
Procurement Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Defense procurement is not a game where you can just load a previous save if you've made a suboptimal decision."
"Let's bring technology and blockchain technology into procurement process in Nigeria."
"We're in the midst of procuring more immediately, meaning tens of millions, and have released a request for proposals for 500 million N95 respirators."
"Defence procurement is a complex system with a variety of actors, all responding to their own interests and incentives."
"Everyone might agree that they would like a leaner, more efficient military equipped with exactly what it needs for military purposes."
"Odd procurement decisions don't always have to be the result of corruption, incompetence, or anything nefarious."
"Sometimes a military might receive world-beating systems on time, under budget, and in quantity."
"The kf-51... a completely new main battle tank... quite unheard of in modern day military procurement."
"Just existing invites risk when it comes to major procurements."
"The Pentagon seeks wartime procurement Powers... preparing for a war with China."
"The cost actually isn't in sourcing the hardware."
"We were that desperate and that ill-prepared that you know these poor contract officers were just saying you know you get a contract you get a contract whatever let's see what comes back."
"Real accountability in procurement is needed."
"Military procurement is a very political process, even geopolitical."
"I honestly find this to be an absolutely outstanding vehicle, and I'm very glad that the Australian Army is looking into trying to procure this vehicle."
"Our lead times have been taken off as a strategic guidance initiative but they're still impacting on our procurement programs."
"All of our work was contracted through the government's procurement vehicles."
"You want to allow all potential vendors to have a clear understanding of what your requirements are."
"...he proposed transparency as the best policy by openly procuring materials through the mayor they could maintain confidentiality and prevent rumors from spreading."
"A lot of people say that it was oh it was the lowest bidder it was lowest bidder not on the gun but on the spare parts of the magazines somebody had to be a winner."
"We want to hear from you about any barriers you face in the procurement process."
"Usually when bids are not responsive, it's because they've missed mandatory requirements."
"If you don't meet the mandatory requirements, it's not worth submitting your bid anyway."
"There's no rule of thumb for products sold to the government. It varies depending on the competition."
"The first thing we'll need is a piece of nickel, which you can buy off eBay."
"Ethics is quite a complex area which people think only revolves around people acting in an unethical way or taking bribes or something along those lines. It is actually a very, very key tool of knowledge for procurement professionals."
"Another tool for procurement, other areas of course, not just supply relation management, not just contract management or category management, ethics is a key consideration for procurement as well."
"There's no difference in procurement. Procurement needs to be done by procurement professionals who understand all of the concepts."
"...the most important skills that procurement professionals should have at all levels, especially at the senior level, are those soft skills, influencing skills, and stakeholder management skills."
"This scenario we're in the beginning stages of procuring a vendor."
"Fixed price, cost reimbursable, and time and material contracts are the three major types."
"I think we need real competition. A lot of what we need is just the ability to go out and buy the best versions of this kind of class of military systems that exist now."
"So much of competition in defense is kind of competition in PowerPoint presentations and white papers. I think a lot of what we need is just the ability to go out and buy the best versions of this kind of class of military systems that exist now."
"To start buying, you need a person who is going to help you to buy your goods from the suppliers or vendors."
"This particular body was actually sourced in Europe, so we bought the monocoque in Europe."
"If they say that's the gun we want, well, it has to be, you know, 18 inches long and weigh this. So there's only one guy you can meet that, but problem is that company has you by the balls now because you can't buy anything else."
"If you already have a contract, some of the natural answers might be looking at extensions of that contract in terms of what office is it for, who is the Contracting officer for that."
"Achieving value for money can be described as using public resources in a way that creates and maximizes public value."
"Value for money in procurement is achieved through pursuing the lowest cost and clearly defining relevant benefits."
"Thailand comes in with a request for information with the intent to purchase four Scorpion submarines."
"We want to use the power of our procurement at USDA to open up opportunities to small and historically underserved businesses."
"Procurement is the mother of the whole system, end to end procurement is the biggest baby of this."
"Procurement is vital for business success."
"Procurement has to become a true partner."
"All right so that's kind of the procurement piece that I wanted to cover."
"Procurement decisions aligned with corporate objectives are key."
"Procurement controls a significant chunk of spend, impacting both revenue and savings."
"Balanced outcomes are crucial in procurement."
"Perception of procurement needs to change to attract top talent."
"To succeed in the digital world, procurement professionals must wear multiple hats: entrepreneur, change manager, negotiator, politician, and technician."
"Developing competency in areas like business strategy, sourcing, and contract management is crucial for procurement success."
"Simplify the procurement process, particularly payments, to improve efficiency."
"Procurement planning is really important these days."
"The most prevalent historically has been what we call a design bid build model."
"So, we're successfully going to be able to buy ten new shelves to store a bunch of this stuff. We're gonna be able to buy the rolling stairs which I'm very excited about."
"We did documentation for PSR to get a new sniper rifle."
"Reporting procurement allows an organization to demonstrate how its procurement activities deliver value for money."
"It is very important that you understand what supplier you're purchasing from."
"Effective procurement leaders possess confidence, adaptability, flexibility, effective communication, objectivity, ongoing learning, and a commitment to sharing knowledge."
"Procurement's job is to challenge and question."
"Strategic sourcing is a disciplined, systematic approach to work through the purchase of materials, goods, and services within a corporation."
"It is always the best practice to evaluate the cost and benefits of the proposed procurement."
"A business case approach to procurement will instill that I'm not just meeting the technical requirements of the organization, I am also meeting the business needs of the organization."
"Whenever you procure anything, total cost of ownership refers if I'm buying an equipment, I pay for the price of the equipment, that's the purchase price."
"Remember whenever you are procuring an equipment or a product that is new, you have to look at innovation."
"Material procurement is honestly like two-thirds of the battle in construction."
"The procurement management plan documents how we're going to get the goods and services that we need from external organizations."
"Public sector procurement seeks to ensure that purchasing takes place in a transparent way which can be examined with clear links to ensuring that purchases are fit for purpose and value for money."
"Purchasing is really about the acquisition of goods and services at the lowest total cost for an organization."
"Improved reliability comes from purchasing, installing, and maintaining correctly."
"An enterprise architecture can facilitate faster, simpler, and cheaper procurement."
"This complete cycle starting from requirement till invoice received is nothing but procure to pay cycle or P2P cycle."
"The role of procurement is to understand the market, strategic and tactical sourcing, and the costs and benefits of outsourcing."
"A procurement person at this stage needs to have a balanced approach."
"Open book costing helps you to reduce that closer supplier relationship and helps you to manage and identify risks early in your procurement process."
"Understanding the sourcing process in relation to procurement is essential."
"Procurement is our prerequisite to drive this practice through our supplier selection."
"Vendor bid analysis is the tool and technique of only one process, and that is estimate cost."
"Leverage the power of the software to help us decide what to manufacture and what to buy."
"Purchasing provides a rich store of policy and supplier information, a robust workbench for buying professionals, and consolidated visibility into the spending."
"By the end of this course, you will be able to understand the complete procure-to-pay lifecycle."
"I love that that is so cool because as you know from last week we've had trouble getting our hands on some bows and this I was able to go directly to the source which is cool."
"The purchase order is a final and formal confirmation of the essential materials to be supplied."
"We're also going to look at something new called the purchase request report."
"Effective procurement ensures appropriate stock is purchased, leading to better quality products."
"A good ERP system will help the purchasing department identify savings opportunities by calling out items with single suppliers or items without current purchase contracts."
"We have modified our procurement process to ensure the company that a good safety culture and high-risk work we taught store."