
Naval Strategy Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Naval strategy is built strategy, and the contest for influence and control on the world's oceans doesn't really begin at sea but on the drawing boards and in the shipyards."
"In naval strategy, there's more to it than 'my battleship's bigger than your battleship.'"
"In any case, the Admiralty Board preferred a well-balanced ship and were not deterred by a slight disadvantage in gun caliber any more than their forefathers were deterred from fighting and winning their battles against Frenchmen who, in general, had more powerful ships."
"The Arsenal ship is best defined as providing multi-functional support to the land battle in its role as a battleship of the 21st century."
"This operation changed the world's concept of naval operations. This is a new stage in the history of naval battles."
"In Admiral Aquilino, we are getting an admiral's admiral, we are getting a fighting admiral in the spirit of Admiral Halsey."
"The alliance between the corsairs and the Sublime Porte was fruitful for both sides."
"Submarines had gone from a curiosity to an essential asset for any modern Navy."
"The key to the Greek victory in these straits was their ability to maintain a close ordered formation."
"Trafalgar's strategy: 'He fought the battle so as to isolate and eliminate a portion of the enemy's larger fleet...'"
"Dazzle ships were surprisingly effective... so much so that during World War II, dazzle camouflage was utilized again by the US and even used on the decks of ships to confuse enemy aircrafts."
"It brought to the admiralty's mind for the first thing that the submarine was a real threat."
"Russia at this point of their geography or their history they do not have a year-round warm water port."
"Their overall fleet speed was very high because it meant that they could engage and disengage at pretty much at will."
"Mikawa did not know it at the time, but he had just squandered the IJN's best chance of delivering a knockout blow to the first American offensive in the Pacific."
"The lack of readiness and capability of the Russian Black Sea Fleet... they are almost a non-factor."
"One guy can Mosey on over in a tiny little boat drop some explosive device and that's it and no one will have seen it coming."
"It is now in America's national interest to stop aggressive naval patrolling 12 miles off China's shores."
"We can't have a Navy out there that can only fight a blue water fight."
"The next time the great fleets of the world faced off it would be with them scattered across the world in a dozen smaller actions all under the shadow of aircraft and aircraft carriers."
"Oil in the Middle East in 1911: the British Navy had shifted from coal to oil. Winston Churchill understood that oil was going to be of great importance."
"The Royal Navy started it and the Americans continued experimented with it, it was actually a genuine idea at the time."
"The Japanese eventually settle on the keto bhutai setup, all carriers operating together as one unit."
"Essentially building their Fleet around the idea of hitting an incoming hostile Fleet with destroyers, cruisers, and aircraft."
"You can have a really good aircraft carrier but unless the aircraft you're carrying are equally as capable it's essentially just a floating 20,000 ton poor investment."
"If you're doing a good enough job to make the primary navy turn around and go hang on a minute but we better react to this then then you're probably the one who's got the leading edge."
"The Royal Canadian Navy would begin to pivot towards a more oceanic-looking navy."
"Central to these early Portuguese campaigns was Afonso de Albuquerque, a masterful admiral and statesman."
"Quality ideas for your first idea group...because we will be utilizing our Navy quite heavily."
"The key is it'll be able to get to opposing ships quickly, be launched from Navy aircraft, and is intended to operate alongside rather than replace non-hypersonic solutions."
"A blockade of the Indian and Pacific oceans would be easily achieved."
"For the nations that have them, carriers have long been a premier tool of power projection."
"Unfortunately, this is kind of where the Worcester underperformed a little."
"Brutus’ ships were crewed by legionaries who had specifically volunteered."
"U-boats are devastating, sinking a full quarter of British shipping in the first year of the war."
"The Friesland has a bit of a reputation as a destroyer hunter."
"Adding the capability to operate the F-35B would not dilute the Canberra class's amphibious role."
"Poor old Admiral Crutchley because he just hauled him back away from these cruisers for a conference."
"This is fascinating. Viper is getting Shipwright, which means his Navy is going to be cheaper to produce."
"The convoy system was remarkably successful."
"Saturation and the offense-defense contest will dominate naval warfare throughout the 21st century."
"Simply put they were designed actually believe it or not as Scout Cruisers."
"The Black Sea Fleet was able to carry out some very impressive amphibious operations."
"Britain couldn't defeat France on the continent, but their fleet could isolate them, making victory overseas possible."
"The Omaha is not a bad ship—it is very fragile for all the reasons that I've just explained but on the plus side, it brings a lot of firepower to the table."
"The US Navy has unveiled plans to equip all its destroyers with hypersonic missiles." - Captions, Start Here.
"The successful execution of the operation was an unequivocal reminder of Ukraine's commitment to protecting its territorial Waters."
"The high seas fleet had an opportunity using the fast ships of the first scouting group."
"The fleet pushed on through the Straits of Gibraltar, encountering little to no resistance."
"You can participate in piracy, force them to hand things over based on the Firepower of your own ship versus theirs."
"Their naval force was so powerful that no one could dream to challenge it."
"Every warship has two equally important functions: a physical function and a metaphysical function."
"Rajendra was a busy man. In less than a decade he used his navy to blockade and subdue rebellious lords along the Malabar coast."
"That is a very short, comparatively speaking overview and a very high-level overview of how you would go about repairing a damaged warship."
"Battleships are just not very good at taking out destroyers."
"It's entirely possible to lose a ship very, very quickly if you're stupid."
"So Oldendorf arrays his battleships into a battle line, and he is going to execute a very classic maneuver called Crossing the T."
"Marauders on the waterfront are supplied by sea; burning their ships is the path to success."
"A later war start means that compared to what the US Navy strength was in 1944, the US Navy might actually be slightly smaller..."
"Let's bring the Berkland around, get some larger ships into formation to deal with this situation."
"An eight-strong force of these submarines is a capability of such significance it alone will make Australia one of the 21st Century's major Naval powers."
"The Battle of Samar is widely considered one of the greatest upsets in the history of Naval Warfare."
"The U.S. frigates would make a good selection because they have unusually high firepower for their size."
"Shimakaze is amazing, she's a must pick up and she kind of defines what it means to be a torpedo destroyer these days."
"The destroyers deployed boarding parties on fast attack boats."
"It's increasingly looking to me as if within the next few years it will become all but impractical for US Navy warships to operate very close to China's coastline."
"Every month, they send hundreds of thousands of tons of British supplies to the bottom of the sea."
"Absolutely without a doubt another ring around my ball to use the uh Victory at Sea title rings around memorable for sure and it's and that's exactly what it was that's exactly what it was..."
"If you can force a U-boat to submerge, you'd basically beaten him."
"Sheer blind are hugely important in the outcome of practically any naval battle that is for certain."
"Soft factors like command quality, experience of the crew, you know how good is your Fire Control System Etc and sheer blind are hugely important in the outcome of practically any naval battle that is for certain."
"I wonder what the build is, is it fire ships or is it fast galleys because fast galleys is actually way better in this situation."
"The Russian Navy is trapped in the Black Sea."
"If they had been the F3 battle cruisers instead, it probably would have been slightly better for the Royal Navy."
"The docking of Russian naval vessels in the port of Kaliningrad posed a greater threat to European countries."
"The British would sell largest fleet on earth imposed an extraordinarily harsh blockade in November 1914."
"So, rather than attempting to oppose Achaemenid naval hegemony in the eastern Mediterranean by vainly headbutting it with ships of his own, Alexander instead devised a plan to ‘conquer the ships from the land.’"
"The overall conclusion is inescapable: the Japanese Navy had a learning problem."
"But despite losses in every force, World War II gave the submarines an unchallengeable place in naval strategy."
"At the beginning of World War one, the German Imperial Navy found itself in a quandary."
"The submarine campaign in the Pacific was the most complete example in history of the way in which a fleet of submarines can be deployed to destroy an enemy's overseas shipping links."
"The only way we can stop them is at sea, so save the money on forts and put the money into the ships to stop the enemy getting the troops ashore in the first place."
"The risk of potential critical hits is further mitigated by the higher than average amount of armor for a ship in this role."
"In essence, the ship was designed with potential extended combat duties far away from home in mind but would fare quite well close to home as well."
"If Bismarck had sailed and Richelieu had gone out with Prince of Wales instead of Hood because having Richelieu available to be honest would allow Hood to go straight into refit that would have been a very different battle."
"In a stroke of good fortune, all three aircraft carriers were out to sea."
"The Kirov class is very much the ultimate expression of the vision of Admiral Gorshkov, which is to build a blue water navy to challenge the Western Powers on the high seas."
"To control the far seas away from friendly bases, the US Navy needs survivable ships that can defend themselves when isolated and away from home."
"The composition of the United States Navy is focused on sustaining a continuous presence far away from home bases and to defend itself in that remote part of the ocean if need be."
"The PLAN has similarities with both the US Navy and the Russian Navy but crucially it is different to both navies in that it combines the mission requirements and the naval strategy of both of the other major naval powers."
"He believed that naval aviation in its own right could become an offensive weapon."
"The surface Navy, the surface forces of the US Pacific Fleet, traversing a very steep learning curve in the craft of nighttime surface combat."
"It was entirely possible to get the same broadside as a ship with wing turrets without needing to have extra guns."
"The British are expecting to be able to resupply all over the world because they have colonies all over the world."
"Tegetthoff knew he was outnumbered, outgunned."
"Submarines fundamentally changed commerce raiding."
"The US Navy was a significant portion of the force behind the final implementation of the North Sea mine barrage."
"Once people realized how big and how powerful they were, they started to get ideas about maybe using them as a secondary battle line unit."
"The British won the Battle of Trafalgar because their guns could fire really quickly and the French and Spanish couldn't."
"If the Free French forces managed to keep most of the French fleet in World War II, what effect might that have had on the Mediterranean theater, especially on the Italian naval forces?"
"Jackie Fisher was an incredibly aggressive commander when it came to how to command a fleet."
"Graf Spee is designed to be a fast, hit and run raider. It's 'Panzerschiff,' it's a panther on the seas."
"Better to have good men and bad ships than bad men and good ships."
"China is also working on underwater communication between submarines and UUVs, making it a more effective and flexible tool of Naval Warfare."
"The Georgia is the important link in that defensive line."
"If war breaks out, Australia will be able to take on the Chinese navy even without U.S assistance."
"Themistocles was finally able to convince the demos to use this money in order to build 200 new triremes."
"It was now up to the U.S carriers to hold the line against Japan's Imperial Navy."
"It gives you a pretty good idea of what the French navy was doing in the latter part of the time period covered by the channel."
"Hunt enemy battle cruisers down and join the battle line as needed."
"We must use our surface ships more boldly as opportunity warrants."
"Naval camouflage in the Second World War falls into one of three categories: concealment, deception, and disruption."