains of stardust were discovered inside a meteorite in Australia, forming five to seven billion years ago."
"The presence of these compounds indicates they have never been subject to high temperatures or melting inside the meteorites; they survive entry through Earth's atmosphere."
"Everyone loves a good shiny thing... according to some archaeological investigations, ancient Egyptian jewels from a 5,000-year-old tomb would turn out to have been from meteorites."
"Believe it or not, some people actually own and wear pieces of the meteorite."
"Considering meteorites can travel a blazing fast 44 miles a second."
"Meteor garlic, a mysterious garlic that grows where meteorites fall."
"Techtites are glassy objects believed to form when meteorites strike the Earth's surface, solidifying into tektites before landing back on Earth."
"Finding your first meteorite, it's bloody special."
"So the most likely explanation is no more meteorites fell at San Juan than anywhere else in the world, it's just the conditions are perfect to preserve them for millennia."
"Meteorites don't favor some places on earth over others."
"Meteorites are classified into categories like a periodic table based on origin, structure, and composition."
"Meteorites: Alien Invaders that race through our atmosphere and crash to Earth without warning."
"Iron meteorites are important because they represent the cores of differentiated planetesimals."
"The iron meteorites represent the cores of planets that were probably destroyed somewhere in the region of 4.5 to 4 billion years ago."
"He had a weird collection of meteorites. You ever heard of this? Meteorites that fall from space?"
"There are meteorites out there that probably landed yesterday that no one's seen."
"Meteorites tell us something about the very deep past 4 and a half billion years ago when our solar system was just forming."
"Meteorites are not burning hot when they hit the earth. People that have been lucky enough to get there shortly after and touch it or pick it up report that they're either cold or slightly warm to the touch."
"It's everything that a meteorite collector could want."
"This meteorite... can give us insights into the building blocks of the planets and it can potentially give us clues as to how the Earth came to be."
"Astronauts are meteorites because they enter the atmosphere of the Earth and they land and they survive."
"The meteorites seem to harbor a strange power."
"The Ancients worship these things, the meteorites."
"Jupiter sent meteorites toward Earth which carried organic molecules and water with them."
"Every year it is estimated that around 500 meteorites reach the surface of Earth, but less than 10 are actually recovered."
"Meteorites were a gift from the gods."
"The science of meteorites, science of planetary science, was first created."
"Metal meteorites are special; they feel like a piece of alien space metal."
"It's a beautiful sculptural piece; it's completely atypical of the type of rounded character-less meteorites that usually come out of the ground here."
"Pallasites are arguably the most beautiful meteorites."
"Meteoritic metal. Many meteorites, including stony meteorites, contain metal."
"We ourselves are sweeping through this cloud and every year several tons of material fall onto the Earth."
"The particles on the moon are sharp, never erode, and are mainly made up of meteorite pieces."
"For the whole of human history meteorites were seen to fall, huge fireballs coming through the atmosphere that all peoples, all cultures across the earth must have seen and taken note of."
"With those numbers, surely there must be interstellar meteorites sitting on earth."
"Meteoroids that reach the Earth's surface before burning up are called meteorites."
"Scientists that study meteorites are almost always based in Antarctica."
"Meteorites are as old as the solar system."
"Pieces of Mars have fallen to Earth in the form of meteorites."
"Space rocks are awesome, but these little specks of dust might be the coolest space rocks of all."
"Meteorites have played an important role in the development of our temperate world."
"Join us in a search for the meteorites that have shaped our world."
"We have more samples of meteorites than we do of the Moon, so we have a real ground truth."
"Iridium, an element found in meteorites, is also present in rock layers that have that particular age."