
Spiritual Identity Quotes

There are 509 quotes

"You are his first choice; you are not leftovers because of your choices. You are his first option because you are the Bride of Christ."
"One becomes identified with Christ, united, planted with him in his death so that they might be raised as he was."
"Our citizenship is in heaven; we are in the world, not of the world."
"Then realize you are a perfect spirit created in the image of God and you are a vast multi-dimensional being that can do anything."
"Your life shifts as you shift into being the goddess or god you're meant to be."
"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light."
"The blood marks you for what he did right, and if you don't start where he finished, you'll never run well."
"We are not your body; you are a divine being."
"We are God's masterpiece. He created us anew in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."
"But as the Bible says, 'I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.'"
"I am God's son, I am man's servant, and I am the devil's master."
"Your true value doesn't come from what you are doing physically in the action-oriented world but from who you are spiritually at an energetic level."
"You were ransomed so that you would become a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession."
"If children, then heirs, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him."
"You are God's co-worker; you are seated with Christ in heavenly places; you are God's workmanship."
"In the temple, our identities are not our worldly titles but our eternal identity as sons of a loving Heavenly Father."
"A lot of what we're seeing is not people necessarily leaving for another belief system...they're still spiritual people, they just are not calling themselves Christians."
"The first Adam was of the earth, the last Adam was the Lord from heaven."
"The church is about to discover who God called her to be."
"If our identity is secure, we'll represent Jesus well everywhere we go."
"If every Christian would know what it means to be a son and a daughter they would change every field every sphere of influence that they're in."
"The kingdom is about God bringing you the secret of your identity to show you who you are."
"So you know if you can change that recording, beautiful, you know, turn off the old plug in the new, you know, you are who God says you are."
"He didn't die on the cross because I was a sinner, he died on the cross because I was a lost son."
"The vajrai earned the moniker of the spirit clan."
"I do not believe we are God, we are God's children."
"Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, lives in you and you are enough in Him."
"I am full. I am known. I am loved. I am significant."
"You have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God's Spirit when he adopted you as his own children."
"From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh."
"We have to know whom we worship: Christ the King."
"You are the master monk, the equivalent in modern times, you are the Jedi Knight right now."
"God's word is your reality and he wants to tell you because of his blood, because of his cross that he declares you righteous, accepted, pure, spotless, clean, holy, chosen, loved."
"You are the masterpiece of God, created in Christ Jesus to do good works."
"What does it mean to be a child of God?... Therefore, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
"You may be a Hollywood actor, a musician that God's called, but there's a saint living on the inside of you that knows you were called for such a time as this."
"Forgiveness is a distinguishing feature of Christianity."
"Find the name of God within you and call that name."
"You are god in your deepest identity. You are one with the transcendent."
"Who am I? I am the righteousness of Jesus Christ. I am who the Son has set free and I am free indeed."
"Inside we are manifested sons of God, this is the great mystery."
"Jesus is your Master. You are a son and a daughter of the most high God."
"This is permanent, this is the heritage of the children of the Lord."
"Being a child of God has nothing to do with your social class, origin, or status."
"Your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, you're a child of God, not for a season of time, but forever."
"Now you're in Christ. Somebody says, 'What does that mean?' It means I've been saved, I've been born again, I've surrendered my life to Christ."
"What comes into your minds when you think about God is the most important thing about us." - A.W. Tozer
"You are mind body and spirit, a luminous being... you have been reborn."
"You have already been adopted into the family of God."
"Freedom by living: wherever you exist, you are that one ever-free consciousness."
"You're not a Christian unless you obey God, Christian means to be Christ-like."
"It's about being devoted and understanding that you are an eternal life form."
"Kingdom life is not something that you do, kingdom life is who you are."
"What would you want your spirit to look like?"
"You are worth all of our thanks and worship because you, Lord, have made us a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation."
"You are more than a physical entity navigating through the world you are a manifestation of the Divine an embodiment of the universal Consciousness."
"Finding your identity in Christ is your endpoint."
"He wants to be Christ in you, the hope of glory."
"Your true self is immortal which is a light entity."
"I am not pro-choice, I'm pre-choice! I was chosen before the foundation of the world!"
"The devil doesn't play fair; he'll go after your family if he can't silence you."
"Your identity in Christ will be challenged; know who you are and stand firm."
"Being a child of God means having the Holy Spirit living inside of us, guiding us, and holding us fast."
"You are not created by accident; you are created in the image of God."
"Jesus Christ is God's son in the spirit and his only begotten son in the flesh."
"Your identity in Messiah has been hidden from you."
"I am God Almighty. Get that off you. That's not your name, that's not your station, that's not your end."
"God is more concerned about who you are versus what you do."
"We are Kingdom, we are Sons and Daughters of the government of Heaven."
"You are the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ."
"Contentment is found in appreciating what we have and knowing our value comes from our identity in Christ."
"Being the Beloved expresses the core truth of our existence."
"Put on Christian virtues as fitting for the elect of God, holy and beloved."
"By focusing on your God identity, you're fearfully wonderfully made."
"They are at their core Kingdom Independence, they do not ultimately belong to any political party, they belong to the kingdom of God."
"In Christianity it's Christ which means the anointed one, the redeemer."
"You are an infinite spiritual being that has put yourself into this small little body to have an experience."
"No matter what challenges and hardships come your way, never forget that you are a child of the most high."
"The true church, the supernatural invention endowed with immortality."
"I'm part of the Fellowship of the unashamed."
"Once you become a child of God by the new birth, from that moment on your spirit is yours throughout eternity. I'm glad for that."
"In heaven, when all those are gone and you can just open up and you can be 100% yourself and it's all in Christ, it's an amazing thing."
"Remember you are so chosen, you're so set apart, you're so loved by God."
"We're no longer sons of Darkness but sons of light."
"All of you are already quantum beings of light."
"Sex is the manifestation of your identity, if you take God away, all you're left with is your loins."
"You are a divine being... live in the truth."
"You are sparks of the Creator, true heirs of all from glory come. You are love in search of itself. You are light."
"The human being is created in the image and likeness of God."
"Treatment is just a more complicated way of affirming you are divine and powerful."
"The real X's body would have been destroyed, but as the 0 series reminds us, it is not your body that matters but your soul."
"Jesus is the great I Am, the Alpha and the Omega, the Creator, the Savior, the Healer, the Lord."
"You don't have the right to live as a mere man, when you're a child of God."
"You are a child of God, you're not going to be the victim, you're going to be the victor."
"We are a transcendent organism created by God that's called The Church."
"Honestly, it's given me the true sense of identity of who I am... I'm God's daughter."
"Some of y'all need to say I am the orphan spirit, and we are many."
"You're literally fused with the existential spirit of good."
"The true believer says, 'I have nothing except Christ, and Christ alone.'"
"Know that you're a divine being of light who's just simply having a human experience."
"As believers, we get to have this confidence in our identity as a child of God."
"Remember, you are a child of God. It lies with you as to what you are going to be."
"Silph is no longer the wind spirit but the starwin spirit a clear Singularity as I have predicted."
"Your identity and your purpose are in the Lord."
"Skip trying to be the best, I'll be God's favorite."
"In the physical realm, there's a distance between us, but in the spirit realm, there's no distance."
"You have to know who you are in Christ... before operating in his authority."
"Everything I have done, I am confident in. My spirit is Christ."
"You are this natively Immortal all-powerful spiritual being."
"We want the government held to the highest standards possible."
"We have the crown and glory of God's creation, that's who I am, that's who you are, regardless of what, how tall you are, how old you are, what you look like."
"Why wouldn't we set ourselves apart from the rest of the world and celebrate him the way he has told us to in his word?"
"It's written that we're partakers of divine nature so don't take that away either to say you're not a partaker of the divine nature."
"You don't belong to yourself, you were bought with a high price."
"You haven't received a spirit of slavery leading to fear, but a spirit of adoption."
"We have been set apart for a special use sanctified by the Lord, and it's not dependent on how you smell, how you look, or how you feel."
"I am a part of a chosen generation, redeemed by the blood, forgiven of all sins."
"Don't listen to what other people call you, listen to what God calls you: paid, independent, fertile, healthy, loved, blessed."
"The children of Christ know now whose they are, whence they came, why they are here, and what manner of men and women they are to become."
"Who you truly are is consciousness. You are God. You are the self."
"The word for all of us is Jesus. He is prophecy revealed, He is the Word of Knowledge, He is everything you need."
"You were created in the image of God, and you're an eternal being that's gonna live forever even when you pass through this."
"The truth is coming out about who we are and who our god is."
"You are God's house, you are the temple of God, you are the place of God's dwelling."
"If you're not willing to be a fool for Christ, you're not Christ at all."
"Remember who you are in His eyes. You are a missionary of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Before God indwelt you, you were already a divine being by nature."
"We're image bearers of God, we're all part of one human race."
"We are Divine empowered and Sovereign beings."
"Be what you are, if you live the legacy of your spiritual faith you will be a good person."
"You are the ones addressed in that 82nd Psalm."
"You are the true you, the being that has no beginning and will have no end."
"It's all about you, your immortal self, your true identity."
"We are citizens of heaven, citizens of heaven."
"Every single one of us is a divinely created intentional being."
"You are old ancient beings who carry within a great deal of experience."
"God is not asking you to be anything other than what He's made you."
"You are a chosen child of the most high God."
"Your challenge here is not merely to overcome self-doubt but to transcend it, embracing the profound realization of your identity as a star seed."
"You are a divine being masquerading as a decidedly fascinating mixture of light and darkness."
"Scientology addresses you as a spiritual being. It is not just, uh, it doesn't just, oh, this is Scientology and that's it. You're talking about life."
"Remember we're just all just having experiences in these physical suits so remember that and remember that we are the spirit behind the suit."
"What we shall discover is that this Christ of the Gospels is nothing other than the true inner reality of ourselves."
"Even when people turned on Jesus, he didn't let a goodbye turn him into someone he was never meant to be."
"I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. He made me righteous. I'm a righteous man."
"I'm a Jesus freak, I'm a Jesus freak, 8 days a week."
"You can go to church and not be in Christ. You need to be a new creature."
"God is our father... He is the maker of us all."
"You were darkness, now you are light. Like, you were darkness. Now you are light."
"No longer slaves to fear, because you're a child of God."
"Remember what Jesus said: 'If you were of the world, the world would love its own, but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.'"
"Jesus is love. Love's not what he does, love is who he is."
"She became a daughter to the King of Kings and the Lord of lords."
"Understanding that you are immortal spiritual beings of temporary human experiences."
"As Muslims, we believe that we're following Jesus' footsteps."
"Know who you are in the eyes of God. You're truly blessed and highly favored."
"When we say Jesus Christ, what we are saying is Jesus is the Messiah."
"You are definitely a confirmation that you are a lightworker."
"You are complete through your union with Christ."
"I am a child of God, I am made new, just start to speak it."
"We are spiritual energy beings in these physical suits having human experiences."
"You are a child of the King, recognized even by the enemy."
"You are a child of God, the world knew you on the day you came into the world, but God knew you before you were formed in the womb."
"You are a child of God, with a divine purpose and destiny."
"We're called to be saints. We're called literally called to be saints."
"You are a child of God even when you don't feel like it."
"I am the spirit, that's what we are supposed to realize."
"You are definitely a starseed and you're meant to shine, you're here with a purpose and a mission."
"I am a being of resplendent light, now realizing the fullness of that light on every level of my existence."
"Those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God."
"You are an immortal soul with a profound connection with the heavens."
"You are a child of the Most High God. You belong. You have can't put no tricks on you."
"Any teaching that helps me be a Kinder compassionate more loving person I believe in so in that sense she could call me a Christian."
"You are the Lotus... you guys are the Lotus."
"Once you realize these truths, you reclaim your rightful place as a powerful child of the infinite."
"I'm just a soul... I'm infinite Consciousness and I'm okay with that."
"What is your purpose? Is your purpose becoming a god? Is your purpose becoming a child of god that worships God because of what he's done for you?"
"I am the head and not the tail. I am above and not beneath."
"Jesus behaved like Jesus and became like Jesus."
"The Bible tells you who you are and what you are, but you got to believe it."
"God knows you by your character not by your gifts."
"Being fleshly has nothing to do with what shoes you wear, what pants you wear, what shirt you wear."
"You are a divine being occupying a human form. Yes, the human form is very limited... but you are so much more than that."
"We are the people, we are children of the Creator, we have the power."
"Salvation is a person, not a church or an experience."
"I'm not just a child of God, I am an heir of the Kingdom."
"I see myself as a vessel of God, tapping into infinite energy."
"I am the righteousness of God. I am redeemed. Sanctified and I am Holy."
"I am divine spiritual joyous and absolutely fearless."
"My citizenship is in heaven, that doesn't mean my character isn't under construction."
"You may be weak, but you're still a child of God."
"You are an ambassador of the most high, stand up to the lies of the enemy."
"Scorpio, you are a spiritual genius, spiritual royalty."
"There's a version of you in the spirit that can never be diminished."
"Child of God, you're not a fake, you're a prayer warrior."
"If you know Jesus if you have a personal relationship with Jesus you bear the nature of Jesus."
"You're a light worker, starseed, and you deserve to utilize those."
"At the core level we are all spiritual beings of light."
"Man was created in the god class, not in the animal class. Adam walked in the class of gods."
"This is who you are, you are a child directly of God, that is so core."