
Systemic Problems Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"We're particularly equipped to fix these systemic problems that have plagued the United States forever."
"America is not a fundamentally racist nation, but black America faces problems that are complex and systemic."
"Police violence is a health issue. Racism is a health issue."
"The real problem in America is obvious policing, it's obviously racist police shootings."
"Just because you remove the prison element doesn't mean the oppression still doesn't exist."
"Poverty is a disease that is systematically reinforced."
"The degree of special interest corruption... is the central problem in American politics."
"The system is broken... Lots of families are hurt, destroyed, ripped apart."
"The system we have in place now is so unsustainable."
"Institutional racism and systemic Grayson are real and they're pervasive."
"And that is the issue—you cannot expect them to moderate themselves or fix it because they are the actual problem."
"The problem that he represents isn't an individual problem it's a systemic one."
"There is a better system than what's going on in LA, what's going on in New York, and it does take a community to come together and make this initiative."
"Trump is not the end-all. You don't solve the problematic issues that we're facing here in America just because you removed Donald J. Trump."
"Structural racism systemic racism exists and it's the truth that is actually the truth."
"The school is a pipeline to prison or the grave."
"They despise people protesting or even rioting over the horrific conditions because they are contributing to those conditions in literally every way they can."
"It developed what people now call the school-to-prison pipeline."
"Responsibilization: it's always our fault, not systemic or political problems."
"It's a systemic American problem, not Democrat or Republican."
"Everybody has their problems at the moment, there's clearly some very deep rooted systemic problem across the globe."
"It's not about demonizing rich people, it's a systematic problem."
"What erupted in the US wasn't just a response to George Floyd; it's a deep-seated issue of privilege and impunity."
"This is a mess right, I mean this is a basic financial crisis 2.0 if you will."
"Hyperinflation, taxation, migration, frustration, manifestation, irritation—all of it's happening."
"The problem isn't the people, the problem is the situation and the systems and the overall culture and then the people."
"The roots of many problems stem from the end result of a psychopathic entity having power over institutions."
"The effects of crunch culture are far-reaching and extremely damaging to employees."
"Helping each other to get through something difficult, we can do anything."
"The real conversation should be about the system, not blame games."
"That deep-rooted hate that [__] has been implemented..."
"The Ukraine is a symptom of a much deeper problem."
"It's a systemic issue that needs to get addressed."
"I'm a firm believer that we have problems of racism in this country, I believe institutional systemic racism is real."
"Slavery never went away, it just changed forms."
"I've been exposed to a system that just has so many problems and I want to change it."
"It's like this horrible death cycle that the Chinese economy is in."
"We need to be talking about the systemic aspects that are plaguing our country."
"Labor problems, economy problems, inflation problems, food supply chain problems. Do I need to say more?"
"This topic goes to the heart of a lot of other issues relating to this type of corruption."
"The school system in Kentucky is really bad. It's horrendous."
"Women's favorite pastime is upholding patriarchy."
"There's something systemically rotten within the Evil Geniuses organization."
"This is an exploitation of land at the expense of black people that will further police violence."
"Supernatural Miracles have been prophesied to now accelerate stunning Miracles are going to be seen."
"We have a bunch of problems... Homeless, mental health, income disparity... You've got lots of people who've gone through the prison system..."
"The real systemic issue in this country is mental health."
"For people who say 'they're just a few bad apples', it's amazing how we can go Department to Department and see the same pattern."
"Uber is a test case of how insane our economic system is today."
"The wealth calcification in this country is historic and systemic."
"It kind of grew out of a lot of my other activity where you'd learn about different industries and you'd say, wow, this is really broken."
"Society needs a makeover and it's a race issue but it's a class issue, there's a political corruption issue, there's a lot of issues that are happening just systemically in a country."
"There is no way in which a system constructed like the present, in my opinion, can avoid creating more and more social problems."
"I'm not mad at the women who engage in it, I'm mad at the system that forces women to engage in it."
"Why is the system so broken? Why do some kids get a terrible school and some kids get an excellent school?"
"This is a systemic issue, this is a problem that is baked within the industry and not the responsibility of one individual consumer to personally shoulder and undo."
"The book definitely explained very clearly how the system is meant for them to be stuck in the system and impossible for them to get out of it."