
Naval Operations Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"You operate with the ships you have, not the ships you wish you had."
"Warrior, the modern world now. You needed technically able specialists to work on the ship and you needed to retain them."
"One Brave sailor crawled between the arcing six foot tall batteries, shutting them off before they could explode but also punching the crew Into Darkness."
"We trained with you guys all the time... assaulting ships with fast rope."
"The Russians conceived a bold plan to take the Baltic Fleet, sail it all the way around Europe, and surprised the Ottoman fleet from the rear."
"The deployment of Ukrainian troops to the Black Sea and the employment of Turkish Naval vessels was a daring action that called Russia's dominance over Ukraine into question."
"There was a Republican Navy, and they were active and they did what they could do."
"NATO's Navy launched its massive exercise in the Gulf of Talim."
"Even a wide naval invasion can be successful with proper planning and execution."
"Operating independently in little self-escorting groups."
"It's not particularly for strike purposes, it's for this Beacon."
"We might see interesting development in naval tactics and operations."
"Richard's Crusader army: Consisting of over 200 ships and 17,000 soldiers and mariners."
"This pretty much encapsulates the full range of the determined efforts of Royal Canadian Navy sailors to ensure the safety of their charges."
"However, we have things under control, the Dutch navy's gonna find him, we've got this."
"When you're looking at naval history, context is the whole story."
"Carriers are used for disaster relief and soft power operations."
"I'm convinced that if she hadn't been subsequently followed up by the submarines, she could have been saved at that point."
"The bottom line is that now if you fast forward to the late war period and take a look at what the U.S Navy knows as compared to frankly any other navy in the world certainly with respect to damage control there's just no comparison."
"There's always going to be some harassable sea dogs running around."
"Late in the summer of 937, just after the usual campaigning season had ended, Olaf loaded up his entire navy, bolstered by all of the other long forts of Ireland and men from all over the Scottish Isles and Man, and together they headed to Britain."
"If he got it right, his hook would catch one of the wires across the deck and he'd be brought to a halt from a hundred miles an hour to zero in about 200 feet."
"For the TVD it was like striding through a saloon brawl only having to avoid a stray flying glass."
"It was quite a sight: I had never seen such a fleet deployed in front of me."
"This scheme, which Kerr dubbed obliterative or party coloring, is not as outlandish as it sounds, being firmly based on the manner in which U-boats operated at sea."
"Ukraine, without a navy, without navy warships, have essentially operationally defeated the Russian Navy."
"Admirals matter: Choose wisely. Traits like Seawolf, Silent Hunter, Torpedo Expert are key."
"The failed invasion has gone down in history as one of the worst ever naval disasters."
"Stay tuned for more updates on the fujian and everything else happening on the high seas."
"The Ukrainian Navy's operation against Russian ships was a watershed moment, changing the tide of Naval strength."
"Enterprise may become the only battle-ready carrier left in the Pacific."
"Even if it causes the Russian Fleet to change its behavior in a way that's completely advantageous for the Ukrainians then that is job done."
"A U.S. carrier group has entered the South China Sea."
"Somerville's plan therefore was to take his forces which were comprised of two carriers plus the battleship war Spite and escorts all grouped into force A and the four remaining Revenge class battleships in force B."
"In order to allow the carrier to pull out of line, do its flight ops, and then pull back into line as quickly as possible, speed is necessary."
"The U.S. Navy destruction of the Pearl River forts is a nearly forgotten bit of U.S. military history."
"Prolong the war and give us an opportunity to have another massive naval action."
"Live and work aboard ships artillery and missile officers may work in locations such as underground launch command centers or submarines."
"This is your U.S Navy on The Cutting Edge expeditionary Warfare at its finest."
"US Navy slated to sink a mock warship in the South China Sea."
"despite all three of these being Australian ships only one of the three saw service in the Pacific that was the Hobart the other two the Perth and the Sydney mostly saw service in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean"
"So it was really interesting to speak to Petty Officer Cleveland and understand what the role of the yeoman is."
"He sank six four thousand tons of merchant shipping in the first world war in a sailing ship and he didn't kill a single person doing it."
"We're actually standing on top of a real-life submarine."
"The ultimate goal of integrating these advanced technologies is not merely to increase the efficiency of US Navy destroyers, but to also make life on board as risk-free as possible."
"She operates in the north Atlantic and the Med with a focus on Russian naval operations and intel collection."
"Her stuff for learning how to do this kind of Angel magic... it works."
"From the earliest days of our navy there have been times where sailors have had to go ashore and fight on land."
"In a stroke of good fortune, all three aircraft carriers were out to sea."
"The ongoing success that's going on right now in the Pacific with US Navy ghost Fleet"
"Militaries and especially navies don't really publish a formal doctrine, but they do state their strategy."
"The move against Midway would virtually compel the enemy Fleet to react with all its available strength."
"Armed warships are playing a seafaring game of cat and mouse."
"The Royal Canadian Navy became rather expert at anti-submarine warfare and convoy escort duties."
"The ownership structure of the New Carissa, like many naval operations, is rather complex."
"Each submarine will have two crews."
"The biggest thing of note would be in 1957, June to be specific, when she had President Eisenhower aboard as a guest for demonstrating Naval operations."
"They operated in the Mediterranean for a good chunk of the war and were rightfully feared as highly effective ship killers."
"Deployed to this dangerous theater of operations on active duty for four months, these are the men and women who make up the crew of Her Majesty's Canadian ships."
"We were not supposed to go to the Falkland Islands... we had a very aggressive commanding officer... and he invited us to what was potentially a naval war."