
Competitive Play Quotes

There are 811 quotes

"Palafin has been an absolute monster in single battles, but I think it's a little bit more difficult to execute in doubles."
"Competitive play will continue, and if anything, it has the possibility to grow and thrive."
"One team operates as the terrorists, planting a bomb. The other team fights as a counter-force."
"This strategy basically relies on you killing people."
"The game was close, and then all of a sudden, it wasn't."
"It's always better to make the opponent play reactive to you."
"With guides that show you how to deal the highest damage along with arena commentaries from literally the best Wrath players in the world, you'll have everything you need to dominate even your hardest matchups."
"A single negate can completely disrupt an opponent's strategy and win you the game."
"Never take the same peek twice. If you're holding an angle and someone peeks you and you miss, don't come back and peek the same way."
"Seeing how their moves would be transferred over and honestly seeing how these characters would function in a totally different game was quite interesting to me."
"Each character had their own identity, and in competitive play, things would get even more interesting."
"It's not about combos; it's about neutral and reads and conditioning and that type of stuff, which is way harder to do against the good opponents consistently."
"Mystical Space Typhoon was incredibly valuable back in the day, which could be shown by the fact that it still sees competitive play even to this day despite the fact that it's been power crept like crazy."
"Edwin VanCleef crushing faces on turns three and four."
"God is giving us time right now to examine our life, our rhythms, our schedules and to actually build our life with Jesus the worthy one at the center."
"Win your battles all over the pitch, stay in control emotionally, and try to play in their half as much as we can."
"Charizard y quickly established itself as one of the top three megas in the game."
"We've taken elements from things like Forza Motorsport 3 and 4 and genre-blended it with RPG progression."
"The transitions of the game, both teams are so capable of hurting each other."
"Apex Legends rewards you for battle whereas so many other battle royale games do not."
"Neither of our decks look even remotely playable, but historically they have become household names among Goat Format players."
"Oh, and he got the cone ramp, and that's GG!"
"It's all well and good trying to just do damage to enemy tank destroyers, but to complete this mission you also have to survive and win the battle."
"If you're not running these in your deck you are almost definitely losing some value."
"If they play into Gragas and you play the champs like Renekton, you have to try and outplay the dive."
"There's a two piece right there, we got haha stumpy doing a great job picking up that middle Street and taking out almost the entire other team."
"I just carried last game with the young Garen - I haven't seen too many not lists lately."
"This kind of play could win them tournaments."
"Always prioritize winning your own lane over helping others. Force your opponent to interact with you, solo kill them, or force them to take bad bases."
"Utopia Double saw a little bit of play in some rank 4 strategies."
"Legion Overwhelming Odds damage per hero increase to 80 that's pretty big."
"Jin is buffed, alright, that's the nice Jin buff."
"Just winning has a guarantee to make you win unless you're techone." - Playful and humorous.
"Killer Instinct absolutely nailed accessibility without alienating high-level play."
"Super Smash Brothers this game introduced playing as Nintendo characters and being the crap out of each other it was insanely awesome."
"King activity is important even with queens on the board."
"London Spitfire starting to make some more space on the point - they get the flip, that's huge to get the flip."
"That was such an important heroic outplayed from Rookie."
"Gigantic expects players to earn their kills."
"IG claims the base, ladies and gentlemen. We're gonna be going to Game four."
"This card's effect can basically shut down your opponent from playing the game for a turn."
"If a game wants to keep my attention for a year two years it needs to be a game that I can take seriously it needs to be a game that I can play competitively."
"Teamwork is important and should be considered when making your hero selections especially in competitive play."
"With Mystic Mine, you're forced to play some kind of out in your main deck, or you risk losing the game on the spot."
"Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds stops players from special summoning, creating one-sided games where decks are locked out of core mechanics."
"That's why it's fun land your cue for dummies like it works super well and then after you land your cue you one shot him"
"Stars are a fun little thing in this game. The way you win is by gathering fame, and one of the best ways to get fame is to get era stars in each individual era."
"Possession has to have a purpose you can't just knock it around your back four and think you deserve to win a game."
"You'll never get me, I'm too good at red light green light."
"She's one of the few supports in the game that's actually like it basically has the potential to just run a match over."
"They did have a real chance, especially in this second half."
"Just a matter of taking advantage of the opportunities you get."
"We have to play smart at every stage of the game."
"Versailles Heroes: A one-of-a-kind competitive crypto MOBA game."
"The number one way to win a Pokémon game is by playing well, no matter what strategies you use."
"Sleep is a condition that's just so good in this format." - Aaron Cybertron's Zeng
"Alpha Star so cheesy now... cheesing is the way to victory."
"All bets are off oh man oh man well lookie here you actually pulled it off but you've made me lose a bet and for that you ain't see the boss just yet we're gonna play a little game first"
"That is new that is actually really good I think that's gonna add a new level of skill gap for sure."
"Landing headshots consistently is often the difference between Victory and defeat."
"The purpose of winning a fight is for you to push objectives so you can win the game."
"Game's just fun to play win or lose but I think Tyler's gonna do, yeah let's see."
"Focus both of you now, let us see who will become the best builder as presidents playing a Minecraft Survival series."
"Widowmaker has been a viable pick if you're great with her at any rank pretty much since the dawn of time."
"Playing this game competitively is the only way to play this game. Once you get a taste of it, anything else doesn't even come close."
"I played all the best moves for a while there, but here it's black playing for a win."
"Sage: still one of the best agents in the game across all skill bands in ranked."
"Blacks gonna do the exact same thing, he's gonna play H5, H4 and 85, 84."
"He always has that unique take on approaching every single map and matchup."
"I think playing with an open nexus is like the most nerve-wracking thing ever."
"Ranked is just so much more fun of an experience, like it's a lot more stressful and a lot more exciting."
"This is the greatest one of the greatest duels I've ever had oh my god I had to play around that decking out part Maxie really almost killed me there."
"Oh, even though the bowlers got pretty much picked off as they were in the core but he dissected that base down and took it out for a three star for nova."
"May needs to escort the robot further into enemy territory than Brigitta x' team did."
"Junkrat is easily an S tier character... from bronze to GM, Junkrat dominates."
"Shadow Ball again homie. Yeah, oh my god purple Woody's got this one inch he's gonna love stealing your lutes."
"Vanity's Emptiness is now limited courtesy of the April 2015 ban list, and we've seen a lot of Vanity's Emptiness in the Progression Series."
"We play Starcraft 2 because we like games we want to have fun right we don't play Starcraft 2 because we want to be complete antisocial losers who sit playing only against the computer till our build is perfected."
"There's only one solution... raid time, let's go!"
"The effect of preventing special summons is just too powerful to the point where basically all monsters that have the effect have seen competitive play."
"That was a huge first game for the object 283 as we smash down 6600 damage and 900 assistance and 4 kills..."
"Bishop d6 is, if I remember correctly, the best move in this position."
"It's not over when the clock runs out... Every time he gets 10 yards, he gets another point."
"With this hero power, you want things that create pressure and damage, right? Because you have ways to kill people pretty quickly."
"The stoner is disgusting if you have not used it let me put it in perspective this gun has been banned in most custom game warzone tournaments because of how incredibly powerful it is."
"You should have auto deploy parachute turned off. This is going to allow you to get to the ground before other enemies do which is going to give you a huge advantage during the early game."
"You really want us to play out again? Did he do that sometimes? Yeah, absolutely."
"Success in FIFA is about finding the right balance between attack and defense, exploiting your opponent's weaknesses, and capitalizing on opportunities."
"A skilled stormcaller can pretty much outplay anything and the S & eights here."
"Every game you play in rivals will take you one step closer to qualifying for the weekend League."
"It's funny that we were trying to avoid this and then we ended up playing it out anyway, but it was definitely a good showing for sure."
"I want to play the game more, I want to get more chances to outplay you."
"These are cards that basically are saying, hey, you know what if I can't win there's something I can do to disrupt their plan."
"Behind that sweet, cuddly demeanor is a cold, calculating ice thing that will destroy the positioning of all who tread where it may linger."
"He's still really great as a primary commander if what you want to do is run around smashing farmers."
"Vegeta is looking good again. Vegeta... is better than everything else in the game."
"It's a strategy game where I'm casting spells and creatures to attack you and vice versa."
"Zombies is just a premier aggro deck in the format."
"Jerry Thompson getting there with those zombies, that zombie horde vs. black green energy."
"Nice hand there from our short stack... high level of poker."
"The player with the most lands at the end of the game won the game 42 percent of the time. Wow."
"You need to have hit your land drop on almost every turn to really have a chance to win games."
"It's a very minor buff, it's a welcome one for sure but it's not one that is instantly tipping Veigar into the elite super top-tier level champion volleyball."
"Jedi getting through into Jon Snow's base, he's got the bombard cannons behind, he's going to break through now, he's got the Mangonels as well, he's got the Pendulum here, and he's going to try and take down this castle faster."
"This is how you win games in this game right practicing hitting those in the green as much as possible."
"It's an ace for Cloud9 in a 4v5, Summit isn't even there."
"You can't let your emotions dictate your gameplay."
"Two entire worlds of Kirby beat within 10 games of Splatoon."
"We have a ton of direct damage. Goblin Guide is probably the best card in the deck."
"I think this card has the potential to superpower the aggressive secret mage decks."
"Welcome to the chess equivalent of an MMA split decision."
"Technoblade's career has been built on competitive minigames that PvP plays a key role in."
"Dark Law has single-handedly allowed Heroes to stay competitive rogue deck throughout the years."
"Phenomenal off-stage game, able to just have complete dominance."
"A brutal down air there, one of the things that we talked about earlier."
"Porygon Z flexing on the biggest tank in the ultra league right now."
"My number one fighting game of 2022 is shockingly dnf duel."
"PSY-Framegear Gamma is a pretty powerful hand trap which is why it sees so much competitive success."
"Nah the charge screen was messed up, full combo two bars, you got a brittle you have to, this is an easy brutal setup right here, wow you did the optimal as well into the brutality, no you made Chino look broken for a minute right there."
"The balls on this guy, the confidence! And now he is gonna start things with the Lord with no Fawns in the picture, it's no problemo for Team Eudora."
"It's very powerful in both different environments both PvE and PvP."
"It's still all about map control, dominance, being the best player. Wins and losses really matter."
"Lye Noon has lived and died by its Belly Drum Extreme Speed combination ever since it was introduced in Generation 3."
"A good Stu can dominate so well, countering so many different brawlers in the game."
"I think that's just kind of what happens in higher level rooms though, it gets really spammy."
"Oh, definitely. Compared to other Roblox games, it's so well made. I've played other games in the past and stuff, but like choosing Arsenal and playing it competitively, really enjoyable for me."
"Remember, preseason means three months. A good player with sixty games can get Diamond relatively easy."
"That was a very strategic maneuver with our strategic Bonk."
"Optic Gaming, they close it out, they get another massive lead in the hardpoint. This time though, able to lock it down and get us to a fifth and final map. Seabedting chance aren't here so we get rewarded with a new class."
"Noivern... actually something you can do in this format."
"I would keep you for Content purposes but I'm trying to win the game."
"My strategy of spamming the triple mushrooms, taking the shortcuts, paid off. No blue shells."
"This game right here is gonna be one of those games where I have to lock in because I'm already knowing this dude was such a high overall so he probably knows how to play the game."
"The UMP... has become a fully automatic laser. Almost all the recoil has been eliminated."
"My dual lathe ship is doing a better job of clearing the map than my headquarters ship. It might be a valid strategy for a rush."
"It's a game where you all have the exact same information, it's just who uses it the best."
"These Pokemon are very good... we're dealing with some of the most powerful Pokemon of all time."
"All he did was realize how the game is played and decided to be the best player out there."
"The trigger man, the best carry class in the game."
"Removing a random element in the speedgame can revitalize interest and increase competition."
"You lose, creme early, trims coming off a very difficult tough map for."
"Do you want to know why Zygar's broken? Because there is no clear answer to it."
"There are a few things better than the final moments of a battle royale game. It's very, very intense."
"Liberal with the dash so much damage and now well it's the Hail Mary coming in here from Seoul dynasty son but just goes charge again but he's not gonna be long for this world."
"Mario's forward air meteor knuckle is the best spike in Super Smash Bros Ultimate."
"Engagement, finesse, epic outplays—moments we live for."
"We're aiming to make the controls a little easier to get into for new players, while having the full depth of play the competitive scene wants."
"The narrative that you can't win with your favorite character is probably not true."
"That's what the video game is for, play them against each other."
"Diddy Kong has been one of the most consistently threatening characters throughout the history of Smash."
"The fastest way to level up and unlock more legends is to last longer in the battle royale."
"This is the kind of thing that gets you made fun of in ranked matches because it's just that good."
"Google Keep is a keeper on my desktop. I didn't really want it to be the note-taking app that I used, but Evernote's not as good at doing this kind of stuff. Google Keep is."
"Spam our skeletons here and unfortunately a bomb Tower."
"I think my biggest point is low skill champions should not be overpowered because pro players are gonna have use that to the super EXTREME and it just will take over the game."
"Does it tell a story? Yeah, it tells a story... she's gonna block."
"Good luck your next few games and i'll see you on the rift"
"They remember all his moves, they played a lot of one-on-one."
"Olivia gets the moral victory for being able to mill out Josh twice on camera in her career, both with Altar of Dementia."
"Street Fighter 2 completely changed the way we looked at competitive fighting games."
"Jailbreak is number one, it beat Adopt Me, yes!"
"Definitively the best operator in attack right now."
"Non-committal engages are so powerful in competitive play."
"Ranked matchmaking and tiered gameplay deter cheaters."
"Let's keep trying to rank up as much as we can!"
"Starmie was an incredible Pokemon in GSC OU."
"With fighting games especially those a little bit more modern with competitive in mind guides were often more important than ever as they contained absolute crucial information that as a competitive player you straight up needed."
"A big plus in Mech Arena is that the whole game is designed to offer you a short and intense match on tightly designed maps."
"Counter-Strike just seems to never lose his steam as a fun competitive shooter game."
"I feel like people just want to play and see tournaments for the game that they grew up playing."
"It was incredibly fun, team games were even more exciting with friends, a competitive ranking and placement system akin to that of Alif I'd created an intense and competitive environment for players to Duke it out online."
"So this was my plea to Game Freak, Pokémon, and Nintendo: to simply increase the battle timer and create a new rule set for single battles."
"Guidance, mentorship, teacher of the old ways."
"With enough offensive capabilities to take on an entire team of attackers at once, it's no question that cobras are one of the most competitively viable builds."
"Jean's super provides a lethal opportunity to isolate one enemy and force a 2v1 situation."
"Even though we don't get the hit with a guard, the zoning potential we just did there was huge."
"Even if I did P P max with sludge bomb though it's prolly not enough anyways so then he runs out of sludge bomb and then we Giga Drain each other"
"Her plan Remains the Same find the chaos gear and if memory serves the biggest [ __ ] on the field should have it."
"Katarina one tricks are always really annoying to play against."
"Playing with these little time barriers in mind is extremely important."
"That was perfectly played and I think a lot of people would be deterred from betting that turn."
"Don't waste any time looting... find money, get objectives, get kills, and so on."
"Well, you better kill us this turn, opponent, because we are gonna start making four fours like crazy."
"Gwen and Renekton are both kings of like melee brawls."
"Ten tips and tricks to help you win your league."
"I'm gonna get got, hey, did it. I'm gonna suck these three to draw card."
"A 1v2, Simp versus Alex, 35 seconds on the clock to get both kills and the defuse."
"Oh my god, 12 kills for Peanut in this game so far. Absolutely massive performance."
"True Craze with the headshot onto Poppy right now. Oh my goodness, somebody stop this man!"
"True Craze going for the second kill onto Poppy right now. Oh my goodness, somebody stop this man!"
"Good players will always use walls to their advantage."
"A multiplayer that appeals to casuals and competitors."
"The 1-3 game here is one of the best in the country in my opinion."
"Honeycomb is definitely the better star power overall, every single Pro Player uses this one."
"Unbelievable. The minimum amount of moves to win in chess, the minimum amount of moves is two."
"Overgrowth really helps in 1v1s to confirm kills."
"Tech rushing is one of the most powerful strategies in the entire game."
"Valor's new rank system will work like League of Legends ranked system."
"I've always wanted to be an entertainer for Fortnite. The goal of this game is to win the game, so that's how I've always played."
"Stop forcing yourself to play like this, this is the most common thing you see players do all the time and it's not a strategy you will not be successful in war zone if this is how you continue to play."