
Content Updates Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"The game needs to be relevant, and the way he can do that is by producing constant updates."
"The idea that 'oh well, it's old content, get the [__] out of here,' you should have to go through the raids and then do that."
"We're looking to add more powers and more randomized modifiers to the runs."
"I think Animal Crossing New Horizons is done bringing you substantial content for free. I think three years of updates means one year of big content additions and two years of holidays getting small tweaks."
"Make sure to sub to captainsparklez2 on YouTube, hit the bell."
"All post-launch heroes, maps, weapons, and vehicles will be free for everyone who owns Star Wars Battlefront 2."
"To get all the latest FIFA 21 news and content, make sure you subscribe to this channel."
"Our games are now living worlds with 3D crowds, dynamic sidelines, and daily streams of new content."
"Only four 6v6 maps four months into the game's life cycle isn't really a whole lot of post launch content."
"Subscribe, let us know if you want to see more of this, let us know what you want to see on Game Linked, and we'll see you soon."
"The idea of creating a more persistent Universe for live content to live in so that they can just keep updating the game world with expansions instead of having to recreate a whole new set of Worlds and characters."
"The devs absolutely support the game with big new content added every single quarter."
"The dawn of downloadable content gave developers the power to continue working on a game post-release ostensibly this should have been a win-win for both them and players alike."
"There's obviously a lot of cut content that's made it into the DLC, which is really nice to see."
"There's something new every time you come and play Sea of Thieves."
"Every three months for new story content? That's crazy good!"
"We've seen plenty of companies and groups use mysteries and alternate reality games as some sort of marketing tool."
"More awesome videos will be on the way, so stay tuned to Anime America."
"We've got a ton more content coming your way and we'd love for you to come along for the ride."
"That's just going to be kind of surreal if we're actually getting like new content of Suge just talking about [__] every week."
"Free DLC is gonna be a big part of the Fallout 76 experience."
"New rank rewards, new content, so much information. Super excited to go through this!"
"Of course, we will have big updates daily, guys. So don't forget to subscribe for daily updates."
"Destiny is at its best when you have new desirable things to pursue."
"I can't wait to see what these new uploads have in store."
"Hopefully that means narrative updates, side content, minor features, and just stuff that actually builds out the world."
"Did you consider when you added all this cool stuff to repentance possibly also adding items that are good instead of bad?"
"If you want to be up-to-date on all of the new Lifestyle Ninja videos on how to make money online, click those notification bells."
"Do not fall in love with potential, it is a trap."
"We're gonna get new quest lines finally, it's been a while we had Mama May and Billy's story and lately there wasn't that much so we will get two in the next."
"I recommend going back to Warframe if you stop playing the game... at the very least to check out some of the new story content."
"We're slowly going through all the old gameplay content and refreshing them."
"This game to this day is still getting new content after all these years."
"all of this should have been available at launch i'll even be as bold as to say that whatever we get in the next major content update should have also been for free on launch"
"whatever we get in the next major content update should have also been for free on launch"
"We're not getting a brand new Mario Kart game at all... we are still getting Mario Kart content with 24 brand new courses."
"There's always going to be new content changes in-game, whatever it takes, and by the way, it's all free after launch."
"If any other heist is added and not the White House, then that's it for consoles."
"I just hope that whenever new content gets released there's at least a version of the content that a casual player can approach and do."
"Everything our community has begged for in terms of giving us engaging content is right here. Don't miss out on weekly content updates including guaranteed team of the season rest of the world SBC's!"
"The future of Classic is in question right now, Xramis is out and there's no more new content once you kill Kel'thuzad you've cleared the hardest raid in the game."
"Every single time you come back to play Diablo 4, there's going to be new stuff for you to experience."
"They're really stepping up their content pace with the main game."
"Make sure that that notification bell is hit because also check this out we're checking out these updates from a variety of perspectives."
"Blizzard knows how to keep their game fresh."
"I can't believe we're getting a stuff pack again."
"The seasonal structure is changing - variety is the spice of life."
"I like this game a lot. It's a fun game and they're adding more content to it."
"Next season is going to be incredible but if you want to find out about even more things that have been removed in the history of Fortnite that most people forgot about you can click on screen here to see it all."
"When you're subscribed, you get a notification anytime we add content."
"It's growing fast there's a whole six-month road map planned out 16 champions being added every month lots to get stuck into."
"The lack of a traditional season pass means post-launch multiplayer maps will be released for free."
"There's more content that will be coming out soon that will ramp up to the launch some of it we have not talked about yet but it's really exciting."
"Let me know what you guys think in the comments... I will keep you updated as this continues to unfold."
"Definitely subscribe to the channel tap that notification bell so that you are the first to know as soon as I release new videos and updates."
"I'm just excited to open new stuff every week."
"If you guys do enjoy this sort of content and wish to stay up to date with the channel, please do consider pressing that subscription button alongside the bell notification."
"I was supposed to have a FIFA Rose Rory video today, not a World Cup won either a regular one but for some reason I can't log on to FIFA."
"Thanks for watching, thanks for sitting through this update, and I'll have more for you in the coming weeks so I'll see you on the flip side."
"Subscribe to our YouTube channel just to stay up to date with our latest video uploads."
"We'll definitely try to keep them coming frequently with a hopeful goal of releasing one per month or at least every other month."
"Make sure you hit that bell so you get all notifications when we go live."
"I still think there's a good chance that they will announce upcoming plans for more content."
"This game is still getting updates and adding new content, so it's not quite finished yet."
"Will we see new gameplay? Well, it would really disappoint everybody if we just showed the same thing."
"The game will continue to evolve with new content throughout the year."
"I expect to play dragonfly casually as the major content patches drop."
"A dying light has been alive for four years now... they keep putting meaningful worthwhile content in it."
"That's the same with every game, is that it'll go up and down based off of when content gets released. That's the way it goes. It makes perfect sense, man."
"I'm making another video here because there have been a lot of developments that have happened."
"Having a set subscription fee for a Call of Duty game could guarantee a lot more money and it would also in theory... guarantee a lot more frequent updates and a lot more content."
"Instead of announcing Mario Kart 9, Nintendo reveals more Mario Kart 8 DLC... Mario Kart 8 bro is Nintendo's cash cow."
"They really want to move things along pretty quickly in this expansion and ensure we have a steady stream of content to enjoy."
"Thanks so much for watching and be sure and click the subscribe button to get all the latest fiber flux video updates."
"You bet we're going to continue updating and re-launching it in the future."
"This channel is changing. Stay tuned till the end of this video."
"Some people just click on videos and they don't realize it's important why? Because you get updates."
"Make sure you subscribe and stay up to date on all the latest content, and I look forward to talking to you again very soon."
"Make sure you do and hit the bell so you get the notifications of all the new videos that we upload because you never know what the Hales we're gonna find."
"Be sure to subscribe and press that bell icon for all the latest updates."
"If that sounds like something you might be interested in, of course, subscribe to the channel so you don't miss out on any future uploads."
"And if you want to see more like this, remember to subscribe and hit the bell to get notified when I post new content."
"Make sure that you subscribe down below and hit the bell notification so that you don't miss all the useful videos that are going to be out very very soon."
"We're updating the blog articles at least twice a week; we're updating our videos at least three times a week, so there's always fresh new content."
"Make sure you stay subscribed, turn on that bell notifications so you get notified when I come out with cool awesome content just like this one here today."
"Don't forget to hit the bell so you don't miss post notification updates every time I upload."
"Stay tuned, always more videos coming down the pipe."
"If you're new here, go ahead and subscribe so you never miss an upload from me."