
Gaming Culture Quotes

There are 2136 quotes

"This isn't just the niche little fandom that I had before, no, this is Monster Hunter worldwide."
"Because the entire culture around gaming has changed completely, everything is being min-maxed nowadays."
"A haunted bear skin rug... it haunts those that hunt Pokemon and will defend a Pokemon if it's targeted by a hunter."
"There's a reason that these games really took off so much with the medieval renaissance crowds because they did such a good job of showing these worlds as cultures in flux."
"The stereotypes about pretty much anything and the only thing you can really do in order to combat that is to act like a perfectly reasonable human being and enjoy games like the rest of us."
"I've played enough video games to know that wherever there is a waterfall, there is a room behind said waterfall."
"Most of the Valorant maps have a bunch of these little plushy characters hidden throughout the game."
"That was insane, and over 10 million people watched a grown man cry because he finally caught them all."
"The core of fighting games is that each player has their own unique personality."
"After all, 'gamer' is simply a label that people self-identify as to show that they are gaming enthusiasts."
"Live service games win based off of making you play the game longer, and games like Dark Souls or Monster Hunter win by making you love the game longer."
"By 2009, mod Defense of the Ancients had gained a significant following and had even spawned a whole new genre of games."
"Buying gaming magazines with walkthrough guides was kind of the norm back then."
"What if Call of Duty didn't ruin a generation of gamers but simply catered to, profited off of, a malfunction that was already there?"
"Gaming culture has become the new pop culture."
"The casual side is always way over the competitive side... that will always be their priority."
"I hope you understand that non-sexualized depictions of women, the inclusion of people of color, and queer people in the games themselves, making them and writing about them, is a net positive for gaming."
"If there’s one thing more challenging, more stressful, more downright intimidating than any single boss encounter in a FromSoftware game, it’s publicly criticizing FromSoftware in front of its massive, zealous, some might even say 'touchy' fanbase."
"We've entered real fighting game lobbies. We've entered the end state of fighting games where only one person has fun, and everybody else is just lying to themselves."
"Villagers are now more or less another commodity for players to collect and display in their towns like statues."
"It's Pig, absolutely. I would say Peak as well because Herobrine is an entire phenomenon, unbeatable."
"I'm not going to scream at you, bro, because that's unhealthy, bro. That's an unhealthy gaming environment. I'm going to uplift you, right? I'm going to motivate you, and we're going to win games, bro. That's what it is."
"Minecraft has become so much bigger than it ever probably was meant to."
"If you're a taxpaying adult and you get mad over which plastic box is doing a little bit better in the gaming industry, you're actually a loser."
"It's no wonder that they are leaning into more core Warcraft things with the war within."
"The problem with many of these misconceptions is it puts the game into these tiny little boxes that is often used to hold people back, flame people, and completely misunderstands the many different things that can happen in a game of Overwatch."
"The idea that 'oh well, it's old content, get the [__] out of here,' you should have to go through the raids and then do that."
"It is no longer about the journey or the struggle; it becomes how fast and painlessly can we reach our destination and then quit."
"Team Fortress 2 will forever be an insane but enduring and timeless experience."
"It's more about what we were doing that mattered to me. And that was the most beautiful part about FaZe. It really felt like this brotherhood."
"Very rarely do I get in a game where everyone's positive... But when you get in those kind of games, even when you're losing, your whole team is so positive. Everyone just has fun about it."
"Halo 2 was the pioneer of online gaming. I'll never forget the first time I played it... and proceeded to get called a little baby bitch. My God, those were the days."
"Twilight Imperium to me I feel like typifies this list. It's something you should try at least once."
"Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. This phrase alone probably invokes so much nostalgia in you, a pleasant reminder about how simple life used to be at the time."
"Hey, there is a reason the kids who grew up with video games are still playing them now."
"To say that PC gamers only stick to a specific genre or game is false."
"I'm happy they included the drag racing because, I mean, at this point, really, it's an essential part of the whole culture."
"Pokemon isn't ending; it's evolving, entering a new era."
"If only everyone pressed E to stop death, no one would have to press F to pay respects. Think about it."
"I wanted the glory, I wanted the fame, I wanted the pretty girls to come up and say, 'Hi, I see that you're good at Centipede.'"
"People are tired of being told by some freak on Twitter that they're wrong for liking hot girls or guys in video games."
"The gaming culture and teams are at an all-time high."
"Anger and hatred have no place in digital gaming culture."
"The entire idea behind this concept of Honor is pretty simple: it's just positive reinforcement. If you're a nice guy in your game, you get a treat."
"If more people accepted that it's okay to dislike a game and move on rather than doubling down on harassment, things would be more open."
"Marcel was at the top of his game, a gripping personal journey. We explore his world as he spirals into the world of CS:GO gambling."
"Gamescom is always fire everywhere; it's fun, it's energizing. I love it."
"It tells a story that instead of redoing the original or trying to build on it in a straightforward way, self-consciously explores what it means to exist in a specific position in gaming culture and asks us what the things we desire from games say about us."
"Minecraft was a Lego brick of the videogame universe."
"This so far as anybody remembers, is where the term 'Let's Play' originated from."
"For me, that symbolizes how powerful we are as a community that people have to use hacks to try to beat us."
"You've always got to go to where your friends are when it comes to gaming."
"Gaming and eSports is so incorporated into their culture. It's really cool."
"If courage doesn't come first place, I'm sending the mods to find his address, tickle his feet, and make sure he never plays Fortnite ever again."
"Do you like how this jacket makes me look like an NPC who dispenses side quests in an open-world game set in the not so distant future?"
"Speedrunning is really fun to watch and stories about speedrunning are consistently fascinating and I really want to talk about why."
"For the first time in my life, friends and acquaintances alike are getting into games like Among Us."
"Our children will not get to experience a GameStop if we all buy the digital PlayStation 5. So, we lost our right there as a gamer."
"I believe the discovery and the proliferation of bunny hopping across decades of gaming expresses something fundamental about what gamers actually want out of a video game experience."
"I fucking did it. I'm gonna let him talk. Tell 'em, Dante. Yeah, jackpot."
"Bro was put on this Earth to be a high octane gamer."
"I'm a freaking Gen 1 purist, so you know I mean it when I say Charizard literally is the best Pokémon of all time."
"It's pretty sad but it's nice that a lot of them are still very public about their love for and fond memories with the game, even if it doesn't play an active part in their life anymore."
"As a caster, man, as a caster, we hope for outstanding games, and we had an outstanding game right there, at least for the memes."
"Meta is the enemy of fun. It ruins immersion, diminishes accomplishment, leads to less experimentation, less individuality, less agency."
"No matter what your opinion is on any of the controversies listed in today's video, I think the one thing every single person can agree on is that no matter what happens next, there will always be people arguing over video games on the internet."
"Akira classes himself as a 'super grade player', which is loosely interpreted as a mature yet respected gamer, and I think that's something as retro fans we can all hope to achieve."
"Video games are no longer just a hobby or a pastime; they're much more than that."
"Gaming on a budget now, that is what I am talking about."
"I always say buy physical when you can. I love physical games."
"Warhammer is a pretty dark universe and thus the humor that stems from it tends to be pretty dark as well. But at the end of the day, we're a family."
"You might be drawn to the lore and background of the army and the way that they make war."
"People affectionately refer to me as the Pokémon Professor. This world is inhabited far and wide by creatures called Pokémon."
"Steam points are meaningless, you literally just use them to buy cat girl stickers."
"Indie games are so great, I really feel like we're in this golden age."
"Mythical Pokemon...rarity wise that's exactly what mythicals are."
"The corporatization of gaming is sucking the life and soul out of it."
"One final goal for this video is to get more people interested in speedrunning themselves. I want this gaming category to go from strength to strength."
"Bane is just good, all of this other [__] doesn't matter."
"The gaming world had World of Warcraft fever."
"You guys, the new skins are dropping soon! Get hyped!"
"The ultimate reward of a leaderboard is glory and bragging rights."
"These Super Nintendos, one of my all-time favorite game consoles as it is to many other people who were gaming dreamer early to mid 90s. The system is beloved."
"RNGesus - who is the personification of luck in the gaming community - is cursed just as often as he’s worshiped."
"The whole flow bar for bart but I just love to see the young [__] win man I'd love to see the success."
"The system is finally being honest with itself: like, you know what player, don't feel bad looking stuff up. Go ahead, you're free."
"People are going to quit the game... it rewards griefing... ensures that only one group is allowed to have fun."
"Primal Dialga as one of the most fearsome Pokémon villains of all time, going primal way before the posers known as Groudon and Kyogre did."
"Non-sexualized depictions of women, inclusion of people of color and queer people in games, is a net positive for gaming."
"Pikachu's fame soon led to the Pokémon getting its own game, 'Hey You, Pikachu!'"
"Can Half-Life, without Marc Laidlaw and other prominent writers like Eric Wolpaw and Chet Faliszek, really be considered Half-Life in a similar fashion?"
"The legitimization of gaming streaming and game content in general is something that I'm obviously very much in favor of."
"I'm deleting Wishbringer. A real OG trophy weapon."
"Never forget why we do what we do when we play, where we choose the platform we choose."
"If someone wants to run earplugs because they don't want to have to learn how to roll roars, that's also their prerogative. It's a game, let people enjoy the game how they want to enjoy it."
"Quality lies, Stardust Joe Johnson, exemplary magic players, truly behaved like eights at the table."
"Victory Screech good job yeah which is why I don't really take the raids so seriously or there is combat but it does feel kind of like remember when going medieval came out."
"The opera scene is powerful and heart-touching."
"The time for harassment in CS:GO is finally up."
"Bigfoot is not a myth, it's a full-on Easter egg complete with a side mission."
"Neither of our decks look even remotely playable, but historically they have become household names among Goat Format players."
"There's an entire generation of players whose memory cannot recall a time where Call of Duty didn't exist at the forefront of gaming and arguably pop culture."
"It's so crazy that this is the polar game... Wall Street is certainly got over its skis."
"It's perfectly fine for the Cuphead show to target younger children and not adults or gamers who played the original game."
"The Battle Royale is the greatest genre... But I don't think it's the last."
"Dark Souls emerged as a truly gamer's game, it became a rite of passage to prove your gamer cred with its mottos of 'get good' and 'you will die'."
"Ethics and gaming journalism has not Arisen Like a Phoenix From the Ashes."
"We need a cultural revolution within the gaming developers."
"The social element of games is disappearing."
"There is no cure for narcissistic personality disorder... [expletive] Elden Ring players, they're nasty people."
"I'm a gamer Mario whoa whoa whoa now I'm the odd one out"
"This is the absolute nicest, most corporate way of saying skill [ __ ] issue: 'Get good.'"
"I'm not at all saying I didn't use Robux or I didn't pay to win. I used a lot of Robux, but I also played this game for like three days straight."
"For some reason fans like to dispute this, bringing up the aforementioned Character bios as proof."
"Damn, we got from 'we hate this woke consulting firm' to 'ethics in game journalism' pretty quickly, huh?"
"Discussion is how we keep the design and impact of Portal alive, even if Valve never makes another Portal game."
"The rule of cool arises out of too many people experiencing too many arguments that are really over nothing."
"These are experiences that have transcended the already great games they were a part of to permanently lodge themselves in the collective gaming consciousness."
"Noobs always think they are smart when they are dumb."
"Never give up! Fortnite for life, smart cookie!"
"Speedrunning is obsessed with not wasting time."
"Silo Agent 99: A meme that shook everyone to their core."
"Speedrunning is a great way to celebrate video games."
"For the healthy gamers out there, it is a moment of true glory, glee, and happiness that inspires viewers to reach greatness."
"Speedrunning is a nihilistic activity by definition; it's time-wasting, unproductive, yet the triumphs are very real."
"Does it really matter if people are all saying the game's great and they're all having fun playing it?"
"Live events are the future of speedrunning and they are the path that leads to speedrunnings legitimacy being cemented in gaming culture."
"Learn to Fly 2, now this game is not only pog, it has gone beyond and achieved major problem."
"The banana bomb itself is a reference to a weapon in the Worms franchise."
"Seriously this was another character whose moves had pretty much made itself like he was made for smash or something."
"It's a standalone, yet canon, story about Layton and his assistant Luke, allowing it to appeal to both those familiar with the games and those who just want to watch an animated Sherlock Holmes who ingests marginally less opium."
"Meta every meta needs a villain, people want to play bad is it dex cool let's go"
"A show that made the pixelated dreams of '90s kids everywhere a reality."
"You've always been the ones who've made League more than just a game."
"No way to lose when you're having this much fun." - Everyone
"By killing the last remaining human on earth twitch chat has basically eradicated itself."
"I think we tend to underestimate just how many games are built around making the player feel cool and giving them a lot of freedom."
"Metal Gear Rising Revengeance: one of the most memorable games in recent history."
"Paper magic is still really important to the health of this game. It's what is the foundation that the entire thing was built on."
"Regardless of what comes next, there's no denying the impact this long-running game series has had."
"If you break that mentality that MMOs are marriage... you might find that you have a great time."
"What makes these games special is the attitude and energy that's incorporated in like every aspect."
"The raw hype from this alone I think makes it the best reveal in the series and as a result is number one in S plus tier."
"The hostility towards free-to-play players doesn't make any sense."
"You just play the [ __ ] game, and that's it. Nice doing business with you."
"We've reached this point where a lot of them are being designed to be played for a long period of time."
"Sonic Colors: My God, the soundtrack is just incredible. Something about Sonic Colors music is just so memorable and stands out among the others."
"Even terrible trap cards that aren't fit for the modern meta will still find a way into people's decks just because they think it's cool to activate a mirror force."
"The incident at Razai Incorporated serves as a stark reminder of the dark side of gaming."
"Maybe they'll learn their lesson, but it's very sad that a very large and usually really good gaming community had to suffer the way that it did."
"All I'm trying to say is, that I find it weird how people are so quick to write Paladins off as nothing more than a cheap Overwatch clone for its derivative elements."
"We're done this is GG unlucky we're dead bro it's over and sure enough right you know Liam's like uh well I was thinking of like doing stuff with Zach and Ben after dinner so I might be busy."
"I can't be the only one that feels like gaming went from something where everyone talks about it because we all love it and it builds a community off like, 'Oh, you game too?' to now it's just everyone just fights like all of the time."
"The reason why this topic matters so much to me is I grew up with Grand Theft Auto."
"Obey. Consume. Submit." - Polybius arcade game subliminal messages
"I don't care if they're playing hardcore metal, I don't care if it's like a new Doom soundtrack that's gonna get copyrighted, my God, we're going, we also have monkeys spinning monkeys that could also work."
"Gaming is such a mainstream and popular hobby now that the idea gaming's childish, I think it's a much less prevalent opinion than it was before."
"Can you imagine a universe where we doubted Shroomish?"
"At least I'm thankful I got to enjoy it a little bit at melee Island and got to share it with a lot of people that got to see it there."
"Toy cat is not, yes he is incredible, but talking about The Hunger Games in Minecraft is just... I got it, it's such a bizarre game mode."
"Is xqc good or bad for gaming? That's for you to decide, but without question, he's only going to get bigger."
"But if you weren't also complaining about the hyper unrealistic women in games, why would you have an issue with this?"
"Anyone who is invested in the gaming community knows how much negativity exists within it."
"Gaming hasn't been this horny since the days of Lara Croft and Tifa Lockhart."
"Your games will be kinder, and I think that's something we all need right now in this world: just a little bit of kindness."
"You do it, but obviously between the naruto run between the fact that it was used by the worst ttv in name people of all time wraith mains have a huge stigma of being toxic as [ __ ] and it is entirely not like not that false."
"I never need to be imposter again, let's just be number one crewmate among us now."
"Hate, harassment, and toxic behavior have no place in games... except they do."
"SCP-5167 would join games of Among Us like any other player."
"I think there's something that is innately frowned down upon where you have to buy the game day one or minute one." - Click
"Together we can make gaming a reflection of the world we don't just want to see but we can change it into the world we want it to be."
"Most of the time it's not worth it... the console war stuff doesn't actually matter to anyone On My Level."
"The pinnacle of achievement in these games is called a full combo."
"Since its inception in 1987, Warhammer 40k has spread across miniature wargames, roleplaying games, books, video games, and more."
"Players of the original game will find plenty of callbacks and easter eggs."
"A human being is defined by their collection of experiences. For many of us, those original three Halos are a big part of that fucking collection, a big part of who we are."
"Calculated. Thank you very much. Techno wit never dies."
"Our understanding of physics needs to be reconsidered... a change in the way that we understood our known physics."
"People want to watch other people play video games."
"If the last match taught us anything, it's that dressing up as a character truly makes you level up."
"We're seeing the evolution of Street Fighter right in front of our eyes like a beautiful butterfly."
"Just give a huge round of applause for this guy as he walks off dual wielding games master golden joysticks christy and take them away thank you so much for joining us catch you next time on games mastery."
"I highly endorse anyone who plays a game the way they find fun, whether it's running around aimlessly, speedrunning, just doing missions, whatever you want, you do you."
"I really miss when we could just enjoy games without everyone feeling entitled to be mad about something."
"These kinds of attitudes are not only unfair to the people who create the games that we play, but they rob us of the joy that we should be getting from playing these games."
"I feel like music and gaming are like synonymous."
"The Dreamcast burnt fast but it burned so bright that its fans have never let the dream die."
"Metroid is a beloved and iconic series which has struggled to find its place among Nintendo's more popular IP."
"I remember running home from school with the money I saved up just to get a copy of Mario Galaxy."
"Does it feel good to win a stray prediction? Holy [ __ ]!"
"Skyrim felt like one of the first games that really was with meme culture."
"The obvious answer is that they get Mother 3 on there Bowser."
"The game earns this, Samus earns this, and most importantly, you earn this."
"It's the same kind of thing as mocking people that played like dungeons and dragons."
"I've never had an opinion on save/kill the animals before, but I'm pretty into saving them right now."
"This little gold cartridge is the holy relic of video gaming."
"The small stuff wins over the gaming population."
"It's officially the end of a freaking era of E3 man, the freaking Gaming Expo that changed the lives of so many people."
"Tries to lure you into the most deadly mermaid trap the world has ever seen. Thank you Mr. Zombie but it will make a great addition to my morphing army if I."
"There's just something about Cod lobbies that brings out the worst in humanity."