
Financial Stress Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"If in this country today, the lowest class, the poorest people, were capable of affording everything they needed to achieve a base subsistence existence, an existence that was happy, free of great financial stress, then I wouldn't really have a problem with income inequality."
"My vision is to free everybody from money worries, money anger, money resentment because every one of us can be free from these stressful emotions."
"Becoming more frugal will most likely put you on a path towards being less financially stressed."
"Debt is stressful. You can go to bed thinking about it, you can wake up thinking about it, it can ruin any given day."
"It's so expensive to survive, and we're planning on having kids. I don't want to live in a stressful environment."
"It just seems like when we lived in the city and the concrete and bills and everything, we were so out of tune except for when the payments were due."
"Depression and suicide are rampant among U.S. farmers due to the isolation, the high demands of work, and the financial highs and lows that come with this noble occupation."
"Money was always a stressor in my family... I had this fear that I wasn't going to be able to support myself financially or worse, be able to support a loved one financially if they needed it."
"Your family needs you. This is just money. Don't quit on them."
"87% of Americans said that inflation and the rising costs of everyday goods is what's driving their stress."
"If you're struggling to figure out how you're going to pay your next bill... it's hard for you to have a plan for what's going to happen 12, 24 months from now."
"When we're worried about money, we get dumber. We start making worse decisions for ourselves."
"I think examples of like free healthcare, they could see a therapist and not be...fall into debt."
"I owe money, I owe money, and I just don't want that sensation anymore."
"I think it's hilarious but... actually quite funny... one of the employees saying 'I have a Tesla and I don't know how I'm going to make payments'."
"Mental capital is the part where you stress, you haven't lost any more money than you would be losing on the trade or made any more than you would have been."
"The Dutch find themselves paying almost 16 times their take home pay to buy an average home."
"Overall, 69 percent of respondents considered themselves house poor."
"Their dream home became a nightmare of financial stress."
"Money trouble is keeping a growing number of Americans up all night."
"High inflation is on the verge of bankrupting American families, our economy is breaking in half, a typical American Family can't afford to buy a house in 99% of US counties."
"The number one cause of divorce in North America: money fights and money problems."
"Debt sucks... somehow debt just creeps up on you and then you're only paying off the interest never really the principal."
"Why do we feel like we keep getting in the situation where we're taking out micro loans?"
"Financial stresses aren't just psychological; they also physically hurt and even damage the body, possibly even fatally."
"Robson declined career offers with guaranteed earnings, burning his professional connections and bridges, he exhausted his savings and assets."
"People just don't have the money to pay for gas and electric."
"Money was going so fast it was giving me nightmares."
"You don't just lose your money, you lose your peace of mind that's the other thing they don't talk about."
"Americans are feeling the pain in their wallets."
"My mom was very stressed out about money at a point in time, we were sleeping in our van."
"Eventually we're going to have to pay the price, that means economic pain."
"Incomes only 217, tuition for college is 1200, a thousand percent more."
"You're spending more and getting less, and that seems to be a recurring thing whether it's on gifts, groceries, gas, or a house."
"College students shouldn't have to take on debt."
"In 21st century Britain, getting sick while holding down a relatively menial job sees the sick person not just lose their wage for the days off they're sick, but actually pay money to their employer."
"I spent over two grand to take my son to Disney World. If I don't go it's over. I lose my money. I work hard for my money and I promise my son I don't want to let him down."
"Some of y'all right now, you are spending money literally worried about people who are not worried about you."
"Once you affect them in the pockets, these are people that didn't have really tough lives. Now they're being affected by the cost of energy to the point where they have a problem with what's going on."
"Your body keeps the score and your body knows when you're not safe, and debt puts you in an unsafe position."
"If you're in that situation, you're now to buy the average house, you would have to be making 10 to 20 times what you make a year."
"This life ain't it. I deserve better. I work too hard to feel this broke."
"You have to have something that takes care of your life that takes care of you because when you're working under the pressures of how am I going to eat today."
"I didn't want to buy it, you know, with ad revenue being in the toilet and it'll get worse."
"My husband left me and I have car loans and a mortgage that I'm behind on."
"Debt is consuming people's lives, causing a lot of anxiety."
"If you're in a position like that, right? You're in a position where you can't sleep at night, where you're worrying about holding a position overnight, about how much money you've gotten any certain stock, you got to take a step back."
"For people, it's not the millionaires that suffer, it ends up being the family. You see it on your table, you see it on your kitchen table. The price of things hits American families the hardest."
"Months like these where we have all of these things do before we were budgeting would really really mess us up..."
"Money doesn't buy happiness, but when your problems, the majority of them, do have to do with financial stuff and that's where a lot of your stress comes from, then yeah, you could be happier with money."
"I judge me by me because if I get something that I can't afford while they're resting comfortably, I'm up at night worrying about how I'm going to pay for it."
"Money was the main cause of stress for 29 percent of people."
"Unmanageable debt is commonly cited as a factor in suicide."
"Money is not everything, and I feel like going through financial issues... heavily affects your mental as well."
"Money is not going to get rid of all the problems associated... with the workplace."
"The economic thing is just absolutely crushing."
"Money cannot make the pain go away, however, being broke will definitely add on to it."
"As inflation pushes prices higher... the poorest Americans have less cash to spend than before."
"With multiple lawsuits still pending, and half a billion dollars owed to Monster Energy, Bang Energy, and its parent company VPX, began to panic."
"People have already been eating into their savings and all of a sudden you're in the situation where things start cascading downward."
"I think that's going to increasingly lead to a lot of markets stocks bonds and countries uh really feeling a pinch here and facing some headwinds."
"It's just getting harder and harder if you're a working-class family."
"I am pumped, am I losing money? Yeah, I'm losing some money now. I think everybody is, you see a lot of tension out there, people are upset."
"Money doesn't buy happiness, but a lack of money is a passport to misery."
"You're enough as you are, even if you're in debt, you're enough as you are."
"That being said after we broke up and he walked off while I was left holding the bag for this horrible mortgage I felt like I had to go out and well make the extra money one way or another."
"Gas is expensive, college is a scam, rent is outrageous."
"It's not just the money he stole, it's the high debt that I took. I've had to sell my house, I've had to watch my wife cry, I've had to watch my kids cry over this."
"Things are better you have less responsibility and you get paid less so you don't have no money more problems you don't want you don't want mo problems correct got 99 problems and mo problems."
"My wife was getting over her bills from beating stage three cancer."
"Slowly, money problems started to lead to anxiety, which led to depression making its way back into his life."
"Americans are relying on their savings to cover monthly bills and everyday expenses."
"Progressives don't want to go bankrupt because of medical bills."
"Money can't buy you happiness, it's not the route. Lack of it brings misery, sure, but we shouldn't get too rose-tinted."
"I can't afford it to be honest, it's too much."
"I don't think about it, I'm not stressed about money and that's something that again I kind of remind myself of because I know so many rich people who have more money than I am but they're still stressed about it."
"There shouldn't be people living paycheck to paycheck."
"Prices are going up by 8% and incomes are only going up by 3%. People who are already struggling are now screwed, and everyone knows it."
"Legions of young adults reported Financial worries 56% and achievement pressure 51% negatively influencing their mental health."
"These minimum payments are stacking up and they are insane. They are drowning."
"It's like a bit cream crackered dollar, and that's not good."
"Imagine having like a paying a club mortgage, all of those bills, and like the stake the city could just come shut your whole [__]."
"Money will solve some of them but there's more to being a human being than the stress caused by material issues."
"We got him! We got him! Oh man, we're on food stamps trying to keep this roster together."
"I feel enormous pressure to buy and get sucked into this property ownership system that wants to turn me into a yummy [__]."
"Everyone is exhausted as you can imagine is exhausted mentally physically financially."
"Money is very, very tight right now, so many people need additional money."
"Just a little bit more money, I would just have so much less stress."
"More than half of adults say that personal finance contributes to their mental health struggles."
"Money issues are a big reason for the 'd word' that we don't like to talk about."
"I can't stand constantly chasing money and doing, by the way, like pouring yourself out in that way."
"If you're not making enough money and your debt costs are skyrocketing, you're going to have to make changes."
"Yeah, obviously, it's stressful if you as a couple are struggling to make ends meet, and that is providing an entirely added layer of stress."
"I'm currently stressed between paying rent and brand deals, it's really like how."
"Financial stress is very dangerous. Yes, it can be very, very painful and in so many relationships and houses and it ruined so many people."
"The holidays are here which means ooh maybe you're gonna see some family members you don't particularly care for maybe you went broke buying Christmas presents"
"You'll feel that you're nothing more in a relationship than a financial burden to this person."
"No amount of money is worth having depression or anxiety about."
"The average wage in this country is now five thousand dollars less than the cost of basic goods of food transportation and housing."
"Having to repay student loans is a source of anxiety for many people."
"Breaking more than 50% of all six-figure earners living paycheck to paycheck is an all-time high."
"The middle class has been paying for it all and they're about to pay a lot more a lot lot more."
"I just had a losing streak for two weeks, that [ __ ] takes a toll on you."
"More than 80% of Americans ages 18 to 43 said money is a significant source of stress for them."
"I couldn't stand it. I mean I still don't like losing money but it bothered me a lot."
"What's inflation? Having to pay more than the money you have because things have gone up."
"Men are usually at their most emotional when we broke, when we got no money, when we can't provide."
"Money can be one of the biggest stressors as an adult."
"We're living paycheck to two three days before the paycheck and aren't we freaking tired of that life?"
"I feel like I'm being blamed, and there's a lot of pressure on me to get everything paid off."
"The audacity of her putting that! My word! I'm barely making it paying two cars, a mortgage, household bills, insurance, hoping there are no emergencies because I have no savings, and she's enjoying her trip. Eff her!"
"She stressed the urgency of needing money to cover bills, especially the monthly Castle tax."
"'Then instead of a paycheck, I get a bill for the last eight months of rent and a note that she isn't paying our wages until we pay her back for everything we owe her plus interest.'"
"I'm not like holy [__] how am I gonna pay next month's rent?"
"If you want to stop worrying about money, if you want to stop stressing about money, you got to stop making everybody else rich."
"She drowned in tears, wishing that next month she wouldn't have trouble paying the installments either."
"The wealthiest person is the one that lives below their means and so it's like if you are constantly spending money that's like not part of the budget you're going to always have this feeling of anxiety of stress about finances."
"You're home free in 24 months or stand here and fight over and let your children see what it's like to live in a household that is absolutely torn apart by financial discussions."
"When Shauna left her home in the states, Nick bought this enormous house for them to live in, but now they're so busy arguing about their growing debt that they're not enjoying their new life together."
"No financial stress, you don't owe anything to anyone."
"You're tired of struggling with money, I'm tired of being stressed about money, I'm tired of not having money for this, I'm tired of not having money for that."
"Monthly bills are coming in you want to pay your phone bills you want to pay your rent you also have your school fees that you just paid."
"There's a lot of sadness about money."
"America is now in more credit card debt than ever before. You know my grandfather used to say, 'There's no stress like money stress, son.'"
"...the prospect of how much more I'm going to have to pay when I do renew it because of high interest rates, man, it's been stressing me out."
"But if you're there, if you're worrying about money, I'm with you. It sucks."
"I wasn't going to get this money and that the offer was a lie and it was at that point that I woke up and thought I'm gonna need to get a job here pretty heavy."
"I'd like to remove from everybody right never mind my kids but anyone's kids right I'd like to remove the stress of having no money."
"Weddings are expensive, aren't they? Everything about weddings are expensive. Oh my gosh, the flowers, the photography, the food, the venue, the cars, the everything. Just everything is expensive."
"...now the payments are back, Voldemort style, circa Mike Newell's. Got 45 million student borrowers, most of whom were already living paycheck to paycheck, are going to have to belly up an extra 400 bucks a month on payments again..."
"I can't afford this. I literally cannot afford this. Like, this is crazy."
"So many people are in debt up to their eyeballs with no savings living in a cycle of stress and drama."
"Poor him with his taxes and everything."
"I remember getting my paychecks and seeing my student loan payment and thinking, 'Well, great. How do I do this with paying for other things?'"
"Because I feel like a lot of people go into it and then because of the mortgage and because of taking out payments and stuff like that, and uh, that's the part that feels like the death contract is just like, 'Oh [ __ ] I'm wrapped up, everything I have is stuck in here.'"
"If you have a money problem, you get tight about it. It takes your focus. You think about it. So, you go the other way."
"I'm tired of waiting, my mortgage payments almost doubled, my insurance increased by 30%, the bank will not wait for me to make the mortgage payments."
"When a person writes a set of accounts and is found dead, it's reasonable to assume that there are money worries."
"People were completely and totally panicked. I stopped watching CNBC, I stopped reading the news because nothing good is going to come out of that."
"If interest rates get too high and you have to sell when everyone else is selling, you could be putting yourself in a world of pain."
"It isn't right that grieving parents have to worry about how to meet the funeral costs for a child."
"It's really hard because you're dealing with people and when it comes to money and debt in these kind of times that we are living in, it's really, really hard."
"If you're skinned, you have to work in a job that you don't want to work in because you need to make money, that's where depression comes in."
"I was tired of living beyond paycheck to paycheck and feeling stressed about money."
"This is great; you can finally tackle those expenses that have been stressing you out without any hang-ups."
"Living paycheck to paycheck... it's not a place that I ever want to go back to."
"The average American is not in a comfortable financial position at the moment."
"Debt creates stress in our lives."
"What do I not want? I don't want the stress of always living paycheck to paycheck."
"Debt is stress, so if we can get you out of that and into a peaceful place, then you can enjoy your life and think about things that really matter instead of stressing about debt."
"It's very hard to sell and buy homes."
"Everything is insanely expensive... everything is just up, everything is so high, and that pressure is something else."
"Your life is worth more than any bill."
"If I lose my job, how am I going to pay my bills? How am I going to support my family?"
"I was constantly stressing about whether I was charging too little, which meant that I wasn't making enough money to survive."
"Being behind on my mortgage and the thought of them foreclosing on my house, I just couldn't take it."
"The cost of housing right now is one of the number one reasons why most people are living paycheck to paycheck."
"Debt can become a complete and total millstone around your neck."
"If you're stressed about money, then do a money fast."
"Children make people happy, period. The issue is that having children makes people happy, paying for children does not."
"If there's one thing I've learned when it comes to money, it's that if it's in your head and it's not organized, it becomes a lot more stressful."
"I was a 23-year-old broke stay-at-home mom who stressed about paying my bills."
"It's quite nerve-wracking buying a vehicle, especially if it's a lot of money."
"Sometimes money is just not worth the stress."
"I think the point is that we're all sick of spending all of our money on food and rent, and never having anything for a personal luxury."
"I'm fine, just tired. I'm not used to the work, and I told you, doctors are very expensive," Mama looked at her weakly.
"It's humiliating, isn't it? How do other fellas deal with a bit bother like that, you know, about money?"
"I am I the only one struggling? Have to pick and choose what bills to fall behind on."
"Thanksgiving dinner tastes different when you owe someone money."
"The pressure of financial struggle is the number one reason for divorce."
"The stress of the finances is unbearable."
"A lot of our problems come from being stressed about money... if you can have that covered, it doesn't solve your problems but it alleviates a lot of stress."
"People don't care about you. You're up here trying to impress them, going broke trying to impress some people that don't give a damn about you."
"A lot of the financial issues that you're dealing with... are actually coming from ancient wounds."
"Money doesn't fix that; money helps to relieve stress and it definitely makes you more comfortable."
"We're being crushed by all of these different societal things and also financial fears."
"I'm not trying to be out my bracket, but I just feel like, yeah, that you're requiring more than what I make."
"It was like the difference between am I going to be able to drive to work next week or not."
"I don't care at what point in life you may be, relinquishing that much money from your bank account and not knowing what you are getting in return is a stressful feeling."
"People do crazy things when they're experiencing financial troubles."
"We are working too hard for the money."
"Money stress is one of the worst stresses we can have."
"In the past, I was suffering because I had no money to buy a house. Now I've managed to scrape together enough money, why am I still in so much pain?"
"Right now, hunger is actually at the top of the list because people are so financially stressed."