
Project Management Quotes

There are 3218 quotes

"I look at Yandere Simulator like an incomplete jigsaw puzzle."
"A project is defined as a temporary organization that is created for the purpose of delivering one or more business products according to an agreed business case."
"Effective communication both within the project team and with external stakeholders is crucial for project success."
"A professional project manager must understand the importance of stakeholders in a project."
"At the 75% mark in every project that I do, I reach this point where I think I have no idea what I'm doing."
"Every time I've embarked on a project where I thought 'I know how to do this,' I have screwed it up."
"Rules and regulations can add to the time or expense of a project; of course, those rules are there for a reason."
"The interesting detail about Anna's secondary projects is that they were seemingly founded before Anna Up's own channel was."
"A project is a series of tasks that need to be completed to reach a desired outcome, requiring collaboration and careful planning."
"Project management is critical to the success of projects both big and small."
"Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to meet the project requirements and achieve the desired outcome."
"Project management is valuable to businesses because it helps ensure that a project delivers the expected outcomes, both on time and within budget."
"The real magic in GTD is the ability for it to resurface important projects in your life."
"The best way to showcase those [skills] is to create a project on your own without help and then you want to create some sort of portfolio that markets this project."
"Late is just for a little while; suck is forever."
"People have these unrealistic expectations when it comes to long-term projects... the truth is, it's a lot of work."
"In the data space... asking the right question is one of the best things that you'll do for your data project."
"I do all the legwork, I spend all the time, and you guys get the best projects that you should be looking at each day."
"In the throes of development, nothing is absolute. It's an act of constant compromise with the team, the schedule, the budget, and the technology."
"I would motivate my team in three ways. First of all, through a thorough brief at the start of the project. Secondly, by laying out the required standards of the project from the get-go. And thirdly, by communicating with them and also supporting them periodically throughout the project duration."
"Every project I have has to have a charitable component or cause to it."
"If you want to get into such projects, at least 20 years there must be a commitment to create a stable situation."
"I love projects like this, ones where I'm kind of stumped on where to begin."
"One of the biggest reasons I see programmers hate Scrum is they're on a project, and they need to refactor or something like that... and now they have to surface that, or they feel like they have to surface that to the management, and they get into this whole arguing match."
"It's called the Kanban Method and it's employed by teams everywhere around the world to get all sorts of huge projects done."
"It was wildly successful from our perspective at that time, and so, yeah, people put their body and soul into trying to do everything to it in those three months to maximize our opportunity to create a great special product."
"Emily Warren Roebling...essentially became the project manager of the Brooklyn Bridge."
"This whole experience has been sort of eye-opening from a standpoint of improving our workflow in a meaningful way that reduces everyone's time investment in a project."
"It's a whole science behind it. You need a good team."
"Work hard, dig deep, accept criticism and do everything you need to do to instill trust in both you and your project again."
"Some animated sequences can be very complex and require lots of layers, so we can use compositions as a way to focus on particular sequences, organize, and manage a project."
"We're going to be using a combination of SAS and Astro and scope styling."
"If you're going to sort of go that next step and get into bigger projects, SAS can help with the architecture of your projects."
"The stream is really an overview of how this system allows for efficient and flexible project setup, emphasizing the use of SAS, custom utilities, and a streamlined workflow."
"On larger projects where you sort of need to Wrangle and keep things under control, I find using SAS still is so much easier."
"Steve Jobs wanted the project to be kept so secretive that even the people chosen for the team didn’t know what they were working on."
"Every project that I'm given, I think that, at the end, I'm going to elevate it."
"An online business manager is in charge of organizing projects and then telling the executive or the business owner, 'Okay, next you need to do this. Now focus on this. Now we need to contact this person.'"
"We underestimated the scale and complexity of the issues. We ignored the signals about the need for additional time to refine the game on the base last-gen console. It was the wrong approach and against our business philosophy."
"One of the most challenging things about making Destiny... those two ideas hate each other with every core of their being."
"Passing a build feels amazing, thanks to our team's hard work."
"Doing this sort of stuff will dramatically help you keep your project organized."
"With the launch set for 2015, they didn't really have too much time to come up with something revolutionary, so they didn't."
"9.1 is soon TM honestly it's when it's ready."
"No, that was the good idea and if we can't do that good idea, we're not going to do something else."
"Balancing internal and external perspectives is crucial for project success."
"And I realized that it's not having the world's biggest YouTube channel, it's being proud of the projects that I put out and having full say in how I spend my time."
"GTA 1 is still my reference point when people talk about the importance or not of polish time, of post production on projects."
"Failing and being proud of the project isn't failing."
"Ideas are energizing and spicy, but they are nowhere near as important as actually seeing something through to its execution."
"Naw, man, I'm not worried about it. We're going to work with it." - David
"What Asynchronous JavaScript does is it allows you to break down bigger projects into smaller tasks."
"You can actually create headings within a project."
"You could just tell that Matt Stone and Trey Parker put so much work into these projects."
"I have confidence in that—I've been working as a project manager for IBM."
"Every project is different, it has its own needs."
"I was actually very surprised, maybe we could use this for future projects."
"It's completely free to use for smaller projects if you do need more space you only have to pay for the specific features you need."
"We propose unlimited extensions and if... maybe end up on two or three or maybe one. But that is by far those two trips if you gotta insist on those two perfect I love that it's great."
"Always save your project first thing and always save while you go."
"When you don't take the time to do it right, you're not gonna be happy with the results."
"You just have to be careful allowing the creative ambitions of the project to outweigh protecting yourself technically."
"There's powerful blogging tools to showcase your project photos, videos, and progress updates."
"What quality of developer are you getting behind these projects?"
"Biden is losing almost every major issue concerning American voters."
"Developers need to recognize how client interactions impact the development process."
"That's what you gain with experience. You know when I couldn't have done this project when it was in my 20s or 30s, I just was not mature enough."
"I think we're pretty much done rebuilding the pizzeria."
"The end result is not good, it’s more or less exactly what you would expect, but it exists and was delivered on time, and that alone is something of a miracle."
"Their first rehearsal took place on January the 13th, 1969... in the basement of Fulham Palace Cafe."
"Everybody wants the best that they do with their given resources."
"The games are actually finished like say a month beforehand and then we can actually get about our work... without having to worry about whether our work is going to be nullified."
"You've got to get to here so that nine can pick up where we need it to go."
"How we can do it so we have I think that we should be pulling which I did say this in the first rogue theory where I brought these all up that we should combine both the 2015 issue and the 1980s issue."
"What's next? Alright, you know I mentioned before if you wanted to have a navigation of some sort..."
"Unless a meteor strikes the office, this game is not getting delayed."
"It's interesting like we kind of where we are at is we're chasing these big huge projects that are super exciting."
"Overall the project, it's kind of what I expected. I mean, we sat here and we get some prediction on what we thought was gonna be but I was pleased. It lived up to what I thought it would be. It wasn't a letdown."
"This project was a success in every possible regard."
"React makes it much easier to work on projects with teams."
"Actual subway and train travel, wall running, barber shops, full-body customization, the flathead robot companion, vehicle customization, third-person cutscenes, all were floated at some point, all were cut out of the game at some point."
"The first step of any project is to grossly underestimate its complexity and difficulty."
"This is still good, yep again it's experience, right? I don't want them to just blow this thing up because they rush through it."
"Let the AI pick the top level projects and see where life takes you."
"Don't get distracted by flashy project types."
"Each of them were kind of hot to land and required like a lot of clever navigation to try to get it done in time."
"Andrew, our editor, can start cracking away at that and we can start going back and forth on some of those because it will be pretty long when it will be Apollo versus Artemis."
"Collaboration in project management is as important as project deliverables... Trust, respect, and willingness among teams."
"Team by boosting the morale of the team, a project manager sends a clear message that they care about the well-being of the team and want to see them excel in their respective fields."
"When the work was done after a point of time becomes irrelevant to an extent where neither the customer is happy nor the work put in yields any returns, this phenomenon is known as gold plating."
"If there's no desire or budget to actually change the project and release the work at the end of the sprint, the backlog actually hurts you more than it helps you."
"Your scrum backlog may actually be an indication that you should be using a waterfall project."
"Estimates and acceptance criteria on all the user stories."
"Measure the impact of the sprint's features you just released before you start building onto them."
"Remove features that aren't turning out to be as valuable as people hoped."
"Regardless of Peter's lies, project Milo really utilized state-of-the-art technology."
"It didn't happen overnight, okay? It required a lot of time and preparation."
"This was a risk on the part of Sony, this was a huge undertaking for the guys at Guerilla Games."
"Most of my projects were taken from the very initial concept sketches all the way through to the opening day."
"A practical understanding of the underlying philosophy and principles of agile PM."
"Scrum methodology divides work into smaller cycles known as sprints, ensuring continuous improvement."
"ScrumBan methodology combines the best of both Scrum and Kanban principles for continuous improvement and visibility."
"The only actual delay announcement this week was for Saints Row...so this is not in response to that, this is just more dev time to finish and polish the game."
"Peek is an excellent tool for doing documentation of your projects."
"Putting a project down does not mean it's gone forever."
"I want to connect some of the best projects in the world through amazing art. I want to give things that are fun that people remember and enjoy."
"I can't stress enough how important a timeline is."
"Generate detailed cost estimates for your project."
"Don't hesitate to do projects this year it's the wrong mentality you're going to look back and go 'oh I wasted a perfectly good year to get something done.'"
"Security is very, very important when it comes to these cryptocurrency projects."
"The ultimate goal of Versus Heroes is to become a true community-governed project."
"The film, which looks like a particularly well-made university project, has a budget of six million dollars."
"Lead in with those principles, you have a better final product."
"Quality over quantity: focus on projects with potential."
"Big thanks to our team here at the Command Zone."
"Every single project starts on what we call initiating process. Initiating process, basically when you start a project, it doesn't matter which kind of project you're talking, you start by developing the project charter."
"Remember one thing here, plan quality. Here you are setting how your quality will be. Here, you're managing the results that I'm getting from here are reasonable in terms of quality."
"Your project will face changes, 100% sure of that. There is no way what you estimate will happen perfectly."
"Let's take a step back and take a look at the development of off."
"You gotta really be okay with it. You have to really have confidence that it's going to come together."
"I really don't even look at it as a race against other projects. I just know what it takes to build something meaningful and I'm willing to do it."
"Producer essentially creates the team who will make the game."
"Usually the director is like the artistic boss of the project."
"A key step to achieving this is the Topia Design Project."
"This is what fueled our energy through the entire project."
"She gets to kind of do what she wants with this project."
"Option C is correct because breaking the project into logical segments and regularly assessing students progress helps them successfully manage their time."
"Knowing your guiding principles helps you establish your goals which helps you establish your projects which helps you know what to do day to day it's all connected."
"Your new project might come with surprises – good or bad – but every challenge is an opportunity for transformation."
"Now we get to work. Okay, this is one of my favorite parts."
"The number one most important thing when it comes to crypto projects is trust."
"A delayed game is eventually good, a rushed game is forever bad."
"Follow the MVP model: How do we get this up as quickly as we can with the least amount of time?"
"Reminder guys, I'm treating this almost as a dress rehearsal for DM2 because that likely will be in the next leg."
"A delayed game is temporary; a rushed game is bad forever."
"Hunt Down the Freeman was an unmitigated disaster yet at the same time it was an unparalleled feat."
"We pulled out seven applications in six months. You can do it too."
"Alright, so that's a pretty good stopping place for the cookie trees. Everything's drying, and then it should all come together when it's dry."
"These are not locked in stone as changes and there is still time to move things around."
"No in fact it's being said internally that the devs are being told to lock in their features get it fixed and ship it out."
"The team did an amazing job responding to the feedback... all the great feedback we had."
"It's such a bummer. They had it in the palm of their hands and they messed it up." - Gerard
"They just fumbled it, they dropped the ball."
"But as I completed the game earlier this year, I couldn't help but think how, how did they get here, how did they pull it off?"
"The game was chopped at and added to for years."
"The goal...is to do one thing at a time so that you can iterate and figure out easily what's stable, what's unstable."
"With so many cooks in the kitchen, it's honestly shocking that anything ever gets made."
"Babylon's fall was shaping up to be quite the flop and it felt like there was no shot in the game getting delayed at this point."
"I've definitely overestimated the speed at which things will be done."
"Life is good, little busy... making great progress with Midnight, great progress with XE, great progress with Reflect..."
"Failed projects are the best test case scenarios that help you grow significantly."
"It's a process, so we started before COVID. We hoped the building would already be finished today."
"Currently overtime should be only be kept to personal excitement and passion for a project rather than it being mandatory to finish work on a given title."
"Feature creep appeals to emotion like a great salesman."
"If we work on a real project, then we want to prevent that our program can just crash."
"Productivity actually being boosted by having more projects to work on because then you can alternate between one thing and the other."
"Lightwave can be an absolute success if it's tackled properly."
"I think going forward, a better move from a lot of these people that are creating these NFT projects is, look, you can lay out potential roadmaps, but stop promising what you're going to do for people."
"If the bureau had stepped back, not focused on the endpoint, and taken in the whole picture during construction, then maybe they would have seen a dangerous situation they were creating."
"Please take a deep dive into this project file."
"These were like almost two years of work between start and delivery of these rockets, and we're almost out."
"The slab was actually in remarkable shape so I had to clean up a little bit and the cracks here on top and a couple more on the front but other than that it was a really solid slab which made this build go really smooth."
"What a disaster right but there's a couple of things that you need to realize when you think about the original sin to this is 120 our game that was made in two years time so that is I think quite an achievement of the team."
"The phrase 'too many cooks spoils the broth' exists for a reason."
"The more people you have fighting for control over a project, the worse the end product becomes as it lacks any kind of consistent vision."
"The game's been in full production for two to three, maybe even four years."
"The worst stories are so good for these projects."
"If no one was interested in Project Feline, I don't think Screen Australia would have even considered funding the game."
"The first thing I do when I work on a project is hit the bug list and just start solving bugs... I just go in and I just do all the terrible crap work nobody wants to do."
"It's a serious project when you're building a mock to play in a mock."
"We don't like to work on deadlines, we just try to make progress, and uh it'll be done when it's done."
"I figure we should kick off this devlog by talking about it and see what went wrong."
"Just because I'm so busy with other stuff and, you know, we finally had to take the video on, my video we produced and yeah, you directed it yourself and then edited it. Yeah, crazy. Thank you."
"But when you put five years into development of a project and at a core level it just isn't fun that means you really, really messed up along the way."
"I think it's ready. I don't know what could possibly go wrong."
"Most companies use a lot of other communication tools beyond GitHub, like Slack, Discord, or JIRA."
"It's disappointing on one hand but it means it'll be better if they know this far out."
"The biggest enemy in getting stuff done is perfection. Do that at the end. Fix it at the end."
"One of the elements so often overlooked in projects is the human foothold at the start."
"That's the kind of attention to detail level that we've gone through, which is pretty bonkers."
"I've seen way too many instances where this consideration was skipped, and then had disastrous results."
"If you're gonna take on a project like this you need to have your life and life of your family your friends and your loved ones at heart."
"Getting that money out there while redirecting it through a project like this is literally a win-win."
"Notion has the whole project task management system and it has the interconnectivity of all these different databases in the self-referencing resurfacing capability of having one database bring the notes and ideas together in context."
"Everything surrounding Cyberpunk 2077 is just a disaster right now."
"They shot themselves in the foot with the timeline they gave themselves."
"Initiate something in your career, in your work, in your employment, some project that you're working behind the scenes."
"I encourage you to try to think of your own queries, try to think of your own insights and your own things that you can do to make this portfolio project unique."
"Don't be afraid to scrap a project; not everything works out perfectly, so just get started."
"Get the things that are proven first out of the way."
"Being able to pick and choose which projects you take on and you want to work on."
"Arc is just in this situation where it's almost impossible for anything else they do to be too little too late."
"We don't need a data scientist for every way that we're going to apply a generative AI solution to a problem. The data science part may actually be a small component of the overall project investment."
"It's possible that that corporate thing's been delayed."
"The launch matters so much. It sets the tone."
"Love letter's already done so much for so little. Why not switch ships if Yandere Simulator was somewhere further along the lines?"
"That looks really good, let's wrap this behind."
"Some things just take time... You can't produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant."
"A major major thank you to our Starbase team."
"Honestly, this looks good and then Jordan and Josh comes in and Josh is like this needs to change this needs to change this needs to change I'm just like RuneScape good there it is that's it"