
Alien Life Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"The Nazca Lines are the most popular due to the sheer size of them and variety, and many believe they hint at alien life."
"NASA is preparing a $4.25 billion mission to Europa...since scientists believe it holds a strong potential for alien microbes under its icy surface."
"The James Webb Space Telescope...could get us closer to detecting alien life than ever before."
"We as humans are the beings that think and gain mastery of our world. Perhaps one day, if we meet another race that does the same things we do, rather than seeing something truly alien, it perhaps will be like looking into a mirror."
"According to the Drake equation, the sky could be completely silent, or absolutely teeming with alien life."
"Any alien that made it to the stars would need to have the ability to work tools. So, fingers, or something similar, would be a likely addition to an alien race."
"In many ways, the octopus is as close to alien life as we may ever see."
"We are slowly finding more and more information that proves or it's weighing towards the idea that aliens and UFOs are legit and real."
"It'd be kind of cool if there's life out there, alien life. But it'd be really cool if you could fly out there and check."
"What if instead of encountering organic alien life, we met alien artificial intelligence?"
"What was previously thought to be assorted mountains in the southern hemisphere of Argan Neera been identified as the massive skeletal remains of a single colossal alien life-form."
"Space, the final frontier. And when it comes to discovering the impossible, it seems that our species' best chance of finding evidence of alien life may occur in our very own solar system."
"The population can't even handle Twitter. There's no way we'd be able to handle an alien race being confirmed."
"Gliese 832c is one of the most likely places where alien life forms will eventually be detected."
"The presence or absence of alien life in the universe really is a profound fundamental question."
"The goblin: spotted inside a cave on Mars, sparking discussions of alien life."
"Firewatch is an experience even casual players shouldn't miss."
"What if UFOs are in fact alien military, they may view us as enemies to destroy."
"Photosynthesis. If alien microbes evolve the ability to photosynthesize, then it might be reasonable to expect to see the telltale disequilibrium of oxygen in exoplanet atmospheres."
"You have the power to ensure future generations grow up in the truth and knowledge that we are not alone."
"Aliens are hope; if they're here, the odds that the Einsteinian theory is merely an effective theory shoot way up."
"The question is no longer if they are here but why, what are they doing, what do they want from us, what are their motivations?"
"Jake’s alien progenitor is simply that – an alien named Warren Ampersand, who can impregnate other creatures it deems suitable to be hosts."
"I love how they've basically created an entirely alien species out of sentient rocks."
"Perhaps aliens are benevolent, enlightened beings who can teach us how to reach higher spiritual potential."
"Do you think the detection of alien life, in whatever form, would serve to unite the species?"
"The stakes may be higher than you think regarding the aliens."
"Is it possible that while we've been searching for alien life in the sky, they've been right beneath our feet this entire time?"
"NASA said they believed in Aliens... investigating unidentified flying objects."
"Aliens from all over the universe are already walking among us. Meetings of the third kind are just around the corner."
"Definitive proof and historic news that proves alien life."
"Perhaps one day there will even be a probe that delivers the ultimate news: we are not alone."
"Was our first ever interstellar interloper also our first contact with alien life?"
"The possibilities of alien life and a warm ocean on Enceladus make it a greater possibility that we might actually find microbial life there."
"Maybe we're closer to finding solid proof of alien life than we once thought."
"It’s now only a matter of time before a discovery is made… especially as there are growing theories that not only is alien life out there, but it could also be very nearby."
"We are moving from the paradigm that we are alone in the universe to a new one in which we are not alone."
"Former CIA agent Mike Baker on UFOs: 'There is a high possibility that there's... some alien life force with amazing technology that we can't even fathom right now.'"
"Physicist Brian Cox talks about alien biology: 'I would not be surprised if we find microbes on Mars or on some of the moons of Jupiter or Saturn.'"
"We're ants to their [ __ ] human, we're so simple and basic and boring. I just don't think they give a [ __ ]."
"Alien means different. They might be really smart, they might be really good at all sorts of different things, but they're not gonna be like us."
"Perfect engines of carnage...But EVIL? No. The aliens are simply what they are. Like a shark, or the crocodile."
"Almost certainly we are not alone." - Narrator
"My mind immediately went to something alien-related or some sort of creature that perhaps we haven't yet discovered."
"The fact that we can even find exoplanets in other solar systems makes the chances of finding alien life much higher than ever."
"It's a wild ride, a wild universe, people. We're not alone."
"If life exists, it's doing things we literally can't do."
"Aliens could view us like we view ants, you know? And that is petrifying to me."
"If there are super intelligent aliens out there, they're probably already observing us. That would seem quite likely."
"The top three reasons the aliens won't be silicon: first, the macromolecules that could maybe be produced by silicon are not going to be nearly as strong and good for life as carbon..."
"Was Umuamwa really an ancient aliens exploratory craft? If it is, it means we are indeed not alone. What's more, it means we have undoubtedly been found."
"The universe starts out empty... expands until they merge... universe is full of aliens."
"The Tall Whites live probably 10 times longer than we do. They live almost 700 years."
"Here are 10 anti-Great Filters that may make alien life and perhaps intelligence more common than we might have thought."
"We're not just nearing the answer to one of the greatest questions in history: Are we alone in this universe?"
"It'd be interesting to learn more about aliens."
"Do I believe in the possibility of non-human intelligence? Definitely."
"Pleiadians tend to look kind of perfect... because they are not subject to some of this 3D stuff that we are."
"Why can't we treat human life in the same way that we would treat alien life that we discovered?"
"Could it be that these aliens aren't so alien after all?"
"The non-human intelligence phenomena is real. We are not alone."
"Disclosure is happening because they are going to be showing themselves."
"I believe we're not alone; this planet is inhabited by others."
"They go to some planet with flute floor for whatever the hell it is with all those gross weird ass things, we learned that there's a lot more to life than what you can pick up in a school."
"If we're being dealing with non-humans who may go back in history 270 million years or more."
"The odds that there are aliens in the universe is almost a hundred percent."
"The wow signal is considered by many to be the strongest evidence we have that there's intelligent alien life."
"Artifacts have just been recovered from an extraterrestrial object at the bottom of the sea, potentially physical evidence of alien life."
"planets entirely covered in water could support alien life study reveals while you might think that a planet covered entirely in water would be uninhabitable a new study suggests that this may not be the case subnautica players"
"Alien life isn’t really rare, it’s just rare right now, and any alien civilization that emerged in its local corner of the Universe is very likely to be doing as we do, wondering where all the other life is."
"If anything is detected, it won't be any sort of flesh and blood civilization on a planet."
"The aliens though had the ability to fly and without pterosaurs made the air their primary domain."
"They live so long and they may live thousands, they may live tens of thousands of years, they may never even really die and go from one maybe cubicle body to the next because the technology is such."
"No matter how strange alien life might be, it's going to be limited by the same physical and chemical laws that we are."
"This museum of alien life will be divided into two exhibits: life as we know it, and life as we don't know it."
"Perhaps this will be our first glimpse at alien life, a vibrant hue cast by a distant world."
"What if we underestimate how much alien life might differ from that of Earth?"
"The universe was bright, young, and full of light for any aliens that lived during those years to revel in."
"Once you find alien life, a strong candidate for it, you're going to have as much telescope time as you want."
"Scientists have discovered a strange ecosystem of alien organisms in a very surprising place."
"I would be open to both possibilities: the alien being just a machine or the alien being actually a conscious being."
"I am by no means saying aliens exist and have visited us, but after searching around, I have found some of the most interesting stories and pieces of evidence to suggest that maybe another life-form has visited this planet."
"It remains the best evidence of alien communication ever obtained."
"It's a hundred percent likely that there's alien life out there."
"Reports of an unidentified flying object often bring up notions of alien visitors in the public's mind."
"We will continue to use our powerful telescopes to answer that fundamental question: Are we alone?"
"Having three hearts, 360-degree vision, and possessing inexplicable intelligence has some scientists suggesting that these creatures are indeed aliens from another world."
"Someday in the future, in a thousand years or in the next 10 minutes, daring travelers through space will make contact with the inhabitants of another world."
"According to this scenario, you have to picture the universe as a vast dark forest, with humans living on Earth just like every other alien species is living on their own planet, somewhere out there."
"If we landed on Mars and saw an alien species doing this, we'd spend a whole lot of money trying to figure out why they were doing it."
"When we look into the heavens, we see no good evidence thus far of the presence of alien civilizations."
"Nature will have to play by her own rules, no matter how strange alien life might be."
"In my dream of dreams, we find some hydrothermal vents, and at least in this Hollywood vision, we then make contact with incredible alien jellyfish and we change our understanding of life in the universe."
"Truthfully, the barrel eye fish is an animal that would seem right at home in the oceans of planet 4546B."
"Alien life could use a different set and still satisfy what I'm calling the Lego principle."
"The only planet where the mention of aliens made men think of their order books instead of their weapons."
"They are truly the closest thing we have to intelligent alien life on this planet."
"If we find life very unlike our own, how would we be able to tell?"
"This discovery lends more credence to the idea that Europa could feasibly maintain some kind of alien life."
"Aliens may lurk even in areas where neither terrestrial nor silicon nor methane organisms can survive."
"He could be any race, as long as he's an immigrant alien."