
Soviet Union Quotes

There are 215 quotes

"The Soviet Union suffered critical existence failure."
"It would be much better not only for the history of Russia but also for the country's future if Russian leaders were willing to permit and even encourage a more even-handed discussion of the Soviet Union's role in the war."
"The gulag archipelago talks about what life was like inside the Soviet forced labor camp system."
"The Soviet Union was the first to send a man-made object into another planet's atmosphere, the planet in question is Venus."
"The Soviet authorities made the tough choice to close and decommission the problematic nuclear power facility."
"If we stand by and allow the Soviet Union in international waters to block the United States from acting on behalf of our friends and allies, then freedom will die."
"The Soviet Union will be looked at in history not as the end of communism but as its first valiant experiment."
"And thus ended, in a quiet and undistinguished way, the story of one of the most unique units of the Soviet Air Force: the Air Base 1521 Maryy, the Soviet Top Gun."
"He thinks he could be [on the same stage as superpowers] should he reclaim most or much of the 100 million people he lost in population when the Soviet Union evaporated."
"The Soviet Union was not just surviving but thriving with an emphasis on heavy industry, which was an absolute necessity for its industrialization."
"This vague summary maddened the families and Soviets alike, and it continues to mystify the Dyatlov researchers to this day."
"Stalin's victims lie silent in the Russian soil as many as 20 million lives were cut short by a brutal regime."
"Between the early 1930s and his eventual death in 1953, Joseph Stalin was responsible for the executions of well over a million of his own citizens."
"The United States did not support, much less cause, the breakup of the Soviet Union."
"Putin described the collapse of the Soviet Union as the greatest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century."
"Yeltsin and Ronald Reagan, they really uh [ __ ] up the Soviet Union. Oh boy."
"The contribution of the Soviet people was both enormous and decisive."
"The collapse of the Soviet Union is the greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century."
"He wants to come back to times of the Soviet Union."
"In order to finally learn historical lessons rather than constantly repeating this late Soviet Union Dynamic, Russia needs to fail."
"So Stalin took over, he implemented his five-year plans, which transformed the country from an agriculture-based economy to an industrial one."
"We owe them some thanks... the Soviet Union had actually dissolved itself rather than taking us on in physical war."
"For the next quarter of a century he ruled the Soviet Union in a totalitarian fashion, murdering millions in his quest to retain absolute power."
"Vladimir: 'For all the people who wanted change in the Soviet Union, that was really that created a lot of tailwinds because we thought that if Eastern Europeans were able to do it, that we can also do it ourselves.'"
"Soviet Union improved the lives of ordinary people more rapidly than any state has ever done in history."
"It's a huge mistake to look at Soviet history as an economic failure."
"Joseph Stalin would aim to turn the Soviet Union into a modernized industrialized country and he wanted it done rapidly."
"Gorbachev's reforms marked the beginning of an end the end of the Soviet Union the restructuring implemented by him did not lead to the success he envisioned."
"The fall of the Soviet Union started with the debacle in Afghanistan."
"This all ended in the early 1990s after a series of failed reforms by Mikhail Gorbachev."
"The Soviet home front is a story of deprivation, repression, and death."
"He was a zealous reformer who tore down the bloody edifice of Stalinism."
"What they don't realize is that prebuilts are a great gateway of bringing more people into our community."
"The situation parallel[s] that of the Soviet Union at its end."
"Well, within three days Soviet forces had achieved The Impossible, they'd surrounded the sixth Army."
"Why did the Soviet Union fall? Command economies don't work; hard authoritarianism breeds stagnation."
"It is widely accepted that it was the Soviet Union and its people that crushed Nazi Germany and won World War II in Europe."
"Gorbachev was a miracle... he began to see as he moved toward the peak of power in the 1980s that this was a system that was corrupt, it was inefficient, it was broken."
"The Soviet Union did in the 1950s what Japan did in the 1980s."
"The whole history of the MiG-9 s design, development and military service fits in just about 5 years."
"For Soviet aviation it became a leap into a new, yet unknown world of high speeds and modern technologies."
"Living in the Soviet Union takes more out of you than living in a normal country."
"Stalin inherited a fully-formed terror state, he ramped up the scale of its oppression but the machinery was there and taking over Lenin had built it."
"Yuri's Obsession wasn't even that strange to many people in the USSR as plenty of regular citizens had the same ideas."
"All of these war materials that were delivered to the Soviet Union went to arm and equip millions of young Soviets."
"The collapse of the Soviet Union was a sequence of causes."
"The collapse of the Soviet Union was declared 'the greatest catastrophe of the 20th century' by Putin."
"The issue was not the 23 inch diameter sphere that produced a small radio beep per se, but the park surface explains the huge Soviet rocket that hurled the satellite into space."
"The dissolution of the Soviet Union changed everything."
"Stalin presides over this Victory Parade in Moscow where they throw the banners the Nazi Banners at his feet."
"The Soviets peaked in some ways they reached parity with the United States military in the 70s."
"Socialism in the Soviet Union proved that there are certain intractable economic and social problems that capitalism cannot solve and that only socialism can solve."
"The Soviet Union immediately implemented the right of nations to self-determination and legislated equal rights for all nations, ethnicities, and religions."
"The successes of the Soviet Union expand beyond the time and space of Russia and the other republics. They've become a historical phenomenon of incredible importance."
"The Soviet Union won the Second World War. It was an incredibly hard-won victory, but it was a victory."
"The outcome of the contest between the United States and Soviet Union is determined by the spiritual vitality of your society."
"The defection of a woman whose birth name was Svetlana Stellina, the youngest child and only daughter of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, deserves to be remembered."
"It's fairly safe to say that the Soviet Union was under nuclear threat."
"The Soviet Union achieved the first successful launch."
"I think the best thing that we could do is go back to the original deal when the Soviet Union was broken up."
"The most brutal of all the Soviet leaders at the same time he was the one who achieved the most."
"Gorbachev's choice to condemn Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in December pissed off Soviet hardliners."
"Red lines eventually happened, and when the collapse of the Soviet Union took place again, economic austerity and scarcity pretty much ruined it."
"Why did the Soviet Union collapse? It was due to its deviation from a democratic trajectory."
"In 1941, no one country could face Germany alone. However, the Soviets were the only one who could fight head to head with the Germans."
"It actually humanized the Soviet Union far more than anything I've recently seen in like World War II media."
"The collapse of the Soviet system was the greatest event of the political event of the 20th century."
"Alcohol in the USSR was considered an unofficial currency, exchanged for products or services."
"He became a member of the Comintern, the organization set up by the Soviets to take Communism to the world."
"The Soviet Union landed on the moon first in 1959, a decade before two American astronauts landed on the moon. The Soviet Union's Luna 2 became the first man-made object to reach the moon."
"There's a constant tug of war within the history of the Soviet Union."
"The Soviet Union was less a country and more an open-air art gallery."
"Stalin's convenient incapacity is a part of the narrative of Soviet victimhood."
"Oil seemed to save the Soviet Union in the 1970s but it merely delayed the inevitable."
"This became very painfully clear in April of 1986 when the world's worst nuclear catastrophe at Chernobyl demonstrated the depth of the Soviet Union's problems."
"Every facet of Soviet society was deeply intertwined with the conflict."
"The absence of seasoned commanders undoubtedly hampered the Soviet Union's military effectiveness and strategic planning."
"The Soviet Union's ability to mobilize such large numbers of troops reflects their determination to defend their homeland at all costs."
"Order number 227, famously known as the 'Not one step back' order, epitomized the uncompromising resolve of the Soviet leadership in the face of enemy aggression."
"Here is when the Soviets really upped their game in power and coordination."
"The Soviet forces driven by their fervent desire to capture the Reichstag engaged in intense combat."
"They were thrust into the horrors of war by Stalin's regime and treated as expendable pawns."
"The Soviet Union had three big achievements: it built a gigantic welfare state, it defeated Fascism, and it enabled decolonization."
"That the ideological Dimension to what the Soviet Union did even under Stalin here must never be forgotten."
"Stalin spends years building a vast military force. Soviet War preparations began long before Hitler was a threat in the west."
"Tito could and did chart his own course, independent from the USSR."
"At the end of the day, the Ryad program heralded a new era in Soviet computing, and the best overall summation of its effect is probably this one, since 1968 a higher priority has been given to computer production and more effort has been put into coordination."
"What the Soviets do not want under any circumstances is NATO expansion."
"The Soviet Union possessed no Monopoly when it came to excellent military hardware."
"Let's smash it all up. I mean, I covered the Soviet Union, they decided to smash it all up."
"Vorkuta was the capital of coal industry in the Komi Republic during the Soviet Union."
"It's become finally possible for us to stop looking at the history of the Soviet Union through the narrow lens of Western politics."
"The Soviet system couldn't last. It was doomed. It was over. No one believed in it anymore."
"...the process of destalinization was about to begin in the Soviet Union."
"for the first time almost every Soviet family could have their own home."
"Some of these occurrences have been circulating around the Soviet Union at the time when UFOs had almost sparked a missile crisis."
"...by January of 1961 the Soviets had established the Vanguard six their first group of cosmonauts to be sent on crude space missions."
"Dimitri polakov will forever be considered one of the foremost sources of Soviet Military Intelligence for the US and at the time he was America's most important spy."
"The Soviet system could not afford to dwell on its traumatic past for long."
"Baran was the most expensive of all Soviet space programs."
"The Holocaust could hardly be contained in any Soviet history of the war, least of all one that moved the center of gravity of suffering East to Russia, where relatively few Jews died."
"The attack on the Soviet Union marked a turning point."
"On the 21st of July 1940 the people's parliaments held their sessions during which they each named their respective countries as Soviet Socialist republics and adopted appeals to Moscow to allow them to join the Soviet Union."
"Ironically it was these three republics which eventually spearheaded the Soviet collapse."
"A mere 30 miles from Berlin, it was the Soviet Union's most lopsided victory of the war."
"Hitler and the Germans overestimated their own superiority, and underestimated the Soviet Union’s determination to continue the fight regardless of the loss."
"These are all people who were born in the Soviet Union went to Soviet schools were members of the young pioneers of the young Communist League of the Communist Party they are a product of a society that no longer exists."
"It was a very serious public warning by me to the Soviet Union through a speech to the Congress."
"The Moscow signal refers to a mysterious phenomenon observed during the Cold War, especially in the 1970s and 80s, where American intelligence agencies detected unusual radio transmissions emitting from the Soviet Union."
"Gorbachev's policies ultimately unleashed forces that contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union."
"As Nixon and Kissinger hoped, the Soviets took note of the unusual U.S. activity and responded with low-level precautionary actions."
"The Soviet industrialization campaign was not one for improving the lives of the people but rather to improve and enhance its military potential."
"The driving force behind the Soviet space program was still Sergey Korolev..."
"His actions blamed by some for being the ultimate cause of the downfall of the Soviet Union."
"Soviet achievements in areas such as space exploration, that was all part of the Soviet propaganda, was part of a way of projecting their image, part of a way of saying that they were a superpower."
"The Duggar array is a 700 meter longer radar that was built to detect rocket launchers as an early warning system for the Soviet Union."
"The Soviet response began in Soviet Russia when Alexi, who was a factory worker, very publicly saved a woman and her child from a burning building using a Soviet hammer and sickle flag as protection."
"This is how a part of Soviet reality has reached our time, which is unlikely to be reproduced in the foreseeable future."
"The only thing the United States cared about back then was pushing the Soviet Union out of Afghanistan."
"Stalin bought himself time, time to reconstruct the Soviet economy and time also to undo the damage that had been done to the Soviet armed forces through the purges."
"The Soviet Union is one of two superpowers and sees itself charged with a historical destiny."
"The collapse of the Soviet Union can actually be more attributed to internal factors that had built up throughout the nation's existence."
"The Soviet Union was quite literally a house of cards that had fallen."
"Through restructuring and transparency, the Soviet Union would be able to evolve and survive into the modern world."
"The denunciation of Stalin and his actions was the moment that the Soviet Union pivoted in its direction."
"He was praised as the great leader, the father of nations, the best friend of teachers and engineers."
"The dissolution of the Soviet Union was probably the greatest ethical event of the 20th century."
"The Soviet Union claims to be the future, the movement of history, an alternative to you, at the same time as it's talking about being for peace."
"Stalin knew in 1945 that they exceeded 20 million but he tried to conceal this."
"This is the creation of the so-called Soviet School of Chess, a combination of pride, hard work, determination, and resources to ascend to the top of the Chess World."
"It was nearly midnight on 21st June 1941 — the eve of the German invasion of the Soviet Union."
"Being born in the Soviet Union, being Jewish, those are two chances someone in my family could have been in a concentration camp."
"Stalin himself said that the sturmovik was as vital to the Soviet Union as air or bread."
"When the Soviet Union tested its first nuclear device in August of 1949, it created new challenges for Western defense planning."
"Putin viewed the collapse of the Soviet Union not as the liberation of Ukraine and Azerbaijan and Armenia in the Baltic states or the possibility of a democratic promise, he viewed it as the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century."
"The old Soviet Union disappeared not with a bang but a whimper."
"The Soviet Union was brought down by three things, all three of which strike me as parallel in America."
"Collapse of Soviet Union, it was catastrophic."
"Human rights issue... played an important role in softening the situation in the Soviet Union."
"Poland was vital to Soviet security."
"I want to create a space where people can learn about interesting aspects of the Soviet Union."
"The bald eagle symbolizes the United States; what animal symbolizes the Soviet Union?"
"The collapse of Soviet imperialism is the most decisive thing that's happened in my political lifetime."
"Sitting on top of this derelict building, it was hard to imagine that this place was once the bustling center of the fearsome Soviet nuclear program."
"This is going to be one of the most fascinating trips I've ever taken in the former Soviet Union."
"They weren't just legends, they were Soviet legends."
"The success of the Venera Mission inspired the Russians to dig deeper into the cosmos."
"The first Soviet accomplishments in space were achieved at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan."
"The sheer material superiority of the Soviets forced them to the negotiation table."
"The Soviet Union crumbled with astonishing swiftness."
"Women's suffrage was granted, abortion was legalized in 1920, making the Soviet Union the first country in the world to do so."
"The B2 sent a very clear message to the Soviet: we can hit you anytime, anywhere, with any weapon of our choosing, and there's nothing you can do to stop it."
"From 1917 to 1953 under the Soviet Union, approximately 49 million Russians died from a combination of revolution, starvation, and the forced resettlement."
"By the 1930s, the Soviet Union was eager to show the achievements of nationwide centralized planning."
"The city of Lviv looks nothing like any of the other towns that we've passed through on our travels across the former Soviet Union."
"Before the fall of Communism, Russia was better known by that two-word name, Soviet Union."
"The Soviet planning system has been a powerful engine for economic growth."
"It is essential that we in the Soviet Union join an efforts toward avoiding war in the Middle East."
"Gorbachev's rule saw the end of the Soviet Union, something Vladimir Putin later described as a major geopolitical disaster."
"He was the father of the Soviet chess school."
"The battle-hardened battalion quickly turned the tide in favor of Soviet forces once again."
"The surface pilots of Tsar were all hailed as Heroes of the Soviet Union, awarded the distinction after having laid their lives down for the USSR."
"So thank you for watching, I really hope you've enjoyed this trip behind the iron curtain to the olden days."
"The cold war ends in 1991 when the Soviet Union falls due to poor economic conditions."
"Vladimir Putin is driven by a sense of honor lost as the Soviet Union collapsed."
"The collapse of the Soviet Union should have come as no surprise to anyone who understood basic economics."
"He created the Soviet heavy industry from scratch and prepared the country for the hardest trial in its history - the Great Patriotic War."
"The Council on Evacuation... allowed to save the industrial potential of the Soviet Union and helped it win the war."