
Company Value Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"This is a massive opportunity in countless great companies, and in three years from now, five years from now, seven years from now, the amount of money I will make will be astronomical because of what I'm taking advantage of right now."
"When you're investing in the stock market, you're not just investing in a ticker symbol; you're investing in a company."
"Ultimately, there's decades of evidence to suggest that the public triumphs and embarrassments of a company's CEO have a direct effect on the public perception of that company, and therefore the company's value."
"Why even have companies? A company has no value in and of itself; it only has value to the degree that it's an effective allocator of resources." - Elon Musk
"The value of this company is insane, and I'm honestly proud to be able to work with this company's products."
"Inflation has just been overshadowing the awesomeness of the companies that we like."
"The most important asset or liability a company has is not on its balance sheet. It's leadership."
"One of the biggest mistakes investors make is overvaluing the longevity of a company."
"Remember you're not buying a stock, you're buying a company."
"Tesla's true value actually isn't per se pumping out cars... it's the IP of the brains they attract."
"The only thing that was wrong with the company during this period of time... was it was overvalued."
"Another reason that I believe Costco is worth it even at this high price is because I believe it's one of the companies that is truly one of a kind."
"We don't wake up every day and think what's the value of our company today we think let's execute let's do great work let's let's build things."
"The stock market actually does, for being as frenetic as it is, it does a really good job of reflecting the actual value that is created by these companies over time."
"One cannot predict the short-term stock value recession people panicking Etc but long term I'm convinced that Tesla will be the most valuable company on Earth" - Elon Musk
"When you invest in something, you're not buying a number that's going up to another number, you're investing in a company."
"Snapchat's perceived value came from the fact it had over 100 million active users."
"How do you explain... that the market has valued it as up to $15 billion?"
"Every pullback is the opportunity to own more of that company that is going to make you money."
"High quality companies at a cheap price - that is the perfect combination."
"CG is not a company that's stagnant we are building every day we are just getting warmed up right there is going to be a huge range of opportunities for me how much is CG worth at the moment to me priceless."
"I own some pretty beautiful companies but nothing safer."
"What is a game company? IPs add value to a company like nothing else."
"Execute on, I think you would probably be the most valuable company in the world."
"When you buy a stock, you're buying a company. Which company would you want to own for a lifetime?"
"My prediction is that the majority of Tesla's long-term value will be in the Optimus humanoid robot."
"Baba Alibaba, I wouldn't care who owned it, that thing prints money."
"Tim Cook has 10x the value of that company."
"The real value of a company is determined by the cash flow that they generate by the business they're doing."
"Markets estimate the values for companies."
"...innovation is the lifeblood of our company."
"This company is going to be worth billions and billions of dollars in my opinion."
"If you add value to a company, that's where you start to make your money."
"Getting really good at knowing what you're good at and what your value add is to the company."
"As far as a company, again this is like Tesla; you're buying it because you're investing in the technology, not because this is the best option out there."
"What you are trying to do is buy companies which are high quality but the world hasn't realized that."
"The goal is to buy good companies at great prices."
"One of my favorite things about this company is the enormous dividends that it pays."
"We're interested in cash flows here because that's going to determine how much value it's creating for the company."
"When you factor in the qualitative and intangible aspects of what this company has to offer, it's very very hard not to want to have a little piece of this pie."
"Your ownership of the company as an investor."
"We've added two billion dollars to the worth of the company since then."
"Does it have growth opportunities to expand that cash flow and expand revenues and therefore expand its value?"
"That's what makes him the greatest that this company has to offer."
"Every company serves a purpose because what I'm aiming for is a portfolio average."
"What determines the value of a company or an asset is the present value of the expected cash flows."
"The value of the company should be all that the company has done in the history and all that is expected in the future."