
Women's Empowerment Quotes

There are 386 quotes

"The need for the W-GDP is clear, and it's urgent. Too many barriers have kept women from opportunities in far too many parts of the world."
"The biggest threat, in my judgment, to extremism, is an empowered woman."
"Women don't need to find a voice; they have a voice. They need to feel empowered to use it, and people need to be encouraged to listen."
"I have been praying about what this moment will mean for every woman connected to it, and God just told me that this is going to be a space in which women can come and finally exhale."
"Electricity frees women and girls from the pump, the stove, and the wash tub."
"Often, you see in the list of top things we can do about climate change, a big part of that is just educating women and family planning in the developing world."
"Self-compassion, in my opinion, the most underutilized muscle, especially in overachieving women."
"There is so much potential energy and power that is trapped and misdirected in women today."
"When we unlock this power, we are unstoppable."
"It's about changing your mindset around it. As Muslim women, if we were to change our mindset that this is just as much as it is a right, it's my right."
"When a woman can take care of herself, you know that. When a woman don't need you, you know that."
"It's absolutely right on target to say that women should not create an identity out of their victimization."
"Assertiveness training can often triple women's wages within a five-year period."
"Lifting is just plain badass...lifting heavy and feeling strong is really important for a woman to approach and experience. It breeds a whole new level of confidence."
"80% of the global consumers are women today, and they are powerful. They have more money than before. 64% of the university graduates are women, so the future is female."
"The best part of a woman's life begins at 40."
"7 million women are going to have bank accounts, access to mobile phones, and access to 500 very frugal digital hubs in very remote areas."
"World War II was won in part thanks to the empowerment of women."
"The reality of the situation is that children are the greatest thing on planet Earth. They are amazing, and women being able to have children is like a superpower."
"Women's power is gonna save this whole planet."
"Up to 70% of the great wealth transfer will end up in women's hands and women will rule the world."
"By 2030, women will control roughly two-thirds of the entire nation's wealth."
"Pinky Promise is an organization that encourages women to honor God with their life and their body."
"She gave the title of first lady substance, leveraging that opportunity to improve a lot of women, especially rural women."
"Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice is an incredible and wonderful heroic character and role model for both girls and women."
"What does it profit a woman to marry a man if it's not going to make her life better?"
"She starts telling me, 'I feel like you one day you're going to speak to thousands of women.'"
"Mary Kay wasn't afraid of hard work, and she knew women weren't afraid of hard work either. She believed many women not only wanted to get out of the house and work but to be recognized for their efforts."
"Every Woman Counts is a reminder that all women, from all ages and walks of life, have a place in every aspect of Canadian society."
"We should always encourage women to know that there are other options."
"The sexiest thing in the framework of a woman is her mindset, and if a woman wakes up every day and she believes 'I am it,' it'll manifest."
"When a woman that is queen conscious walks in this room, everybody recognizes because her presence is projected from her very energy and essence."
"Women's empowerment, this feminist movement, is clearly now at the top of the agenda."
"I believe in giving women all the tools and the trust that we can do it all without losing our essence, without losing our femininity."
"Telling our own stories and shaping our own narratives must be our top priority."
"Wait and see. You will be proud of the women who become graduates."
"If you educate a woman, you educate the country and nation."
"Bodybuilding for women shows great confidence in the face of scorn and adversity."
"We wanted to do more with our lives. We wanted to serve God and point women to His design rather than just physical beauty."
"It's really not that deep. Like, you may hate this song, but at the end of the day, to say it's degrading towards women and ending women empowerment, you've got to be a bit of a Sweeney Hut Jrs."
"I am representative, personally, of a life path for women that is, not only very valid, but also something that, even just a short while ago, would have been considered nearly impossible."
"We can only address the climate emergency and the many other challenges we face with women and girls at the center of our efforts."
"Equality for women and girls can play the winning role in all aspects of sustainable development."
"We as women must continue using our great tool of empowerment, our voices. Now in 2020, the American women's voice is more important than ever. Our nation is depending on each of you."
"We need women who know how to make important things happen by their faith and who are courageous defenders of morality and families in a sin sick world."
"There's nothing that a woman can't do today."
"Allowing women access to education and jobs liberates them from sub-optimal relationships."
"We need to start being blunt with young women. They can make their own choices on their timelines, but it should be done with the most information possible."
"Now that I'm seeing women celebrate the way I look, it has done me the world of good."
"I'd rather be alone like I I don't need a man to do anything I don't sound like something worth competing for I ain't gonna hold you chill chill."
"Things like obesity are glorified... promiscuity is glorified... birth control pills are empowering for women... that message is everywhere... it's saturated through society."
"Black women are fierce, brilliant, courageous, dope."
"Women played an important role in the military, with some serving in units which shattered gender stereotypes."
"Empowering women changes the future of humanity."
"When you put in the work to better yourself as a woman, only good things can come from that."
"We should raise our women to have self-esteem and worth such that they aren't continuously looking for it in the arms of men to fill a void."
"Love before you, especially if you have high empathy, if you're a woman that's got very low tolerance for bullshit, you're probably good."
"I wanted to teach my girls how to be women and to be strong independent women."
"Girl power, big shift coming in for America."
"Women hit their prime in their 30s and 40s and if you did already know that then i'm gonna assume that just means that it intimidates you and you can't keep up."
"If you educate a woman, you enhance the life of an individual and you enhance the life of an entire society."
"A successful woman is a woman perfectly content."
"If women can get to the top that means it's possible for them to get to the top."
"Women are really on the front lines and demanding that this moment open up a greater conversation."
"Women can create life. It's pretty amazing, actually a miracle from God."
"Dorothy shattered glass ceilings and became one of the most well respected and popular journalists in the world."
"What de Beauvoir shows in 'The Narcissist' is although women are cast into narcissism, they nevertheless managed to find agency, pleasure, and power within it."
"Women should always have some money for herself."
"Every country in the world started the industrial revolution with RMG."
"When this garment business started, somehow we're able to attract these women."
"Women are the greatest underappreciated and untapped resource in this country."
"Deepen friendships and invest in healthy female relationships."
"If you educate a woman, you educate the nation."
"The change in Kashmir is evident through the freedom of girls to pursue their aspirations."
"I want to thank God for the women who didn't mind coming from behind."
"Shout out to all the good ladies out there, may you keep going strong."
"Women are so multifaceted and we have this incredible ability to connect hearts."
"Her legacy is already cemented as being a pioneer for women in wrestling forever, carving out paths that no one even had a chance to come close to before her and paving the way for many in the future to go even further."
"Hopefully, it will get more women to a place where they do have this emotional independence."
"I am the woman that every adolescent little girl wants to be when they grow up."
"Women are advanced, I mean I would really like women to run the world."
"The women were such a source of support and strength for each other throughout this."
"Women will do whatever is necessary for them to achieve what they want in their lives."
"Black women need to be honest about what it is they really want."
"Women are now holding key government positions, achieving gender parity in our cabinet."
"They're about seeing women at the center of the story and knowing that they're not there to lose and die but to triumph and win."
"Women will see that actually they need to move right because what the right argues for is women's empowerment."
"It needs to be a damn black woman. Black women are the most disrespected."
"Particularly for women, is the skill of confidence."
"But it's time that those women who didn't read the first one... need to read it now."
"Barbie always represented the fact that a woman has choices."
"Queen Vashti becomes a woman of strength and courage."
"Women who make the first move have a huge advantage."
"When technologies can really empower a lot of things including women's career in the end."
"Advocating for black women would mean more to the community than what's currently happening."
"Everything I'm doing is positive messaging for women period."
"Listen man, I got all these women in the WNBA and all these professional women making all this money, black women the fastest group of entrepreneurs in the country, [ __ ] up at this point."
"If we want to be successful in addressing poverty, hunger, malnutrition, we have to work with women."
"Nurbanu is the first woman who acquired the title of valid sultan, queen mother, empress dowager."
"It's so funny because the women's soccer team, the U.S. women's soccer team is this, like, oh, oh this, like, flies in the face because they're global champions and they're women."
"Society and news media and entertainment is all about women liberating themselves and chopping off their hair so that they can have more authority and more power."
"Know the power of women in leadership. She makes a difference."
"You have achieved so much, and you don't have to rely on a man to live the life you want to live."
"You're not gonna convince me women are out here making money and they don't fix something they don't like about themselves if they have the money to do it."
"It's about empowering one woman with the knowledge and information to change how the woman's life."
"I think that more and more women are kind of accepting what it is that they're good at and just going for it."
"This is a major victory for black women and girls."
"As women, understanding our power to shape relationships and break generational curses."
"We care about you. You're a woman of worth. You matter."
"Women hold the real power. When women start demanding better, a whole nation does better."
"Eleanor of Aquitaine was a woman of great wisdom and tenacity who didn't allow the limitations placed on her sex to get in the way of doing what she wanted or what she thought was right."
"If nobody's saying it to you, when I'm telling you, I'm working for my family, I'm literally trying to give back to really the women in my family."
"Shea producers are primarily organized women's groups like this, they start their day early so they can pick the best fruits before other groups come."
"If anything's gonna change and return to an environment like that, that's better for children to grow up in and for society in general, is we're gonna need women to really lead the charge in that."
"I love that we're helping these five women, but what I love more is that this can help and will help thousands of women across the world."
"It puts a smile on my face every time I can watch you ladies do what you do on the home front but also be so strong inside the octagon." - Michelle Waterson
"Women have changed the lives that they want to live."
"We do everything we can to empower women to not only seek but to receive the care where it is available."
"I feel like a high-value woman prioritizes self-care."
"I believe in the power of women. I think women are so amazing. I think they are sacred neon-pink sparkly amazing."
"Peasant women even do have some power and some control over their circumstances."
"I aim to help women transform their confidence."
"Together we believe that if we come together we can create radical change in the lives of women who need it the most."
"I think it's amazing that you're here and you're pregnant. I think women are incredible."
"It's about empowering women, entrepreneurship, and changing lives."
"The most powerful woman in the United States of America deserves to be respected."
"Parenting is all about making a child ready for the world."
"Let's start supporting women in our communities."
"Like many women of her time, she's discovered that her career has given her the confidence to act more decisively in her own private life."
"Trini tribe: a movement of like-minded women."
"And so just know that you're not alone, that there are all these other women that are cheering you on, that there's this community out there, but also that you're making it a little easier for someone else."
"My true friends are thinking women, we're growing women, we're bold badass women, and those kind of women, well, we ruffle some feathers."
"Let's educate women and put them in the workforce so they're not worried about their children."
"An affecting ode to the multi-dimensional nature of black women everywhere."
"Every woman in this movie is so strong and powerful not just in the movie but I think our own personalities are so strong."
"It's the best and when you think of the power of women what comes to mind phenomenal."
"The women on this list from around the world, we are the women who have paved a long beautiful runway for the next generation."
"Now more than ever, a woman can freely decide what she thinks is attractive physically and pursue it."
"She's been an inspiration to women everywhere showing them that there are limits back in your box."
"You're not coming from a selfish space because you're clearly educating women on how to be open, how to be submissive, how to understand."
"Women today have way more agency over their Persona, over their personal sense of being, over their sexuality."
"A great woman is a multiplier; it's the most beautiful thing ever."
"The awakening of woman constitutes the first rays of the dawn."
"Believe me girls I know it's so exhausting and you feel like you're doing everything you possibly can and nothing is working but prevail or girls prevail and don't give up and don't stress out too much."
"I wanted to create a community behind the brand where women can feel confident beautiful be themselves and just support one another 100%."
"Girl up is a campaign to encourage girls to compliment other girls and make it cool because it is cool to build other women up and not be so competitive and so hostile towards each other."
"Relax your shoulders, center your voice, because... I hate the way that when we get noticed as women, we kind of start screaming and shrieking, and our voices go high."
"My mission is to leave a woman feeling better about herself."
"Women came out record numbers in the primaries they said you'll be lucky to get one candidate we now have 12."
"This is the decade of women championing and supporting other women without judgment. This is happening right now."
"We are not just a fitness app, we are a community of women."
"Smart women settle... because life comes down to choices and trade-offs."
"Life is your opportunity ladies, choose better, do better."
"Smart women decide to go ahead and get out of the game."
"I want women to know the full capacity of what they can do, the power that they have."
"It's almost like women just standing up and being like stop telling me how much I need to weigh or what I need to look like."
"I think the inspiring women series is a fantastic idea and is definitely on our list."
"It's important for girls to see that they are also able to become professional soccer players."
"Very fun women's money in the bank, yeah! Historic, historic, prestigious, progressive!"
"Women should feel good. They don’t have to look good in order to feel good."
"I'm glad I went through this [ __ ] to help me realize and help you learn and help me develop as a woman and I'm saying."
"It's women's month, I believe. This is kind of a women empowerment movie."
"The seeds of greatness are planted in every woman, they just have to be nurtured."
"It's time for a revolution. Do I have just two or three women? I don't even need all thousands of you to get on board with this. I just need a few crazy women who have decided to wage war."
"The best thing that we can do as women is to be women—classy, dignified, respectable women. That's how you win the game."
"If we want empowered women then we come at it from a place of self-respect not can I make a trip an hour away to have an abortion when my poor choices didn't work out..."
"Ronda Rousey is the reason why women can fight in the UFC and that's not hyperbole, it's some sweet public knowledge."
"It's all about us taking care of each other because it's only going to make us better as women."
"Stop lying to women, ladies. Stop lying to yourself. That's the first thing."
"China's legacy continues to influence and inspire new generations of female wrestlers."
"Love yourself. I can't begin to tell you how few women genuinely love themselves."
"She was smart, she was bright, and she knew that she just wanted to be a successful woman."
"Mary Jackson's journey and work has inspired countless women across the country and the world who fight every day to defy odds and break barriers."
"As women, we spend, we are normally responsible in an average household 80 percent of what gets spent... Every woman should know they should have a good baseline education of what money they have in their family."
"These women aren't just things. They're also smart. They're also talented."
"It's just so important to break that sociocultural idea that women shouldn't be in the weight room because they're delicate flowers." - Dr. Stacy Sims
"When women are empowered, they contribute to family income, leading to all kinds of wonderful things in society."
"Mothers should be celebrated. Women should be celebrated."
"It's all about her. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but when someone goes, 'It's about herself, her purpose, her freedom, her life, what she wants,' as a woman, we're amazing."
"Seek God for your purpose... my purpose is to raise women's self-esteem."
"I really want to make a difference in the world and help younger women embrace their hair."
"Powerful woman, anywhere, everywhere we go, we shine. We are assets. We are diligent. Place us in the right environment and on that great leadership, we thrive."
"We have to celebrate our Queens, we have to make sure when they step out, whenever you see all the things making good, let's celebrate our icons."
"You took me with courage, integrity, and love, inspiring half of India's population."
"Women are just doing it better and doing it bigger these days."
"Reading, reading, reading ladies, and knowledge is power."
"Women are so connected to creation... we bring souls to earth, damn it."
"Life has took her on this platform to show her, to show women, you know, you can be yourself."
"Financial independence is a key tool for any woman."
"Absolutely no one is telling women to not have their own money or to not have an education."
"Women's education, girls' education, women's empowerment are key themes of Megan's charity work."
"Salute, black women are leading this country."
"Every single women deserve to be happy and love their body and embrace their body and love it enough to take care of it no matter what shape it's at."
"Elanor Otto's life story is a tribute to the Rosie the Riveters of the world and a testament to the enduring strength of women in the workforce; her legacy continues to inspire and empower future generations."
"The more I raise and support the women around me, the more I'm looked at in all of the ways that I've always wanted to be looked at in my whole life."
"One of the tricks for women growing up...understanding the difference between the kind of strength that turns itself into brutality...and the kind of strength that simply stands where it's supposed to stand."
"I feel like there was a time... women that like ran the household ran the bags the money anything the man that he came through them, that's a real woman."
"It's gonna be four generations of um, I know technically you guys are Whitakers and you're Nancy Roberts but of great women."
"So many times, particularly I'll hear women say, 'Well, I don't really matter.' You matter. Everyone matters. Everyone deserves to be represented."
"I just got a soft place in my heart for women, because we are freaking gladiators."