
Struggles Quotes

There are 428 quotes

"We all have lows, and that's usually where we all find each other."
"Your dream, the dream that you have, there might be struggles, obstacles, and different lessons that you learn along the way, but it is strengthening you."
"I think more people can relate to the struggles than anything."
"The greatest battles are fought in the confines of the human soul."
"You're not alone in your struggles because a lot of these goals or aspirations that I have for this new year are actually born out of some of the struggles that I've been experiencing."
"You never know what the hell somebody's going through with their heart, mental experience."
"We have to realize that Gaza was a place that had many struggles and we know that it's over half of its population are children."
"Elliot has a whole miscellany of mental issues that are troubling him constantly: anxiety, depression, delusions, paranoia, and a whole host of others."
"If anybody's going to accomplish anything and go anywhere in life, you're going to have to go through some drama."
"It's real people having to really live through this stuff—real pain, real worries, and real doubt."
"Our struggles are still marginal compared to our achievements."
"For those of you who are the majority of the audience who don't do that, uh, it's fine. That is completely fine. I just can't tell you how grateful I am that you're up for this kind of conversation that you're here."
"We all struggle, no one has it all together."
"It really just shows you that this party right now is completely flailing."
"The bad things that are happening are not the apocalypse; humans have faced great struggles before."
"Be excited about life regardless of the struggles... Walk with your head up high."
"Moro is the representation of Goku's struggles villains and developments."
"All the struggles that you face are the reason that you're here."
"We're all fighting demons, whether they're in human form or just distractions."
"Everybody is fighting a battle that you don't know about... it's about compassion."
"You have to know what people are struggling with and I make videos that help people get out the struggle."
"Representation is important, especially to people who are struggling with their inner queer identities."
"Even children can have a struggling life, have troubles in life."
"Put some respect on our names. It's a lot of [ __ ] we gotta deal with, censorship all that."
"Spider-Man was often bad at it and that, I think, was very relatable."
"Ultimately, I don't think people should be afraid to talk about their struggles with veganism."
"Your person's going through a lot of turbulence because this is an extremely profound awakening."
"It's hard bro, it's hard, it's still hard, like it's so [expletive] it's pretty wild."
"Critical compassion... that person is going through something."
"That's who the [ __ ] you is, the guy who went to the same place with a backpack full of [ __ ] stones."
"Everybody's human and they're all going through something terrible at the end of the day."
"We all have different struggles, but admitting them is part of being human."
"Shadow city, where your mind is kind of getting the best of you."
"Life, drugs, problems, accomplishments, and everything in between."
"It's really important to highlight the struggles and the flaws."
"I'm so back and forth with my consistency, and I know it's painful."
"You never know what somebody's going through."
"Everyone experiences extreme emotions and doesn't know how to handle them."
"It's hard out here for a pimp and also for these hoes who trying to get that money for the rent."
"Carrie Fisher was a true ambassador for Leia, her life was so intertwined with the character and she was so open with her life and her struggles."
"Be grateful, be thankful for your struggles because they are shaping you into who you are."
"This is the beginning of blessings for your struggle."
"I couldn't respect myself because I couldn't be who I felt I should be."
"They're just like you, they have their struggles."
"People have been struggling with this behind the scenes for many years, for decades."
"Cry me a fuckin’ river! I'm not saying wealth doesn't have its struggles, but you know what causes even worse struggles? Poverty!"
"Something is a blessing in disguise, if you're really going through it."
"You're on a path of coming out of struggles, difficulties, the old version of self into deeper levels of consciousness."
"I can say this just because I've gotten to the point where now doesn't mean we're perfect. It's okay to look up to your idols and I do the same, but realize that everybody is human and we all battle our demons."
"Even in struggles, we have reasons to rejoice because of the presence of God within us."
"It's always nice to know that you're not alone in your struggles."
"Your struggles can become your testimony. Use your past to inspire others."
"Instagram makes it seem like everyone's life is perfect, but we all have struggles."
"Your personality is not the things that you struggle with."
"Jesus is not distant or detached from our struggles; He is deeply moved by them."
"There's so much power in people being honest about their struggles."
"We're not posting the hard parts, they're not posting when they're up at two o'clock arguing."
"I've had about kind of a rough past couple of weeks."
"This is not content, this is people struggling."
"I feel so sorry for everything that they've been through."
"Empowerment guys, the things we put up with."
"Everybody is dealing with something and you just never know."
"I want to share my struggles because I'm human just like you."
"Honestly, we don't know the secret [to a relationship]; everyone's is different and has struggles."
"Spider-Man isn't 100% just me he's a very distinct character however he and I have both stressed about paying bills or have possibly torn our pants in public."
"Everyone has their own struggles."
"It was nice to see her humanized and that she goes through struggles that everyone can relate to."
"I have also shared on my platform numerous times of how I have been a victim of depression, anxiety, my upbringing, a lot of different things that I have went through."
"We all have our own crazy and our own issues, and everyone is struggling or has their thing in their own way."
"Just be kind to everyone you meet. No one knows the struggles they could be facing."
"Everyone is facing a struggle and battle at some point in their life, so be kind."
"Struggling with transitions is actually a sign of autism."
"Life gets hard, something happens, you need to make a quick dollar, it's easy money for them."
"We need to kick the Tories out, the cost of living crisis, people's rents, mortgages, the gas bills, the electric bills, the food bills, it's people are really struggling at the moment."
"Every small victory they have is actually massive to them. It is an achievement to fight against your brain when you've convinced yourself that what it's telling you is the truth."
"Five-time Grammy Award winner, but for the sake of this conversation, just a man who struggled with mental health."
"I feel that there's more depth to life than we see, you know, we're all and to really look at people and have much more forgiveness for people that they're all just going through their own struggle they're all so just trying to find their way."
"...represent real issues and struggles that artists face starting off with the show that I loved dearly for a multitude of reasons BoJack Horseman."
"Feeling just generally unworthy... no matter what you do, you'll always have to carry these suitcases."
"His fans often see him as a source of inspiration in their own struggles."
"It's good for people to know that it's not always sunshine and rainbows for us"
"None of it was ever glorified and under the surface of these wild parties were kids struggling to deal with the hand they've been dealt."
"It's really important because it says a lot about the oppression and struggles of a lot of other people."
"...each character has their own struggle that they're going with each of those struggles seem like things that could actually happen to people and are things that have actually happened to people..."
"Nobody gets out of life alive and we all have our private struggles."
"Hero psychology reminds us that, just like in real life, our cinematic heroes can wrestle with mental health struggles, with relationship problems just like the rest of us. There is no shame in it."
"Despite being the strongest, he's got struggles like you and me."
"Most of the time, these people fought a battle that you know nothing about."
"I had issues with extreme anger, rage, depression, and anxiety of a sense to the point of an arrest."
"It's a stark reminder that even those who seem to have it all can be battling with their own demons."
"I'm just a normal lad who's got bills to pay, who's got family to look after, and got struggles like you have."
"He was a broken man physically, mentally, and politically."
"Batman is having a tough time coping."
"It doesn't really seem that bad if that makes sense you think all of it is basically all worth it 100% yeah it makes it all worth it in the end like I wouldn't have changed it for the world I can't lie."
"Even like I'm sorry all the struggles everything like it was part of the experience it was defin and you have a story to tell fact you have St to tell ever experience while completed true."
"What I need from you is understanding that I'm carrying burdens you don't know about and fighting battles I haven't shared with you."
"...twitch never once shared that he was struggling with anything."
"I'm traversing a new path and it's hard to figure out personal Lauren and like beauty channel Lauren is difficult."
"Men are struggling, men are more suicidal, men are more often homeless."
"...what the various superheroes are going through and fighting against, you know, these guys."
"They may be somebody who has struggled with addiction or they have like a some type of darkness to them."
"The worst thing in the world is being famous and broke. Facts."
"If you're not in love with big YouTubers as an artist, then it's soul-crushing."
"People want to present a front, but they don't share what they're struggling with. All marriages are difficult."
"Jesus knows all about our struggles and he will guide till the day is done."
"Some people have demons and it's not their fault."
"There isn't a child on earth who has ever not battled these things."
"It helps to hear that everybody has got their personal struggles."
"You tried to keep it a secret and you're like, 'Man, I was going through a lot.' Like, even some like depression, absolutely."
"Turn your struggles into your story, your mess into your message, and let God use it."
"So many of the best super communicators, if you talk to them and you're like, 'Oh, you must have been good at communication your whole life,' they'll say things like, 'No, no, in high school I had real trouble making friends...'"
"I thought that I was a freak I thought that I was a broken person."
"He talks about anxieties, desires, doubts."
"Every single one of us has a cross to carry, some sort of inclination that is disordered in some form or another."
"This is the year where it's like, 'Wow, it really was tough.' I was struggling so hard."
"They may come across as very defensive, touchy, or quick to being irritated. But they really do have good intentions and they really do love you. They are dealing with their own internal battles."
"Beyond The Glitz and glamour lay a man haunted by personal demons."
"Everyone has their demons they fight and stresses they ease to resolve, but if you're doing all right, that's still probably better than most."
"Behind the glamorous music industry of fame and glitz lies a battlefield of exploitation, mental struggles, corruption, and elusive dreams."
"While he was a very talented actor, Berry struggled with drugs and alcohol throughout his life."
"I had severe anger issues, manic depression, complex PTSD. I started to have extremely suicidal thoughts."
"Often times when we have public success, we have private struggles. Thank you for blessing me and speaking into my spirit."
"By 1993, Michael Jackson's life seemed to be spiraling out of control."
"The totality of existence is entirely gray. And for all of us, I think all of us in the world would benefit from having an understanding that um the person next to you is struggling with 75 things that under the surface, yeah, the way that you are."
"You're not alone. This is very common. And part of me encourages you, instead of trying to head on fix this, like 'I need to open up, I need to talk about things', what if in therapy we talked about our struggles to do this, to open up and trust people?"
"Reality shows became so popular because they show raw footage of struggles, processes, and results, being a way for viewers to get a sense of what life is like on the other side."
"When we have our issues our struggles that we have normalized or become desensitized to and we're willing to live with them, we don't understand that we're Sleeping with the Enemy."
"Tell me, what do you struggle with though? Balancing work with your family?"
"Every single person has struggles that affect their relationships with other people."
"It's how you overcome those issues and situations, how you overcome the struggles."
"Those perks still don't keep you from crying yourself to sleep at night if you're just really unhappy."
"It's not like everything's perfect now, you know? Like, I'm still struggling with this stuff. I'm still evolving. I'm still learning in my relationship with shopping and with everything that underlies it and everything that has historically surrounded it."
"Can you live in Thailand for a thousand bucks or under? Yes you can, but it's going to be a struggle based off of the criteria that I've just mentioned in this video."
"I had some mental health struggles."
"Besides being a drug addict and getting so messed up all the time."
"I have struggles, proclivities, challenges, and issues that I war against daily. But I'm a very strong believer in the scripture. To whom much is given, much more is required."
"I think our own personal struggles are the ones that are important to share because we learn so much through the struggles that we go through in life."
"Everyone makes their life look like it's perfect, but it's not. Everyone's struggling with something."
"If it's not [going well], that's okay. Everyone makes their life look like it's perfect, but it's not."
"Because everybody is going through stuff, everybody."
"Lawrence's hyperactivity also had a downside: the girl often experienced anxiety, suffered from low self-esteem, didn’t get along with other children and was bullied by her peers."
"More people need to really dig deep within the sorrows and the struggles because that's the most relatable thing."
"Spider-Man remains one of the most relatable superheroes. He's got money problems, girl problems, he's just like us."
"The struggles that women faced in this transitional period of time were captured by the subtle eeriness and sometimes outright uncomfortable stories which Jackson wrote."
"It was really showing kind of the struggles of veterans with post-traumatic stress."
"Sometimes we be going through it, we're only human"
"I can't tell you how many nights I wanted to take that .45 sitting up on the edge of my bed and end it all."
"The story of Jean tiy is a poignant reminder of the hidden struggles that often lie behind a facade of celebrity."
"A side where the bright lights of Fame cast long dark shadows of loneliness, depression, and misunderstanding."
"I don't know that I agree that it's the best example of actually existing socialism because I don't I don't like to write off the varying struggles that different peoples deal with."
"It was just like, wow, you know, these people that have these personas are real-ass people who are going through a lot of [ __ ] in their life. Absolutely."
"Everyone will have something that they struggle with behind closed doors."
"Everyone has their own [ __ ] going on, whether you see it or not."
"That's when you fall in love with people when they're vulnerable and show you who they really are and what their struggles are"
"I feel like always with mental health for me it's just like a roller coaster"
"What were these life-threatening struggles that Dale had to overcome? What secrets did he hide as he rose to stardom?"
"The worst thing that you can do in business especially during times of struggles is to have an ego."
"I know some people who have everything, including artistic prowess, and they're a mess."
"I've been watching my eating because with me, I used to struggle to eat a lot. I would have a meal at 1 p.m. and I wouldn't eat until like 11 p.m. It was really, really hard."
"They've had struggles on defense but a historic season on offense that has made them extra special."
"The struggle came because any conversation I would try to have... it was hard without the therapist."
"I think we can also note that just because someone else has it worse doesn't mean that your struggle is irrelevant."
"More than a quarter of Americans said that someone in their household was struggling to pay off crushing medical debts."
"It's not easy to share, but I think it's necessary because a lot of people, they'll see on your socials for example now, they'll see the great, the good, and they won't realize that it was actually the darkness that required that low."
"Everyone has their own demons, but some folks deal with it better than others."
"You can have public victories with private struggles."
"Show me the money! Money is something we have both struggled with budgeting."
"You definitely can't judge a book by its cover. Just know that everybody's going through some kind of battle in their life."
"Do not believe the lie that when I get married, then the pornography and the masturbation is going to stop. Your spouse is not going to get rid of your lust problem."
"These videos are not about just trying to convince the entire world to be my style. I mean, world domination. No, I think it'd be really boring if we were all to say the point is take from these just a great conversation about the things that I found myself struggling with."
"I started getting, I got addicted to drugs, mental health problems, identity issues."
"She talks so openly about mental health, anxiety, social awkwardness, just all these things that we truly go through on a daily basis."
"No matter how perfect any family looks on the outside, there are always struggles behind the scenes."
"It's a raw and honest portrayal of the struggles and triumphs that come with the territory."
"For a man to identify as a woman never having struggles of a woman, and a woman to identify as a man never having the struggles of a man."
"The crew initially struggled to find stories for season 2."
"Life isn't promised. This is my boy that was going through struggles that silent battles that I didn't know about."
"I was struggling with severe clinical depression the whole time I was on that show."
"I've just not been great the last few weeks, kind of been plodding along and getting by."
"Trust me, just because you see us now have stuff, we've been through literally wanting those Hot Cheetos, the 50 Cent bags after school, but you didn't have money to afford them."
"If you're struggling right now with trusting God, be at peace and welcome to the club. Seriously, welcome to the club, it's a normal thing."
"Yeah, nothing's more painful than being a teenage girl. No wonder he's really going through it."
"Neymar's injury struggles at PSG: a recurring issue throughout his time there."
"Your journey is valid, your struggles are seen, and your creative spark, it is a force to be reckoned with and it can't be taken away that easily."
"I felt quite toxic, like my mental health became quite bad."
"But I do have some recommendations for anybody out there struggling with the same thing."
"Everything in my life was out of my control. My grades were out of my control, my emotions were out of my control, my friendship struggles or any social struggles, everything I felt like I didn't have a grasp solely on anything."
"Marriage has a hard Road, even though it is the grace of life, its destruction is constant and it's exponential."
"Is it okay to doubt? Yeah, it's fine. Even Mother Teresa had difficulties."
"Mental health is so important and we all have those really really rough days."
"I don't even I'll just do something like that and be like ah guess I'm quirky. I don't want to live like that you know and it sucks to have like a mental issue that you've kind of like put off and then it becomes like a pile of laundry."
"In April of 1995, Phyllis was scheduled to perform with Regina Bell, a respected R&B singer. But Regina said while they were getting ready for the show she noticed that Phyllis was drinking a lot."
"I was depressed, suicidal thoughts, all that."
"We're all human. We're all going through [__] that we don't talk about."
"I just want to encourage people to be themselves you know and I'm not afraid to put out there that I am the way that I am and that I have the struggles that I have and that I feel and think the way that I feel and think."
"Everyone struggles with body dysmorphia at one point in their life. Loving yourself is not like, 'I'm gonna love myself, you love yourself.' It's like, 'I love myself, I hate myself, I love myself, I don't really like this about myself, I love myself, I totally like it.'"
"The reason I make these videos is so that my struggles that I'm going through are not wasted that you guys can somehow benefit from them."
"The show keeps Peter grounded, showing his mistakes and struggles in both his civilian and superhero life."
"No matter how many times I didn't want to tell her like, 'Yo, I got [__] up again this weekend, or like, I had to go to the ER, or something, 'cause I was still getting [__] up, I always kept it real with her about every single thing."
"Everyone struggles in life. That's why sometimes people be scared to say their emotions, you know what I'm saying?"