
Volcanic Activity Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"The recent discoveries do suggest that Mars is still quite active... it might actually resume its volcanic activity in the near future, something that nobody expected up until now."
"The fact that this could be really recent volcanic activity has a lot of big implications for how we understand Mars but also huge implications in the search for life on Mars as well."
"The island that's now Iceland was thrust up above the surface of the Atlantic by a series of massive volcanic eruptions."
"A really massive eruption can turn the climate upside down."
"Volcanic eruptions: nature's explosive reminders of its power."
"The Giant's Causeway: approximately 40,000 interconnected basalt columns... formed following a period of volcanic activity."
"Those gases want to escape so they kind of overpressure this magma as it rises up and that causes it to just keep rising and keep rising and melting its way through the crust until it gets to the surface."
"Volcanoes do all sorts of stuff to the environment."
"Basalt is what geologists call igneous rock, and that only comes from one source, a volcanic eruption."
"But the way that lava flows is not the only unpredictable event accompanying volcanic eruptions."
"The real threat here is this slow-moving but persistent lava along with that dangerous sulfuric JSO2 gas, so it is still a very dangerous situation."
"Unprecedented response to Iceland's lava flow."
"Usually these eruptions are small reaching about one to two on the volcanic explosivity index."
"The plume billowed almost two miles above the already colossal volcano, creating a very beautiful-if intimidating scene."
"The plume of ash and steam is a monstrous Marvel to behold."
"75% of all volcanic activity on Earth happens deep under the ocean."
"Volcanic lightning storms... an absolutely amazing event that shocks every human when you see it for the first time."
"Scientists think that the volcanic rocks found on Mars formed roughly 4 billion years ago, resembling the igneous rocks present on Earth at the beginning of its history."
"Giants Causeway... the result of an ancient volcanic fissure eruption..."
"That is truly a cooling agent when we get sulfur dioxide and volcanic ash particulate in the air on an eruption."
"A more recent example shows the effects... Tambora volcano awakes..."
"There is not one but two perfectly good scientific explanations for the phenomenon of volcanic lightning."
"Triton has a thin atmosphere composed of nitrogen and traces of methane which are likely to have originated from ancient volcanic activity."
"This was not expected, at least at the super volcano up at Yellowstone, you know, we can see signs of magma intrusion."
"The next eruption could not only be explosive, it could be devastating."
"But volcanoes do give warning signs called precursors."
"Back when Pinatubo erupted in 1991, it cooled the entire planet by almost 1 degree Celsius."
"A super eruption is defined as any eruption with a volcano explosivity index magnitude of eight or above."
"Volcanic eruptions almost without warning a prospect that doesn't exactly make the world seem a safer place."
"The December 2021 eruption was Semaru's largest in recent history and one that came with little warning."
"Geologists are constantly monitoring Yellowstone for signs of volcanic activity, utilizing tools like seismographs and GPS."
"Based on scientific monitoring data, geologists have concluded that Yellowstone is unlikely to erupt anytime soon."
"But geologists expect that there will be warning signs before Yellowstone explodes again."
"Volcanic eruptions are usually preceded by an increasing number of earthquakes."
"Volcanic eruption caught on camera: Thousands rush to Iceland after volcano erupts near Reykjavik."
"Composition of moon basalts rock the treasure chest of samples retrieved by the chongi 5 Mission stands as a golden key unlocking the moon's volcanic Mysteries."
"It's unlikely that Yellowstone will blow in a super eruption at any time soon."
"The Kawa Ijen volcano in Java glows a vivid blue."
"This apocalyptic phenomenon is actually super rare, but there is one volcano in Japan where you can witness incredible dirty thunderstorms nearly every day."
"For the first time in human history, researchers observed underwater volcanic activity so massive that it formed new land masses above it."
"The Earth will see super eruptions in the future."
"One volcano's explosion is worth 175 years of every smokestack and every exhaust fan."
"One spectacular feature of the eruption is Pele’s hair, delicate strands of volcanic glass that carpet the ground downwind of the lava lake." - Narrator
"Scientists nowadays can pretty much predict when a volcanic eruption is likely to occur."
"Hawaii is a stunning tropical paradise but under the brilliance and lush forests simmers a cauldron of tremendous heat and violence."
"Volcanologists know that there is no way to prevent an eruption."
"Volcanoes are incredibly complicated natural systems, and are always full of surprises."
"One of the leading hypotheses is that volcanic activity on Mars can expose this subsurface ice."
"Researchers used a remotely operated vehicle to explore some of the deeper waters of the trench, and much to their surprise, they were able to document a volcanic eruption going on about 2.8 miles below the surface of the ocean."
"Turns out the cave was an empty lava tube formed millions of years ago by molten lava that flowed underground from the Newberry Volcano."
"The mountain has three active craters on its peak."
"Mount Aso erupted... sent plumes of ash over two miles high... no immediate reports of casualties or damages."
"More than half of all active above-ground volcanoes are located along the coastlines of the Pacific."
"Steve Miller is convinced that gases play a decisive part and he has additional evidence to back his theory."
"Look for Vesuvius, it's rumbling back to life again."
"The Moon was once volcanically active. The moon may seem like a cold place, but if you were there around 4 billion years ago you would have seen a hotbed of volcanic activity."
"The explosive eruption of this strato volcano shot out huge amounts of rock Ash and pumice."
"The eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 ejected more than five cubic kilometers of material, forming an ash cloud that rose 35 kilometers into the air."
"The Yellowstone Super Volcano erupts every 750,000 years on average, with the last eruptions having happened 2.1 million, 1.4 million, and 664,000 years ago."
"Volcanic eruptions captured on Google Earth, providing vital insights for understanding their impact and planning assistance for affected residents."
"Watching lava in action is just... stuff that excites me."
"The Yellowstone investigation has shown that the park's sleeping super volcano is still alive and dangerous."
"Hawaiians see this prodigious activity at the work of the goddess Pele, mistress of fire earth and volcanoes."
"The natural history shows over 500,000 years of volcanic activity."
"Every time the magma breaks through the rock, it generates a new quake until the magma erupts out of the volcano."
"Basically, we're seeing a massive increase in activity on a worldwide scale. Now, I don't believe that these are a succession of random volcanic events. I think they're part of a pattern, which, if ignored, could have serious consequences for the future of life on this planet."
"The cone at the fissure 8 vent continues to grow parts batter and part cinder cone."
"Volcanism along the length of the Cordillera and belts varied in size, style, and intensity."
"Adding water to that hot rock, uh, in the overlying plate causes it to melt, and that's what causes these volcanic island arcs like, uh, you know, Tonga and, uh, the Aleutians and, uh, South America and the Caribbean."
"Volcanic unrest gives us warnings, and that allows communities to implement the plans that they have formulated."
"Millions of years of volcanic activity have resulted in creating an island that's geographically jam-packed with contrasts and surprises."
"The eruption ended and so I was really lucky to be there when this volcano was erupting, it was spectacular."
"You notice he heard it a couple seconds after he saw it. Look at the size of that spatter rolling down those slopes."
"The most extensive volcanic events on at Zaisa called the Neato period were not localized to a single volcano as magma flowed out of six major volcanic cones and dozens of lesser formations, covering much of the complex."
"Krakatoa grows up out of the sea; every little eruption adds more and more rock to the island."
"This morning's eruption hues almost exactly to the parameters established in that model."
"There has to be some kind of very, very large magma source to feed the volcanoes."
"The angle of subduction dictates where a volcano will form."
"As we delve deeper into Io's volcanic activity, we find more questions than answers."
"In every Grand solar minimum, there's a direct correlation of volcanic activity increases."
"Volcanic gases such as sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide play a crucial role in understanding the underlying volcanic processes."
"The goal today is to catch a fish on an underwater volcano."
"This subduction is giving us melts that are intruding into the North American continental crust and creating active volcanoes."
"The Mount St. Helens volcano behavior pattern suggests that the current quiet interval will not last as long as a thousand years."
"You can have a volcanic system that's cranking out fluid basalt and incredibly stiff and sticky rhyolite in the same freaking story."
"My private concern, which I don't intend to include in a press release, is that the continuing strong earthquake activity indicates that a large volume of molten rock is continuing to move into a reservoir beneath the volcano."
"Mars may well have experienced major eruptions fairly recently."
"The island of Santorini has been shaped by volcanic activity, with a huge eruption in the 17th century responsible for forming the recognizable caldera shape of the island."
"Orange-colored Moon—this orange soil exists because of molten drops spraying out from an awesome lunar volcanic eruption billions of years ago."
"The plume then broke through the slab and through decompression as it rose, it hit the underside of the accreted terrains of the North American plate."
"Uncertainties dominate our volcanic forecasts; they are really dominating."
"Does volcanism drive the climate cycles or just add modulation to the squiggles?"
"Why is all this basalt erupting quickly and voluminously to build a majority of Rengelia?"
"That's quite incredible, you can see it down here, that's a landslip of that mountain off that volcano on the moon."
"Jupiter's moon Io is the most volcanically active body in the entire solar system."
"Pyroclastic flows are massive plumes of hot volcanic ash, smoke, and other gases known as tephra that are emitted during particularly explosive eruptions."
"The breakup of Rodinia was prompted in part by the eruption of great plains of volcanic ash."
"These volcanic events that brought the Yogo sapphires to the surface are in some ways similar to the events that brought diamonds up to the surface as well."
"The extent of the flow field from all four of the previous eruptions shows the impressive power of nature."
"An eruption can start to form; it can happen at any time."
"All it takes is liquid water and a source of energy; potentially, volcanoes provide both."
"The volcanic gases released during volcanic activity is what has created our atmosphere."
"Central Oregon is one of the most volcanically active regions in North America."
"These plates are in constant motion and that motion explains why the geologic provinces of Oregon exist and why this region is so volcanically active."
"It's only now becoming clear how this volcanic activity creates new opportunities for life."
"It's lava destroys everything in its path, but the ferocious beauty of mana law plays a dramatic role in the evolution of the isolated islands of Hawaii."
"When magma interacts with water, it can trigger explosive activity."
"The location of this eruption is a little bit different than what we've seen the last two or three years in Iceland and it actually poses some much more significant risks in the area."
"After a period of volcanic eruptions on Jeju Island, layers of hardened lava formed a volcanic bedrock rich with minerals not found on the Earth's surface."
"Following the eruption, Sindar Giga has sunk by about 7 centimeters in Sart Sangi."
"We still have periodic lava fountaining."
"A lot more magma is erupting than we had seen in the previous three eruptions."
"This is what happens in Iceland; this is our fifth eruption now in this region in the last in a little over three years."
"Increased Earth activity and inflationary ground deformation at the summit began occurring during the early morning hours of January 31st, indicating movement of magma in the subsurface."