
Life Essentials Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"There's water and there's love. What else do you need?"
"Minimalism is a tool to eliminate life's excess, focus on the essentials, and find happiness, fulfillment, and freedom."
"Love and work are the only two things in life."
"Planets are really special places because they do concentrate complex molecules, elements, nutrients, and everything we need."
"Breathing: one of the most important life-sustaining tasks that you perform every minute of every day."
"Energy is essential for life itself. Without the energy we get from the food we eat, we die."
"Food brings so much comfort in our lives and it's basically the main ingredient that sustains life after water and air, so you might as well make it tasty and unforgettable."
"It's food, it's a basic requirement for life."
"We need to as a humanity unlock the science of water because it's the key of life."
"Money is like oxygen, the most important thing in the world."
"Plants need soil, fish need water, and humans need oxygen."
"Imagine what life would be if you didn't have an [__]. You wouldn't be able to poop."
"Life without coffee is that really a life at all?"
"It's truly heartwarming and nice to see people be able to upgrade their lives."
"We need Jesus more than we need the next breath of fresh air."
"I have food, I have shelter, I have a family who loves me, I have little sloths like you."
"Most of what matters in life is held together by healthy relationships, secure attachments, and trust."
"Money is the sixth sense without which full use of the other five is not possible."
"Money is the fuel that fuels your life. Without freedom of money, you have freedom of nothing."
"The greatest yearning of the human being after food is meaning."
"Property is something that, you know in life, there's two things that we're always going to need, and that's shelter and food. And shelter is property."
"God hung it in the sky for a reason... we've got to have it to live folks."
"Security is the number one asset next to God, period."
"Everything is synthesized in the Sunday, a reminder that we first come into this space with everything we truly need."
"You can't treat health care the same as you treat any other product because health care is vital to your life."
"Nothing is going to be better than your ability to eat."
"The importance of liquid water for life as we know it cannot be understated and all that comes with it."
"That's the only thing that's going to matter... that's all we have."
"Recognize the inhale and the exhale as a vital part of our life."
"Freedom is something that you can't give or take on a whim, and without it, there is no life."
"God designed the heart and the character and the things that truly matter to be the things of the earth."
"I just need to make it to 200 LP and I swear to God, it's all cupcakes and rainbows."
"Water is the source of life, without water mankind will not be here."
"The only thing that matters to me right now is my family... if you take away everything... the only thing that you really need is your immediate family."
"To be peaceful and happy is fundamental in life, isn't it?"
"Therefore I tell you, don't worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Isn't life more than food, and the body more than clothing?"
"Movement is life. Being able to go get food, being able to sanitize water, being able to go hunt."
"Personal development and relationship growth together are essential parts of life."
"Are you gonna ask her to pay for half the rent? Are you gonna deny her the basic things in life?"
"Life on Earth could not exist without water. So that's just the spirit of life being injected and then put on Earth. That's just... it what it could be."
"It's not enough to give people what they need to survive. They have to give them what they need to live."
"I think music and humor, I don't know where you'd be in life without those two things."
"What is life without chocolate? I'm not too sure but it wouldn't be too pleasant."
"You're going to be all right, ain't life more than bread and clothes?"
"Family, friends, and food are my fuel for joy."
"If you've got clean sheets to sleep on, a roof over your head, and you can eat any time you want to eat, you're rich."
"You need a really good bed and a really good pair of shoes because if you're not in one, you're in the other."
"Without nitrogen and phosphorus, there'd be no DNA, no proteins, no plants, no coral reefs, and no life on Earth."
"Arte Povera doesn't mean poor in the sense that is without money, but it is concentration in what is essential, what is the basic concept of life."
"Only in the wild can we confront the essentials of life with someone we can trust."
"Minimalism: A documentary about the important things."
"Never take for granted simple things: water, food, vision, sobriety."
"According to Dr. Sigmund Freud, the two most important things in life are love and work."
"I think the hardest thing to live without would be my freedom."
"25 bucks is a tank of gas, $25 is a meal, $25 is the difference between life and death for a lot of people."
"I need my heart to beat and I need to breathe; I cannot live without these."
"What do you need to get through life, see if you can pare it down to three to seven."
"The ability to breathe, the ability to live, feel, and communicate."
"I don't need a lot to be happy; there's just some core elements of things I need."
"I have food on the table, a house over my head, people who love me."
"Find something you couldn't live without."
"The main ingredient to life is water."
"This is my life, my food, my happiness, my lord, my everything."
"I feel like I carry my life with me in my purse."
"You realize quickly that you don't need all the stuff in your life."
"The most important thing we got down here is the breath."
"All you need in life is food, shelter, and water."
"The world needs this message more than they need food to eat, air to breathe or water to drink."
"People don't live with ideas; they live with food. But they don't live only with food; they live also with ideas."
"We rely on it so much for every aspect of life, from the air we breathe to the food we eat."
"We need one good health, that's a must, we need a good mind, and most of all, we need the freedom to choose."
"In this world, two things are essential: life and friendship. Both should be highly prized, and we must not undervalue them."
"Coffee is life, like Danny Roas says, football is life."
"Money is not the most important aspect of life, but without it, there is no life."
"Plants provide us with food, fiber, shelter, medicine, fuel; we need the oxygen thanks to plants that we have."
"I think there are these grounding things you need in your life."
"The only thing we have in life, no matter how poor we are or how rich we are, is time and energy."
"It's odd but interesting, and I almost feel like it's essential that everyone should have comedians in their life somehow."
"Don't worry about your life, for all that you need will be provided, such as food, water, clothing—everything your body needs."
"This insight is invaluable for understanding the building blocks of planetary systems and the distribution of water and organic molecules across the cosmos, elements that are essential for life as we know it."
"That's all we needed, and when you get back to basics, you think this is all I need in life."
"What we need is something that's a little bit more constant, a little more consistent because what we need goes more to the core."
"I've always had like my heart has always been out in the world. Traveling is like air and food and water to me; it feeds my soul."
"What does cooking mean to me? What is oxygen to the trees, what is honey to the bees? Everything."
"NPR is a lot like water; both are desperately needed by humans to live."
"Religion actually came for these: life, progeny, reason, and wealth."
"Faith and family... they're inseparable but they're also basic prerequisites for a good life."
"That's all you need in this world: great food and great people."
"I want a family, food, a home... I want water, electricity too for the home."
"Without food, you can't make life."
"I can't imagine life without a dog."
"The main thing you have to focus on is sleep, food, and water."
"Food is important, so important that you can say food is life."
"We all have a heartbeat, we all get up the same way, we all require food, air, and love."
"I have come to discover that what I need in life is not money, I need mercy."
"If you strip away all the complications and assets of modern-day life, perhaps this is all that really matters."
"I mean the bare necessities, that's why a bear can rest at ease with just the bare necessities of life."
"There are priorities in life, and food is one of them."
"I will never ever take for granted again turning on a tap and water just coming out of it."
"Water being the currency of life."
"Carbohydrates, sugars, are central to so much of life."
"Music would be oxygen to me; I can't even imagine a world without music."
"Let's just see truth and beauty, that's all we need."
"Protein's essential. It's as important as the air you breathe, the soil from which we plant the seeds."
"Plowing, fertilizing, and sowing the seed are the very basis of life."
"It's the primal thing, isn't it? It's like why have we been put on this planet not to chase these stupid dreams but actually just to live, to eat, to sustain ourselves, to share in that food, to feed family."
"The things that are most important about life is friendship."
"What is it that we really need? Is it money, or is it access to the necessities of life?"
"Everything comes down to food at some point."
"Water vapor represents a blanket more essential to the vegetable life of England than clothing is to man."
"That is all you need on a day like this."
"We need carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and the fundamental stuff that life can form from."
"We are literally born right; the creator gave us plants, food, water, and was like, have at it."
"All you need in life is patience, oh love, money, friends, a family, all that stuff, but patience is good."
"You don't need a lot to be happy, you don't need money to be happy."
"The smell of the book, it's what you need, it's what you need in your life."
"The things in your life that are necessary are always going to be there for your benefit."
"Laughter and bread go together, and wine gives sparkle to life, but it's money that makes the world go round."
"Those are the things that will keep you whole."
"Two important things in life: to love and be loved."
"Knowledge, wisdom, understanding, freedom, justice, equality, food, clothing, shelter, love, peace, and happiness."
"We spend over half of our lives in bed, so that's why we need bedding that lasts a lifetime."
"I feel like wine and cheese are the glue that holds my life together."