
Social Conduct Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"The importance of personal accountability, discipline, setting reasonable expectations, and of course not being egotistical, creepy, or deplorable to others."
"Morals serve as the dominant principles of conduct, facilitating harmonious living within communities."
"Stop sexualizing people in areas where they do not want to be sexualized."
"She then tried calling the cops because I refused to give her a refund. When the cop got there and got the story, he looked at her and told her to grow up and be responsible for herself."
"Just don't harass anybody, right? Because everybody's truth is their own truth."
"There's nothing wrong with carrying oneself with tact."
"If you go to any place in real life and you act the way that he did, you're going to be removed from the store. Let's be honest."
"Hey, we can't be mean to these people we can't we can't be..."
"No matter how much I disagree with someone, I don't think I have the right to hurt or to damage the normal daily life of other people."
"Hopefully things will be brought off in a civilized and constructive manner..."
"You treat everybody with the same level of respect."
"It's about your actions and how you treat people."
"What doesn't sit right with anybody is breaking the rules and skipping the line."
"To get respect, you gotta give respect. That's the motto."
"It's not okay to make a woman uncomfortable, it is never okay to beg for favors or corner us."
"I would say a mixture of the two because women can definitely bring a new different perspective and it's going to be a lot more focused on how the other girl will feel so impressing her and things like that."
"How loudly do people have to say this isn't okay? Just don't be an [expletive]. Don't harass people, pay them equally, treat them all with the same due respect."
"Sexual harassment, sexual abuse, these have always happened but we also used to have certain standards of behavior that we demanded from our politicians."
"Treating people with respect is not political; it's just what you should be doing."
"You got to be careful what you say about people and calling them these a name that they're not."
"You want respect, you give respect. That's how it works."
"There's no place in the world for being disrespectful to others."
"Being a gentleman doesn't mean he forgave her."
"Civility is always in order, respect is always in order, proper decorum is always in order."
"Not every difference of opinion should result in a disunity."
"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit but in humility consider others better than yourselves."
"Weddings are a beautiful thing... I think they should be sacrosanct... It's incredibly discourteous of anybody who wants to blight or otherwise ruin somebody's big day."
"Your right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose."
"You can't just scare people like that. That's low, dude."
"The correct response is not tolerance, it's not politeness, it's not to be passive or nonchalant."
"Just have consent, be nice to people. You guys are the bomb."
"A lawful person is someone who respects, follows, and encourages the law and rules of society."
"You gotta watch how you treat people because you never know where somebody may be in the future."
"Follow the golden rule: Do unto others as others treat you."
"If you treat everyone with respect, you're going to be fine."
"We're not here to judge each other; we're supposed to be helping each other."
"People just got no respect for other people's property."
"It's never okay to spit on people, hit people, or disrespect people to any capacity to get your political views heard."
"Rude behavior is irritating and unattractive. So how do you deal with rudeness when you encounter it? Take the high road. Smile at the offender and keep your voice very calm and level."
"Sometimes you can choose not to be a dick even if you're technically in the right."
"Show a little respect, show a little class for the people who got hurt or lost their lives. I mean, that's pretty sickening."
"Karma was tenfold on them... treat people good even if you don't want to be with someone..."
"Don't let anyone say, 'I didn't mean it, it just slipped out.' There's no Universe in which it's okay to ever say a racial slur."
"It's humanity 101. It's only cool if you're the one doing it right."
"This is not the 1990s in downtown LA. People don't like when you start shooting at kids."
"Always be gracious, always be cordial, always be apologetic."
"I just believe in decency, civility, and having a discussion with people."
"Fat shaming is not an acceptable way to try and get someone to lose weight."
"Don't be a creep, man. If a woman says no, then no."
"Treat others how you want to be treated, basic but often overlooked."
"We're gonna treat each other with some form of respect."
"It's one of the worst things you can do to be mean to somebody that doesn't deserve it."
"Treat others how you want to be treated, mate."
"If a guy does something that's messed up...what other men say is 'dude, stop'...it keeps him grounded in reality."
"You can't expect respect if you don't give it."
"Remember don't be a [ __ ] nazi please don't."
"Be cool be kind be classy it's not hard it's really really it is so not hard."
"What if you're someone who likes getting punched in the face? Does that mean you should go around punching people in the face? No, there are some limits."
"it's never cool for you to say something like that."
"If you want respect, you have to give respect; otherwise, you don't deserve to be respected."
"I think that's a sort of notion that we can always proceed with, this idea of civility to me as a, is an example of that."
"Be good to others, like they're philosophers."
"Be cool to everyone you see, like you're supposed to be to everybody."
"Adults don't be weird around kids... be cool, talk with other adults and leave kids alone."
"Our job is not to say what we like regardless of the other person. Our job is to show respect and courtesy to the people around us."
"Do you want respect? You give respect."
"How you treat people around you, how you treat your parents, when you walk into a room, do you have manners?"
"You know the Golden Rule, okay? Don't say things that you don't want people to say about you."
"Fame is not an excuse to treat people around you with disrespect."
"Be respectful to everyone, not just your friends and the majority of people that you think drink."
"The best place to start is with rule number one: give respect to get respect."
"Respect the others when walking outside."
"Good etiquette is knowing which fork to use. Good manners is using the wrong one too when your guest doesn't."
"Treat everyone with respect, no matter what you think their status is or what kind of work they do for a living."
"Treat everybody with the equal amount of respect."
"Please don't be rude to people because you think you're entitled; it's just not okay."
"Never do anything which might be unpleasant for others to see."
"Do not defame one another nor call each other by offensive nicknames."
"We are to be respectful and courteous and polite to all people as long as they are respectful, polite, and courteous to us."
"You got to give everybody respect if you want respect."
"If you're going to someone's house, you have to play by their rules."
"Retaining our individualism and freedom and thought, while conforming only to social behaviour patterns which benefit and enlighten, rather than harm others."
"To get respect, you have to give respect."
"Good manners are the outward symbol of an inward humility."
"I just want us to be kind and gracious in how we treat one another."
"We got to learn how to have decorum."
"The person who does not thank people does not thank Allah."
"If you want respect, then you give it."
"Let's not try to ruin people's lives, guys. Let's be normal human people."
"Respect. You gotta give it if you want it."
"You don't have to like everyone, but you have to respect everyone."
"Basically, I try to be nice, especially these days and age to women and family because it seems like nobody wants to be nice anymore."
"You can't disappoint your guests."
"Kind is cool, drive the golden rule."
"If everybody was doing that to each other, you could never have any sort of stable society like we do today."
"Don't embarrass your wife or your friend, don't embarrass the family."
"It's not good to look down on people."
"Stop robbing each other, stop hating yourself, stop hating each other."
"If you treat everyone the same, you don't have no problem."
"We Chinese call it the rule. But what is the rule? It is not to cause trouble to others."
"Everything has to be respectful even when we're not."
"We must always be nice and treat people good."
"It makes no difference what degree you have; what counts is that you are polite to others."
"You have to give respect to gain respect."
"I think we're better than this. We should be nice to each other."
"Don't bug anybody, don't endanger anybody with the stuff that you're doing, and most importantly, be kind to each other."
"Whether someone puts their carts back really shows you what they think about rules, social norms, and whether they will follow them when someone isn't looking or judging them."
"You earn the respect you see from amongst us when we carry ourselves with respect."
"I treat the janitor the same way as I treat the CEO."
"Just be nice to people. Be nice to others around you."
"I just don't think it really does any good to just kind of go and be mean to other people."
"Respect means thinking about what you're doing around you, how you treat people."
"What makes me mad is when I see people treating other people poorly."
"Be reasonable, don't bother others, maintain cleanliness, and you'll be just fine."
"Politeness seems like a good thing, and it is a good thing in many respects and in many circumstances."
"If you expect other people to give you respect, that's what you'll give to other people first."
"To your neighbor by acting with him upon the square."
"Be decent to other people and expect others to do the same because you fundamentally care about their well-being."
"Be nice to everybody on the way up because you're going to see them on the way down."
"It's what any responsible person would do."
"Remember it's really important to still behave politely and treat everyone with respect."
"We treat everybody with respect; we don't ignore anybody."
"Be respectful, be fair to everybody."
"Don't stare at anyone too long and go about your own business."
"You just gotta treat others how you like them to treat you. That's all there's nothing hard about it."
"Do not only look at your rights; also you have obligations."
"If you want to get respect, you got to give respect."
"Etiquette actually is not just rules; it's the way you behave, the way you're going to be accepted."
"I've always been raised to be polite to people."
"Respect people because it's not cool to go around fighting people."
"People need to be responsible for what they say and do."
"We have to be good to other people."
"Act like you got some sense. Decorum, public etiquette, common courtesy, human decency."
"Have you ever heard of something called the Golden Rule?"
"Morality is an emergent property that emerges across a sequence of iterated voluntary games."
"It's about being honest. Sometimes we're not being honest; we're being polite."
"It works effectively here, there is nothing unmannerly about it."
"Be kind to one another, respect one another."
"You've got to be nice to everybody."
"Let's not disrespect each other no more."
"You don't have to like everybody, but you're gonna respect everybody."
"They do a lot of good for the community, they mind their own business and do their own thing."
"You got to treat others like you want to be treated, sometimes treat others a little bit better."
"We as a society cannot tolerate what you chose to do in response."
"There's a major difference between flirting and harassing, I think so, right?"
"It should be about not being downright horrible to fat people in daily life and just being a respectable human."
"In order to have respect, you have to show respect."
"Be mindful of the people around you, humble yourself."
"Manners don't cost a thing, but if you're not careful, a lack of manners can cost you your dignity."
"If you want respect, you have to be respectful as well."
"My rule on this is don't be annoying because you can be just annoying and bring the fun down for other people."
"Respect them, they respect you. You disrespect, and then again, what should they respect you for?"
"You should be kind to everyone because it's the right thing to do."
"I think it's that fine line... there's this certain element of just respecting your fellow humans around."
"There's a level of respect that I think everybody should give."
"There's an opportunity here for just a little bit more class from all of us."
"It's good practice and it's called being polite and respectful to people around you."
"There was a level of respect, even for people that you didn't like."
"Think about the next man, be civil, be humble, be respectful."
"When you are with a group, mind your behavior."
"If you want people to treat you with respect, start by treating them with respect."
"They trust each other to behave properly."
"I am very respectful to all of you, and you shall respect me in return."
"R-E-S-P-E-C-T, that's the thing to do."
"Don't be a mean girl; it's not going to get you anywhere."
"The key to favor is how you either honor or dishonor other people."