
Galaxies Quotes

There are 349 quotes

"Gravity fell in love with these two galaxies and decided to put a ring on it, a ring that's also got four diamonds on it too."
"Enormous galaxies colliding in the early universe are reasonably rare."
"Most of the blotches of light in this image are not stars, but they're actually entire galaxies similar in size and shape to our own Milky Way."
"In the Hubble Ultra Deep Field...there's something like one or two thousand galaxies...we estimate that there's something like 50 to 100 billion galaxies accessible to great telescopes like the Hubble."
"It's not only wonderful to see Hubble back but also wonderful to see the most gorgeous pictures of galaxies as well."
"Dark Energy we don't really understand what it is, but it's a negative repulsing effect that pushes galaxies away from each other."
"There are at least 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe, with more stars and planets in them than all the grains of sand on planet Earth. So where is everyone?"
"The known universe contains 200 billion galaxies, each of which is unique, immense, and dynamic."
"Galaxies are so incredibly massive that they can attract one another from millions of light years across space, sometimes getting close enough to collide, producing new, larger galaxies."
"The cosmic web is composed of enormous walls of interacting galaxies, known as galaxy filaments, and these can contain hundreds of thousands of galaxies and span over billions of light years."
"There's just something about galaxies flowing like great lakes across space that seems tantalizing and beautiful."
"The total true number of galaxies out there in the entire universe that's beyond our observable limits is completely mind-blowing."
"The universe is expanding, which means that distant galaxies appear to be moving away from us."
"We find supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies, islands of billions of stars out in the universe."
"We're living at a time where we can see many hundreds of billions of galaxies, but there will be a time when... we will not see most of what we see today."
"Supermassives, once an entirely unexpected category of black holes, may be common not only the center of our galaxy but of all galaxies."
"There's a huge Universe out there with a lot of galaxies, they're all counting on us, no pressure."
"Galaxies are enormous on a grand scale. They spin across space like enormous pinwheels."
"Some of the earliest and most compelling evidence we have for dark matter's existence comes from the ways that galaxies rotate or orbit."
"The discovery could lead scientists to redefining what their understanding is of how all galaxies formed."
"I'm a supermassive black hole found in the center of almost all massive galaxies."
"Each galaxy, The Milky Way and Andromeda, has a central supermassive black hole."
"This image forges a clear link between supermassive black holes and the engines of bright galaxies."
"More than anybody could have ever expected, more than 3,000 galaxies in a space in the sky about the size of a grain of rice."
"It's called starburst galaxy because it's got a burst of star formation going on."
"For the first time, we are at a distance where we can see the galaxies are not just evenly distributed throughout space."
"They're basically like these star factories."
"These two particular galaxies had the redshift of 10 and a half and 12.5 might also help us solve one of the bigger mysteries in cosmology related to the period known as the realization period."
"The spiraling motion of column basalt structures mirrors galaxies."
"We found thousands of galaxies in the darkest parts of the sky. It's breathtaking."
"Most of the mass in galaxies isn't made of luminous material; it's made of something else, something we just called dark matter."
"Galaxies collide... the possibility of mankind being alone in the universe is quite dim."
"The Sombrero Galaxy, M104, is visible almost edge-on and has a lane of dark dust running across its disk."
"Galaxies are the building blocks of the universe, and they come in all sizes, some very fascinating shapes, have unique features, and very intricate details."
"It's almost unheard of that larger galaxies could be both elliptical and spiral at the same time but then again space is a strange place."
"Galaxies are not the static systems we once believed them to be."
"There are at least one trillion more galaxies."
"This tiny patch of sky was transformed into a field of about 10,000 distant galaxies."
"We know there are billions of galaxies in the universe... so it's mathematically justified to assume that other intelligent life forms exist."
"Oh, how I wish you could have seen us in our prime. We blanketed the galaxy and even others around us. We witnessed them merge into ever larger super galaxies."
"Galactic collisions like this happen all the time, particularly when galaxies get too close to one another."
"Our alien spaceship uses an exotic form of space travel to cross the galaxies because conventional rocket-powered space travel just won't cut it. Space is just too big."
"...this galaxy is known to be relatively active and it's also relatively large possibly about 50% larger than the Milky Way and somewhat similar to the Andromeda galaxy."
"There are likely to be tens if not hundreds of trillions of planets just in the Milky Way galaxy."
"Hubble swiftly convinced the great majority of astronomers that the Universe contained a myriad of galaxies."
"How big was this creation? Two trillion galaxies. And that's just what we can see."
"The name aptly matches with the center of galaxies where all the spiral arms come out."
"human thought is so primitive it's looked upon as an infectious disease in some of the better galaxies"
"Intriguingly, the amount of dark matter calculated from the tiny temperature variations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) aligns with what we observe from the movements of stars and galaxies."
"The universe, as far as we understand, has no boundaries and extends infinitely in every direction. Moreover, galaxies are uniformly distributed throughout this limitless expanse."
"Projects like Webb's SEAR or Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science Survey are scanning the sky to pick out some of the oldest galaxies we've ever seen."
"Galaxies are enormous, and ubiquitous, but why is this the case?"
"So I'm rather attracted to this one since we came across raspberry flavored galaxies a little. I should say you'd need to scoop up an awful lot of the Orion Nebula to smell anything so let's make that clear."
"Galaxies occasionally interact with others, like my teenage daughters occasionally interact with me."
"Galaxies move with more gravity than their luminous matter suggests."
"...suggest that these unusual three Point sources also seem to contain definitive signs of not actually being galaxies..."
"You can basically fit several Milky Way galaxies in there."
"The Sloan Great Wall contains more than 10,000 galaxies."
"The goddam run to determine the fate of dozens of galaxies was about to begin."
"When we look out into the cosmos, we see literally billions of other galaxies."
"Distant galaxies were moving away from us."
"Galaxies like raisins in a rising loaf of raisin bread."
"There are probably hundreds of billions of galaxies in the visible Universe."
"But from afar, a galaxy reminds me more of a collection of lovely found objects, seashells perhaps or coral, the productions of nature laboring for eons in the cosmic ocean."
"There are some hundred billion galaxies, each with on average a hundred billion stars."
"To reach that vastly larger realm, we will need to contemplate voyages between the galaxies themselves."
"Indeed, even if the known Universe contained 10,000 other civilizations like our own or older, it would still mean something like 200 million galaxies per civilization, each of which contains billions and billions of stars."
"...galaxies are active because of their black hole. So, every galaxy, we think, has a supermassive black hole in its center, a black hole that would be from a million to a billion times the mass of the Sun, over a billion times in some cases."
"The James Webb Space Telescope will detect galaxies being born."
"Irregular galaxies typically contain a higher proportion of gas and dust than spirals do, and offer the liveliest sites of ongoing star formation."
"Spiral galaxies are entire systems of stars in their own right, as huge and as packed with stars as our own Milky Way."
"We can see light from the oldest galaxies, the oldest documented light in the history of the Universe from over 13 billion years ago."
"What we've started here today will change the course of our galaxies."
"Another surprise revealed by the James Webb: the ancient galaxies are not irregularly shaped galaxies, contrary to what Hubble's images suggested, but magnificent spiral galaxies like our own."
"...without dark matter, the gravitational forces generated by visible matter alone would be insufficient to form the galaxies and other large structures that we see in the universe today."
"...these rogue galaxies remind us of the diversity and vastness of the universe, continually challenging our understanding of cosmic structures and dynamics."
"The further we look into the universe, the more galaxies we see."
"Rich Galaxy clusters contain thousands of galaxies and they can span up to about 10 or so megaparsecs and they have about a thousand trillion solar masses."
"Radio galaxies emit strongly in the radio part of the spectrum."
"M81 and M82 are a classic interacting pair of galaxies."
"Nearly all spiral galaxies show some level of activity."
"Galaxies have to form in these structures, shaped dominantly by gravity and dark matter."
"Galaxies start in very tiny things and grow through gravity."
"Almost all galaxies have a supermassive black hole in the center, including our own, the Milky Way."
"So, a giant radio galaxy is formed when you have a supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy, and then for some reason you've got gas and dust falling into it."
"These gargantuan structures, emerging shortly after the universe's birth, are located at the centers of most galaxies, including our own Milky Way."
"We do see galaxies that are only made of these smaller, cooler stars because all of their bigger, hotter stars have all died off."
"Are we alone in the universe? With 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe, where is everyone?"
"Without it, there would be no galaxies, so it's a funny combination of inflation inflating the universe and making it very smooth but leaving over these little fluctuations which eventually became the seeds of galaxies."
"Temperature variations allowed the galaxies to form in the early universe."
"Almost the entire mass of that black hole... probably will ultimately be the entire mass of a cluster of galaxies."
"We are in a collision course. Our supermassive black holes in the collision course with the Andromedy galaxies black hole."
"It’s not that dense a region of galaxies even compared to our Local Sheet."
"Do most galaxies have supermassive black holes? The answer is yes."
"A lot of the galaxies in the universe don't live in wonderful isolation. They tend to be tethered together by their mutual gravity into collections such as groups or giant clusters of galaxies."
"Most of these objects in this image are not stars but distant galaxies billions of light-years away."
"...jets can end up being larger than the galaxy itself, which considering the scale of the tiny supermassive black hole in the middle is absolutely incredible."
"...there's definitely merit in observing as many of these sources as we can to do a more statistical proper study of what the processes going on in these galaxies actually are."
"The unusual shape of the Milky Way's halo was likely caused by a galactic collision."
"IC 1101 is the biggest known galaxy."
"Hoag's Object is a rare type of galaxy known as a ring galaxy."
"We'll be able to see the structures and the details of these galaxies."
"There are 10,000 galaxies in that tiny little piece of Sky um and you know it's you can just leave to the imagination what web will see there uh so I think those deep Fields will be um something very exciting."
"...these were also some of the farthest spiral galaxies ever discovered so this was a huge surprise and a huge mystery."
"In essence, uncovering that pretty much most of those galaxies that were previously believed to be elliptical were actually just the visible cores of much larger galaxies."
"...galaxies once again matured much much faster than we believed and Galactic bars very likely formed much quicker as well."
"There are at least two trillion galaxies in the observable Universe."
"Galaxies are the immense star empires. The Milky Way is a dynamic Galaxy over cosmic eons."
"So essentially what my thesis was about was how the shape, the supermassive black hole, and the environment of a galaxy could somehow stop it from forming stars."
"How do black holes kill galaxies?"
"The scientists refer to it as a kind of a protective shield that seems to surround these satellite galaxies of the Milky Way, preventing the Milky Way galaxy from stealing gas and preventing them from falling apart completely."
"Nearly 700 different stars have already been discovered stars that very likely came from smaller galaxies that were absorbed over time or potentially escaped from Andromeda and the Milky Way and are now traveling between galaxies."
"...very likely represent a bunch of reforming spiral arms that are slowly being developed after the collision."
"The iconic Hercules a Galaxy you see right here is already almost the same size as the ic-1101."
"We've discovered more and more of these enormous galaxies."
"And so what my results ended up showing was the four elliptical galaxies, these blob galaxies, that transition from blue to red did happen very very quickly which is why you get such a large amount of them with red colors."
"Several other similar filaments discovered in some other galaxies."
"...a lot of this new data suggests that we might actually have underestimated the age by which the Galaxies have already formed."
"...sometimes when the orientation between colliding galaxies is just right one of the galaxies might end up shooting through the other Galaxy in such a way."
"I would say maybe they don't quasars don't kill galaxies they actually give them their shape and you could make the argument they actually give life to galaxies."
"Supermassive black holes found at the centers of galaxies exert a profound influence on their Cosmic surroundings."
"It's possible for distant galaxies to be moving away from us faster than the speed of light."
"The story of a blazar starts in a familiar way: at the center of a galaxy, there's a giant black hole."
"Every galaxy supermassive galaxy should have a black hole ejected at some point in its history."
"God created galaxies and apparently they were already they already had a spiral structure to them and since creation they've they've gotten just a little bit more spiraled."
"We were able to see detail in these distant galaxies that had never before been possible."
"That ripple through galaxies has the ability to destroy all life within the known and unknown universe."
"Seeing very massive quite old galaxies that close to the Big Bang is really pushing things quite to the limit in terms of our understanding of how galaxies form."
"And while the spikes are pretty, it's those background galaxies that really got the astrophysics community excited."
"We've never seen galaxies at such high resolution at infrared wavelengths."
"The observable universe is filled with hundreds of billions, if not trillions, of galaxies."
"We have no direct evidence of how galaxies were formed."
"There are two trillion galaxies in the universe."
"The whirlpool Galaxy, also known as M51, is one of my favorite galaxies."
"These galaxies shouldn't be this old, this far away, considering they were born so soon after the big bang."
"What is the Great Attractor? It is a giant cluster of galaxies."
"There were two galaxies and then a pathway appeared between them."
"This infinite universe has countless, if not infinite galaxies composed of innumerable nebulas or solar systems."
"The cool thing about this image is that even though they weren't trying, there are dozens and dozens of galaxies here."
"Have you ever taken the time to contemplate the architecture of the supercluster of galaxies in which we live?"
"Galaxies come in all shapes and sizes, from 2,000 to 500,000 light-years in diameter."
"Galaxies are not isolated in the universe; they move in relation to one another."
"Galaxies are in perpetual motion; they turn on themselves, move through space, and sometimes collide if they're too close to a neighboring galaxy."
"When galaxies group together in hundreds or even thousands, confined to a spherical space whose evolution is not yet complete, we speak of galactic clusters."
"Outer space is big, and amazing. The number of galaxies in the universe is in the hundreds of billions."
"There are at least four galaxies in an endless space where universal feat potential still applies in GT."
"Jets transport extreme amounts of energy way beyond the confines of that host galaxy into the intergalactic medium."
"Every little blob you see in this picture is not a star but entire galaxies."
"This gas that lies between the galaxies has been processed through stars and spat out into the intercluster medium."
"As the universe evolves, supernovae are exploding in galaxies and they heat the gas."
"Galaxies are at the centres of dark matter distributions that once was smooth and then fell together."
"The simulations can create Milky Ways; they can create the structures that we see."
"The Virgo cluster is one of the closer clusters of galaxies, it's rather massive."
"Astronomers have concluded that the stars and galaxies that stretch out to the limits of our vision may represent only a small fraction of all there is."
"These smudges... later became known as galaxies."
"There are lots of galaxies in the universe with billions of hot-glowing spheres that everybody knows as stars."
"Merging galaxies... last for millions of years, so they just really slowly approach each other and the gravity of the two objects distorts them and makes them look nice and cool and weird."
"It's basically a lot of galaxies, something like hundred thousand galaxies all connected to one another gravitationally."
"The cosmic web... seems to be connecting all the galaxies together."
"The galaxies we usually refer to as satellites turn out to be something a little bit different."
"Every spot, smear, and dot in the image was an entire galaxy, each one containing hundreds of billions of stars."
"Only in the early 20th century did the progress of observation equipment enable scientists to confirm the existence of other galaxies."
"For the first time ever, we were able to pierce through the gas around galaxies and actually see the dark side of our galaxy."
"There might be as many as a hundred billion galaxies in the universe."
"The Virgo Supercluster is 110 million light years in diameter and contains 4,000 luminous galaxies."
"Most galaxies form new stars at a fairly slow rate, but members of a rare class known as starburst galaxies blaze with extremely active star formation."
"This slow and steady movement of galaxies away from us is called the Hubble flow."
"The presence of young clusters in Andromeda is probably explained by its voracious appetite, that is, the absorption of irregular galaxies in the past."
"The future of the universe is a vast, ever-expanding cosmic sea, with galaxies like islands drifting in the cosmic ocean."
"Every single blob you see there in that image with the exception of maybe two or three is a distant galaxy."
"The universe we live in is mind-numbingly vast; we're talking billions, some say even trillions, of galaxies."
"The stars inside each galaxy are so far apart that they won't collide with other stars during the encounter."
"I love galaxies, I'm definitely getting this, look how pretty."
"Within each galaxy, a myriad of mighty star systems; within each star system, a multiplicity of mighty planets."
"One of our key science goals is to find that first generation of galaxies that formed after the big bang."
"Enjoy the thrill of seeing other galaxies that are light-years away and nebulae where stars are born."
"We didn't even know there were other galaxies until the 1920s."
"All of the little things you see here are galaxies, galaxies that are colliding, they're forming bigger galaxies, clusters of galaxies even colliding."
"We think that each of these galaxies has up to 100 billion planets."
"Galaxies and nebulas... you're gonna need some awesome looking backgrounds for those planets."
"Many astronomers think the most bizarre galaxies are ultra luminous infrared galaxies, also known as ULIRGs."
"It's estimated that there are between 200 billion to 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe."
"Astrophotography is when you're coming up close in on galaxies, nebulas, star constellations—you're really only shooting celestial objects."
"Seeing several of them in the same field of view can be quite exciting."
"The galaxies are actually held together by mass far bigger than all stars combined."
"The universe is filled with galaxies everywhere."
"Galaxies are still known by their NGC numbers today."
"They bring light to the darkness, are home to planetary systems, come together to form clusters, and sculpt entire galaxies."
"What is the universe? It's made up of galaxies, and galaxies have solar systems."
"It is predicted that there are 100 to 200 billion galaxies in the universe."
"Thor has connections and relationships across the galaxies."
"It's only 7:51 p.m., October 17th, and we are really trying to get as much detail as possible on these two galaxies."
"The amount of data that we got just in one night was enough to allow us to see very cleanly both of these galaxies."
"Galaxies made up of billions of stars, so it's a collection of billions of stars."
"The universe is one big social network itself too, but this time it's made up of galaxies."
"Edwin Hubble... discovered something amazing too; he realized that other galaxies are in fact moving further away from us."
"Stars are careening through the galaxy at speeds of hundreds of thousands of kilometers per hour."
"Amazing outer space and the remarkable beauty of the galaxies to which there is no end."
"The unicorn ring could be the remnants of the merger of two galaxies."
"The local group is built around two spiral galaxies, the Andromeda galaxy or M31, and the Milky Way."