
Economic Reality Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"The majority of people in this country cannot afford a $300 emergency. In fact, the majority of the people in this country are living paycheck to paycheck."
"You are literally living in an illusion because 51 of the most powerful economic entities are corporations."
"When the tide goes out, you find out who's swimming naked."
"The easiest way to make it in America is to simply have rich parents."
"The truth in markets is that it's always tough. There's this idea that there's certain times when everyone knew exactly what was coming, but of course, when you think that, something else surprises you."
"The stock market is not the real kind of effect of economy. The stock market is artificially inflated."
"I firmly believe that libertarianism is excusable up until you work your first job. The moment you get a paycheck after working for eight hours a day, five days a week, two weeks in a row, and you look at that paycheck... the idea that the thing limiting you from doing what you want is rules, as opposed to the absence of resources which allow you to achieve what you want, is ridiculous."
"We cannot all be bazillionaires. It's just that way. It's an aspect of karma but it's also an aspect of the mathematics of economics. Scarcity does rule."
"Car companies come and go just like the wind, from DeLorean to Pontiac, Plymouth to Saab, and even supercar companies like Mosler, all withered away and died due to lack of sales because that's what keeps a business in business."
"I'd much rather be a YouTuber than back in the salon waxing people's vaginas for 9.50 an hour."
"Household income was forty-one thousand dollars a year. That's what normal America, that's how normal Americans live now."
"I think that was something of a cold hard reality check... his primary purpose in the treasury right now is to restore economic credibility."
"Markets don't actually care what the news is."
"Sales is king. Without sales, nothing exists."
"Let the girls eat cereal for dinner? Well, Mr. CEO, you ain't telling us nothing we ain't already know. When the girls ain't had no money that's what the hell we was doing."
"A global economic downturn is an undeniable fact."
"You could make a hundred thousand dollars one month and then make nothing for two months."
"Support game developers when you can folks; they got bills to pay."
"When it comes to the world of big business, no one really cares about the virtue stuff. They just, frank, hey, if a dollar is to be made, a dollar is to be made."
"It's all about what the market will bear. Nothing else actually matters."
"I never imagined we'd be here in October 2021 talking about supply chain problems but it's a reality any given day you're going to have something missing in our stores and it's across categories."
"At the end of the day, the market always decides."
"We've run out of road. You know, there is no place to kick the can anymore. We've got to deal with the can, and it's not simply a can because every time we kicked it down the road, unfortunately, it got bigger."
"The point here is that businesses exist to make money."
"Being self-employed is the only job where you'll work like a hundred hours a week for the same pay."
"The dream of visiting another country is just a dream for the United States middle class."
"When nobody's willing to pay you for your work, your work is worth zero."
"You're gonna see who is swimmin' and that's... Warren Buffett by the way, it's like when the tide goes out you'll see who's swimming with their swim trunks on and who's not."
"The lower GDI numbers are basically indicating that the economy is weaker than we're being told by the folks looking at the GDP numbers."
"This is what cold hard capitalism looks like ladies and gents. You might not like it but this is how it works. This is what peak financial performance looks like."
"If you're in debt and you're trying to trade out of debt you're just going to get more debt."
"Having natural resources doesn't mean that you're immune to running out of cash."
"You know, it's most of us live paycheck to paycheck because that's just the nature of this business..."
"This thing is about money... we haven't wake up and smell the coffee yet."
"Separating the knee-jerk reaction of doom and gloom from the reality."
"Vaccine inequality it's like a great talking point at Davos it's the stuff of press releases meanwhile in reality publicly traded companies that run uh our pharmaceutical Industries they are selling their goods to the highest bidder."
"Most of the time, things people really enjoy are not profitable."
"People aren't in business to lose money, they're in business to make money."
"People want something for nothing, people need to learn that you spend money to make money, that's how this kind of thing works."
"Divergence between the stock market and reality."
"Amenities give people a false sense of wealth because in reality, across the board, most Americans are currently living either in the working-class bubble or the lower bottom tier of what's left of the middle class."
"The reason why a cashier at McDonald's makes minimum wage while LeBron James earns millions and millions and millions of dollars a year is not because of how hard they work."
"This is the biggest story ever, Greg, because it explains so much of what's going on in our financial reality."
"Some of these jobs aren't coming back... it's the reality." - Steve B
"There's no value without labor. That's the reality."
"If you're making $35,000 a year and you're clearing $1,500 bucks a month after tax, where you sleep? Are you staying at home? You're living at home right? With your parents."
"What if they don't have capital, dog? What the [__]? Yeah, just go buy a fixer-upper dude, yeah because everyone has like uh enough money to just like rent out."
"The margins are pretty pretty small like sometimes they're like completely at a loss sometimes they're close to it so this isn't anything too totally out of the ordinary."
"Ultimately asset prices have to come back down to earth."
"His dreams let him deal with this miserable world that's not unlike our own world as wages have stagnated or at least not kept up with inflation and people now have to often work more than one soulless job just to get by."
"The idea that again that is easy to just get money particularly from someone who is now disgruntled with fraught with you is is not based in the current reality."
"Expenses will always go up right alongside with your income."
"Real unemployment in this country is not what you read in the papers at five percent. It's really actually double that when you look at people who have given up looking for work or people working part-time."
"Business growth actually does matter despite media saying that business growth doesn't matter."
"Always remember, there's more fake money than real money out there."
"India are crowned as champions of ICC Champions Trophy 2013."
"Your car is worth 20 grand and you put it up for sale at 20 grand, and the biggest offer you get is 12 Grand then the market is telling you your car is worth 12 Grand."
"Once the money dries up, we get to see who really wants to be in."
"58 of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck."
"It's a profit and loss economy, and the loss part is if anything more important than the profit part."
"You can't survive with 50k, you need at least 500 right now."
"It's about reality in the economy, not the fugazi numbers that you guys keep revising."
"Let's all be really honest with ourselves for a moment: gaming ain't cheap."
"No one goes to college so that they can work two jobs."
"Everything else related to anything including labor or anything including commodities that have gone up in price or gone up in cost can't just go back. They can't."
"You know good I have won every real fight I never made a penny."
"Once again if you think those banks are the ones absorbing the cost then you're an idiot."
"It's not freed to everybody because it costs a lot of money."
"You need to make more money guys, like that's really what it comes, I hate to say like 'Oh my God, you gotta get better and then come up', yeah you do, you [__] me, you have to make more money bro because..."
"Money does make the world go around, let's just be honest."
"If you don't know how to spend your money it doesn't matter how much money you make you are going to continue to be broke."
"There is no get rich quick schemes, and the ones that do get rich quick, they actually go poor quicker."
"With MLMs, you hardly make any money selling a product, hardly any money at all."
"Millennial money... it's like living on 88K a year in the Bay Area. Millennial money!"
"You can't compete because most people are going to pay for the thing that costs less."
"It's more like you put the money in the bank and then it gets taken away."
"If you have to pay more for labor, you're going to have to raise prices to accommodate for it." - Brian
"People that look like they have money actually don't have money and the people that don't look rich are actually the ones that are rich."
"I think there is such a thing as an economy, that there is such a thing as scarcity."
"All these acts of capitalism as acts of altruism, they're not. They didn't want to go down in flames. No question."
"You're basically told whether you can afford it or not. It seems like no big deal and because I think the detriment is it becomes commonplace."
"If college degrees matter, black women would be killing it economically and they're not."
"Corporations exist for one sole reason: to make money."
"Life is more expensive; goods are now costing arguably what they should cost."
"If your whole goal is to make money and you're not achieving that, maybe you're not that smart."
"Currency devaluation is here and is it weird, Steve, to now finally see a lot of these things you've been talking about for a long time happening?"
"I'm a little confused how you graduate from college and you make $16."
"Just because somebody drives an expensive car doesn't mean they have money."
"Now it's back to reality, and reality is kind of a new reality because most of us never had to deal with inflation like this."
"People are going to do better than you, people are going to make more money than you."
"Truckers are not making that much per load like this in the real world."
"It's not just a fear, it's a recession reality for us already."
"Stock markets at all-time highs are not the whole story."
"The real hard-hitting truth is these jobs ain't coming back ever."
"But man, Money Talks y'all. This is a fact. If y'all ain't learned nothing from this channel, one thing for sure you should have learned is, man, money really does talk."
"Rent tends to not stay that way, rent tends to not go down or even stay the same, it tends to go up."
"I think this guy just missed the memo that used gaming laptops are worth practically... well, this is what I paid for it like two years ago."
"Most people alive today will work until they die."
"Recessions are a good thing... just nobody wants to deal with it because it's painful."
"Whether you like it or not, that price or whatever that project is going to do is going to do what it's going to do because that community."
"I'm upset that the companies offer these low wages, but when someone accepts those low wages, I understand because a job is a job and you gotta make money and you gotta provide for your family like I get it."
"I don't know how to break it to anybody but you know, forge in it for the, well, money."
"It's just the real reality of the capitalistic world that we live in, advertisers help move dollars, dollars help give you the product that you want."
"A million dollars, you could have anything you wanted. Well nowadays that's not true."
"People are going to realize that they haven't really defeated real inflation."
"We don't even think about that we just see somebody else driving it and decide that that's cool and decide now that we want a 400 $500,000 car we don't even think it through it's so it's so sad most of it it's like you can't even afford it right."
"You're Gonna Hurt everyone that works for that rich guy that you just heard sorry that's the reality do we do we want to work in real land or do we want to work in fake political land."
"Just because you can't afford grass-fed panda massage beef, that does not make you a bad person."
"Again, I'm not saying that money is the most important thing in the world... but it's pretty [ __ ] important right?"
"Listen, healthcare is not going to be free, even if you get it for free, it wasn't free. You may not be paying the bill at the counter, but you're paying it in your taxes."
"Money makes the Disney World Go Round."
"Cash flows matter more in that type of a world."
"Money isn't real. You know what's real? Poverty. Poverty's real."
"There's this natural roller coaster of income."
"The world moves on money, and you make money to pay the bills."
"We're all one paycheck away from being broke or being homeless."
"Soft Landings just don't happen to begin with."
"No money in life comes easy; you have to work for it."
"The risk of bankruptcy isn't purely conjecture; that's a reality companies are already facing."
"If an account meets all of the assertions, then we are going to say that that account is a true reflection of the underlying economic reality."
"The average US home now requires a six-figure salary to afford."
"The vast majority of Africans don't see a dime of aid, which is why most of us are still living on less than a dollar a day."
"Money makes the world go round, always has, always will."
"Economic substance over legal form."
"It's very uncomfortable to talk about, but there's a reality about economics in the country."
"Money is the thing that makes people try to figure this [__] out."