
Solar System Quotes

There are 622 quotes

"Life or no life, we have a lot to learn about the evolution of our solar system, about our planet, by looking in depth at rocks brought back from Mars."
"I'll be the smallest dwarf planet in our solar system."
"The earth is a planet, one of many in the solar system."
"We're going to Mars to study the Martian interior and to map out the divisions inside Mars, but we want to use that information to understand more about the solar system as a whole."
"Studying this full breadth of these diverse small worlds will continue to help us fill up the knowledge gaps of how the solar system formed and evolved over time."
"What if life in the solar system first formed not on Earth but on planetary embryos in the protoplanetary disk? In that event, the entire near space may be teeming with various bizarre organisms."
"There are so many other planets and moons that might be more interesting. I feel like we're forgetting the fact that there's a whole solar system of amazing places out there."
"The odds of our solar system falling together by the random collision of particles is around 10 to the 10 to the 60th."
"We happen to be in the one where they are nice, you know."
"Our sun is insanely massive, comprising 99.86% of all the mass in the solar system."
"Jupiter's magnetic field, the strongest in the solar system, is a testament to the planet's dynamic internal processes and immense power."
"The entire solar system is this massive, interconnected puzzle."
"These particles, the only known samples from the outer solar system, were once part of a primitive ice-rich body that formed well beyond Pluto."
"Asteroids are truly pristine remnants of a time when the planets were forming. This makes them prehistoric treasures that hold the lost tales about the origin of our solar system."
"Understanding these asteroids will tell us about how solar systems form, calibrate our models, and potentially tell us how other solar systems form in our galaxy and beyond."
"The planet's orbits, the balance of the solar system, it's why I have life. Without the light of the sun, life would be impossible."
"I am getting a little bored with our solar system... I want to get back to those jaw-dropping thrilling moments that we got, and I think the only way to get that feeling back is to think about getting an image, a multi-pixel image, of an exoplanet."
"In the dark voids of the solar system, drifting in-between the planets, are asteroids... These small worlds are anything but dull. In fact, some are time capsules from the beginning of the solar system."
"Any sample we get back is truly magical and will help us learn more about our solar system and our origins here."
"The concept of converting our solar system into a particle accelerator, using the massive energy sources available like Jupiter, opens up futuristic possibilities for space exploration."
"One of the simplest questions we might ask in astronomy is how common are planetary systems like our own?"
"Perhaps the greatest potential for change in the solar system lies with our own species and technological development."
"The biggest volcano, Mars houses the biggest volcano in the solar system."
"An eclipse is meant to be viewed from Earth and nowhere else does that occur anywhere else in the solar system."
"What if Jupiter swallowed every planet in the solar system?"
"As the number one contender for the most beautiful celestial body in the solar system, Saturn is hard to beat."
"Sedna and Biden would go back to being regular Kuiper belt objects."
"The dark outer reaches of our solar system still hold many secrets."
"I'm the sun, the center of your solar system. I do erupt intense high energy radiation."
"The Parker Solar Probe was designed to become the first spacecraft to enter the Sun's atmosphere."
"We're all connected to these geophysical and solar system energies."
"We planted hop our way away from the sun as the sun is dying we keep thinking about our own solar system before we decide like let's kick it from this side of the orion armed galaxy and head out."
"Humanity is very lucky: We appeared on Earth as the sun flew into the local bubble."
"The solar system today lies in a peaceful balance with each of its eight planets bound in predictable near circular orbits."
"This rock taught us a lot about the evolution of the solar system."
"Whether it turns out to be real or not, there's no doubt that Planet X has already altered our understanding of the solar system in ways we could never possibly have imagined."
"A change in that scheme demoted Pluto from planet to not-planet."
"At that speed, it will take the craft just three-and-a-half days to reach the edge of the solar system."
"But I came to the conclusion if there wasn't some new entrant into the space arena with a strong ideological motivation, then it didn't seem like we were on a trajectory to ever be a space-faring civilization and be out there among the stars."
"There is so much to explore in our solar system and we're clearly just getting started."
"Probably the most dramatic event in the entire history of the solar system."
"The sun is light, the sun is life. Without the sun, we wouldn't be here to talk about anything because the solar system wouldn't exist, right?"
"Pluto is the largest known dwarf planet in the solar system and was formally thought to be the ninth and furthest planet from the Sun."
"The solar system has a lot of wonders to attract tourism."
"Planet nine: another undiscovered planet in our solar system?"
"The formation of our solar system encourages a disk-like shape."
"We are dwarfed by Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, and our own star, which is 93 million miles away from us—the Sun."
"Pluto's gonna show his friends that he can run the entire solar system."
"Not only is it possible, but it may be just as likely for us to find evidence of alien civilizations within our own solar system as it is that we might find them by other means."
"One exciting theory suggests that diamonds may be raining inside Uranus and Neptune."
"Last year, the Chandra X-ray Observatory detected x-rays on Uranus for the first time."
"Our solar system is located almost exactly in the center of a huge bubble one thousand light years in size."
"The bubble around the solar system was formed about 14 million years ago, during the explosive birth of the bubble."
"The reason the star and the image are so exciting is because this is the youngest star in the vicinity of the solar system."
"This is likely a barely held together dust bunny from the very beginning of this solar system."
"New Horizons has just discovered this four and a half billion year old virgin, pristine and untouched since the dawn of the solar system."
"Gravity: the glue that holds our solar system together."
"Our solar system is a beautiful, varied and fascinating thing."
"The possibility of liquid water anywhere in the solar system is the stuff that geek dreams are made of."
"Scientists hope that studying the dust will reveal new secrets about the cosmic environment surrounding our solar system."
"Here we go, wild adventures was founded by Feldspar, Goss, and Slate and Hornfels to explore the solar system."
"Attention back to our solar system, continuing its incredible chain of discoveries, this time a little closer to home."
"There are craters on Venus as well, but not much. The solar system is almost empty now, but less than a billion years ago, there were still many objects moving around."
"Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, and Neptune. Saturn, Uranus, and Venus aren't the only planets in the solar system."
"These objects in space, they're very old, they're very primitive, they're some of the earliest things that formed in the solar system."
"It was the first time anyone in Europe had even come close to understanding what made our solar system tick."
"Did you know that Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to the Sun?"
"The sun contains 99.8 % of all mass in the Solar System: The Sun is so large that over one million Earth spheres could fit inside it."
"There are probably more than 200 moons in the Solar System: Moons orbit planets and asteroids in our solar system."
"We believe in humanity's destiny to explore the solar system."
"Traveling where something is perturbing our entire solar system."
"A new plan to explore space and extend a human presence across our solar system."
"Our sun is insanely massive - 99.86% of all the mass in the solar system is in the mass of the sun."
"Jupiter is our solar system's largest planet. It's more than twice the mass of all the other planets combined."
"Europa was the next surprise. It is highly reflective and has the smoothest surface of any body in the solar system."
"The Earth occupies a privileged place within the solar system."
"Comets are a picture of what the solar system was like when it was still fresh in the oven."
"We are now looking at our own solar system with the sun, the eight planets and their moons, as well as some asteroids and the dwarf planet series."
"There's some sort of thing that you can really do to have much more fun when it comes to building your own legacy, to changing your career, to changing your legacy, to recreate yourself."
"Pluto, which is smaller than Earth's moon, has five moons of its own."
"Our sun gave us life, the most massive body in our solar system, containing 99.8 percent of its total mass."
"Rocks fall from Interstellar space... there is Interstellar material in the solar system because nothing prevents it."
"The solar system, today, is around four and a half billion years old."
"We do not know beforehand where fundamental insights will arise from about our mysterious and lovely solar system." - Carl Sagan
"It would engulf the orbits of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars." - Beyond the asteroid belt
"Our solar system is like Kerbal in the sense that you couldn't have designed it better."
"The solar system could be home to as many as a hundred thousand interstellar comets."
"If you look at ancient sources... they talk about two and a half islands of life in this solar system: Earth, Mars, and the Moon."
"The solar system extends a lot farther than our classical picture of just the eight planets that we know of and Pluto and the dwarf planets. There is a lot more out there that is bound to the solar system all the way out to the Oort Cloud."
"...because it is such a giant value add to the solar system if we just had another planet and we would be able to learn so much."
"...Uranus of course is tilted over... it's almost 90° or maybe a bit more than that compared to the rest of the solar system."
"...there are five dwarf planets in our solar system."
"Just when you thought we knew everything there is to know about our solar system, discoveries like 2007 or 10 come along to challenge our perspectives."
"The Sun is like, the lifeforce. It’s like the heart of our solar system that every planet revolves around and that all life depends on."
"We should be slightly surprised that our solar system seems to have been stable for the last four billion years."
"Everything we know about the origin of the solar system indicates that Pluto formed at something like half its present distance from the Sun."
"If you find life in more than one astral body in one solar system, it's everywhere."
"The team is eager to crack that SRC open, get the sample canister within, and begin the process of understanding the origins of our solar system and potentially the origins of life."
"Experts tell us it is essentially a time capsule of the ancient solar system."
"Samples from Osiris-REx and Artemis could rewrite our understanding of the evolution of the solar system."
"Neptune is the windiest planet in the solar system."
"The mother of all hurricanes in our solar system is actually on Jupiter."
"The Sun is the king of the solar system; he is the light of our lives without him there would be no life at all on this planet."
"The Moon is the fifth largest satellite in the solar system."
"Each of these dwarf planets tells its own story about the diversity and complexity of our solar system."
"Exploration of the Kyper belt is only just beginning."
"The sun is the superpower of our solar system, a thermonuclear Blast Furnace erupting with massive explosions."
"...thankfully for us it does because it acts like a vacuum cleaner for the solar system and sucks all these materials into Jupiter rather than hitting us is probably why we are still around."
"This is a huge cloud in the outer limits of our solar system. It consists of a bunch of comets and other cool rocks."
"Asteroids are remnants from the formation of the solar system."
"Moons in our solar system are now the prime targets for the search for life."
"If Jupiter was not in our solar system, the Earth would be essentially a sitting duck for all the debris, the comets, and the asteroids that were falling in towards the sun."
"Our solar system has weathered over 4 billion years of planet-altering catastrophes."
"These strange rings may be the result of the Solar System's most intense period of planetary bombardment."
"The beautiful thing about this solar system was we had the sun in Allen Iverson but all the other stars were circulating in Perfect Harmony."
"I mean, it's obvious! Look, if there's a marginalized planet in our solar system, it's gotta be Pluto, right?"
"These UFOs aren't only limited to our Earth it seems that they are inspecting our entire solar system."
"The sun and the Earth are connected in a special way... affected by the sun."
"This will fuel scientists' investigation into the compounds that existed at the formation of the solar system."
"The heliosphere is the shell that's surrounding the sun and the solar system."
"So imagine going back 3 and 1/2 billion years ago and visiting our solar system."
"They are talking about blowing up the very light from the [__] Sun and I am here for it."
"Pluto just never belonged in that list to begin with."
"Europa is one of the most fascinating and enigmatic objects in our solar system."
"The Sun is obviously the most important piece of our entire solar system."
"A world where every three force of a second a new image is captured each one a piece of the puzzle in understanding the sun's impact on our solar system."
"If Phoenix finds what it's looking for, it will change our understanding of the solar system."
"The sun makes up more than 99% of our Solar System's Mass."
"Our understanding of Jupiter is gradually increasing, and with this knowledge comes better understanding of how our solar system formed."
"Each meteorite is a snapshot into a particular moment in our solar system's history."
"The sun was born about 5 billion years ago giving birth not only to itself but to the entire solar system we date earth back to about 4.6 billion years the sun is going to live another 5 billion years so we are exactly midway we're middle-aged."
"It's a thrilling time, so much taking place within the solar system."
"So the spoiler is that the solar system is not the stable place it seems and the interaction between the planets can do dramatic things and we have evidence of that."
"Look at where we are, Planet Play, what better place to play than in the solar system?"
"If a theory of gravity is going to fail, we would expect it to fail when gravity is strong and nearby in the solar system."
"Earth is the only planet in our solar system that burns."
"UA mua is a milestone in astronomy, shedding light on the formation of the solar system."
"Studying these worlds could give us valuable insights into the evolution of our own solar system."
"The planets in our solar system orbit around what star?"
"In our solar system, gravity is destiny."
"The overall dynamics of the solar system could be altered."
"The Earth meets all these criteria and is therefore indisputably part of the happy family of planets in the solar system."
"The Mystique surrounding the dark side persists and it hasn't entirely shed its status as one of the solar system's intriguing Mysteries."
"Space has weather too, but it isn't the same as our weather on Earth. Most space weather in our solar system comes from our Sun."
"with four gas giants in our solar system, we could keep the sun sizzling for another 87 million years"
"The ocean on Jupiter is larger than any other on the rest of the solar system's planets."
"Space may look empty, but it's not. It's full of stuff blown out of the Sun."
"The sun has become twice as small as it used to be, it now looks like a distant spec."
"In the turmoil of the early solar system, millions if not trillions of comets and asteroids pelted the primordial earth."
"All the planets in the solar system orbit the sun at different speeds."
"Overall, exploration of Mercury is important for understanding the early history of our solar system, the processes that shaped it, and the potential for life on other planets."
"Now you have probably heard that Earth was created by a Supernova causing our solar system to form and most of our heavy elements are thought to have come from that Supernova."
"The Kuiper belt is a huge region of the edge of our solar system where the Comets live."
"Your energy is very magnetic and when I think of the sun, I also think of the fact that it's at the center of our solar system and all our planets revolve around it."
"This is Titan, the frozen flammable gold mine of the solar system, with hundreds of times more natural gas and other hydrocarbons than Earth."
"The moons of our solar system, especially the ice moons, are some of the most fascinating objects in our solar system."
"The moon and the stars of the solar system shine by the reflected light of the Sun."
"Besides Earth, what are the planets in the solar system named after? Greek and Roman gods."
"Out of thousands of star systems discovered this one seem to resemble the solar system the most."
"...you can kind of mix and match and create your own solar generator system between the different Jackery solar panels and the different Jackery solar power stations."
"Knowing what the inner core is like can help us better understand the moon's history as well as the history of our entire solar system."
"This was one of the interesting results from Kepler, is most of the planets we're finding, there's no counterpart in our solar system."
"The rings of Saturn can tell us about the origins of a much bigger ring system, the one around our sun."
"Mercury zips around the sun in only 88 days."
"Earth takes exactly 365.25 days to complete an orbit of the sun."
"...space is expanding in our system but the distance from the Earth to the sun does not change because of this expansion."
"It’s strange to think that our planet occupies only a very tiny portion of our solar system."
"Let's treasure and appreciate our small quiet solar system."
"About 9 billion years later, our solar system got into the game too."
"So big that it makes up over 90% of all the matter in our solar system."
"Makes sense. It's just like a miniature solar system on its own."
"Meteorites tell us something about the very deep past 4 and a half billion years ago when our solar system was just forming."
"Energy fields people talk about... the electromagnetic field of the Sun goes past Pluto."
"The Sun is at what we call one of the foci of that ellipse."
"The sun rules our planet and the rest of our solar system."
"Our sun is way too small to ever explode."
"These are literally the time capsules of the early solar system."
"We're going to be looking at the minerals... to learn more about how the solar system formed and evolved."
"When the Bennu sample is analyzed, it will help scientists to better understand the formation of the solar system and our own origins."
"But when we're so focused on Mars and the ocean worlds, we tend to forget about how important it is to really understand that full breadth of planetary evolution that's here right in our own neighborhood, right here in our own Solar System."
"It's all in the name, so we want to look at those building block chemistries of the earliest solar system."
"The planets had formed from the dust as it clumped together."
"The beautiful symmetry of the solar system... could only be evidence of divine providence."
"Neptune and the Kuiper Belt are believed to have begun their dance far closer to the sun, with the edge of the far denser Kuiper Belt lying where Neptune is today."
"We may have only begun to discover our solar system's greatest river."
"The search for water is an important goal in solar system exploration, and now we've spotted another place where it is abundant."
"The vast majority of our solar system, over 99 percent, is unknown."
"Hey guys, today we're going to play this game called Solar System."
"Jupiter might have originated outside of our star system."
"Jupiter might have been enriched with heavy elements and then headed towards our star, completing its formation."
"Having a well thought out solar system means you can leave camp when you want to, not when your batteries run flat and you have to."
"We are seeing the clockwork of the solar system in action."
"The Earth got its water by Icy Pebbles migrating inward after the Earth formed, which is amazing."
"If you towed Pluto into the inner solar system... Pluto would turn into a comet."
"The Orion arm is a minor arm of the Milky Way. It is in this arm that the solar system and therefore the Earth is located."
"We live on Earth, Earth is the third planet from the Sun."
"Jupiter and its moons are a kind of miniature solar system."
"The sun used to be in the center of our solar system, far enough not to burn us but still close enough to give us light, warmth, and beautiful scenes."
"The Sun takes about a quarter billion years to go once around the Milky Way galaxy."
"We're talking about a potentially unstoppable chain reaction here; uncontrolled release of antimatter could ultimately threaten the stability of our entire solar system."