
Extraordinariness Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"Every woman has the potential of being something extraordinary."
"You are more strong, more capable, more extraordinary than you could ever imagine."
"You are special because you are average and ordinary and you've done something extraordinary with your life."
"He is a normal man who did something extraordinary."
"You don't have to be an extraordinary man to do extraordinary things."
"I've never been ordinary. The person who's extra is what makes them extraordinary."
"We are undoubtedly living in a time and a day that's extraordinary."
"Your identity in Christ will be challenged; know who you are and stand firm."
"Out here on the tower, everything is extraordinary."
"The world needs a superhero, someone willing to be more than ordinary, to be extraordinary."
"She makes normal experiences feel so extraordinary and so Cinderella-like..."
"Their love story is in every sense of the word the most magical, inspired, divine thing that has ever happened in the history of humanity."
"This is unlike any show in the world. This is wild."
"The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are."
"Miracles are their stock-in-trade; the impossible happens wherever they grace."
"Extraordinary things happening to ordinary people."
"Your life is magical, you're not the normal person, you're extraordinary and you're different."
"Awakening is the most extraordinary [__] thing that there could possibly exist."
"You can be an ordinary human being and an extraordinary intellectual all rolled into one."
"Special ability? It's something that ordinary people can't do."
"It takes very little extra to be extraordinary in all areas of your life."
"You're too extraordinary to be ordinary."
"He was an ordinary kid who ended up becoming extraordinary."
"This is the age of the extraordinary."
"She's just an average person in an exceptional situation."
"It's a very, very extraordinary thing."
"But knowing what we know now, the word 'extraordinary' still applies but it just takes on an entirely different meaning."
"You're the most extraordinary man I ever met."
"Even the most ordinary animals do extraordinary things."
"An extraordinary awareness encompasses all of ordinary."
"Be polite and be extraordinary with everyone."
"He was such a simple, ordinary guy who was just so extraordinary."
"We always tripping, it's like, uh, I believe we Extraordinary People."
"It's a fairly ordinary thing, but actually what happened was not ordinary, it was extraordinary."
"You don't deserve every day; you deserve extraordinary."
"These are extraordinary fire events."
"The fact that his energy was so massive, he was such an extraordinary human being that he almost seems superhuman."
"As an audience member, I'm attracted to look at things that are unusual, that are different, that are extraordinary."
"Extraordinary things can happen to regular small-town people."
"You gotta stand out, you gotta be extraordinary, you gotta be the one in the room that everybody wants to walk up to."
"There is nothing exceptional about Kousaka Honoka except that desire and that belief that she can do anything so long as she wants to do it is extraordinary."
"There's too many ordinary things in life for your love life to not be extraordinary."
"An intelligent, beautiful, just unbelievable alien."
"I want the stories to be extraordinary."
"How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special? How many people can make you feel extraordinary?"
"That's just one super magical extraordinary thing."
"A man in a very normal of a man in a very extraordinary situation."
"You are privileged to be in the presence of a truly extraordinary human being."
"Those are the moments that you're trying to create. Ordinary made extraordinary."
"God chooses ordinary people to do His extraordinary work."
"We all consider ourselves fairly average dudes who just happened to go down an extraordinary path."
"The extraordinary was the ordinary. It's the only way to do it."
"God not only provides, but he does so supernaturally, extraordinarily, and unusually."
"...an extraordinary guy can never have an ordinary day."
"He was a poet, that's for sure, he was an extraordinary man."
"They are remarkable because they seem so average."
"You can't just be a simple person, you got to be a unique person, you got to be extraordinary."
"My job is very extraordinary, but my life is very normal."
"Why have average when you can have extraordinary?"
"The extraordinary is a province of the solitary soul, lost to the very moment the crowd comes into view."
"The universe is extraordinary in itself."
"I saw you last night; I see you working here today. You're not special; you're extraordinary."
"God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things."
"Faith will always push you to the point where you will receive a divine dissatisfaction with being ordinary."
"I felt like I should be someone extraordinary."
"The channel will be the place where the ordinary and the extraordinary meet."
"It seems to me that that is a much more improbable explanation that it was just made up than the fact that it does derive from someone extraordinary."
"You're not special; you're extraordinary."
"Somebody needs to see you be extraordinary."
"You are manifesting something extraordinary, something very beautiful."
"The beauty of virtuous action is not to settle for being just ordinary."
"This is the most extraordinary thing I have ever witnessed."
"Those who come out from the ordinary becomes extraordinary; those extraordinary are very rare."
"Remember, people want to believe in the extraordinary."
"It's mythical, it's extraordinary, it's what Legends are made of."
"It's going to be an extraordinary event."
"We're ordinary men in an extraordinary situation; we did the best we could."
"Nothing extraordinary is achieved through ordinary means."
"This needs to be more than ordinary, of course, that's gonna be extraordinary."
"It's extraordinary. It's if I were ranking these in the order from like most extraordinary to least extraordinary, this would be near the top."
"Even the most ordinary day can be extraordinary, even the most secular work can be sacred."
"I think one of the greatest and most disappointing feelings as an artist is when you see something that's extraordinary."
"Humans are incredibly diverse, but these people prove that sometimes even seemingly ordinary people on the outside can have the most extraordinary superpowers."
"It's not about the how, it's about something extraordinary, something that one human being amongst billions was able to achieve."
"Achieving the top scholar of the province with just an ordinary profession, such a feat is unprecedented."
"What I experienced there was one of the most extraordinary moments as a human being."
"What you've done here is extraordinary."
"The extraordinary is just ordinary with a little extra."
"We wanted to make the church an extraordinary place, something out of the ordinary."
"Most of us are ordinary until we do something extraordinary."
"These ordinary men doing extraordinary things."
"How amazing is this? This is extraordinary."
"I always kind of believed that I was going to live an extraordinary life."
"It takes it from ordinary to extraordinary."
"The more you know about it, the more you find it extraordinary."
"It's amazing to meet you. It is simply extraordinary."
"Is not life in the midst of ordinary things filled with the most extraordinary things?"
"That is pretty extraordinary right there."
"This guy can't be described as a genius; he's a monster."
"What an extraordinary animal, extraordinary."
"When you have a character becoming iconic and a global, worldwide name, they need to be extraordinary."
"There's nothing wrong with what's present, which is extraordinary."
"Life is tragic, but it's also pretty sweet and extraordinary."
"Sometimes even in the most simple of things, even in the most ordinary, can lie the extraordinary."
"It's real, right? This is very extraordinary feeling."
"We're just ordinary people doing extraordinary things."
"Everybody's capable of something incredibly extraordinary in their life."
"We were all created by God for something extraordinary."
"It tells us that we're living in extraordinary times."
"There is a measure of blessing that the Lord would release to every individual that is extraordinary."
"You know you are a purpose child, you know that you are not just ordinary but that you are extraordinary."
"You're ordinary as someone else is extraordinary."
"Underneath the act of what seemed like an ordinary life, there lay the seeds of something truly remarkable."
"I'm going to be normal and I'm going to be extraordinary."
"What an extraordinary life he's led."
"He's our most ordinary person but also our most extraordinary person."
"They were the most extraordinary ordinary men I've ever known."
"The ordinary plus extra attention equals the extraordinary."
"I'll never forget it; it's something so out of the ordinary, so out of our world that you can't mistake it."
"Some people are just out of this world."
"Reflecting on the journey they were making to meet him, he couldn't help but think that his life had been anything but ordinary."
"It's a truly extraordinary painting."
"I'm an ordinary woman who chooses every day to make one more extraordinary decision."
"The everyday is both mysterious and extraordinary."
"We're all capable of doing extraordinary things."
"Sometimes, the most legendary things begin in the most ordinary moments."
"Reasonable people only do reasonable things; anything extraordinary or unreasonable comes from unreasonable people."
"Nothing can compete with such a beautiful and extraordinary experience."
"Live Oak is where the ordinary can sometimes be pretty amazing."
"This is the most extraordinary state, right here in this moment."
"I am not going to be ordinary; I'm going to be extraordinary."
"You need someone there to steady you, to put their faith in you. So you can be... extraordinary."
"There are two strong impulses for us as human beings; both of them are extraordinary abilities."
"To be extraordinary, you must do the extraordinary."
"It's extraordinary and wonderful."
"The more we speak of this subject with grace and dignity and elegance, others too will begin to perceive the extraordinary."
"We are all hardwired for extraordinary if we can get out of the habit of inferiority."
"Elijah came into a world that was anything but ordinary."
"The God I serve is greater than the ordinary."
"It's okay to be different, be extraordinary."
"These are extraordinary times we're living in."
"What's an extraordinary introduction."
"You can never be ordinary from the day you received this life from above; you become extraordinary."
"It seems my father is indeed an extraordinary man."
"Their glory, yes, was short-lived, and it was also extraordinary."
"The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is God."
"You are pretty extraordinary," she said quietly.
"I have met the so-called ordinary people, and they are not ordinary; they are extraordinary."
"You were terrific and extraordinary."
"He realized that he was dealing with a most extraordinary person."
"You take ordinary life and you add extra attention and you find the extraordinary."
"Sometimes ordinary people can be extraordinary."
"It's actually impossible to overstate how impressive this was."
"Their life could be made up of thousands of simple moments and still never be ordinary."
"There is someone out there who is truly extraordinary."
"Twelfth Prince is born a filial son. Quite extraordinary."
"We are all on earth for a certain period of time and we are extraordinary, and keeping ordinary is a choice."
"The poet's world is all marvellous and extraordinary."
"Let's just take a moment and acknowledge what extraordinary times we're living in."
"The star, a potent symbol of light and transformation, pierces the mask of the ordinary to release the extraordinary."
"Appreciate it, know that there's something beautiful and sacred and divine and beyond the ordinary that is going on in your situation."
"We do not serve a regular God; He is the one who is extraordinary."
"If you're excellent at the basics, that's why it's called extraordinary."
"Do ordinary things with extraordinary love."
"Heroes are usually ordinary people; it's their actions that are extraordinary."
"You've done something extraordinary here."
"You're not just ordinary, you're extraordinary."
"I'm aware how extraordinary this sounds, but on my honor, every detail is true."
"That's how it feels to be an extraordinary person."
"It's magical when you're loved by a cancer, it's extraordinary."
"You guys are amazing, you guys are extraordinary."
"You're given this small, brief, weird window to do something extraordinary with your life."
"It's possible for ordinary people to be extraordinary."
"Be the very best version of yourself, of being extraordinary in an ordinary way."
"It's such an extraordinary delicate scent."
"You're in for a truly extraordinary experience."
"The mightiness of our soul is just extraordinary."
"We are just ordinary people; what makes us extraordinary is what is added on us."
"Live an ordinary life in an extraordinary way."
"You were meant to be extraordinary, not ordinary."
"Sometimes ordinary life is an extraordinary achievement."
"We have enough as we are to be extraordinary; we do not need to have it all together."
"Your life is meant to be extraordinary."
"It's extraordinary, it really is."
"Beyond the ordinary, interesting."
"They celebrate you in this life because they see you as something extraordinary."
"It is about two best friends, Victor and Eli, when they were in college they discovered how to become extraordinary."