
Night Sky Quotes

There are 436 quotes

"This is the show where we chat about everything you should look out for in the night sky in the coming months and we chat about what's been happening in space news in the past month."
"Gazing into the night sky, it's easy to be awed by the grandeur of our universe."
"The storm seemed to lose its frenzy; the ragged clouds gave way to the stars above."
"Humans deserve a night sky, a sky full of possibilities. Sometimes of clouds, often the moon, occasionally planets, nearly always stars, and the Milky Way in which we live."
"At night, the sky would be this majestic open space filled with glittering gems of amazing bits of this cosmos we live in."
"You grow up in the city, you don’t know anything about a night sky until you go into a place where there’s an expert, and they can point it out to you on a dome."
"Every night, I got the best view of the stars. Midnight to 1:00 a.m., you step out there to use the bathroom, and you're just stuck going, 'This is what poets used to write about.'"
"The dark night sky and all those stars just like screaming at me, I just couldn't believe that honestly."
"This is amazing. Imagine seeing this. You look at your bedroom window, everything's beautiful, a lovely night sky, and then you see this."
"Seeing the night sky lit ablaze would undoubtedly give off vibes of nightmare and apocalypse."
"For 50 thousand years, the only thing on TV was the night sky."
"A very rare sight in the night sky: spectacular images of a green comet passing the Earth for the first time since the Stone Age."
"My first time ever seeing the southern sky at night."
"Astrophotography is the art of photographing the night sky."
"The night skies over Phoenix seemed to have a history of strange events."
"He noticed something in the night sky that would change his life forever."
"Every human that's ever existed has looked at that same sky."
"This one of the sky is one of my favorites, especially the version that shows the night sky."
"His style was tactical aggression, a relentless assault."
"Each star seems to tell a story, inviting contemplation beneath the vast mysterious beauty of the night sky." - Narrator
"When the moon meets the sky like a big pizza, oh god yes."
"Let's keep natural dark nights where possible."
"Constellations in the night sky: a celestial puzzle waiting to be solved."
"Some people think that when you're walking at night and you see a shooting star that if you make a wish it might come true."
"On a night because there's no light pollution, you can look up and you can see the stars."
"A beautiful falling star show for everyone to gaze upon."
"Under The Starry Sky watching the two moons."
"I would look up in the sky and see the beauty of the night sky."
"Have you ever wanted your own personal night sky in your room?"
"The stars are beautiful at night."
"The night sky, oh my gosh, it's glorious."
"oh my gosh imagine driving home at night and seeing what you think is a falling star"
"Stand at the edge of the Grand Canyon and feel some awe. Look into the night sky where there's no light pollution and get a sense of awe at how expansive the universe is."
"The Stars seemed to me a roof the roof of days from which we fall each night and survive a miracle I wait resurrection archeology is the science of the incredible."
"I just think nature, everything about the night sky, it's all around us, it's so therapeutic."
"Stars peppered the sky making a beautiful backdrop for lovers."
"...the night sky is breathtaking... it makes it all worth it."
"Childhood fascination, sleepless nights, and existential dread—the allure of the unknown sky."
"What are you doing here at this hour? We want to see the stars."
"This is the only place in the world where you can see Orion belt when they are born just pouring in a straight line like 1 2 3 with a straight line."
"A clear night is perfect for searching in the sky for constellations."
"The night sky littered with stars hangs over as history sits on the bench, the old man dressed in overalls, his face greased up, a paper in his hand."
"Better get ready for a show in the night sky."
"You could do timed exposure, like stars moving across the sky, you can do all kinds of really cool stuff."
"The deep black star-studded sky seemed a hint at something mysterious just out of reach."
"The stars last night were spectacular."
"I love looking at the stars. I could be out there all night and do that."
"It's going to be an amazing night if it stays clear like this."
"Stars were made with patience because the brightest stars in the night sky show when they have sat."
"Look at how insane the stars are because where I live you can't see the stars like that."
"Look at all the stars up there, dude."
"The next time you look up at the night sky, take a moment to marvel at the perfection and consistency of the universe."
"Blessed are you Adonai, who fashions the luminaries."
"The core of the Milky Way galaxy... makes it appear brighter in the night sky."
"...it's glorious on a cloudless night, it's amazing what you can see."
"The stars at night are big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas."
"How did you like star gazing yesterday? Amazing."
"Hey, hopefully we'll have a good night, maybe the stars will be out tonight, and we'll catch you in the AM."
"Watching the sky for an occasional shooting star to watch streaking across."
"They look like honestly they look like the night sky, I love this combination, 10 out of 10."
"The sky was a deep purple like a bruise, dotted with stars and three massive moons that hung overhead."
"The night sky several million years ago may have been much brighter than we ever could have imagined."
"The next time you gaze up into the serene night sky, you might experience a feeling of panic instead of peace."
"The biggest attraction here is easily Vandu Island where you can see the sea of stars at night."
"When someone mentions the gracefulness of the night sky, climb up on the roof and dance and say like this."
"Sadly, it's a little cloudy tonight, but the Great Rift Valley has some of the most beautiful night sky in the world."
"Montreal is close to the North Pole, so the night sky here is so clear that I could see all the stars."
"It's going to create a beautiful Milky Way effect."
"I hope you reach for the stars tonight."
"The awesome beauty of the clear night sky over the desert, with its billions of stars twinkling in the black sky above, is something I'll never tire of."
"A grand array stars and planets filled the empties of the night sky."
"You can see this beautiful light coming from the horizon up to the Milky Way; that is called zodiacal light."
"What we're going to do tonight is a start to finish Milky Way panorama."
"The sky tonight was bloody awesome, it was just neon green with airglow."
"The lake is still, and the night is full of stars."
"The observation of the night sky holds an enormous fascination and not just for professional scientists."
"When we look at the night sky, we're looking back in time."
"The night sky was luminous with stars, the hills black on every side."
"Don't forget whenever you can to look up at the almost full moon and the stars as well."
"No matter what world I'm in, the moons and stars are always beautiful in the night sky."
"The dead tree star trail over Okanagan Lake."
"You can bring your little character outside on a clear night, and there are shooting stars."
"This is a blend of titanium dioxide and black oxide, and it is going to represent the night sky."
"It's like somebody's just scattered diamond dust onto black velvet sky."
"On the clearest of nights, when the winds of the astral plane were calm and peaceful..."
"You only see stars in the nighttime."
"The stars were out, and a moon was coming up."
"The night sky is the most mysterious thing to modern man."
"The Milky Way was insanely bright on this particular night."
"Go somewhere isolated enough at night that you can see a full skyscape."
"For many of us, nothing is more evocative of the infinite than looking up at the night sky."
"We finally get to see a scene of dinosaurs admiring the night sky, so that was neat."
"I could see the Milky Way as an actual stream of a concentrated stream of stars crossing the entire night sky."
"I enjoy my foreground subject matter and working with the subject just as much as I like to see the Milky Way or the sky."
"If you go out to enjoy the night sky anytime soon, I wish you good luck and clear skies."
"I'm so glad that I was able to get out there on this particular night and put this image together."
"It's truly splendid with the moon and the stars."
"The stars are out; it is crystal clear."
"Went for a walk with the stars last night, did not believe that I would end up right."
"I am the Milky Way galaxy, look in the night, you've gotta see a part of me."
"Nights are under the sky, watching stars."
"The show doesn't really start until well after the sun has gone down; the sky really starts to light up and glow."
"The sky will be filled with stars."
"The stars tonight are going to be incredible; it should be such a beautiful night sky."
"Oh, when the moon shines in the clear night sky."
"I left it there, with the water rippling round it, under the still stars."
"This is the Aurora Borealis or the northern lights, and the night sky you can see the waves of dancing light."
"Visibility of the stars in the sky, pretty good, 10 out of 10."
"You can already see the moon, nice."
"Wendy, Wendy, when you are sleeping in your silly bed, you might be flying about with me saying funny things to the stars."
"It was a really nice night out actually, as I was walking along the Town Street, the sky was extremely clear and I found myself constantly looking up at the constellations."
"The night sky was light from stars and the half moon above, bathing everything in an eerie silvery blue luminescence."
"Hey now, I've never seen such a beautiful night."
"If it's too much light, turn the lights off, and we can see the stars, right?"
"The night sky is so beautiful, I love it when the moon shines brightly and the stars twinkle down from up on high."
"Now lies the earth all Danaë to the stars."
"When the stars are shining and the moon is low, you'll find me out with my Romeo."
"You can tell by the star trails this is a long exposure."
"The star-dotted dome reflects you in the lonesome moonlight."
"The stars at night are brighter than any night light."
"It really reminds me of a starry night."
"All these shooting stars in the dark, make a wish."
"I'm going to have like a Starry Sky with it."
"I thought that color would work really nice for a night sky."
"This is the night sky as seen through the eyes of the astronomer priests."
"Long ago, the night sky was not as bright as it is now."
"If you want, you can open this up and kind of look at the stars at night which is really nice."
"I want it to look black but with a purplish tone, it makes a beautiful midnight sky."
"That is how you do a Milky Way and a night sky."
"The only thing that you could see in the sky was the moon and the bright stars from above."
"I just want a really pretty midnight kind of sky."
"I saw a shooting star last night... that's so cool."
"As day gives way to the night, the celestial display continues with the park's designation as an International Dark Sky Park."
"The stars have never been so bright."
"As soon as I said 'Hey, there's no star there,' it zoomed across the horizon, stopped, then zoomed up, then blinked out like an old tube TV turning off."
"Get outside and enjoy the night sky. Dark skies forever, Sula signing off."
"When you do that, you get these splatter stars that are going to be added into the night sky."
"You can stop when you're happy with the amount of stars you've added into your night sky."
"It's some of the best stargazing in the world."
"People look upon the Aurora because in the night that's the only time you can see it."
"As Darkness set in, Sinia sat admiring the Stars."
"The stars at night are really spectacular."
"It appears as this stark white horseman on a stark white horse which can roam across the night sky and is often mistaken for a ghost."
"I love stars. If you ever go outside at nighttime, you can look up at the sky and see all kinds of stars."
"The skies glowed, and a brilliant comet streaked through the stars."
"Above the stars were shining brighter than ever before."
"You know the stars at night are big and bright, deep in the Heart of Texas."
"Right now, in the middle of the night, I could only see a few twinkling lights and the stars in the sky."
"You just looking up at the night sky, something captured my imagination."
"It will be as if all the stars were laughing when you look at the sky at night."
"The Moon is darker, and the stars seem to form a circle around it."
"One of my favorite things to do at night is observe the stars, the moon, the sky in general."
"Think of me when you look to the night sky."
"Have you ever seen the stars at night? Yeah, they're so bright."
"The night was unnaturally clear and cold, and the bright of the stars burned into the frosty air around us."
"It's unbelievable to see all those stars."
"It's endless when you look up in the sky without light pollution, it's endless, those things that we see up in the sky."
"I'll find validity in your eyes, you'll always be my night sky."
"How come the stars come to shine when it's dark?"
"The night sky is beautiful if you ever get a chance to be somewhere where it's very dark at night."
"The stars glistened like millions of fireflies in the sky."
"Look at what we have here, it's probably gonna be like stars in the sky."
"The Milky Way's diaphanous expanse is one of the key features of our night sky and is spoken of by every human culture."
"I watch all the stars go by and the moon rise, I can watch the aurora borealis which is absolutely breathtaking."
"Having astro tracer built into this camera makes it by far the best damn night photography camera on the market, without a doubt."
"The stars looked like they were falling."
"Star Sky AF makes astrophotography a breeze, allowing you to capture night skies like a pro."
"Peaceful, it was quiet, you could see every single star that exists in the sky last night."
"What are we doing? We are doing Milky Way photos with the S22 Ultra."
"The sky is perfectly clear, stars are very crisp, it's very dark outside - it's honestly perfect stargazing conditions."
"The moon had not risen; the stars were flecks of hot amber in a breathless sky."
"The Milky Way was too tempting, rising in the southeast."
"It's a full moon tonight, it's just rising in front of us, it's like an orange glowing ball, it looks wild."
"There's nothing like seeing the mountain ranges rising up darkly out of the land lit by a million stars."
"First night of the tour, northern lights."
"It rose above the horizon, moving up to the chimney of the house closest to them, then rose into the sky and disappeared."
"Seeing the Milky Way... it's so dark that the light of the Milky Way actually shines through the clouds."
"I'm sure you could see the Milky Way out here."
"Counting stars by candlelight, all are dim but one is bright."
"While everything does seem calm and peaceful at night, the stars are actually moving from our perspective as we spin through the solar system."
"I'm excited, so anyway, I think everything's in readiness, so the next time you see me will be out here tonight, under the stars."
"I think it's gorgeous, it looks so beautiful just like the moon up in the starry sky."
"Around midnight, way up high, there's an angel in the sky."
"Up in the sky so very far, oh look what's that? A falling star."
"Oh falling star up in the sky, I see you twinkled with my eye."
"Above him, the night was clear, the view of the stars stunning in such perfect darkness."
"This sky actually looks beautiful this time of night."
"Even in the sky, the stars have come out."
"It's like 3:40 in the morning, and I'm seeing a badass eclipse."
"Gradually, as the stars come out, making for an incredible night sky, Terry Joe's fears ease."
"I like the texture in it though when it's real fine like that, it does look like a Starry Sky because Stars aren't always super bright, sometimes they're kind of faint."
"On a clear night, your patch of sky can be lit by as many as 6,000 stars."
"This is beautiful, look at the starry sky."
"It's one of the coolest things that you can do in a night sky photo."
"Only once the clouds have gone to sleep can you see us in the sky."
"The lights from the parlor and kitchen shone out through the blinds and the windows and bars; and overhead and all moving about, there were thousands and millions of stars."
"It rises shortly after sunset and dominates the evening sky by midnight as a brilliant red star beyond the moon."
"At night, don't just work but enjoy the sky and take a look around sometimes."
"When you're out before dawn, you can see the stars. It's so cool."