
Collapse Quotes

There are 415 quotes

"The Soviet Union suffered critical existence failure."
"The system has no support; it's totally collapsed."
"Every successful asset-backed currency we have known in human history has ultimately collapsed."
"This is a house of cards, and it is in the process of collapsing right now."
"Zemo: An Empire toppled by its enemies can rise again, but one that crumbles from within, that's that. Forever."
"Metaphysical collapse suggests a scenario where the fundamental principles governing existence, reality, and consciousness undergo a catastrophic breakdown."
"We are headed for collapse civilization is becoming incoherent around us."
"Hopefully the apocalypse, the great resignation was in preparation for the great acceleration and then the great collapse and the great extinction."
"The population stress will lead to collapse unless addressed."
"So a common answer to the Fermi Paradox is that advanced civilization arise a lot but tend to collapse."
"You're the foundation. If the foundation collapses, everything on it collapses with it."
"The stable geopolitical facade of the post-cold war order crumbled into dust."
"Every civilization inevitably does collapse but the question is when and why and how."
"Literally everything's gonna fall in collapse and then in-game like literally to fall."
"The prisons are collapsing and the prisoners are about to be released."
"If you're prepared for the collapse, you are going to prosper."
"This fraud cannot continue; it is collapsing, and this is the peak of it all."
"These systems are failing, these systems are falling apart."
"Leil, Uhabach's most devout Soldier, paves the way for the Total Takeover and collapse of the Royal Palace."
"We are not the first civilization to collapse but we will probably be the last."
"The collapse of the Soviet Union was a sequence of causes."
"I honestly think that we're gonna have some kind of economic collapse the next five to two the next five to ten years which is gonna be on an unparalleled level."
"The big picture: tyranny implodes because it's not sustainable."
"All three of these buildings collapsed to the ground, there was nothing remaining of any of the three after they collapsed."
"Eventually you just need one of them to collapse and then the whole system will collapse, and you'll get to see some new stuff."
"Are we gonna collapse in a deflationary vortex?"
"It's going to collapse soon, there is no could, may, might in this equation, is is the correct word."
"We could use that as a positive end and be the sole center for the collapse."
"The collapse of the Moche civilization around 700 A.D. is also a mystery."
"I predict that this house of cards is soon going to come crashing down."
"We're seeing the death of the old dark cult."
"A civil war sparked by religion is only one of a number of theories that might explain why Minoan civilization collapsed sometime around 1450 BC."
"The fall of the Soviet Union sent a bunch of countries into a spiral."
"Eventually like it just keeps piling up until eventually like it just like kind of collapses."
"Collapse is going to give us a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build out tremendous wealth for ourselves and our families."
"If you build on weak foundations, don't be surprised when one day it all crumbles."
"Eventually, the system just kind of... blows up in terms of the monetary system."
"Fortunately for us, history paints a clear image of what the economic collapse of a nation looks like."
"The entire Russia narrative will come crashing down."
"The night is always darkest before the dawn, but I don't think it's completely hopeless. I think what will happen is there will be a collapse."
"Yeah it's a tough job and it seems to be a bit of a futile endeavor because they've uh you know if the idw values uh were so self-evidently true and so functional you know they would have not imploded at one point."
"We cannot hold them here indefinitely, but the sixth tier will collapse if we do not." - Sergeant Abdicia
"We should expect prices to collapse of some things and even some businesses to collapse."
"They are the most important piece in the entire tower that if you pull that piece, it will come crumbling down."
"Something had to collapse for a new beginning to be able to emerge."
"We see what it actually looks like for S.H.I.E.L.D. to crumble... but the benefit of our show is that we get to dive into the emotional toll of that."
"What CarMax just said could signal a collapse in the car market."
"Civilization has fallen apart, or it at least threatens to fall apart."
"We have entered a dying universe, one that is collapsing in on itself."
"The universe was collapsing, and we were at the epicenter."
"There appears to be a massive time loop we're dealing with and we might just be witnessing the collapse of an entire universe."
"The wave function collapses, that is completely new in physics."
"The Eagles beat the Washington Football Team and their stadium collapses as Jalen Hurts is trying to give a high five to a fan."
"We're watching the preliminary collapsing of an empire"
"Society is heading towards a collapse one way or another."
"We are what's left. The collapse stole more than just our old way of life. For many, it stole our will to live."
"It seemed as though every prop gave way from under me."
"Civilizational collapse is actually the norm."
"The sharp decline in nitrogen levels is proof that the population plummeted at the time of the collapse."
"As almost as soon as the Battle of Endor ended, the Empire’s security and stability crumbled in a matter of days."
"A crumbling city abandoned in the wake of the collapse of the USSR."
"It's more interested in collapsing binaries than being coherent."
"Now without the recently arrived support, the Antonian center began to collapse."
"If cryptocurrency completely tanks, who gives? But if like fiat currency completely tanks, then we already have complete Global collapse, so like it's done."
"Before FTX collapsed, very few people had any suspicions about its criminal activities."
"That system would blow up and all prices would collapse because it's built on nothing."
"Just R.I.P. to the entirety of the MCU multiverse. Like all of reality just collapsed."
"...the circumstances and ultimate cause of the collapse of the Meenan system around 1200 BC May Never Fully be understood."
"The appearance of the Mahi himself is the biggest threat because when he comes their empire collapses."
"Here's the thing too, it's not quite a fair fight because it's collapsing."
"He finally collapses on the ground in pain."
"She literally caused her own house of cards to crumble."
"Marine ice cliff instability: Worried about taller calving faces causing glaciers to collapse."
"Total collapse of the German forces."
"Part of the American dream is class mobility... It's all collapsed."
"Human civilization has long since collapsed."
"This is a glitch in The Matrix. Your system has collapsed. Deal with it."
"Unless whatever it is you build is based on truth, you will end with the entire structure fallen and scattered about you likely the armor of Homer's ancient warriors, it simply cannot stand."
"Embrace the collapse, it's a spiritual opportunity."
"This is the best example we have so far that a typical instability from, for example, a star passage or some other unusual gravitational event, can then result in a sudden collapse of a lot of matter."
"A powerful storm passed through, leading to a tragic collapse."
"Once people felt that, that's when things started to collapse for the capital."
"I believe what happened with the collapse in Afghanistan when you saw these hundreds it wasn't just pineapple there were hundreds of volunteer groups that stood up I feel like that was the first true shot across the bow of this upswing."
"The collapse of the Polcevera Bridge kills 43 people and injures 15."
"When you see fiat currencies collapse it does create social unrest."
"The Soviet collapse would be violent with autonomous republics breaking out and forming their own governments."
"It's a world living in denial that total collapse and complete anarchy are perpetually moments away."
"Civilization is collapsing, but irreversible. We need to move forward."
"The tower is the collapse of a certain demographic of society or those that are less fortunate."
"It's crumbling. It's not a Super League."
"I feel like my entire world has collapsed."
"Everything finally came crashing down."
"Men could disappear tomorrow, the entire society would collapse."
"But Trump came along and then it just all completely collapsed but it collapsed spectacularly I mean and quickly... it happened like that."
"Ha ha, shit like that just doesn't happen anymore, man. The world's decided to collapse in on itself in other ways."
"Society's collapsing, for sure. People are just pretending everything's fine."
"New supervisor wants to be the boss, his lack of knowledge and guidance ultimately led to the financial collapse of the entire department."
"Decline in virtue is the prolog of the collapse of not just empires, but like all movements and moments."
"Jace's legs gave out underneath him like they couldn't support his body weight anymore."
"People often ask why on earth did you write a book on this subject of collapse, and the answer is simple. It's because it was the most fascinating, important, and central subject I could think of to write about."
"It's not the case that all societies in the past have been doomed to collapse. In many parts of the world, societies have been going on for hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of years without any sign of collapse."
"To me, it started out as the appeal of a romantic mystery of societies in the past that have collapsed, leaving behind monuments such as abandoned cities and temples and pyramids."
"The collapse was sudden and appalling."
"Collapse is the rule, not the exception. Virtually all civilizations end on average after 340 years."
"Life happens when the artificial construct of the individual collapses."
"The Antonio Spurs blowing a 3-2 lead in the 2013 NBA Finals including a five-point lead with 30 seconds left in game six one of the worst collapses of all time happened to one of the most respected franchises of all time in sports."
"Bitcoin can functionally help offset the collapse of the fiat monetary system."
"...the genre had clearly gotten saturated and was about to collapse under its own weight..."
"When you bring in a conscious Observer, you collapse the wave function. You collapse the wave into a particle. When there is no conscious Observer, it remains potential, it remains a wave."
"It collapses and collapses and collapses and forms a black hole."
"The walls collapse, and the soldiers of Salahuddin make their way through."
"The will doesn't know what to do, it's leaderless, and therefore the will collapses."
"Everything is collapsing, including their self-esteem."
"The truth will be revealed and this regime will collapse."
"Anything that is not sustainable will collapse."
"The CRM wants to not only be the strongest superpower on the planet but the only superpower as the alliance of three collapses."
"The market collapsed in 2008 probably did significantly more for people to understand that trickle-down economics was from the jump than anything else."
"The collapse of the Mayan civilization: What happened to the Maya?"
"It all fell apart at the very end."
"The entire problem of collapse has perhaps been falsely conceived by popular writers like Jared Diamond, but also many archaeologists. Collapse tends to imply that ancient states were relatively stable and well-governed, with leaders who understood their societies."
"When we talk about collapse or we question collapse, we must discuss how ideologies and belief systems in the past can be and were malleable."
"If you were to take it away, the entire thing would crumble."
"The ultimate cause of this collapse lay in a series of design flaws."
"HS watched the silo collapse with tears in his eyes,"
"It's like night City but worse, breaking under its own weight."
"Civilized life, orderly life, a stable life, even what had hoped to be in the 1920s in Germany, Democratic life could collapse completely in catastrophe."
"I just collapsed into the front pew, screaming in frustration."
"When did you realize everything was falling apart?"
"Whole cultures and economies would collapse in its wake, often within a week, leaving once thriving planets desolate and shell-shocked but still somehow feeling that they had been part of some great adventure."
"Lehman Brothers didn't collapse because they had too much exposure to subprime mortgages. Lehman Brothers collapsed because they could no longer finance their activities by borrowing in the money market."
"Knowing they were down there while the rest of society imploded in on itself didn’t sit right with Forte."
"Democracies can very easily collapse from within side."
"The world had faced a total economic and societal collapse."
"An entire universe was collapsing before his eyes, being erased from reality."
"The collapse of the utopian Age of Legends and the War of the Shadow that followed."
"With that collapse also collapsed ideologies interrelated but of a different kind."
"We're moving towards a centralization that eventually leads to things falling apart."
"Once the foundations of a building are undermined, anything built on them collapses of its own accord."
"There's nothing that can ultimately stop matter from collapsing to a single point."
"Trust is a critical aspect to finance... it collapses because it's all based on interpersonal reactions."
"The entire roof that's supposed to be straight is actually caving down, down the middle. It's got a huge bow down the middle."
"Everything can collapse—houses, bodies, and enemies—collapse when their rhythm becomes deranged."
"The collapse was sudden and appalling, a wave of apocalyptic catastrophe."
"There is no means of avoiding a final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion."
"You crumbled at the bottom like Amber Leaf."
"The next second, Meline felt weak and collapsed into her brother's arms."
"All empires collapse eventually and America is no exception."
"This was the start, the crack, the fracture that started to end this dynasty."
"Are you willing to see the bankruptcy of the whole economic system you rely on now so that all money is worthless? It cannot support you."
"Capitalism is on the verge of collapse, and I think hoarding is a virtue."
"Most scholars agree that the collapse of the Old Kingdom was sudden and it was complete."
"You're literally just waiting for something to collapse."
"Consciousness does collapse the wave function."
"He got stuck on in three houses and combined he was invested in those three for about a million four, he sold them for a total of nine hundred thousand dollars because prices had collapsed so much, that's the risk you run when the rug gets pulled out."
"Ultimately the reason why the Empire Falls in the West is the same reason why over the course of the previous four five five centuries the Roman world had repeatedly crumbled into civil war essentially the structure was too huge."
"The varied visions and driving forces in different directions just got to be too much and the center fell out."
"The walls which for years separated the peoples are collapsing."
"NATO's frontline completely collapses."
"Here is the collapse of world trade. It will close down the world stock exchange. It will be the end of all your pension, your savings - your stocks and shares will be not worth the paper they’re written on. Hallelujah!"
"There's always been times where a certain culture, a certain people get full of wickedness and their empire crumbles and they disappear."
"The Soviet system couldn't last. It was doomed. It was over. No one believed in it anymore."
"It's not the collapse that's coming that troubles me, it's the collapse that we have already that distresses me."
"Oppenheimer was saying that stars can collapse indefinitely but when Einstein looked at the math he found that time freezes on the horizon so it seemed like nothing could ever enter. Oppenheimer offered a solution to the problem."
"That collapse was so instantaneous and so dramatic."
"All you have been and who you think you might be all collapsed in the events of one night."
"The lady is so happy to hear this she breathes a sigh of relief when Tully leaves she gets up to map out the next stage of her plan when she collapses from exhaustion."
"The 185-foot-high concrete dam collapsed."
"I've seen people implode around their success."
"Society would collapse like it just would"
"Stars and galaxies, and everything else might reverse direction - the universe would collapse."
"Satan's kingdom is fortified and still exists today not because he's Satan no what you mean Kevin meaning now as great as he may be if there is a divide in that Kingdom according to spiritual laws his kingdom will collapse."
"How can you be a man and a king if something happened and you totally collapsed?"
"The moment this structure collapses he might lose a finger."
"With the explosion, the entire place starts collapsing."
"At the end of the day... When you look at the history of the world, governments and countries that have collapsed have collapsed as a result of a lack of values."
"Perhaps the only solution to our problem is the final crash of a collapsing civilization."
"...once the system starts collapsing, then started the domino effect which brought the entire world of the Bronze Age down."
"The collapse of supply chains is the only one here that's not sort of living world, but the collapse of supply chains food water energy essentials, and escalating conflicts from that."
"No matter what, no matter how massive and effective is non-violent civil disobedience, no matter who or which party is elected into or voted out of public office, collapse is inevitable."
"Acceptance of collapse and its inevitable consequences, i.e., trusting reality, may be the single most important thing that any of us can do to live fully, fearlessly, and inspiringly in this time of global hospice."
"Any unjust, tyrannical, oppressive power will collapse. Injustice cannot last."
"It's nearly impossible to get someone to understand what is collapsing their world and creating hell on Earth when the answer is their own civilization."
"There is no way forward for a society that is on the verge of collapse except through repentance."
"The system is going to blow up and collapse, and that's bad, but it's also good because we'll get a better one."
"If you proselytize only the Doom side of collapse reality, expect to be shunned."
"Natron means collapses and the Oakland Raiders celebrating"
"...this was where it all fell apart..."
"He had went down right there he was his knees were giving."
"The walls of safety crashing down right before my eyes."
"The whole site was on the brink of a colossal collapse."
"I want the US dollar to collapse. I do."
"...you've got to be careful. You've got to be able to recognize the signs of collapse."
"You collapsed before you reached the door." - Dr. Olivetti
"It was scary and it all started collapsing."
"What is driving all this? Of course, is the crisis and collapse going on."
"When empires implode and we are imploding economically, morally, physically... you bring the harsher forms of control from the outer reaches of empire back to the heart of empire."
"It was just a house of cards. It was always going to fall down."
"Collapse is the loss of a level of complexity."
"A seemingly inexorable increase in the complexity of human societies is periodically punctuated by instances of collapse."
"Collapse is a simplification, the loss of a level of complexity."