
Natural Phenomena Quotes

There are 774 quotes

"The colors involved are spectacular. I know this because last month the same thing happened, and you all sent me so many beautiful pictures."
"That gentle whirl that happens in the background, that is a noise made by the rover, but yes, what you did hear 10 seconds in was an actual wind gust on the surface of Mars."
"Based on this crazy natural phenomenon known as volcanic lightning... this stuff is absolutely wild looking."
"The Hallin lights continue to appear, most nights fleeting and dancing through the valley skies, keeping their mystery alive."
"For those watching, the diamond ring is like a parting gift from the solar eclipse and a confirmation that something truly incredible has taken place."
"Eclipses have a history of making deep impressions wherever they appear."
"The water flow has to be consistent, and the channel geometry's got to remain the same, or wherever that whirlpool, that eddy, or Kolk is going to move around."
"Around 65 million red crabs...leave their homes in the inland to go to the seaside and lay their eggs."
"Waves that you see on the ocean surface are not actually formed by local winds but instead are formed by winds from distant storms."
"Throughout history, humans have observed strange behavior in animals leading up to earthquakes."
"Pangu's breath became the mists, the winds, and clouds; his voice became thunder; his sweat became rain."
"A rare weather event generated infrasound that caused the hikers to suddenly become disoriented and anxious."
"Another thing that's an incredible phenomenon is that you have a 360-degree sunset right now if you look all the way around you."
"He released the two seas meeting side by side...between them is a barrier so neither of them transgresses."
"Antarctica offers its own special entertainment in the form of singing ice."
"The Ross Ice Shelf is the largest of its kind in Antarctica, and when winds blow across its dunes, this collision creates vibrations that produce continuous seismic tones."
"The massive Antarctic ice shelf named Ross Ice Shelf is alive with the sound of music."
"This bleeding waterfall pouring from the Taylor Glacier of Antarctica's McMurdo Dry Valley might just be the most intriguing discovery made in this part of the world."
"This natural occurrence has captivated the curiosity of researchers and photographers alike."
"The idea of a naturally occurring nuclear reactor sounds ridiculous, yet it exists."
"And the Lord thundered in the heavens, he gave his voice; hailstones and fire."
"Real quantum effects are going on in nature all the time."
"Bioluminescence may have been hijacked by Hollywood, Instagram, and every other trend-setting fad of social media, we can't deny the fact that this is certainly one of the most awe-inspiring and breathtaking natural phenomena in the world."
"The door to hell is still raging with fire 50 years later."
"Photographers from all over the world travel to catch a glimpse and capture the brightly colored vertical pillars of light."
"The rocks are part of a geological phenomenon where the rocks form and engrave a path along the smooth valley floor without any intervention at all."
"Light pillars... caused by the reflection of light from tiny ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere."
"Fire whirls have a burning core and a pocket of air that rotates. They can reach temperatures of up to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit."
"Pele's hair is actually lightweight glass that rains down on the surrounding areas. It's extremely harmful if ingested or if it gets into your orifices."
"The aurora borealis are the visible result of solar particles that enter the earth's magnetic field, ionizing high in the atmosphere."
"Volcanic lightning happens when the volcano begins erupting, and it happens either really close to the volcano or high up in the plume of ash and smoke."
"There's a lot of iron and salt in that water, due to what's happened over time, and the iron rusted when it got exposed to oxygen, and as a result, it flows red."
"Morning glory clouds of Australia... are at times 1,000 kilometers long, one to two kilometers wide, and can even travel at speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour."
"An awful lot of strange things happen, can you explain them? These are strange natural phenomena that happened on Earth."
"This tidal bore is a rare natural phenomenon which only occurs on several rivers... it's different from most though, as it occurs where the mouth of the river meets the Atlantic Ocean."
"Blood Falls, located in Antarctica, is a natural phenomenon that definitely lives up to its name."
"Many of the world's most beautiful and fascinating natural phenomena happen in the sky."
"Mammoth clouds are crazy things, almost unbelievable sights to behold, and an impressive feat of nature."
"The Catatumbo Lightning phenomenon is fascinating as well as kind of terrifying."
"The green flash is a natural phenomenon that appears at sunset and sunrise and is extremely brief."
"Lenticular clouds are stationary, unmoving clouds frequently confused for UFOs thanks to that strange saucer-like shape."
"A waterspout is a tornado that forms over water."
"Earthquakes are hands down the most destructive and terrifying event that could ever happen on our planet."
"This Earth is filled with wonderful and bizarre occurrences that we're often left unable to explain."
"It is remarkable to remember that exhilarating phenomena in our galaxy are occurring as we speak."
"We live in a very odd time. Not only is there a civilization and intelligence on this world, but we’re also oddly lucky that we have a moon and sun where their apparent diameters can sometimes be almost identical, allowing for full total solar eclipses on the surface of this world."
"Believe it or not, this colossal cloud formation resembled a genuine, larger-than-life face."
"An almost supernatural optical illusion called a Glory. It...was beautiful."
"Rogue waves can render any ship immobile at any given time."
"The power and intensity of these particular bushfires are causing their own weather phenomenon called pyro cumulonimbus thunderstorms."
"Scientists still aren't exactly sure, but they think it might have to do with outgassing."
"Look at the prominence, you can see it on the bottom, so pretty bright pink that is insane that you can see it from there from here."
"Arkansas got its cicadas in the summer of 2019, a swarm of periodical cicadas emerged after spending their 17 years underground."
"The Canadian prairies are some of the best wide open spaces to witness incredible phenomenon in the nighttime skies."
"A loon is associated with the moon, and the moon turns black."
"Volcanoes are among the most potent natural occurrences on Earth. They create new land, destroy the old, emit gases that alter the atmosphere we breathe."
"The Aurora Borealis have inspired our stories and filled our dreams since long before the beginning of recorded history."
"To capture both at the same time, it must be raining with enough sunlight for a rainbow to form and a lightning strike still sizzling, making this one, seriously, one in a million coincidence."
"Beneath the outer layer of Neptune hides a constant rain of diamonds."
"A total solar eclipse is one of nature's most spectacular and rare sights."
"In the hushed stillness of totality, as the Sun's corona shimmers in the darkened sky, you may feel a profound sense of connection to the cosmos and to those who have witnessed eclipses throughout history."
"Before you ever see the formation of a wave, there's a drawing back."
"Finland's landmass is rising due to post-glacial rebound."
"The big question is not whether something is natural, but whether it causes suffering. Wars are natural, but they are still bad. Climate change is bad, not because it's against nature, but because it potentially causes immense suffering."
"I terminated the individual mandate... premiums are down, everything's down." - Donald Trump
"Volcanic eruptions: nature's explosive reminders of its power."
"The Quran accurately describes the water cycle and the origin of underground springs."
"The history of our relationship with the deep is written in unknowables. Time and again we declare something impossible only to discover it’s already happened, confine a phenomenon to myth until it proves itself beyond all doubt."
"For a brief period Beetlejuice will Blaze with unprecedented Radiance rivaling the Brilliance of a full moon day and night."
"The Earth was literally alive with electrical vibrations."
"Rainbows are so beautiful and weird and rare it is not hard to imagine why most primitive societies would interpret them as a message from god."
"How did nature think that this would work? But it does, it's amazing."
"That is so cool, love when it does this Twilight phenomenon like that."
"The Hestalin lights: a luminescent enigma suspended in the Norwegian sky."
"Did the glaciers transport it there and What Lies Beneath?"
"I was terrified but I was transfixed by it. It was so beautiful looking, this ball of light and the colors and the way it swirled around."
"Lake Natron in Tanzania is distinctive for its caustic alkaline water, occasional red color, and ability to mummify animals and birds that come into contact with it."
"Another woman described seeing, 'Hundreds of starling birds in the sky and all of a sudden they just died and fell to the ground like a massacre.'"
"Lake Hillier: a lake that is totally pink... caused by a bacterium called Dunaliella salina."
"In the pantheon of eclipses, probably the highest and the mightiest...total eclipse of the Sun."
"We witnessed the extraordinary Eclipse right here, even outside the path of totality."
"The famous diamond ring moment in the final moments before the moon completely blocks the sun."
"Caterpillar conga lines: How is it possible these caterpillars are so organized?"
"A volcano in Indonesia spews bright blue lava and produces electric blue and purple flames."
"Pluto is like a volcano deconstructing the Earth."
"During a solar eclipse, the whole world around you just goes pitch black. Can't see anything. Love it!"
"Green flash: A unique natural phenomenon that happens extremely briefly at sunrise and sunset."
"The cicada population this year is supposed to be extremely robust... it's gonna feel like a plague on the East Coast."
"Opposites don't attract in nature, opposites repel each other."
"Borders separate people, but nothing like natural borders."
"Solar eclipse gives a feeling of fear, uncertainty, even paranoia sometimes."
"The sky is blue and then it turned off. I got that on camera."
"Mother Nature doesn't care what month it is. If the ingredients are there, you will get that same weather."
"I mean, yes, it's kind of crazy because we're not used to it. Just because we're not used to something doesn't necessarily mean that it's not natural."
"Few things are more exciting in this world than seeing the cycle of life in action."
"Volcanoes do all sorts of stuff to the environment."
"Then you saw for the first time how timber and rubble swirled into the air."
"Could it instead have been completely formed by natural processes?"
"It's literally like a battle taking place right here. Wow, look at that."
"They can produce a strong glow for quite some time."
"Understanding how a rainbow works doesn't make it less beautiful, it makes it more beautiful."
"It's like we're seeing orange waves coming through, and it's really quite fascinating."
"The sheer number of earthquakes in such a brief period is unnerving."
"Rare than your normal rainbow is a monochrome rainbow, also called red rainbows, occur when a normal rainbow just happens to be close to Sunrise or Sunset."
"Necros clouds are indeed very rare, I've never seen these so I'm gonna put them in the rare very rare column."
"But the way that lava flows is not the only unpredictable event accompanying volcanic eruptions."
"Double rainbow all the way across the sky, wow."
"The Boiling Lake: even a brief encounter would prove fatal."
"God sends the rainbow and he sends the tornado."
"We are being treated to an incredible light show by Mother Nature."
"Salar de Uyuni: the world's largest salt flat."
"Inside every berry are thousands of tiny calcium oxalate crystals."
"The sea of stars, one of the earth's most amazing light displays."
"Balloons do sometimes move on their own, even when inside a building."
"Your chances of seeing the Aurora are now excellent."
"When Marco Polo roamed the world, he mentioned a few places where fires could be seen burning across the landscape."
"Sightings like these often evoke a sense of wonder and curiosity."
"There's never been an avalanche in this area."
"Some scientists think that the sun may be the source of most electricity, others think that the movement of the earth produces some of it."
"Sun should start melting this pretty soon, hopefully."
"It's certainly doesn't act like just some random, natural phenomenon."
"Starlings make a bird shape: A mesmerizing display of up to 750,000 birds soaring as a unified entity."
"We know that 99.8% of the carbon that is in our atmosphere is caused through natural causes..."
"The Great Alaskan Earthquake holds the title as the second most powerful ever recorded."
"Birth doesn't really get much grosser than this."
"Evolution is ongoing and evolution never stops."
"The acceleration was in excess of that of a shooting star. I have never seen such a phenomenon before."
"Volcanoes are even more powerful than what we've seen before."
"Here's three three four hours are growing here the flowers seem to be reaching for the lamp near the house that's because that's how i died."
"This image is truly amazing. The blood moon seen over the capitol. We can only wait and see."
"Running water wasn't frozen in time; it's called Laminar Flow."
"Ocean of blood: Hormuz Island's crimson waters caused by ferrous oxide."
"You attract all kinds of things, just like moss to a flame."
"The universe's journey continues, evolving through epochs of light and darkness."
"A mysterious phenomenon occurs on the Mong River in Asia: glowing fireballs known as Nagas rise from the water into the sky."
"Sometimes there are coincidences so strange that it seems like a perfect arrangement by nature."
"Why is it that everybody wants to ignore that big burning ball of fire in the sky?"
"The star's brightness which had been consistent for centuries began to decrease significantly."
"Children naturally breathe into their belly; adults switch to chest breathing."
"Rain in the desert is a miracle that transforms death into life."
"Worldwide that's how big this storm is take that in and Matt just let that sink in people worldwide."
"The fire was so big and hot it created its own weather system."
"If I've got the right frequency, I can move the world."
"The mystery of the fairy circles has put scientists at odds for many years."
"Finally, when it comes closer to the higher bird, something strange happens."
"Usually these eruptions are small reaching about one to two on the volcanic explosivity index."
"The eruption was so huge that astronauts on the International Space Station captured images of the stunning smoke show from space."
"The plume of ash and steam is a monstrous Marvel to behold."
"Witnessing a total solar eclipse is an inspiring experience."
"Mother Shipton's Petrifying Well: Anything caught for too long in the petrifying off gases can indeed become petrified."
"The Quran talks about how mountains are constructed and the effect on the face of the earth."
"The Catatumbo lightning storm is a phenomenon that occurs between 140 and 160 days of the year."
"Could this be a manifestation of meteorological rarity, an intricate interplay of air currents and moisture resulting in a captivating vertical display?"
"The strange glow was dubbed Angels glow and only in 2001 it turned out that the glow was produced by bacteria."
"75% of all volcanic activity on Earth happens deep under the ocean."
"These snowballs have been shocking the people and no one believed this phenomenon until they saw it for themselves."
"Rogue waves: Part of marine folklore for centuries, they come out of nowhere in a seemingly calm day."
"Could it actually be Alaska's answer to the Loch Ness monster: Or is it merely the river's playful trick on our senses?"
"It's called the ecliptic plane because that's the only circle around the sky where eclipses can occur."
"The sulfur has a purity of nearly 90 percent, something that doesn't happen in nature."
"Yanartas, known as 'flaming stone,' is a geological hot spot in southwestern Turkey where small fires burn constantly."
"Volcanic lightning storms... an absolutely amazing event that shocks every human when you see it for the first time."
"Many people love hearing and watching rainfall as it brings a rhythmic sense of calm."
"Fog manifests itself in many different ways... it obscures your sights, changes your perceptions, and it also has this feature where you can always kind of see above it and below it but never through it."
"That was not natural, look look what the hell was that? Christ that scared the [ __ ] out of me."
"That is truly a cooling agent when we get sulfur dioxide and volcanic ash particulate in the air on an eruption."
"Water-rise. No, this footage isn't being played backwards, that's a waterfall flowing upwards."
"Such eruptions typically produce low Ash blooms and release a relatively small volume of volcanic material."
"The eye wall of a hurricane is actually the most dangerous part."
"Glacier National Park wildfires are so impressive that they even have names."
"Lightning strikes are very powerful but they can also be very deadly."
"It's important because we are attempting, as this hearing has drawn out, to understand what may just be natural phenomenon to what may be sensor phenomenology or things that were happening with sensors."
"We had the most amazing time there we got to see the Northern Lights."
"Ice circles are extremely rare natural phenomena which occur only in slow-moving water at a particular speed and at a right temperature."
"Despite this dark side, there's something fascinating about the power of nature and its impact."
"Water likes to run downhill, and the lowest point is in the school gym."
"Fish tornado: Fish tornado might sound like something that sounds like it's from a fantasy world but it's a real thing."
"Complexity does not mean intelligently designed; it means amazing."
"They make the biggest and the strongest webs in the world."
"The moon's shadow falls on the earth, and now watch when the moon starts to go, the light comes back."
"Underwater rivers and lakes are called brine pools for a reason."
"Every three to five years, flowers pop up out of nowhere."
"A cross sea is a rare phenomenon, beautiful to observe but also very dangerous."
"There is not one but two perfectly good scientific explanations for the phenomenon of volcanic lightning."
"The world's longest lightning storm occurs over Lake Maricaibo, Venezuela."
"The dawn is coming either which way, the sun rising in the East is still going to come out either which way."
"It's a hurricane. It's right now. It's kind of sunny. Things are doing fine."
"So it's capable of producing strong currents or waves, as you have seen, and flooding in the low-lying areas."
"Its light was brighter than the sun and it was observed over a wide area."
"The giant eyeball: Naturally weirded out by this."
"There's evidence that the Sun was playing a role."
"Look at the change in the clouds, it's amazing!"
"These tiny mummies are an incredibly rare discovery."
"Moonbows occur more frequently in locations with waterfalls which create layers of mist in the air."
"The Puerto Mosquito bioluminescent bay in Puerto Rico is so extraordinary that you'll hardly believe it exists."
"That rainbow colored cloud formation in the sky is an impressive sight to behold, wouldn't you agree?"
"Auroras happen in ovals around the planet's two magnetic poles, which is why the farther north or south you're located the likelier you are to experience one."
"This description is not only remarkable because it describes the internal waves in the ocean, but also because it describes darkness deep in the ocean."
"Enceladus: Geologically active, shooting out water vapor and dust."