
Poverty Reduction Quotes

There are 233 quotes

"The best way to address wealth inequality is through creating an environment where being poor is statistically unlikely."
"We live in a world not just with a smaller proportion of extremely poor people but with a smaller number of them."
"Sixty percent of the world lived in extreme poverty when I was born. Today, it's less than 10 percent. That's the greatest achievement of any human generation ever."
"In that period, the planet has boomed. We've moved 90% reduced poverty, our climate-related mortality and debts has gone down around 90%, the GDP per capita across the world has gone up by a factor of seven."
"Before Social Security was created, about half of our nation's seniors were living in poverty. Today, that rate is just 8.9%."
"Social spending has achieved massive gains in literacy, health, and reducing poverty the world over."
"Absolute poverty between the year 2000 and 2012 was halved, three years ahead of what the UN had hoped would happen."
"We have reduced dramatically the number of people living in extreme poverty."
"Our goal here today is to look at how our key policy plans will dramatically reduce poverty and return Nigeria to a place of strategic relevance in a world that needs a thriving and well-governed Nigeria."
"Free markets have stopped people from starving. Only eight percent of people now live below the U.N. line for absolute poverty."
"China has overseen the most incredible economic growth in human history, going from one of the poorest countries on the planet to lifting more than 800 million people out of poverty."
"We have never in history, thanks to capitalism, had such a low poverty rate around the world relative to the world's population."
"For the first time in human history, poverty decreased from a child mortality rate of 74.5 percent in the 1730s and '40s to 31.8 percent in the 1810 to 1829 period."
"Across less than one human lifetime, more than a billion people have been lifted out of extreme grinding poverty."
"The social security program...led to massive decreases in poverty."
"We've made so much progress in the last 200 years, from 95% poverty to less than 10%. But in the last five years, we're going the wrong way."
"The fact that extreme poverty has been plummeting is one of the greatest things that's ever happened."
"The capitalist system...has raised around a half of people around the world who were suffering from absolute poverty out of absolute poverty in the first decade of this century alone."
"We have seen an 80% reduction in world poverty since 1990 alone."
"There will be less poverty, so if you vote in favor of my proposal, remember, it's much bigger, 25% bigger, the American economy in terms of income and wealth and capacity to do all kinds of good things."
"But when you chip away at these union created rules and regulations that protect these workers from exploitation, you actually increase poverty and misery in a real and measurable way."
"Since the reforms in China ushered in in the late 1970s, somewhere between 400 million and half a billion people have moved out of poverty."
"We've lifted more people out of abject poverty in the last 15 years than in the entire course of human history."
"China has achieved initial prosperity, 850 million Chinese have shaken off poverty, and hundreds of millions have joined the middle-income group. Such achievements are nothing but a miracle in the development of mankind."
"Half the world has been lifted out of desperate poverty over the last thirty years, thanks to the rise of free trade and capitalism."
"He spoke at great length about tax breaks and financial supports for families...to help them come out of poverty, to make the idea of having larger families attractive, and altogether to reduce poverty and increase the general well-being."
"Nowadays, people in poverty are so much better off than they were 30 years ago."
"200 years ago, 90 percent of the world's population subsisted in extreme poverty. Today, fewer than 10 percent of people do."
"The Chinese government has implemented the most successful poverty reduction program in world history, helping to lift 800 million people out of poverty."
"China alone represents nearly 3/4 of the entire world's extreme poverty reduction since 1981."
"Hundreds of millions of people are dragged out of extreme poverty in this period."
"We have to allow human beings to step up the energy density ladder so that they can address their absolute privation."
"Reducing poverty certainly worth trying to do something about."
"Interrupt the cycles of poverty and violence."
"The quickest way to end poverty is to put money in people's pockets. It's that simple."
"Our plan would lift 12 million Americans out of poverty and cut child poverty in half."
"The growth of China is often viewed in the context of what it did for the Chinese people which was obviously fantastic bringing hundreds of millions of people out of poverty."
"The expanded child tax credit is being called a measure that could potentially cut child poverty nearly in half."
"I think the popularity of a policy that helps tens of millions of people not live in poverty is a very good way of determining how valuable something is in a Democratic Society."
"The world is divided into pessimists and optimists... Abundance predicts a world where we will end poverty in 20 years."
"We lifted nearly 7 million Americans out of poverty, including nearly 1.2 million African Americans."
"Children need to know where their next check is coming from. If we can reduce poverty, we can reduce crime."
"Black poverty levels are the lowest ever recorded in the history of our country."
"What would a 3.5 trillion dollar anti-poverty plan mean to you?"
"Modern economies are doing a damn good job of lifting people rapidly out of abject poverty."
"Poverty among children in America falling by 61 percent."
"The more you pull people out of poverty, the more you reduce criminality."
"1 million people have been lifted out of poverty."
"We will substantially reduce our childhood poverty rate by expanding the child tax credits so that families continue to receive monthly direct payments of up to three hundred dollars per child."
"Ethiopia's GDP has multiplied tenfold in 25 years, poverty has been halved, and educational enrolment has markedly increased."
"In my first three years, we lifted 6.6 million people out of poverty, the largest poverty reduction of any president in American history."
"Look at this chart...from 1990 all the way down to 2015, particularly take a look at poverty which has dropped down to below a 30 percent global rate."
"Expanding the child tax credit will go a very long way to reduce child poverty in America."
"If we want to be successful in addressing poverty, hunger, malnutrition, we have to work with women."
"The child tax credit as you mentioned would reduce child poverty almost by 50 um, 45 to 50 percent by some estimates."
"We are going to lift a million people out of poverty."
"800 million people out of extreme poverty, astonishing achievement."
"Capitalism is the only thing that has elevated billions of people out of poverty."
"Many fewer children are dying, many fewer families are living in extreme poverty."
"China lifted 800 million people out of extreme poverty. That is an incredible accomplishment."
"He doubled the number of people who had quality education, he shrunk poverty in half, he reduced the murder rate in half."
"Dependency on government was going down, poverty was going down before this program was ever put in."
"It's not a question about whether or not China should develop. China has to develop in order to lift more people out of poverty."
"A market economy ... has been an unbelievable engine for lifting people out of poverty."
"The evidence is overwhelming that it had an incredible impact on poverty."
"Marriage reduces child poverty by two-thirds."
"Ending abject poverty is literally on the ballot in 2020."
"The only time on this planet where more and more people are getting out of poverty is because of that one word capitalism."
"Markets in the ideal sense are the greatest wealth creating engine and poverty elimination machine in world history."
"It's because the socialist government raised people out of poverty, made literacy a thing, raised their literacy, also built millions of housing apartments for their homeless, everybody healthcare. So, and we can't have that."
"We lifted 6.6 million people out of poverty, which is a record."
"China's socialist system has raised millions out of poverty."
"Providing a monthly universal payment to families with children has been shown to be really effective in reducing the rate of childhood poverty."
"Home ownership is the number one factor that drives people from poverty to the middle class."
"China's recent poverty alleviation record has fundamentally transformed the consumption possibilities of very low-income people."
"This man was making the mostly 90% Indian population of Bolivia, bringing 60% of the people out of poverty."
"Capitalism is extremely anti-racist since it's done more to lift people out of poverty, lift nonwhite people out of poverty than than any other of its competitors."
"We eradicated poverty for like a month during the pandemic."
"Under Lula's leadership, Brazil lifted 36 million Brazilians out of extreme poverty."
"You can't have 100 million people living in poverty. The more you put people out of poverty, the more you reduce criminality."
"Raising the minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour would pull fifty percent of black Americans out of poverty would have these all these amazing downstream effects."
"We've got to zero in on poverty and the empowerment of workers."
"President Johnson set in motion his Great Society."
"From 1981 to 2001...absolute poverty in the developing world dropped from 40 to 21 percent."
"The future of money, specifically how developments in payment technologies could transform our economy."
"Globalization has been incredibly efficient in eliminating poverty."
"If you want less poverty, increase freedom, increase ease of transactions, increase ease of starting and release less regulation on a business."
"Lula brought 40 million people out of poverty."
"Basic income conceptually is the idea that as a society we are better off when nobody is in a situation of desperation."
"We're moving rapidly towards a post-poverty world economy."
"It really is about China picking itself up out of poverty... and helping other nations do likewise."
"China's system, whatever you want to say about their system, it has raised more people out of poverty than any other system in the world."
"We in America today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of this land."
"The world has never been better. Poverty has fallen from three-quarters to less than 10% in my lifetime."
"We've lifted out a tremendous number of people from poverty; it's capitalism that did that."
"In the next rescue plan, we are able to take a major step forward in lowering child poverty."
"The only way that poverty can be eliminated, the only way people could be brought up to the standard of living of the industrialized country is by greatly increasing global per-capita energy."
"We tried it, we did it in the American Rescue Plan, it reduced poverty 50%."
"You know, from that perspective where your whole life, you and your family's entire existence has been mired in absolute poverty, and then suddenly you can afford to get a mobile phone or you can afford to buy clean water."
"It's more important to invest in this and... save a lot of people from being in poverty."
"If you massively reduce poverty, you will massively reduce the number of crimes and the number of criminals. There's no doubt about it."
"In fairness to China and its leadership, they have made more progress in addressing extreme poverty than any country in the history of civilization."
"A monumental achievement: 850 million people freed from abject want in just 40 years."
"Giving people money reduces poverty. That's what we found out and now 74 percent of Americans are for cash relief during this pandemic in 2020."
"We lifted nearly seven million Americans out of poverty, including nearly 1.2 million African Americans."
"Poverty took a huge plunge mostly because of food stamps."
"Poverty came down more than at any point in 60 years."
"African American poverty has plummeted to the lowest rate ever recorded."
"The path to a more sustainable ecology is by making people less poor."
"Child poverty was temporarily cut in half in this country because of the government support being offered to families."
"It can lead to reducing poverty, reducing risks of war, and improving the planet."
"The child tax credit program has kept up to 3 million kids out of poverty just by the payments."
"Since 2010, there are two million fewer people living in poverty thanks to the actions of this and previous conservative government."
"We were able to reduce child poverty by 46 percent in six months."
"We've gone from 90% poor to less than 10% poor in 200 years. This is phenomenal."
"The child tax credit reduced child poverty by 46% in 2021."
"The child tax credit has been critically important in reducing child poverty, reduced it by 46%, and that's amazing."
"International Trade has been beneficial to the poor in the case of Indonesia."
"The number of people in extreme poverty has declined by more than a billion people since I was born."
"There are 1 million fewer people in absolute poverty today, a record low."
"Such growth has enabled China, on average, to double its GDP every 8 years and has helped raise an estimated 800 million people out of poverty."
"Over a billion people escaped extreme poverty, which is the greatest thing that's ever happened in the world."
"Cash transfers are only one way to approach the problem, but they are incredibly effective and could be the most useful tool for radically reducing global poverty that we've seen yet."
"Bangladesh has achieved one of the fastest poverty reduction rates in the world."
"Since 1990 the number of people living in extreme poverty has dropped by more than half: from 2 billion to less than 1 billion."
"If we change the narrative that we have in the United States around being poor... we could potentially reduce poverty and create more or greater income equality throughout the United States."
"We saw child poverty cut by nearly half in a single year thanks to the Child Tax Credit."
"Financial inclusion is considered a key factor in poverty reduction."
"Child poverty decreased by 30% in 2021."
"It resulted in a massive reduction in child poverty."
"740 million people moved out of poverty... the largest success in anti-poverty ever in a 40-year span of time."
"Reducing inequality by just one percent a year would lift more people out of poverty than increasing economic growth by one percent above the current forecast."
"This massive increase in wealth brought many of Africa's countries out of relative poverty and into the middle income class of the world."
"If it were the case that capitalism is capable of taking 850 million people out of poverty, then that's not such a bad system."
"The population living below the poverty line is getting smaller and smaller year after year."
"The lowest poverty rates for African-Americans in American history."
"We need to make sure that capitalism is working to decrease poverty."
"The development of agriculture will be instrumental in addressing poverty reduction and promoting food security."
"Our current social safety net pulls tens of millions of people out of poverty every year."
"Rapid economic growth plus reduction of poverty to under 30% equals better quality of life for all Rwandans."
"The fraction of the world's population that lives on less than one dollar a day has fallen from about 30 percent in 1970 to about 5% today."
"India has almost wiped out extreme poverty; the percentage of people living in extreme poverty in India is only 0.8 percent now."
"We have just witnessed China move 300 million people out of poverty in 30 years."
"The rate at which people are getting out of poverty tells us that our strategy is actually working."
"Capitalism took 400 million people out of poverty."
"We have more than halved the number of people living in extreme poverty in this century alone."
"Poverty will not be wiped out, but it will come down to more manageable numbers."
"The growth that we have achieved so far has reduced poverty by about 11%."
"The number of abjectly impoverished people, the number of people living on less than a dollar a day, has been cut in half, and that, damn it, is progress."
"Absolute poverty would be almost gone if third-world governments had adopted decent economic policies fifty years ago."
"The one guy in the history of all the chief economist at the World Bank who has actually been part of the lifting out of poverty of 600 million people."
"If you really care about the environment, you should try and lift people out of poverty."
"Poverty went down dramatically in the 1950s basically because of economic growth."
"Your goal as an econ should be to make everyone as rich as possible, eliminate poverty to the utmost of extent."
"We managed to reduce the level of people who lived in poverty during the last 20 years from almost 50% to 5.5%."
"We should be really careful in combining our ambition to reach development goal grows high employment and poverty reduction with our affordability under current circumstances."
"I'm more interested in those countries that are eliminating corruption, are trying to follow the rule of law, and most importantly, if they're bringing their people up out of poverty."
"Our government has lifted 2.3 million Canadians out of poverty."
"Human capital as the key in reducing poverty and addressing inequality."
"The progress made around the world with providing everybody alive with an adequate supply of food, reducing the incidence of mass famine, reducing hunger, and the worst food poverty in the world has been extraordinary."
"South Korea has experienced remarkable success in combining rapid economic growth with significant reductions in poverty."
"If we don't adapt, we threaten to rollback decades of progress in reducing poverty and improving economic growth."
"The number of people living in absolute poverty is lower, 1.7 million fewer people."
"There are now 300,000 fewer children in absolute poverty compared to 2010."
"The poverty rate in Canada has been cut in half."
"We are grateful for the commitment made by our development partners to reduce poverty in the Republic of South Sudan."
"The American Recovery Plan... cut childhood poverty in half."
"We've cut the child poverty rate in half since 2016."
"We've actually passed infrastructure, we've expanded healthcare, we've cut child poverty in half."
"In the past 30 years, we have decreased extreme poverty from over 50 percent to less than 9 globally."
"Those same drivers that have caused the creation of wealth... have fundamentally driven hundreds of millions and billions of people out of extreme poverty."
"The number of people living in extreme poverty has been cut from nearly 40% of humanity to under 10%."
"Self-efficiency... leads to moderate development and also includes a decrease in poverty."
"Increasing the rate of progressive income tax can reduce the government's budget deficit and decrease the amount of poverty."
"Free trade... promotes growth, it promotes better jobs, it raises more people out of poverty."
"Poverty levels are lower for all individuals and for children than the UK average."
"The Millennium Development Goals were set in 2000 with the aim to cut world poverty in half by 2015."
"We've now moved about 50,000 people from an average income of about two dollars and 20 cents a day to over four times that."
"The number of people living in poverty went down in a non-trivial way."
"Its stated mission is working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world."
"We're talking about the country that has engineered history's most miraculous poverty reduction program ever."
"The child tax credit helped cut child poverty in half last year."
"We have lifted over 2.3 million Canadians out of poverty since coming into government."
"GDP growth originating in agriculture is two to four times more effective in reducing poverty than growth generated outside agriculture."
"The World Trade Organization wants to get rid of poverty, abandon protectionist attitudes, stabilize the economy, and help trade blocs function."
"Economic growth is a powerful force in reducing poverty."
"A 1% increase in GDP per capita results in poverty reduction of 1.7%."
"It's even better for the economy if there's a broad base of consumers who are not poor."
"Poverty was reduced in the 1960s."
"Hear me out on this. By giving education to women and girls, we could drastically reduce poverty around the world."