
Warning Quotes

There are 8921 quotes

"It's a warning of the potential for a series of logical decisions to result in an illogical concept that ultimately doesn't deliver anything militarily useful."
"Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging, and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise."
"Your life, my life, the life of each one of us is going to serve as either a warning or an example."
"Miyazaki's Ode to learning but Logan becomes a warning to all those who travel undiscovered worlds."
"If you're not educated, you will get pimped, and somebody's going to take all your money."
"Welcome, don't do the crime if you can't do the time."
"Welcome to the hobby, you'll be spending a fortune on this stuff."
"If you see yourself as a victim in any capacity, it will ruin your life."
"Standing with Richard Pryor... He said, 'Be careful with this stuff. I don't remember 40 years of my life.'... 'I'm not sure it was me.'"
"Do not let your heart's desire become your heart's disease."
"Biden warns a very dark winter as US approaches 10 million coronavirus cases."
"Skyblock is a tragic addiction. Don't be like me, guys."
"Debt is the epitome of evil and the killer of your financial dreams."
"This is not a drill. That's bad. If the temperature gets too high in the primary reactor, that will start a meltdown."
"Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer."
"This warning was not far-fetched, as evidenced by the events of January 6th."
"But guys, beware, there is a great evil among us."
"These pandemics are coming. We've been saying it collectively for the last several years."
"Civilizations would put up warning posts... sending out study messages that hopefully somebody could decipher and say we should not build this technology."
"Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."
"We need to listen to H.G. Wells who warned that human history becomes more and more, a race between education and catastrophe."
"If we abandon Ukraine to the dark forces of autocracy, we will all pay a price."
"Our country's financial and economic troubles are about to get a lot worse, and it is important that you understand why so that you can begin to prepare."
"If there's no agreement between what a man projects himself to be and his actual reality, you should run."
"I'm telling you right now, you don't know who you're messing with."
"The doctor had told me my heart was going to stop if I didn't get help."
"The people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made. And the sign flashed out its warning in the words that it was forming."
"The Bible says in Isaiah 5:20, 'Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness.'"
"The reality is staring us in the face. If we keep ignoring it and we keep doing everything the same, we're gonna end up with no planet or an uninhabitable one."
"We are actually in a 1938 period but actually worse."
"You're on thin ice, and I'm about to break it."
"This is the dark side of Christopher McCandless's story, the side without the romance and without the charm."
"Could basically lead to the apocalypse. I mean, it's not an exaggeration."
"These chemicals are not designed for human consumption."
"If you do not listen to that thing that beckons you forward, you will pay for it like you cannot possibly imagine."
"I'm convinced that real evil is going to be done by every single one of us in the next 20 years, and it's going to lead to self-destruction for some of us, addictions for some of us, and divorce for some others."
"Jesus talked more about hell than He did about heaven, and He frequently warned His hearers that on that last day, every idle word would come into judgment."
"The earth has lost more than half of its animals since 1970. We are doing something very wrong."
"Dystopias serve as excellent warnings and social commentary."
"Christianity actually expects people like Ravi to show up; Jesus warned us about tares amongst the wheat."
"Speaking off the cuff at the end of his remarks, Francis also warned that another genocide could happen again, how? By following what he calls warped ideologies that claim to save a people and end up destroying a people and humanity."
"You got to stop at the beginning like they should have stopped Hitler at Munich. They should never let him get away with that."
"I'm being open about this not because I want empathy but because I want to warn others."
"Society is driving 80 miles an hour into a friggin' concrete wall, and they can stop, slow down, or turn."
"Unfortunately, we expect this to get worse before it gets better."
"Our health system will not continue to cope with this level of impact."
"It's over, hey, he's going to blow, get moving!"
"For me, there is no statute of limitations for murder. My work is a warning to the murderers of tomorrow that they will never rest."
"It's all real alarm bell stuff going on right now."
"This is Trump or death. This is a bad omen for what's to come later today."
"I'm being honest. SI investment companies is a quagmire of a nightmare, in my professional opinion."
"Debt should not be considered normal; it is a vicious, pernicious destroyer of wealth-building potential."
"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."
"With unwavering conviction, Turley unveils the chilling specter of collective amnesia, warning us of the danger that lies in turning a blind eye."
"That building should stand as a warning to every government to everybody in every town and every city in this country of what happens when you give up the public good, the public interest, for private gain."
"Jesus is coming. Listen to me, y'all, this ain't no joke. I'm saying, He for real coming. Remain."
"This looks to be unsustainable and reminiscent of the housing bubble back in 2008."
"A storm is coming. I feel sorry for those who don't see the future of crypto."
"If we don't get serious about this, we are going to get washed away in a wave of fine-sounding arguments with no weapons by which to defend ourselves."
"Trust in the media has been declining...it's a disaster in the making."
"Under eating shouldn't be taken lightly; it's damaging to the body in so many ways."
"This is how you get to tyranny pretty quickly."
"Be on the lookout for a cat dressed like a clown, yeah, with a big gun. But when he fires it, it just says 'bang.'"
"The Banshee... a creature whose scream warns of imminent death."
"This isn't a discussion about net neutrality, it's much, much worse."
"Your home is in crisis, and you're going to lose your family."
"I'm just warning you, if you whack Whack, he's going to whack you back."
"Everything the climate engineers do is pounding the nails into our collective coffins."
"If you don't learn from history, nothing will save you."
"Stop taking your dreams lightly; they are pleading with you to focus on them, trying to show you what's already in place, seeking your agreement to manifest things you don't know that will run its course negatively in your life."
"Notwithstanding these repeated warnings, we continue to see adversaries compromising systems that use known vulnerabilities for which there are patches. This is deeply troubling."
"False prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand."
"All I know is, when governments begin taking away citizens' private property by force, it will end very, very badly."
"Do not mess with somebody like me, a guy who is cut from a different cloth."
"When everybody is complacent and sure that things are going to go on perfectly forever, that's when you should be worried."
"Gambling is dangerous... gambling can appear fun, but it can ruin your life if you're not careful with it."
"The greatest threat to the church is comfortable non-believers in the church."
"Hopefully, this book never finds its way back to your world, for your sake and mine."
"When you have a career criminal like myself bringing the alarm and saying, 'Hey, this is a problem.'"
"Fiat currency is going to go down guys, we're printing money like crazy."
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions, is all I'll say about that for now."
"This shows that the global economy is starting to Creak."
"I think the danger is unprecedented, I think that we can't overstate how dangerous getting involved in the occult is."
"You better watch out, this demon is coming for you."
"This game was warning us about the advent of fake news."
"There is coming a spirit of deception the like of which you cannot imagine."
"If it can happen to me, it can happen to you."
"Just when you think you've won all of these rights... they're going to sell you out to the devil."
"Storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches because when it hits you're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us."
"It's created by indigo Phoenix who does warn you upfront."
"Donald Trump's dystopian vision foreshadows dangers."
"Boris Johnson's downfall is a historic event and a warning to conservative parties around the world."
"January 6 was just a dress rehearsal for some of these folks."
"If he's too good to be true, he's a psychopath."
"Be kind to our moderators because I'll nuke all of you from orbit."
"The world's gonna regret giving me this much attention, man."
"Pump and dump is illegal. It is illegal. Pump and dump. Investopedia."
"Angels not only announced blessed events, but they also warned the righteous of impending danger or disaster."
"Do not do what Joe Biggs did. You know why? They separated him from his daughter. And they're laughing as they do it. Don't let them take you from your kids."
"If you see Chicago as safe for tourists, think again."
"As you guys know buying fortnite accounts on eBay is extremely sketchy so I do not recommend it at all"
"The idea of that is scary, right? The idea like, 'Oh, they're just horror stories, but no, actually, this is real and he was warning us.'"
"Really be careful collectors because like I said, there's a lot of things out there now and a lot of people might think they have a real one but there's no way telling anymore."
"If you try to do it wrong, it's going to go wrong."
"Competition is great. If we don't, you will get this."
"China is a forewarning of what's to come if Western governments implement CBDCs."
"Putin’s decisions are starting to become a model for exactly what not to do."
"Do we become the people that we warned others about like the Stasi of East Germany or the KGB?"
"He's going to kill you and your children. You don't realize how bad he is."
"A Dark Ages scenario is possible if we continue unchecked."
"The current financial system is a house of cards that could result in a cascading global economic collapse."
"If this is all the strength that you possess, this is not gonna end well for you."
"The Surgeon General in the U.S. is warning that the United States could be worse than Italy."
"This is our last chance to avoid either a tyrannical symbol or a bloody and pointless civil war."
"Fascism is a very real danger... There was nothing that occurred like January 6th in the history of the United States."
"I'm trying to warn as many people as possible, as quickly as possible."
"The blowback is coming and it's coming strong."
"This is what autocrats do. This is what happens in countries before a collapse. It unnerves me."
"I think it's going to get real dark real soon."
"The Nazis did not just come out of the gate killing people; it was a slow boil that started with such rhetoric and ended with genocide."
"Why are toxic guys always so manipulative? Warning bells are literally ringing all over this guy."
"I got frog gigs, trotlines, catfish hooks, and sharpen buck knives. Solved for you if you cross me for the last time."
"We won't last another four years with this plan, just so you're all clear. There will be no 2028 because dude we only have a short window to get everybody on board with this or we're the whole country."
"It could be the undoing of American democracy."
"Digital book burning, yeah, that's a terrible, terrible sign of our modern times."
"The road to despotism is always paved with righteousness."
"Janice is on a terror, stop this man if not, you're gonna go down and lose. Now that llama was on a very secure lockbox, but now it's in the bank vault."
"If you ignore it, something bigger will happen."
"Complacency in relationships is not an overnight thing. Complacency comes when one or both people in a relationship get bored, distracted with other priorities, or simply take each other for granted."
"Anyone who's trying to advocate for violence is trying to trick you."
"I think it's a train wreck I think it's coming and it's coming hard."
"If any adult ever in your entire life asks you to keep a secret, you should be extremely scared."
"Do not trade. Trading, day trading, option trading in the stock market is the quickest way that you'll lose your money."
"You only have one shot at this life. Do not follow Satan into darkness."
"The continuation of this polarization is only gonna make our politics worse."
"Things are likely to get worse before they get better in American life, and that's not a good thing, that's a very dangerous thing."
"They're going full steam towards the iceberg."
"If you're not prepared to fight any wars, you're going to get wars."
"If you are online, anything digital, if you have a phone or you are online, there is no privacy for you, I hate to tell you."
"This is how your country ends if nobody does anything, simple and plain."
"I think it was a bit like uh hey kids do you want some sweeties you know come and it was a bit grooming."
"A third wave will soon break and strike even the most remote areas."
"Democrats, you best be building your Ark now."
"If you continue to erode democracy, you will reach a point where you will not have it."
"Look in another Direction, this guy's going down."
"If you don't receive him, you're gonna end up in a horrible place."
"If you have any sense of self-preservation, you probably want to run for it because the lions have come to the farm."
"If you want a good world, the death of Judeo-Christian values should frighten you."
"The Antichrist as a topic serves both as a sobering reminder and a Clarion call."
"Spend less time talking and more time grinding. Think like a champion, walk it out."
"You're not going to understand all that, just know that it was absolutely illegal."
"The Soros District Attorneys are a menace to society." - Governor DeSantis
"Guys, make sure to never buy anything that's like a cursed laptop."
"Careful what you ask for, is all I'm saying."
"We really need to learn the mistakes of history or I'm afraid we are destined to repeat them, which is quite a frightening prospect."
"The fact that the baby is born addicted to drugs should be a big red flashing light."
"We are about to lose our country and I know most Americans don't think that we can that can happen but I believe we're on the precipice."
"This is a dangerous moment for American democracy."
"Just look at the consequences. They're disastrous."
"If she can do it to him she can do it to you and that's why we all need to be concerned."
"The U.S. has issued a warning that Vlad is stepping up efforts to launch airstrikes against Ukraine's civilian targets."
"What will it take for you all to listen to us about those swine dildos gunning for your bones and your families?"
"If this isn't the wake-up call, then the wake-up call may be too devastating."
"Beware of the magic of this world, for indeed it is a distraction."
"Laziness and entitlement can cost you millions."
"God loves you enough to warn you. God is sending warnings."
"There are ways for people to turn on each other... that they probably shouldn't."
"This is not normal behavior that we are witnessing."
"Until we do, this is just getting worse. This is going to get worse and it will not get better, I promise you."
"This is not something that can be ignored. It's not going to go away. It's going to keep getting worse."
"Listen to my friends in Russia. Hear me now and believe me later. They are lying to you. Putin is bad man." - Zubin
"For a lone animal to make this sound, it's most likely a warning to an intruder."
"The alleged Hypersonic missile test would serve as a call to action."
"It is not an exaggeration to say that we're heading down the path of dictatorship."
"One red flag that I find is when the main developer sells their entire stack."
"It's about to get scary for real. It's about to get scary, yeah."
"One thing is certain: be wary of cuddly new characters that appear at theme parks, at birthday parties, and onscreen in the coming years."
"Overconfidence, a slow and insidious killer."
"Not looking make no mistake, if Russia pursues his plans, it will be responsible for a catastrophic and needless war of choice."
"We must warn people about wolves in sheep's clothing. It is not an option, it is a duty."
"America takes democracy for granted at its peril."
"Your person is quite obsessed with you, in sometimes a very unhealthy way, my beautiful Leo."
"If it can happen to General Michael Flynn, if it can happen to President Donald Trump, if it can happen to Tucker Carlson, it can and it will happen to you."
"If you do this... like, if you can't get control of this, we're going to lose everything because you're going to kill somebody, you're going to get killed, or you're going to just do it to the wrong person and they're going to kill you."
"Conduct like theirs is just asking for another January 6th."
"this may trigger you and you may want to go buy this but i don't recommend it because this is crap"
"This is really significant and Australians should be very, very concerned about this."
"With the rise of Hitler, Hitlerism will annihilate all the Jews of Europe."
"Nazism is not just some people meeting in a basement with a confederate flag. Nazis ran a country and almost took over the world."
"You better be walking very very close to god because I see some very very demonic things happening in the world today."
"If you do not fix inequality, youring kids' lives will be sh and it can get much worse than this."
"When you hear that sound, shit's about to go down."
"Do not join the cyber war, don't be a part of what is actually a criminal activity."
"If we lose our Free Speech, freedom dies... we're going to end up as slaves or worse."
"Please don't ignore this warning. Let's get it right this time."
"You're welcome to try because I won't show mercy next time."
"I felt that I had something to tell him, something to warn him about, and mourning would be too late."
"We mustn't fall into a new cold war... actually, we're already in it."
"Don't discount a social breaking point being a contender." - Stephanie Pomboy
"Don't Harden your hearts as you did in the Rebellion." - Warning against hardening hearts.