
Deforestation Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"When cat D6 and D7 bulldozers collaborate, it's not just about clearing vegetation; they transform dense forest areas into usable land for everyone."
"Without Landsat, we would not have the record we have today about deforestation and changing agriculture across a vast and important biome."
"Scientists say deforestation in the Amazon is to blame, as rainfall, much of which emanates from the forest itself, has significantly decreased."
"What Rainforest Trust does is focus on protecting regions forever from deforestation."
"If we look at the wildfires in January in Australia, it's quite abstract for people to understand how that's related to eating meat, dairy, and eggs. But meat, dairy, and eggs are the leading cause of species extinction and habitat destruction and are also one of the leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions, which of course heats up our planet and increases the likelihood and risk of wildfires."
"After decades of pollution and deforestation, it's now become basically just an endless wasteland. Or has it?"
"Every time you hear about deforestation potentially destroying the cure for cancer, it's not just like, 'Oh, the cure for cancer could have been in there.' Every little acre could have its own crazy medicine."
"The Amazon Rainforest is on fire and the Bolsonaro government is trying to charge forward with deforestation while trampling on indigenous rights."
"Exactly 20 percent of the Amazon rainforest is already deforested, so we reached that level; if we keep deforesting, we may reach a tipping point."
"For every Selfless climate impact product purchased, forests around the world will be protected from deforestation through our partnership with Rainforest Trust."
"Trees provide homes to a large variety of terrestrial animals from tiny insects to large birds."
"Clearly, trees are very important; if forests vanish because of logging or other activities, the impacts on the environment will be great."
"If we want to make up for the trees that we've cut down, we need to be doing a lot more than just planting trees."
"Large parts of the world are suffering from deforestation."
"We need to clear all these trees to build defenses, ASAP."
"Stop tearing down the forest, and if you don't, then you're going to have significant economic consequences."
"Leaders from more than 100 countries have promised to end deforestation by 2030."
"The Amazon rainforest, it's lost in the past 40 years, an area the size of California."
"Unless we find a way to reduce the sort of voracious demand in the world for the commodities that come out of the Amazon, it's really hard to see how this cycle of destruction will really ever end."
"Deforestation fires are now responsible for a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions."
"The forest used to be dark and green, now it's just a sad brownish color."
"If you gave everybody in Kenya a point of electricity with a stove and one bulb you reduced forest depletion by an incredibly large factor."
"Once the Amazon rainforest passes the point of no return, it could disappear within 50 years, risking the loss of around 10 million species."
"The Amazon rainforest could disappear within 50 years."
"Like a hundred percent of the reason why there's no trees in the forest is because of me."
"The fate of the Amazon: most of the Amazon region is in Brazil... if the destruction of the forest continues there won't be enough moisture produced to reproduce the Amazon."
"I hate jungle with a burning passion, so how appropriate that the jungle is now burning."
"Don't celebrate less deforestation, that is true."
"We need to combat both deforestation and degradation."
"Brazil is committed to achieving by 2030, zero deforestation in the Amazon and making our contribution to preserving the planet."
"We're definitely losing money from all this tree cutting, I've done a fair amount of that today."
"They agreed to end deforestation by the end of this decade in 2030. We need that so badly. Land clearing by burning forests is a major source of carbon dioxide buildup in the Earth's atmosphere."
"The burning of Brazil's rainforest, also known as the lungs of the Earth now emits more CO2 than its trees and plants absorb from the atmosphere."
"Deforestation is causing zoonotic diseases to spread."
"Orangutan czar very smart and very gentle nature of creatures but the World Wildlife Fund has class them as critically endangered and this is because of poor chin and because of them losing so much of the habitat from deforestation."
"Loss of rainforests would be catastrophic for the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere."
"Man eliminates forests in order to feed himself through agriculture."
"This could solve a lot of our problems, especially with deforestation."
"The rainforests really are disappearing, they really are getting destroyed."
"When I see deforestation, when I see dams on rivers, I see it as self-inflicted wounds."
"Another theory is that a cause of the problem was deforestation."
"Iron axes could clear forest land much more efficiently."
"Reduction of deforestation and carbon dioxide emissions is crucial."
"Why is it difficult to play cards in the jungle? Deforestation."
"It's a federally funded program to remove cedar trees from the property."
"The loss of any woodland or forestation is tragic. What we can all do is get out there and start planting more trees on any scale."
"So there's been more vegetation loss in 2019 compared to 2016-2018."
"If these forests go away, they're never coming back the same way."
"When trees are cut down improperly or suffer from drought, they release carbon monoxide into the atmosphere as they rot and die."
"We have chopped down more than half of the forest on the planet, and a third of the carbon that is up in the atmosphere right now comes from the plants that we have cut down. That carbon eventually goes right up in the air."
"What we need desperately is more trees, isn't it?"
"Well, if we keep turning a bunch of trees into Ash it's going to have an effect on food supply, air quality, and as we mentioned before medicine."
"The primary cause of this threat is deforestation, which is driven by palm oil production, logging, and illegal hunting."
"The consequences of deforestation are devastating. Orangutans lose their habitats, their food sources, and the resources they need to survive."
"Leaving orangutans from the brink of extinction requires collective action by addressing the root causes of deforestation, supporting sustainable practices, and advocating for stronger conservation measures."
"Consuming less palm oil is a huge thing. Palm oil leads to a ton of deforestation."
"By tearing down trees, burning forests, dredging wetlands, and plowing wild grasslands, we have released two-thirds of this historic stored carbon to date."
"We cannot continue to cut down rainforests forever, and anything that we can't do forever is, by definition, unsustainable."
"Cutting down the Amazon rainforest is crazy."
"It just breaks my heart to see all these Hardwoods going down."
"We ended up here and we accidentally cut down the last tree in the forest. There's no more trees here so now we got to go till the soil and start planting again and that's hard work."
"The conventional stuff contributes to deforestation and habitat loss all for something that we use once and then flush down the toilet so they sent me a whole box sent air in a whole box I was just gonna say I got some too."
"To protect the forest, we have to end fires and find ways for agriculture to continue without new deforestation."
"1.5 million trees are cut down every year to make cigarettes."
"In Madre de Dios, 3000 hectares of rainforest are destroyed irreversibly every year as a direct result of gold-mining."
"The Amazon destruction they covered is huge."
"Every day, Smoochy's Magic Jungle loses approximately 10,000 acres to clear-cut deforestation."
"Deforestation leads to soil loss, so there is less fertile soil for the growth of crops in the area."
"The once lush forest died, leaving behind only the skeletons of the trees that still stand today as stark silhouettes against the sky."
"When there are fewer forests, many of our wildlife animals will lose their homes."
"Imagine if we plant 10 trees a day in a forest, but we burn 100 trees a day, sooner or later the forest will have no more trees."
"Did you know that we're cutting down lots and lots of trees every year, more trees than we're actually planting?"
"Deforestation in the Amazon rainforest significantly impacts the Panama Canal's water levels."
"At the current rate of destruction, our tropical forest will be gone within 25 years."
"First artificial Christmas trees were developed in Germany in the 19th century due to a major continuous deforestation."
"Every two seconds as we sit here today, a forest the size of a football field will disappear."
"Losing the forest may have global implications."
"Let's try to avoid with 1.5 degrees warming with zero deforestation all tropical forests, oh global forest."
"We're rapidly losing our forests in the world."
"We clear rainforests, kill the ocean with our plastics, puncture giant holes in the ozone with our chemicals and fuels, and we cause man-made climate disasters."
"Wow, this is amazing. What are those? Those are trees, they used to grow all around here."
"In less than one tree's lifespan, we have radically altered those conditions, and not for the better."
"Did you know every 3,000 sheets of paper costs us a tree?"
"The Amazon rainforest is now emitting more carbon dioxide than it can absorb."
"Well, it's about the effects that reducing the size of the Amazon rainforest can have outside of Brazil."
"Fine, your friend Joe Gilbert has published an article about deforestation in the Amazon and its effects on rainfall in the Sub-Sahara."
"Our increasing demands for land use can lead to problems like deforestation."
"...if we can use the AI to tell them how they can make more profit doing things that don't kill the Earth, then they'll stop chopping down the forest... Maybe."
"The Chipko movement is put to hug trees to stop deforestation."
"...they're deforesting the Amazon and so on and what that means both for the people that live there as well as for people here in New York or in other places around the world."
"33 million trees are felled each day."
"These forests got looted early on, there's not a whole lot of them left, but there's been a lot of restoration happening."
"Deforestation is definitely number one... climate change is a huge one and then another big one is actually wild collection."
"Palm oil... is one of the key causes of rainforest destruction around the globe."
"Deforestation literally, as the name suggests, is you are deforesting an area, so you are removing a forest."
"With deforestation comes erosion, and erosion is when you lose topsoil that's full of nutrients."
"The loss of forest ecosystems is massive and that's a consequence of climate change."
"Clear-cutting forests reduces the absorption of pollutants and increases chances of flooding."
"When you see an entire forest clear-cut, it's pretty staggering."
"Over the last 80 years, Britain has lost almost half of its ancient forests and has become one of the least wooded places in Europe."
"Deforestation is when lots of trees are chopped down... you're obviously decreasing the habitat's biodiversity because you're destroying the habitats of lots of organisms."
"In the Amazon, deforestation has broken the precipitation-evapotranspiration feedback loop, which has made the climate much drier."
"It's amazing how quickly the rainforest is going away too."
"Brazil has taken steps to tackle the climate crisis by cutting its carbon dioxide emissions and slowing down deforestation."
"Deforestation also leads to global warming because there are no longer any trees absorbing loads of carbon dioxide in their photosynthesis."
"We attach a great deal of importance to reduce not only deforestation, as we have done actually in Brazil, we have the commitment to come to a zero deforestation -- or a zero illegal deforestation rate between now and 2030."
"Industrial meat production is a key factor behind the deforestation of the Amazon and other tropical rainforests."
"Cutting down the rainforests, which are full of carbon-absorbing trees, further worsens climate change."
"Deforestation... can absorb lots of the planet-warming gas carbon dioxide."
"Deforestation is a problem all over the world."
"Over half the world's rainforests have actually been destroyed."
"We must stop companies destroying rainforests to bring us cheap food."
"Deforestation disrupts the water cycle, tree loss results in a reduction of evapotranspiration."
"The removal of the forest could increase runoff and lead to local flooding."
"According to Greenpeace, the country is losing 3 hectares of forest per hour."
"Every time you cut down a tree, a little mini ecosystem is destroyed."
"Rainforests are actually in danger, and there's an estimate that about 40 football fields of rainforest are cleared every minute."
"We need to stop cutting down their trees; without trees, we don't have koalas."
"Palm oil production is a leading driver of deforestation and habitat loss."
"Every second of every day, an irreplaceable rainforest the size of a football field is destroyed."
"The solution is to have palm oil from sustainable plantations, no more cutting down the old growth forests."
"Deforestation is like smoking; the damage is hidden."
"The rate of deforestation worldwide is astounding."
"Deforestation... is having a massive effect on increasing CO2 levels."
"What is man doing to the environment when they're stripping areas like that? They're doing more damage with that than driving your car around."
"Overhunting for their feathers and the deforestation of the South ultimately brought the species to an end in the wild."
"The unprecedented land clearance released vast quantities of carbon dioxide."
"The remaining orangutans struggle to survive the impact of deforestation."
"If nothing is done quickly to stop this massacre, 98% of forests could disappear within 20 years for economic reasons."
"We're sitting right now at the cusp of potentially a devastating decline in the extent of forests."
"The trees are all cleared, everything is scorched, and 99.999% of everything that lived there dies."
"The fight against palm oil is crucial not just for the forests of Indonesia."
"Deforestation can lead to a reduction in local rainfall."
"When the trees were cut down and cleared away, these animals didn't have a place to live anymore, and their populations drastically declined."
"There's a lot of talk at the moment, particularly in a forest in the UK where they've removed these mother trees and the whole forest is dying."
"Over 150 million trees a year are cut down for viscose alone in the fashion industry, and these are from our rainforests."