
Developer Tools Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"OpenAI has done a really good job creating a platform for developers to create custom GPTs."
"With plugins it's also possible to take over the entire properties panel and bring in other developer tools inside of figma."
"Developers can let a player instantly share boom a playable moment from a game."
"One feature that is brand new it is a big deal I'ma show you to you now it's I'm really excited styled console messages guys this is so good."
"We thought, wouldn't it be great if we could take this vocabulary and extend it? What if we gave the same tools to the developer, as well?"
"Already copilot is making developers 55% faster in coding."
"Co-pilot is now integrated into every step of the developer workflow."
"When workspace is released in 2024...a consequential leap closer to an age where developers can use AI as a second brain."
"If something goes wrong, we want to know as a developer what is happening."
"The Angular CLI's ng update command unlocks all that the newest Angular has to offer."
"ARM could power the majority of developer PCs by 2030."
"Laptops for software developers need more RAM – aim for 16GB if you can afford it."
"Cloud is just a set of tools that helps you, the developer, spend less time managing and more time being creative as a developer."
"Git is one of the most important skills any developer can learn."
"Private fields will always be prefixed with an underscore and Siri sharp rate is automatically suggesting three names for me."
"If you're making $40,000 a year and you get a thousand dollar tax break, that's not no money."
"It gives devs another tool to drum up excitement for their game and just a way to communicate with the game's broader audience, and that's something that's really important."
"I think it's an amazing laptop for developers almost perfect."
"Unity is an incredibly powerful tool, it's very, very easy to use. We're really excited to give you guys the tools that you need to start building cool stuff kind of right out of the box."
"iPhone push notifications are allowing developers to send out backdoor data."
"Just so cool that you're able to do something just in a game jam and then it turns into something real that our creators can use for me."
"Inlay hints are a game changer in developer tooling."
"If you can't get enough, I recommend checking out github.com/Chrisvfritz/viewEnterpriseBoilerplate."
"Platform as a Service is really intended for developers."
"They bring amazing tools and extensions for developers."
"Google's entire infrastructure stack, not just the tools but everything you use as a developer, is just unbelievably good."
"Authentication can feel quite daunting for developers, however, with Superbase it's super easy."
"If you are a developer, if you're somebody who needs the Linux terminal and you don't necessarily want to deal with like a hack box then you might want to consider this because it's already built in and it's in beta but it seems to work just fine."
"Enhancement number one: We're excited to announce the introduction of a new Snowflake CLI, completely open-source tool focus on developer-centric use cases."
"By leveraging source generators, developers can reduce memory consumption and optimize performance by orders of magnitude."
"Think of source generators as a tool to elevate your coding experience and empower your development workflow."
"For developers to drastically accelerate time to solution, we built two incredible tools: Transfer Learning Toolkit for training and optimization, and DeepStream SDK for deployment."
"Let's jump in, take a look at a demo, and then look into the Assistance API more."
"Secure and painless file transfers for developers without leaving the terminal."
"Now it's slowly migrating to Kconfig options only and so you can access them via menuconfig which is really helpful."
"You can do all this kind of checking using this developer tool."
"Let developers use the IDEs and tools they're most familiar with."
"Mocking makes writing unit tests a lot easier."
"As a developer, I mainly need three things available in my inner loop: A good starting point, good tooling to use while coding and testing, and an easy path to a production-like environment."
"With AWS Amplify, developers can create a backend for their apps with real-time and offline functionality with just a few clicks."
"Next.js does give you a lot out of the box, and that is why it is one of the most popular frameworks for React out there."
"It's truly nailed everything that you'd want from a developer framework."
"That's exactly the API that we're kind of looking for."
"By the end of this guide, you'll have code completion, auto suggestions, linting with static analysis, auto formatting on save, and powerful debugging capabilities."
"I couldn't live without it. This is one of the best tools for designers, for freelance developers, anything."
"Tech is moving so fast, faster than we can do it. Chat GPT pulls us up to that level, lets us keep up with that demand."
"We want to enable you and equip you with the tools to make you a productive developer."
"Our goal is to replace all these ad hoc workflows which developers do every day using queues and databases."
"With a distributed version control system... as a developer you check out all of the files for a project so you can actually manage the whole project locally on your develop machine."
"Get lab sets in the center, a cornerstone for all your developer experience across admins, project owners, QA testers, etc."
"It was Docker in 2014-2015, coming on the stage and sort of exciting the developer's mind with the simplicity of some of these commands."
"Zod is a package that's becoming more and more popular."
"Authenticated encryption is going to protect developers by making all the hard design choices for them."
"What I like about eglot is it's simple, sort of stays out of the way, but it does give me all the information I need."
"Developers can store vectors alongside business data and text making it really easy."
"With those two top secret super secret developer tools, you'll be able to learn anything else you could possibly need to know."
"DevTools is a great tool for improving your app's performance, so go ahead and take it for a test drive."
"With modules, I wanted to bring C++ to the 21st century where we have all these semantics in our developer tools."
"Taiwan is actually a really powerful CSS tool and it makes our lives a lot easier as developers."
"WordPress has a series of functions for performing the most common tasks; for this reason, developers love WordPress."
"It also gives great control for the developers to optimize system performance."
"JSON table turns JSON data into a table with rows and columns which the old-fashioned relational developers like myself really enjoy."
"React Query has dev tools, it has some of the best documentation around."
"Super powers for DeFi developers."
"Include developer tools so that people can discover and play with your API."
"We're not using anything Google internal; it's using developer products that everyone has available to them."
"So yeah, I can imagine this being super useful, especially if you're working with a code base that is new to you."
"The ones that I recommend are Firefox and Chrome because they provide very good developer tools."
"We're working to integrate this into your favorite developer tools."
"If you're providing an API, it's because you want a developer to use all this stuff to build a really cool app."
"We're really trying to streamline the process for developers to use on existing applications without having to wait for their customers to update."
"This is just a superpower essentially that you can use to make writing out some of these boilerplate codes so much easier."
"We're trying to make it easier for developers and partners to build enterprise IOT solutions from edge to cloud."
"Our mission is to make Windows the best dev box for you."
"Best of all, Azure pipeline's provides a free pipeline for your project with up to 1,800 minutes of build time per month."
"The motivating force behind Lightship is to kick-start the AR ecosystem and get developers tools to build stuff Niantic could only dream of."
"We create this workforce multiplier effect by giving the developers the tools they need to be their own system administrators."
"The nice thing about Maven is it has really good support with IDEs."
"Typescript is a superset of JavaScript that is really aimed for developers and making the development process a lot easier."
"We're bringing the power of deep learning and advanced machine learning to all developers."