
Opportunity Cost Quotes

There are 211 quotes

"The greatest opportunity cost, the greatest missed opportunity of the Zumwalt and LCS stories, is the loss not just of money but of a generation's worth of time and focus."
"Opportunity cost is one of the fundamental concepts related to economic decision making."
"Everything you do has a next best alternative you could have done instead. And that is called the 'opportunity cost'."
"Economics is referred to as the dismal science because our whole point is that nothing is free. There is always a trade-off. There's always an opportunity cost."
"Every year you wait to invest is costing you thousands, sometimes tens of thousands of dollars."
"For the cost of one Iraq war, we could have gotten twenty years of free college for all those kids and the American dream."
"The opportunity cost of living a sub-optimal life, you're gonna pay exponentially more."
"Just because you don't lose money doesn't mean you didn't lose money."
"The opportunity cost of keeping up-to-date on everything all the time is that you deprive yourself of the ability to think deeply about what's most important."
"Opportunity cost of any action is the best alternative you give up to do whatever it is you've decided to do."
"You gotta understand, opportunity cost is one of the most important things that you can think about even when it comes to allocating your own time."
"It's really important to consider the opportunity cost of people not being able to work."
"Hesitation is the enemy. Hesitation allows the moment to pass, the opportunity to be lost."
"That money is wasted, you know we could be using that money to do some other amazing things."
"Understanding opportunity cost is key. A $10,000 vacation during a bear market could become a million-dollar investment."
"Everything's an opportunity cost, right? I only have so many dollars to put to work."
"You've got two hours to grab and hold someone's attention, then remain consistently high quality."
"The opportunity cost of going to college... is the single greatest cost that people do not take into consideration."
"Opportunity cost: the key to better decision-making."
"A missed opportunity is not taking profits. That's a bigger missed opportunity in my opinion."
"Opportunity cost is the most important concept in economics."
"When you say YES to something, you’re actually saying NO to everything else!"
"The jungle is not an isolated system, there is always an opportunity cost to every action you take."
"This deal is not worth your time, okay? And it may seem easy like, 'Oh, I'll just have it in the background.' For someone like me, I sit in front of a door most of the time."
"We're stalling the Sancho deal to try and save a penny when we'll miss out on good opportunities which might cost us more in the end."
"Life is about trade-offs, about opportunity cost."
"Every choice that you make is a trade-off against something else."
"Saying yes to one thing implicitly means saying no to something else."
"Is all of this worth your time for a 3% chance?"
"It's a shame to lock up all your money that you could otherwise be investing in crypto."
"The losses build to better victories. Just by making a choice, you're deciding not to do something else."
"The longer you have your money sitting out of the market, the longer you don't have it working for you. Every year that passes by is another year you could have had that money working for you."
"There's no free lunch but there are only trade-offs."
"But when I look back on what I got here, there is really nothing better because if I would have been at home I've never gotten this experience."
"It's about being prepared to lose what you have for what you might get."
"You are so much better off having 80% of a big pie than 100% of a small pie."
"Opportunity cost is the lost potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen."
"Success is walking away from good opportunities."
"Lack of options is what happens when you don't find out what your value is."
"Every misplaced moment can feel like a missed opportunity and a lost chance to make your own business better."
"Comparative advantage states that countries should specialize in producing goods and services where they have a lower opportunity cost."
"Taking too little risk, you lose out on opportunity. Diminishing returns cost and stay poor."
"School's always gonna be here, bro. This opportunity won't be."
"Make sure you understand the opportunity cost of the things that you're walking away from."
"I wanted each and every one of them but choosing one meant losing all the rest."
"The longer that you wait, the more that you lose."
"There is an opportunity cost to every decision that you make it's every purchase that you make no matter what you do you're sacrificing something else."
"Your biggest cost is your opportunity cost. Your most precious resource is time."
"Every time you save a few seconds, you're opening yourself up to more opportunities to get ahead."
"Opportunity cost means what's the next best thing I can do with something."
"The real loss comes from not investing anything at all."
"Hollywood tale: we all stand up for the little guy as long as it means we don't miss the chance at our Spotlight."
"It's better to miss the opportunity than let the crazy in."
"Cost is usually not even an obstacle because it's costing you way more to stay where you are."
"Understanding your worst investments, because for most successful investors, their worst investment wasn't something that went down, it was a missed opportunity."
"The opportunity cost of not investing could be costing you right now."
"If you aren't investing, you are literally costing yourselves thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars throughout your life."
"A burden in hand is worth more than two in the bush."
"It's all about opportunity cost. Is this the best place to put my money long term?"
"...and if that show wasn't, like, I and I don't know what, you know, what it was, but it's like if it wasn't crazy financially lucrative, you've... that's three years where you can't do anything else."
"Don't let the idea of sunk costs hold you back."
"Every time you say yes to something, by definition you're saying no to something else."
"Opportunity cost: Saying yes to this means saying no to something else."
"If you wait too long, you could miss the boat."
"To say yes to a thing you actually say no to every other thing you could have done with this period of time."
"You invest in yourself by leaving money on the table."
"That's why you don't want to lose half of your money making possibility by waiting on the sideline."
"When you are in a high leverage role, you should stop doing work that simply provides a positive return on investment (ROI) and you should start focusing on work that minimizes opportunity cost."
"Because when we think about opportunity cost, we will pick certain things that we would have never picked if we just had the ROI mindset."
"When we think about opportunity cost, we will pick certain things that we would have never picked if we just had the ROI mindset."
"Do you really enjoy it? What could you be doing with that time and all that energy? Probably a whole lot, probably make, you know, 100 times more money."
"Every bite of something has an opportunity cost, a lost opportunity to eat something even healthier."
"The highest leverage decision you can make is picking what to say no to, and the hardest thing you can do is say no to opportunities that you would definitely say yes to."
"Dormant money is actually money that's being wasted. Put it to work in some way, shape, or form."
"There's a massive opportunity cost of all the equity that you have in your properties."
"Every deal you do could take cash and time away from another opportunity."
"Sometimes the best trades you have are the ones that you don't have."
"You're leaving so much money on the table if you don't [register your releases]."
"Every time you say yes to something, you say no to something else."
"If you spend more time on a task than you really want to, that time is taken away from something else. In other words, it's an opportunity cost."
"...no is just saying no to one thing yes is saying no to like kind of the the whole future set of things because you've now taken up your mind chare and your talent your hands with with the thing you said yes to."
"You really turned down two million dollars?"
"I spent a bunch of money on this boat, could have put a great down payment on another boat."
"Can you imagine what you could do with all the millions of pounds that has been spent on these court battles?"
"What are you giving up for that opportunity? If you're giving up your peace of mind, is that the price of your soul?"
"As much money as they've already put in this and they're gonna have to after moving countries and Studios you could have created your own [__] fantasy series."
"There's a big opportunity cost here too when you're training for strength."
"I think when you think about trading altcoins the thing that's most important to understand is that there is an opportunity cost to trading in them versus just holding bitcoin."
"Time is precious, minutes count. So if you're spending a whole bunch of time to figure, I'm going to spend a half an hour, I'm going to spend a half an hour probably going on Soarin', have I cost myself too much time, too much opportunity?"
"Wait, you want me to turn down this opportunity so I can play horseshoes? Uh... kinda. Is that wrong?"
"Almost all of what you see on social media is geared around this. It's basically just a bunch of things to monopolize your time, burn down your energy, your time, and burn down all of your opportunity cost."
"You just go miles and miles in your boat because you can and you drive by all these thousands of fish that you could have caught if you wasn't going 70 miles an hour down the lake."
"A lot of time you're spending watching these long tutorials about finding yourself is the opportunity cost, the loss of time when you should be making music."
"Every time you say yes you're saying no to something."
"Even with stuff you like that you think is good, you know, there's the opportunity cost of what you're watching."
"And so I didn't make a mistake, but by ordering the salmon I missed the opportunity to have french fries."
"He was one of the first people to talk about supply and demand as ideas and opportunity costs."
"...the real cost of Netflix isn't the $15 a month that you got to pay, it's the 2 hours of your life."
"If anyone who was a genius came to me and said, 'Irwin, if you'll give me the next 30 years of your life, I'll make you a genius,' I would have said absolutely, I'm in."
"Every hour I'm not turning this on, I'm forgoing $30 an hour."
"...you're missing out for real but like I said, that's why you have to have your do, you think every reserves has reserves."
"He turned down a $10 million deal."
"In order to say yes to great things, you have to say no to good things."
"Every decision you make, every piece of time that you use, you are missing out on everything else at that exact moment."
"Opportunity cost requires us to give up a benefit for undertaking such a project."
"Every single day every single week every single month every single year that you delay this there'll be more and more agencies that will start more and more competitors more and more people will start working with clients that you could have worked with taking your money."
"He put that up, the basketball clinic, yes. And it came out that in 1979, Magic Johnson turned down a stock option deal with Nike over a cash offer from Converse. His position in Nike today would be worth 5.2 billion."
"When you say yes to everything that excites you, you're also saying no. What are you saying no to? Your sleep, exercise, other projects, maybe even your sanity or family."
"You can afford anything but not everything. Every choice that you make is a trade-off against something else."
"If you have cash sitting and not earning you any interest at all, then that is a massive difference."
"No matter what your investment strategy is, when you're looking at investing, and that's an approach as opposed to say just buying index funds, I don't care what your approach is, you're going to miss out on opportunities."
"They say never take points off the board."
"For everything you gain, you lose something else."
"I was like look you tell me whether or not you're gonna buy my TV show I'll let you know after that whether or not I'm gonna come do the hills so everything has a prize"
"That's a guaranteed 100% return on investment and essentially a pay raise that you're missing out on if you don't take it."
"She essentially said goodbye to a $100,000 check and a spot in the Hall of Fame."
"By saying no to something today, you're allowing yourself to say yes to something even better tomorrow."
"Every time you say yes to something, you're forcing yourself to say no to something else."
"We literally have a person right now who still hasn't signed their agreement with us. Opportunity cost means that person's lost 8%."
"When you go home today, and you sit on the couch, and you watch TV for an hour, you have just paid a price. And that price is what you could have earned by working that hour."
"You only live once; opportunity cost doesn't scare me."
"What is the opportunity cost in 20 years of not doing anything now?"
"As investors, the cost of capital becomes an opportunity cost, a discount rate used to value an entire company."
"A discount rate is an investor's desired rate of return, generally considered to be the investor's opportunity cost of capital."
"Why would you step over a dollar bill to pick up a dime?"
"When you give your time to something... you're taking away from something else."
"The opportunity cost of unemployment is the output that could have been produced by the unemployed workers."
"Be okay with missing out on a move because you're waiting for what you want to see happen."
"Opportunity cost is the value of the best foregone alternative."
"In a properly functioning market system, the price is a good representative of opportunity cost."
"Opportunity cost is just the value of anything, the cost of some action, it's what you give up by doing this."
"Price is the market's attempt to measure opportunity cost."
"There is most definitely an opportunity cost to sitting and doing things the exact same way they've been done."
"The major loss was not money but time."
"Time is money, and every day that you're not renting your Airbnb is another day that you're not making money."
"We've done the numbers; each time you don't get in, every year you delay for any reason... that's a $75,000 loss for every year you don't optimize your chance to get in."
"What's the opportunity cost... even if you're bored and you're going to pick up your phone... what else could you be doing during that time that might make you happier?"
"The value of the best thing we give up is called opportunity cost."
"The shape of a PPF can tell us about the opportunity cost of producing goods and services."
"You have to behave like a soldier in the workforce, follow the rules and behave as expected, or else you will lose out on opportunities."
"Every dollar stuck in inventory is a lost opportunity to invest in the business for growth."
"By going to college, you are sacrificing consumption goods... in order to accumulate what we call human capital."
"The proper measure of cost is opportunity cost, which is just what the production possibilities frontier points out to us."
"If I could be in Bitcoin, which is moving up here, but also in Ethereum, which is moving up at a faster rate versus the US dollar... then as a trader, I actually look at it as I am taking a loss by being in Bitcoin versus being in Ethereum."
"Opportunity cost is just a fancy way of saying what we could have done with that money had we not spent it."
"Money has an opportunity cost, because it can be invested to make more even money."
"There is a real opportunity cost in missing out on potential investments."
"When you say yes to something, you're saying no to every other thing that you could actually be doing in that same time."
"Every time you say yes to something, that means you say no to something else."
"Whenever you say yes to something, you're saying no to something else."
"The real cost of a car isn't just your monthly payment, it's the lost opportunity of what you could have done with this money."
"Every time you say yes to one thing, you're automatically saying no to another."
"The opportunity cost of producing more of one good is what you give up of the other good."
"Lost potential, opportunity cost, deathbed regret."
"Opportunity cost. The longer you wait, the more that thing costs going up."
"Every decision to spend an hour doing anything is the decision to not spend it doing other things."
"The most obvious example of opportunity cost is the time and money you spend becoming a doctor."
"That opportunity cost that's lost when you just hold that equity so close to the chest for somebody that's deserving of it, you really kind of put the lid on your growth."
"Further, there's an opportunity cost. I could have taken that same hundred dollars and I could have invested it in stocks, I could have invested in a business, I could invest it in my own education, or just spent it on something that I found fun."
"You can always make more money, but it will always come at the cost of your time."
"The slope of the budget constraint graph represents the opportunity cost."
"Every pound of weight that you lifted is a book you didn't read or a language you didn't learn."
"The opportunity cost of money to the firm is the firm's next best use of that money they're investing."
"It's okay to say goodbye to an opportunity today in exchange for something that you value more in the long run."
"The cost of inaction or not going for your dreams is the highest cost of all."
"Opportunity cost is the value of the next best alternative you did not choose."
"Letting it linger on is not just about wasting time, but it's about robbing you of the blessings you deserve and should have in your life."
"Use that opportunity cost of mental capital, time capital, emotional capital, to just go out and do such great work that the work speaks for itself."
"A country has a comparative advantage in the production of a commodity when it can produce the commodity at a lower opportunity cost than other countries."
"The resources consumed in the arms race could have been used elsewhere."
"The opportunity cost: You could use that money to feed the poor, or clothe people, or educate people."
"Every choice made has an opportunity cost."
"Think about the cost of waiting, think about the cost that you are spending every day you're not a nurse."
"The grass is greener syndrome is all about opportunity cost."
"The opportunity cost is what you could have done with the money spent."
"Opportunity cost is whatever you gave up, a foregone option."
"People think they're gonna be missing out if they leave, but you're actually missing out by staying."
"When you say yes to one thing, you automatically say no to another."
"If you're not directly spending money, you are spending something even more precious than money, and that is opportunity cost."
"Every misplaced moment feels like a missed opportunity and a lost chance to make your business better."
"Being able to say no here allowed you to say yes here, and I think that's an amazing mindset."
"I have to pass on that chance, or it all means nothing."
"One moment lost cannot be revived back even if you are ready to give a million gold coins."
"ROI is return on investment; at some point, your investment isn't just money, it's time and money and what's called opportunity cost."
"In the time it takes him to mow his lawn, he could have been doing his thing and dancing around and singing and making $100,000."
"Opportunity cost means... the value of the next best thing that you're not able to do because of a decision you made."
"There's no such thing as a free lunch, you've got to give something up to get something else."
"Saying yes to something implicitly means that you're saying no to other opportunities."
"Anytime government spends taxpayer's money on something like a subsidy for particular producers within the economy, there is an opportunity cost."
"The key concept here, which is one of the most fundamental concepts in finance, is the whole idea of an opportunity cost."
"The money spent on Vietnam could have been used to fund more of the Great Society programs."
"Honestly, the benefits we are missing are so much because of the time."
"There's no extra cost of thinking big, but the price of not backing yourself is huge."
"You get one life and the opportunity cost of life is you only get one."