
International Cooperation Quotes

There are 429 quotes

"The United States stands eager and ready to work with every country willing to take action to address discriminatory legal and regulatory barriers that hold women back and impede economic progress for all."
"The Antarctic Treaty... suspends national claims to territory, making the continent a shared scientific preserve."
"The International Space Station is one of the most ambitious international collaborations ever attempted."
"Thai Navy Seals, specialized British divers, and experts from around the world all took part in this rare example of a worldwide team effort that actually paid off."
"After 2 1/2 months of international teamwork, the miners were freed and were able to return home to their families."
"Antarctica, in essence, represents a remarkable experiment in international cooperation and peace."
"All the states parties to the Genocide Convention thus have a common interest to ensure the prevention, suppression, and punishment of genocide."
"To really take good care of your compatriots, you have to cooperate with foreigners."
"When you have the two greatest superpowers, China and America, working together, the entire world wins."
"The only treaty ever in existence where they all work together peacefully is the Antarctic Treaty."
"The meticulous deployment of these resources underlined the gravity of the situation and both countries' united commitment to avert a nuclear tragedy."
"The united action to prevent a nuclear power plant disaster will go down in history as proof of the capacity of international cooperation in the face of global crisis."
"It is very important that we continue to receive essential protective equipment from around the world, including the United States."
"In the 21st century, the only effective way of taking care of the safety and prosperity of people in one country is by cooperating with the other countries."
"A perfectly executed strike last night. Thank you to France and the United Kingdom for their wisdom and the power of their fine military. Could not have had a better result. Mission accomplished."
"It's not just the United States... it's really like a global effort."
"When humanity transcends national communities to work together, that in and of itself would be the first step towards surmounting a crisis."
"The challenges we face today are many and are not exclusive to my region, as I've just mentioned. They are global, and particularly the threats to global security."
"This is not about stealing sovereignty from countries; this is about countries coming together to solve problems together."
"We need to bring people...in France, Hungary, and Britain who have all had enough of this wokism in their country but they all need to help each other out."
"The countries that do have the industrial base to produce vaccines should help countries that don't, to develop their own industrial base."
"We're working together to support international efforts to develop a vaccine, expand treatment, expand testing, and ensure the critical medical supplies get to the front lines."
"The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam can benefit Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt... but only if they work together."
"Our intention, alongside American astronauts, to land an international astronaut on the surface of the Moon by the end of the decade."
"A virus doesn't stay in one place, and we will not have succeeded in this fight if it is still raging in some parts of the world."
"We're not going to solve the climate problem without Chinese cooperation."
"We need to work together, drawing on the principles and norms of international law enshrined in the UN Charter."
"The international cooperation and the partnership that has been forged over these 20 years really I find so impressive."
"Shifting as African nations make strides toward success, it's not limited to just one or two countries; a list of nations are actively working to elevate Africa's status."
"We are always going to be there to work with our American partners on protecting North America."
"Canada and the US will stand side-by-side to confront the pressing needs that face not only our two countries but the entire planet."
"The only way to prevent the worst-case scenarios is if enough countries cooperate on that."
"It may be that we come out of this entire experience with a whole new idea of the necessity for international cooperation."
"This is a great day not only for America, for our European and Canadian partners, but it's a great day for planet Earth."
"We will be collecting all the evidence; we will be working with all international institutions relevant to bring to identify and bring those responsible for these crimes to account."
"Neither Pakistan nor the US have a better option. We have to work together to make sure that the history of the '90s in Afghanistan is not repeated."
"We pray that the international community may commit in a concrete way to ensuring the abolition of torture and guarantee support to victims and their families."
"Let us work together for a peaceful, prosperous, and free Indo-Pacific."
"Nothing gives me greater confidence in the future than knowing Canada and the United States stand together still today."
"We have to move in a direction where the world itself is vaccinated."
"Every single one of those countries stands to gain more from it than they stand to gain if they go against it."
"In a globalised economy where no country is an island, where no nation can truly prosper without full engagement with global markets and diplomacy, it is likely that engagement brings considerable value to counterbalance the expenditure on it."
"We're working together with many different countries, and we have no ego."
"This human-centric approach will help Moon missions by other countries in the future."
"The American dream is made possible because of China."
"We share our own experiences with all the African countries yes yes across in fact recently have had the opportunity to read the African Union that's about 55 countries have been the chairman of the that organization."
"We're working with our partners to update and create rules of the road for new challenges we face in the 21st century."
"The galactic federation gives us a chance by these programs of cooperation."
"Now is the time to act together here at home with our allies abroad."
"The space race necessitated global cooperation."
"We want to share European technology with you. We want to invest in skills for local workers."
"The international response to the disaster was one of the largest humanitarian efforts in history."
"So, what am I saying? Yeah, I think you'd want to add to their portfolio. But wouldn't Space Force sort of be, because it's all of space, outer space, wouldn't that need to be an international organization?"
"The existence of international institutions... and a culture of genuine multilateralism are critical."
"The ISS consists of 50 nations: Canada, Japan, the Russian Federation, the United States, and the European Space Agency."
"Really this is about coordination within our societies but also globally internationally thinking about how we work together with like-minded Partners to safeguard our Democratic processes."
"Congrats I mean that's amazing I I hope that more come more countries start to really get on board and you know work on their presence in space."
"It's very important to train with our allies in the Arctic Circle because they know how to do it right."
"We really need to regulate the flows of capital and that requires international cooperation and also the closing of tax havens."
"Our quad partnership is on track to help produce at least one billion doses of COVID vaccines in India for the Asia region by the end of 2022."
"I think that they want to get to the bottom of things also we're working our drug companies our pharmaceutical companies are working very closely with China and with India as you know and with all over the world."
"International collaboration is key to overcoming the pandemic."
"No matter how successful we are in fighting the threat of Covid-19 pandemic at home, it will never stop unless we're also fighting it around the world."
"It's a good idea to have European collaboration and partnership when it comes to deepening markets and trade."
"We need some minimal amount of international coordination but not through a binding treaty but maybe perhaps through some voluntary agreement of some sort."
"Countries working together on top problems, including over time climate change, being ready for the next pandemic."
"The establishment of the new international norms for outer space must start with a commitment by all spacefaring nations not to conduct destructive direct ascent anti-satellite missile testing."
"Japan and India for example makes a decent combo."
"Tomorrow morning I will be meeting with G7 partners."
"Nothing could improve the world more than a strong US-China partnership."
"The ISS is the most incredible wonder of the modern world."
"Every single one of us that stays home means that one of these people's votes for Trump will go unopposed."
"Space is no longer just a venture for the richest countries in the world."
"The United States has worked with 30 other countries to release 60 million barrels of oil from reserves around the world."
"Mission and lift off, guys! Endeavor launches once again, four astronauts from three countries on Crew-2, now making their way to the one and only International Space Station."
"Cooperation must go beyond our government, it must be rooted in our people."
"The obvious choice was the most modern submarine on the drawing boards which is the french nuclear submarine."
"China agreed to share water data with Mekong River countries last October."
"Climate change is an obvious example. If you want to protect the people in your country from the disastrous consequences of climate change, the only way to do it is to cooperate with other countries."
"We all owe a debt of gratitude to China for helping bring it closer."
"It's impressive to see the way but countries have come together for a common cause."
"Leaders from more than 100 countries have promised to end deforestation by 2030."
"The resolution backed by more than a hundred and thirty countries calls for an impartial, independent, and comprehensive evaluation into the global response to the coronavirus pandemic."
"Containing this disease in Iran not only helps Iran, it helps the world."
"When China and the United States work together, the world wins."
"If the US and China learn to work together, the entire world wins."
"Economies tend to do a lot better when they work well with surrounding countries."
"I am convinced that in the long run giving up some freedom of action, not giving up our ability to protect ourselves or pursue our core interests, but binding ourselves to international rules over the long term enhances our security."
"We believe this mission represented by the U.S, Canada, Spain, and Israel advances that vision of a unified Humanity reaching for the Stars despite the strife going on on the ground."
"The world has the chance to join in the shared objective of creating a safer, stabler future for our people and for the planet."
"Create a networked world of democracy and openness and transparency where like-minded countries and like-minded people work together for the benefit of all."
"Morocco's commitment to aiding brother Sahel States, extending access to its infrastructure roads and ports for Mutual Prosperity."
"It was a very, very successful operation, an incredible example of helpful international cooperation in a tricky situation."
"Americans and Russians working together out of this world setting an example for all of us about what could be back here on Earth."
"This is not an ambition of one entity or one country; the exploration of the moon is a shared effort woven together by a desire for the greater good."
"Space Station is the greatest collaboration of Nations outside of the waging of war."
"It's time to have a much more systematic way of thinking about transnational crimes and how we react as a group of allies."
"My plan is already in motion, I led the world and other countries to join with us to coordinate the largest release of oil from our stockpiles of all the countries in history."
"Kanzak aims for free movement, free trade, and cooperation on foreign policy among member countries."
"Space is an open domain. We can share opportunities, advance in science, and share the risk."
"Such large-scale efforts and projects are huge starters for networking, connecting institutes across borders."
"The Argo program, with around 4,000 probes in the ocean, is a critical international effort, with the US playing a significant role in funding and deployment."
"We're going to pursue an international Green New Deal with comrades worldwide."
"We're cooperating with our partners and allies in unprecedented ways."
"Keep an eye on this AIB, definitely keep an eye on it. A bunch of [countries] to join the investment so you know the impact can be greater."
"We congratulate President-elect Luis Arse on his victory and look forward to working with the elected government for hemisphere freedom and prosperity."
"No Nation can meet the challenges of today alone." - Dr. Andy Woods
"South Korea's model for combating the virus is being promoted to other countries."
"Ultimately, we work so closely together that there's almost no information that's not shared between our various countries."
"Thank you all for joining us today, we are excited to be on our way to delivering that important science back to the National Space Station."
"Space travel can give people hope for the future and unite people from different countries."
"It's clear that a global disaster such as the COVID-19 pandemic can only be overcome through international cooperation and solidarity."
"This is a big moment for Europe too because this is one of their major contributions to the overall Artemis program."
"If Lula comes back... he has pledged to revive the BRICS."
"China is helping Africa develop space technology and narrow the decades-long Gap."
"Astronauts from all over the world live and work aboard the ISS."
"We need systems that connect countries; in other words, we need interoperability."
"This case demonstrates what's possible when international, private sector, and law enforcement partners all work together."
"It's time for democratic nations to come together and establish a global set of norms."
"I want to congratulate Poland for its leadership in the Three Seas Initiative."
"China's officials have not finalized necessary permissions for the scientific team's arrival."
"We call on all member states to participate in the emergency special session of the General Assembly in a constructive manner to unite around the call for peace."
"What China's doing through the Belt and Road Initiative is part of this concept of multipolarism, a balance of power around the world where nations are working together."
"Now is a pretty good time to bring up tangible concerns for the future."
"A single country can't save itself; a pandemic doesn't respect borders."
"The Belton Road initiative has 140 plus countries signed on and already thousands of projects."
"This is the coolest thing ever that there's all these countries working together to make explorations happen."
"But it’s going to require action from more than just one country to save it."
"China could play a role here in helping to end this war."
"The rare coalition of the West to impose such tough sanctions on Russia may well have exceeded the expectations of the CCP."
"Every country has a role to play in ocean conservation and green shipping."
"Having international cooperation to go back to the moon is going to make it tougher to cancel."
"The best thing we could do realistically would probably be international trade blocks."
"The Arctic convoys were vast logistical operations involving huge amounts of international cooperation."
"When the United States and China work together, the whole world wins."
"Joining BRICS and promoting multi-polarity is a good thing."
"The biggest problems we confront, no one nation is going to be able to solve on its own, not even a nation as powerful as the United States of America."
"A virus that knows no borders is taking a worldwide effort to confront it."
"We left your people, the group that was to work with those in the area of South America, as you call that portion of your sphere."
"I think it's gonna come to that stage now and uh I think it's going to be done together with England and Australia I do believe that because you want cricket to grow all over the world."
"And it begs for—it demands a clear, deliberate, coordinated response, not only from the United States but from our partners across the board."
"The International Space Station is by far the best example of international cooperation and what we can do when we work together in the history of humanity."
"The U.S. and Taiwan will work together on infrastructure projects in the Indo-Pacific region and Latin America."
"Maybe we convince the world countries around the world to pool our resources and stand together against our common enemy which is climate change."
"What I'd really like to see is that jump beyond national borders and into an international response."
"The ISS: A remarkable feat of international collaboration."
"In this new century Americans and Europeans alike will be required to do more not less... partnership and cooperation among nations is not a choice, it is the only way."
"Jim Bridenstine's legacy with all of this is making the overall program indispensable with international cooperation."
"When over 20 of Egypt's finest temples were threatened by flooding, 51 nations came to the rescue and mounted one of the most ambitious structural moves in history."
"I invite any government, all governments on the face of the earth, to put their greatest social ecologists and economists and philosophers and politicians and diplomats together and let's have a meeting."
"When China and the United States learn to work together, the entire world wins."
"It's not just military, it's we're going to help you in terms of health, we're going to help you in terms of economics, we're going to try to work with you in terms of education."
"With our friends and with our allies, with Japan and so many others, we have ushered in an era of unprecedented peace and prosperity on these seas and between our lands."
"Not only that, but the tubes will also contain a series of pipelines that'll import and export gas, oil and water between Mumbai and the UAE."
"Thank you for your support. That’s what makes all this happen!"
"Hopefully this will continue moving forward. Thailand will develop, Thailand will grow its cooperation with China, and together the rest of Asia will arise."
"The potential benefits extend beyond the confines of the G7 Summit, shaping the trajectory of international cooperation."
"Recognizing the global nature of AI challenges, Italy's G7 presidency positions itself as a catalyst for international unity."
"Italy aims to deter migration and cultivate cooperation with African nations."
"They fostered a greater relationship for freedom and for peace around the world."
"In the wake of the tragedy, two agencies came together to launch the International Volcano Disaster Assistance Program, VDAP."
"China has agreed to coordinate with the United Nations Development Programme UNDP in implementing its one belt one road initiative focused on Eurasian Economic Development in integration."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 has earned a place in the gaming Hall of Fame."
"Portuguese president Marcelo Rebelo de Souza affirmed Portugal's readiness to take part in the training of Ukrainian pilots and engineers on F-16 fighter aircraft."
"We need only look to the United Nations Secretary General, to the IMF, the EU, as Petersburg climate dialogue, the Canadian government, the COP 26, universities Network, and Business Leaders around the world to see this."
"I told them yesterday that I'd be very unhappy if they didn't up their commitments very substantially because the United States has been paying a tremendous amount, probably 90% of the cost of NATO."
"Collaboration for developing countries, these are all things that we need to do."
"If that can be the daily interaction of the working class around the world and not just a once a year conference then we'll really start to see what the working class can achieve in an international capacity."
"The US has also helped Japan equip four of its ships with ballistic missile defense capabilities, and this number is also expected to rise in response to the development of North Korean nuclear weapons and the Chinese threat."
"The farmers have finally realized coming together across all nations moves agendas."
"Such undermining is Breaking Faith with the other states that are committed to securing the basic rights and protections."
"It's complicated, it's consequential, and we need to manage it responsibly."
"Our partnership will be a great Catalyst to make India the world's leading Digital Society."
"It's unsustainable...rethinking around the world work with the United Nations."
"Not only a strong China but a strong China holding hands holding hands and passing money through those hands through economic linkage with countries in Asia, Africa, and South America."
"NATO's Baltic air policing Mission promotes collaboration among NATO member and Ally countries."
"Welcome to the inaugural summit of the Progressive International."
"The F-35 was actually being considered as an option for us for some time. The German Air Force this month sent the US military a written request for classified data on the Lockheed Martin Corporation F-35 fighter jet."
"Could Latin America be a reliable partner for achieving the energy transition proposed by Brussels?"
"The European Union plans to open an office in Greenland and use EU funding to promote sustainable development in the Arctic."
"This is not just a NASA thing; this is a collaboration, this is a humankind thing."
"The Antarctic treaty restricts access to Antarctica, heralded as one of the most successful examples of International cooperation."
"We are going to work together until we get their safe return. Canada and the United States will stand together against abuse of universal rights and democratic freedoms."
"China's belt and road initiative... secures links between China and some 65 other countries."
"Or you need just the Chinese Space Administration to decide they're going to the moon."
"I think we are going to get people on the moon. The next country will be the United States but we are not going to be doing it alone."
"Euclid represents another leap in the cosmic self-discovery, a way of the universe knowing itself through these incredible scientists and Engineers from all corners of the globe."
"We're not gonna sit back and deny the reality... we're gonna lead the effort to bring countries together to address this existential crisis."
"Countries are looking for China because China offers expertise in building infrastructure and loans at very good conditions."
"Collaborative efforts on matters like the opioid crisis and international conflicts underscore the shared responsibility that comes with Global Leadership."
"Over 40 countries have expressed interest in joining."
"The Antarctic treaty is an impressive International agreement that has been signed by the majority of the world's Nations."
"It is necessary to constitute a group of countries willing to find a way to make peace."
"The reality of the situation is we can put stuff in space and we don't need their help."
"Countries urgently need to strengthen coordination and cooperation for common progress."
"The level of cooperation around the world was established through the pandemic."
"China uses DNA to map faces with help from the West."
"President Biden vowed to start this New Era of trilateral cooperation with Japan and South Korea to bolster security."
"The Workers' Party's ethos comes from a tradition of developmentalism, focusing on economic sovereignty and South-South cooperation."
"He supports all processes of multilateralism and multi-polarism especially centered on the global South."