
Global Development Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"The need for the W-GDP is clear, and it's urgent. Too many barriers have kept women from opportunities in far too many parts of the world."
"Who's next? Which corner of the world is set for a similar dramatic rise in the coming years?"
"If we can just get to a type one civilization, that basically means that we have unlimited energy for everybody."
"The UN has been ably fulfilling its mission of protecting peace, promoting sustainable development of the peoples and continents, and providing assistance in mitigating local crises."
"Education for all as a strategy for development, as a strategy for world peace as well."
"With all these features and advantages, the TRX RH70 has become an important industry component, making a significant contribution to global infrastructure development and resource extraction."
"We will not only see a massive increase in global prosperity."
"We're reducing poverty at an incredible rate, people have more fresh water, we have lower infant mortality rates."
"Modern economies are doing a damn good job of lifting people rapidly out of abject poverty."
"Bangladesh might just be the most resilient country on the planet."
"There are better examples to follow which will likely yield much better results for the dozens of countries around the world now going through their own periods of Rapid development."
"We want to develop the world's first economic graph."
"The age of expansionism is over, and the age of cooperative development is very much the need."
"I'm very much in favor of humanity expanding and creating a bright and exciting future for the world."
"So now we can have unlimited clean water, because we can just boil the oceans; we can now have lights that children can come home and study; and we can educate them, because they’ll also have smartphones that provide them with knowledge."
"Since decades ago, Asian and European countries have been competing to achieve the best high-speed railway networks in the world."
"It's a pretty safe prediction that spaceship earth will be receiving some massive upgrades and enhancements."
"Nothing would make me happier and more fulfilled than to use what I have learned in business and in traveling all over the world to bring wealth and prosperity and opportunity to those who have not had these opportunities before."
"Our vision is to have opportunities, security, to eradicate poverty, and to be an example for other third-world countries."
"Every major growth story in the last 150 years has actually paradoxically happened with the support of the West."
"Assuming that will also be the case for currently developing nations, then there could come a time when people voluntarily reproduce at below replacement levels."
"Development is no longer an issue of the global South, it is a world issue."
"From 1981 to 2001...absolute poverty in the developing world dropped from 40 to 21 percent."
"We're moving rapidly towards a post-poverty world economy."
"Emerging markets around the world most definitely are the future."
"Biden administration aptly renamed it B3W, and what that means is Build Back a Better World, the Digital Belt and Road."
"Technology is what's lifted the world out of poverty."
"These two countries care not just about themselves they do care about the development of all oppressed countries around the world with which they see a common alignment with they see a common cause with."
"For most of us who came from the developing world, we were thinking about how can we bring women, particularly the marginalized women who make up the bulk of the population of our countries, how can we bring them into the conversation?"
"The progression of us on this planet will only go as far as the progression of Africa."
"We have done a remarkable job in reducing global poverty."
"More than half the world's population will be enjoying middle-class standards by 2030."
"Countries around the world can and are continuing to build High-Speed Rail."
"It's in our national security interest to support the economic empowerment of women in the developing world."
"It means that the year will be the year of the world helping, giving a helping hand, and trying to achieve peace, to negotiate terms of good development for everybody."
"It's a growing part of the world and they need the resources."
"The United States could lead a cooperative effort involving both developed and developing worlds."
"But I'm gonna ask every single vice president, country director, to be specific about how this investment in this country is gonna help us end poverty and boost shared prosperity."
"I want that to be an option in so many more cities around the world."
"China's rise as a huge win for the world."
"We shall have as our partners countries which, no longer solely concerned with the problem of national survival, are now working to improve the standards of living of all their people."
"We are ready to undertake new projects to strengthen a free world."
"Getting everyone above the international poverty line is not a high bar - it's the lowest, and it's one we should be able to clear."
"Despite many difficulties and obstacles placed in its way, the United Nations during more than a quarter century of its existence has significantly contributed towards human progress in the political, economic, social, and cultural fields."
"Changing cultural norms and social behaviors is crucial for women and girls, and actually as well as boys and men in many countries as well, for us to thrive globally."
"By the end of the 21st century, if social development in East and West alike continues to rise at the same rate as in the 20th century, the East will catch up with the West."
"Since 1990 the number of people living in extreme poverty has dropped by more than half: from 2 billion to less than 1 billion."
"The World Bank projects that extreme poverty may be nearly eradicated by 2050."
"How many countries around the world were lifted up out of poverty because of all the positive fruits to the way these things were done?"
"Every year the average person on the planet grows wealthier, healthier, happier, cleverer, cleaner, kinder, freer, safer, more peaceful, and more equal."
"He instinctively understood the need to improve living standards around the world."
"We mustn't think of these as a set of separate goals as if they were silos; this is actually a package with all kinds of synergies and sometimes tensions between them."
"Factfulness offers the reader the gift of understanding the progress we are making on a planetary level."
"AI is not a limited resource where the more US has, the less China has. This is not a zero-sum game."
"The USAID Science for Development Award is presented to students whose innovative projects in science and technology advance our ability to meet current and future global development challenges."
"The United Nations to reduce disparities between developed and developing countries has set eight goals."
"We've helped educate over 8 million girls as part of our development priority to provide all girls with 12 years of high quality education."
"I want to see a prosperous future for all; I don't want to pull the rug out from developing nations."
"How do we reorganize the way that our society works so that things function better, so that we can get more to the poor, and so that we can make the world grow and develop as a society?"
"The world has really evolved since that time."
"I think it's more useful to use the term rise of the rest."
"CGD is kind of expanding its mandate also to focus on what some of the other bigger powers like China, India, Brazil ought to be doing to contribute towards development."
"The fastest rates of growth are happening in the poorest continents like Africa, Asia, and South America."
"The major one, the big one, is the start of sustained economic growth in the world economy from the 1750s onwards."