
Europa Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"NASA is preparing a $4.25 billion mission to Europa...since scientists believe it holds a strong potential for alien microbes under its icy surface."
"The next mission to the Jovian system will focus on Europa as the most likely place after Earth to harbor some form of life."
"Europa, the subject of movies and rampant speculation, has long been one of the solar system's best candidates for life."
"Scientists wanted to know how much oxygen is being released from Europa."
"Europa is intensely studied by scientists because it's suspected to harbor an ocean beneath the ice that might contain life."
"Some 15 kilometers below the frozen surface is thought to lie a dark and alien ocean, one with so much volume it contains more water than every ocean on Earth combined."
"Europa may be the closest object to our own world to support life."
"This makes it incredibly bright to look at; according to NASA, if we really were to teleport Europa into orbit with Earth, it would appear over five times brighter than the moon."
"If there's anywhere in the solar system where there might still be life... Europa would be the place to bet."
"Life on Europa may resemble our own in unanticipated ways."
"Europa has a crust of ice, and scientists believe it might harbor a subsurface ocean, making it a potential site for extraterrestrial life."
"Europa's hidden ocean could have life forms similar to extremophiles found on Earth."
"So, Europa is a great candidate for supporting life forms similar to some of the life forms we find at the bottom of the ocean."
"Europa has the smoothest surface of any known body in the solar system."
"This speculated ocean layer sits between the outer ice shell and the rocky mantle."
"There's a very reasonable case to be excited about the prospect of life on Europa."
"It's an RPG set in the fantasy world of Europa."
"Scientists are almost sure that underneath Europa's frozen surface, there's an actual ocean of water."
"Because what may lie underneath that solid ice surface is perhaps the most fascinating thing about Europa."
"Europa immediately shoots to the top of the list for places that scientists want to explore."
"Europa Clipper's mission to find life's elements."
"Could Europa's ocean spark chemistry into life?"
"Europa: Potentially habitable with twice as much water as Earth."
"Europa could have good conditions for life below the surface."
"Europa was the next surprise. It is highly reflective and has the smoothest surface of any body in the solar system."
"Juno flew past Jupiter's moon Europa, coming within 352 kilometers of the surface."
"Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, has this thick icy shell and underneath that is an ocean of liquid water."
"The actual liquid ocean on Europa is thought to be about 100 to 200 kilometers deep."
"Europa is the most likely place to find life in our solar system today"
"Galileo's first job is to image the moon in greater detail. The question is: how active is Europa's surface? Are the processes that erase impact craters fast or glacially slow?"
"Galileo's data also suggests there's carbon dioxide frozen on Europa's surface, possibly welling up from the ocean below. If so, the find is huge because CO2 is vital for life."
"The search for life is an irresistible lure. Scientists are desperate to go back to Europa, and near the end of the next decade, they hope to launch a groundbreaking mission to orbit the moon."
"Europa seems to have all the elements that result in life on Earth."
"If the ice of Europa is getting mixed into the ocean below you now have this beautiful scenario where the radiation and the radiolytic processing of the surface ice creates that positive terminal of the biochemical battery."
"Europa is one of the most fascinating and enigmatic objects in our solar system."
"Europa's surface features are such that there are cracks in the surface, mottled terrain, chaotic terrain."
"The resemblance of Europa's crop circles to the mysterious ones that dot the countryside here on Earth ends when you consider their size."
"Europa provides an extreme environmental challenge for life."
"Active hydrothermal vents are thought to exist on its seafloor."
"Europa Clipper is going to launch on October 10th from Kennedy Space Center on a Falcon X, Falcon Heavy. So we're excited about that mission."
"Europa's thick crust of ice could be a temperate zone where life could thrive."
"Europa may have an ice shell as thin as Antarctica's sheet."
"Europa turns out to be as smooth as a billiard ball despite the network of lineations."
"Astronomers consider Europa one of the most promising places in the solar system to search for new life forms."
"Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, could be one of the most likely candidates we know about that could contain life."
"A dot of light. This is what Europa has been for almost four centuries: a tiny source of light."
"The satellite had to be still geologically active, which meant that there must have been a permanent heat source inside Europa."
"A real ocean, a hundred kilometers deep and with a volume at least double that of all the terrestrial oceans put together."
"These characteristics made Europa one of the most interesting places in the search for microbial chemosynthetic life."
"The surface of Europa is ice, and underneath that ice is a liquid ocean."
"Europa, one of Jupiter's many moons, is a frozen planet containing a massive water reserve underneath its ice crust."
"The Europa Clipper Mission won't be the first mission to look at said moon, but it will be the first entirely dedicated to helping us better understand this intriguing member of our solar system family."
"As Europa goes around Jupiter, it's flexing, and sometimes it's a little closer to Jupiter, sometimes it's further away."
"This flexing is inducing heat on the interior, which is able to keep that water liquid."
"We think that Europa could have a very similar type of activity at its seafloor."
"There's got to be a ton of scientific interest in this, right?"
"We're going to get within 16 miles of the surface on some of these passes."
"Europa acts like a big propellant depot for us."
"It's really important for the habitability of Europa to have the ability to have that mixing."
"The Europa Clipper's real goal, the one that everyone is waiting for, is to use ice-penetrating radar to map the subsurface of Europa's ice shell, finally directly observing its still unconfirmed ocean."
"Europa remains its tantalizing, increasingly hospitable-seeming self."
"The Europa Clipper will be hard targeted on one objective: finding an ocean under the surface of Europa."
"Europa has more liquid water than the Earth does."
"Europa has more liquid water than the Earth does. There could well be life in Europa."
"Evidence is building that Europa and a lot of other worlds in the solar system are ice worlds."
"Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, scientists are almost sure that underneath its frozen surface there's an actual ocean of water."
"Jupiter's moon Europa is covered in a thick layer of ice, but underneath it is a vast ocean of water measuring up to 100 miles deep."
"We're talking now about the potential of Europa being a living world."
"This moon has a huge saltwater ocean with a depth of 40 to 100 miles."
"This year's Europa theme might be one of my favorites."
"Europa has an ocean of liquid water that's been liquid for billions of years."
"Consider that Europa could serve as a model for the billions of moons in the universe with liquid oceans."
"Under the surface of Europa is an ocean of water."
"Europa is entirely covered in water ice and below this water ice there is a global saltwater ocean."
"Europa is a very active body, which makes it very interesting."
"The ocean is 60 miles deep, so it's a lot of water on Europa."
"Europa's ocean is very unique in the solar system."
"The existence of vapor makes Europa a very promising candidate for possible life."
"Europa is interesting because it has these large scratch marks on the surface."
"Our goal is to explore Europa to investigate its potential habitability."
"Understanding Europa's composition, like these dark swatches, and trying to understand what they're made of and whether that stuff's coming from the ocean."
"We're not an orbiter; we were originally planning to go into orbit around Europa, but that's really expensive because of the radiation environment."
"We want to measure the magnetic field around Europa too, essentially repeat what Galileo did but do it a lot better with 45 flybys."
"We'll use infrared spectroscopy to understand what the chemical signature of the surface is like, where are there organic materials, where are there salts, what kind of salts, what kind of organic and other material."
"We know life can exist under the pressure of the deepest parts of Earth's seafloor; the pressure doesn't seem to be a limiting factor in allowing for life at Europa."
"If those oxygen-rich materials can get into Europa's ocean and if Europa has black smokers down below, then it would be a very favorable place for life in terms of chemical energy."
"There's more water in the oceans of Europa than there is in all of the oceans of the Earth combined."
"Europa could be a template for billions of moons out there that have liquid oceans on them."
"Scientists believe that Enceladus and Europa appear to have liquid oceans and hydrothermal activity under their respective ice crusts."
"The intrigue of the unknown prompts scientists and researchers to look beyond the gas giant itself to the mysterious moon Europa."
"Worlds like Europa present a great place to go and test these kinds of questions."
"If there's life at Europa, it would almost certainly be an independently evolved form of life."
"This discovery lends more credence to the idea that Europa could feasibly maintain some kind of alien life."