
Asset Management Quotes

There are 546 quotes

"Income follows assets. The more assets you have, the more income you'll earn."
"I prefer an asset that is no one else's liability, an asset that has intrinsic value versus somebody saying I'll pay you someday."
"Any cashflow can be valued, therefore any asset can be valued."
"The character of the asset's owners determines the destiny of the asset."
"Own assets that cannot be counterfeited. Commodities, businesses, these are great options."
"To survive, everyone must convert their work into assets that are scarce, desirable, portable, durable, and maintainable."
"The European Union has proposed taking 90% of the revenues generated by Russia's frozen assets and transferring them to an EU-run fund that finances weapons for Ukraine."
"Your car is a liability, it's not making you any money."
"The first rule that he has is he'll sell the shares if he can expect a higher return by trading into another asset."
"The whole secret to building wealth is to get out of cash and get into assets that are denominated in dollars."
"If you understand... the power of true compounding... you can grow your assets at 15% a year, that means you'll double your assets every five years."
"The world is filled with so much uncertainty and instability, central banks around the globe are stockpiling the asset."
"I like cash flow because when you have cash flow coming in from your assets, you're getting paid without having to go to work."
"BlackRock is the largest asset manager in the world with assets pushing 10 trillion dollars, more than double the GDP of Germany, the fourth largest economy in the world."
"The only thing that actually matters is buying and holding."
"Assets come with cash flow; the house you're living in doesn't."
"The value of an asset is not the same thing as the asset itself."
"So essentially non-performing assets were not just 25% of assets as in the early 90s they were close to 100% non-performing assets."
"They've become the largest asset manager in the world, controlling more than 10 trillion dollars globally."
"Equities are an avenue to preserve wealth; they are less risky than cash and government bonds."
"Good debt buys you assets that generate free cash flow."
"Web pack is a bundler for JavaScript and Friends packs many modules into a few bundled assets."
"Rich Dad Poor Dad teaches assets vs. liabilities... Financial freedom through assets and passive income."
"If you're going to go into real estate, debt is your best asset."
"I am building portfolios in a way that no other asset managers are building them."
"The goal is to have some assets that are paying for everything in your life. Investments are just like that."
"A wallet is essentially an account where you hold your assets, and you have hot wallets and cold wallets."
"Maybe putting it into precious metals that you control, maybe holding it in a vault in Singapore or Switzerland, or keeping it in a home safe. You've got to make sure you've got proper places."
"Valuations are more extreme than almost ever, and profit margins are more extreme than most ever."
"It's about aligning those assets to provide the wind at your back."
"Having more assets than liabilities is crucial."
"The biggest mistake... their biggest regret when it came to investing was selling a great asset."
"Your home that you live in is an investment, it's an asset."
"I've told people for a long time, buy assets, leave your assets there. If you are younger, if you should be risk-seeking when you are young, that is the time to do it."
"You need to spend your money on assets rather than liabilities."
"It's the concept of owning nothing but controlling everything."
"Be in the top one or 2% of assets, do not mess around with ones that are not."
"Gold is poised to probably be the safest asset out there."
"Naturally, the more profit you can earn on fewer assets, the more valuable the company is because it takes less money in order to earn more money."
"People are your best asset. Work together, build trust, and create networks."
"Indexes don't just come about because they're good investments, they come about because it's an opportunity for a management company to gather assets through a new ETF."
"I am fully prepared for this because I own a lot of real assets."
"But if you own an asset, now this asset continues to pay you."
"Now you can build a whole asset portfolio that can continue to pay you."
"It's actually your data and it's an asset class."
"One of the biggest features in XD is assets. In assets, you can save colors, you can save character styles, and you can save components, which you can then reuse later on across your entire project."
"This is another way to share assets with other people, with developers, or with members of your team."
"I believe really strongly that you should always have the lion's share of your wealth in an undervalued asset that's in a long-term positive trend."
"Large entities like Grayscale have billions of assets under management and no banks are involved." - Michael Moro, CEO of Genesis
"Asset allocation: the most important part of your investment future."
"If we can find great assets, we should always buy great assets."
"Holding gold is not a hedge against inflation; it has done nothing but make you lose money."
"Reason number one to consider maybe getting some of your assets out of dodge is, of course, what's happening in Russia and Ukraine."
"Change wrestling hidden assets into certain visits."
"Bitcoin is the best asset for this macro world that we're in."
"Gold actually becomes one of the best asset classes to own during that period of time."
"You're not losing your money, you're investing it into assets."
"I'm into assets that are alive and producing income."
"Essentially right is imagine you get all your assets together and you get the mechanics you know the mechanics working."
"Asset owners are the ones that win in inflationary environments."
"Buying a really good asset, holding it for an extended period of time, and only risking what you're willing to lose."
"The path to the right side of the cash flow quadrant starts with thinking in terms of acquiring assets that produce passive income."
"Your goal should be for your assets to take care of you and your family."
"There’s a portfolio of assets that are better to have almost like if you have a worst-case scenario."
"Crypto is becoming an asset that corporations want to have on their balance sheet."
"Buy it when it is the most unloved and ignored asset possible and then you ride it up."
"Assets need to generate passive income. If they're not generating passive income, they're not assets."
"You gotta have assets to protect yourself. That's the only way you protect yourself."
"What you need to be doing is investing in assets that build wealth."
"Depreciation is not something that normal people think about as often as they should."
"Money works 24/7. It's the best employee you'll ever have."
"Would you sell your alts? What, you're implying that you're gonna sell all your alts or everyone should sell their alts? The answer is no, no, it's that simple."
"For investors that are looking out into late 2021 or in 2022 I think a lot of these scarce assets are good to own."
"Investing in anything is better than investing in cash."
"Buy a hard asset that appreciates and never sell it."
"You always want the lion's share of your wealth in an undervalued asset."
"Inflation is still with us and for a long time, and so real assets are going to do well in the long, in the super long run."
"The key is preserving your purchasing power and owning the assets that will retain that purchasing power and actually grow in purchasing power as this crisis unfolds."
"We understand the importance of how the assets entrusted to us connect to their real lives."
"Bitcoin is really starting to behave like the asset that we want it to be."
"Bitcoin started outperforming every other asset on earth... It became no point to own any other assets now."
"I've learned since then, one of the key tenets of wealth building: You have to have assets. The wealthy, they don't sell their assets, they hold on to it, they refinance."
"Larry says, 'We are going to tokenize all assets. I see value in having an Ethereum ETF.'"
"We built these assets ourselves through our hard work and ingenuity."
"The first reason why you want to form your LLC is not for the business, it's for you to protect your assets from business creditors."
"I really love this concept of let's have bitcoin on the table as part of the discussion of a treasury asset that we could hold on our balance sheet if we're gonna need to store something."
"Bitcoin is possibly the sole store of value asset for the 21st century."
"I have the majority of my crypto on cold storage."
"BlackRock is the largest asset manager in the world... it owns a lot of Russia as well."
"I would also have a gold and a bitcoin allocation in that portfolio."
"Quality over quantity. I'd rather be 30% cash but be invested 70% in really good quality names."
"The principle is the same at all scales: divide your assets into a savings account in an appreciating asset (BTC) and a checking account in a depreciating currency."
"Zero exposure to this new asset would be a mistake in my opinion."
"Does it make sense to have all of one's assets in one broker? Spreading it out could be good."
"We got to learn how to hold on to something and make it work. We gotta hold on to something of value so that we can monetize it and still hold on to ownership of it."
"You don't get free, rich, or secure by what you do, you get it by what you own."
"The real wealth comes from one of the most valuable assets you'll ever own, and it's an asset called time."
"I think Flare is going to be able to add a level of interoperability not only with XRP but all other assets."
"You want to have something to put in the trust before you start because that's what actually makes it honorable from like a judge's point of view is that there's actually something in it."
"The wealth-building component comes from what you own."
"I like this as an asset... I think it'll be alright."
"Once you've had some success, some assets, surprise, it, everyone, at 90 years old, you should not be making a will."
"To become rich, you must own as many assets as possible."
"Implement a determined strategy for liquidating assets to secure profits in a methodical way."
"Assets cover your bills. Buy more assets with that money. Financial Freedom in three simple steps."
"Real estate is an investment, it's an instrument, it's a vehicle. I make sound decisions."
"There's some kind of commitment... we're not just going to flip the asset."
"If you're the only asset you'll always have you better learn how to sell you and perceived value comes down to that."
"The long-term strategy of buying solid companies, holding them for many years, and borrowing against your portfolio to use that money tax-free is exactly what I am doing."
"Hard assets are going to do well in the next few years."
"Financial preparedness: the economic collapse in the US and Argentina demonstrate the importance of having an emergency fund, investments in tangible assets like gold and silver, and reducing reliance on banks."
"Strive Asset Management announced its launch... to restore the voices of everyday citizens in the American economy."
"Financial Freedom comes when you have enough assets to fund your lifestyle period."
"The most important thing to remember is this: the 67 year old version of you needs to have assets."
"Diversify not just within an asset class but amongst the asset classes."
"Assets in your own possession only is what's going to survive this."
"The time for nannies is gone; you should be smart enough to deal with your own assets."
"Bitcoin is apex property for the human race."
"Establish a treasury policy; the right thing to hold for a decade would be a portfolio of scarce assets."
"You might want to have some money outside of the banking system."
"In order to be in the reserves, you have to be a very good store of value."
"Assets come before wealth in the dictionary. Get enough assets, and you get wealth."
"The rich will continue to become richer because they understand these two things and they will always continue to work to buy assets."
"The really smart players especially the large players will never sell their bitcoin I'm never going to sell my bitcoin but they will borrow against it."
"You have to earn money from what you own instead of just earning money from what you can do."
"Liquidate your assets, get around like-minded people."
"Bitcoin is like a hedge or actually insurance to any other assets that you're holding."
"When the political order gets crazy, you know what you want to do? You're going to want to have some tangible assets." - Michael Knowles
"Attitude: Wouldn't you love to pay your bills, reduce your liabilities, and increase your assets?"
"There's just no place to hide your currency hide your assets or hide your Investments."
"Effort is the difference maker; it's not an asset flip if you take the right building blocks, put them in the right place, and add your original work to it."
"Elon Musk is completely invested. He has no cash and no houses because Elon knows the money game."
"Get out of it, convert it into hard assets, gold, silver."
"If you have your money in productive assets, they win over time."
"Understanding money is empowering. You really get empowered when you start to know what money is and how it works."
"Crypto offers something different, something that has actual scarcity or rarity, something that has a total cap."
"Rental real estate is an asset - it puts money into your bank account."
"It's divorce insurance. The more you're worth, the more you've got to be willing to pay for to protect yourself."
"If we want to protect ourselves, we need to invest in tangible assets like real estate and precious metals."
"This goes beyond the surface; it validates tokenization as a concept when the largest asset manager on earth makes the plunge."
"We talk about the best assets, that's all we do."
"Depreciation is just a way to allocate the cost of an asset over its useful life."
"An asset is something that puts money in your pocket."
"Cash and things like that liquid cash save cash is likely to be one of the very best places to be."
"It generally takes about 30 days to set up and transfer assets over."
"Cash is now a risk asset, people are moving to money market funds."
"The only thing that actually protects the portfolio is gold."
"A good category of investments for what's coming are hard assets."
"Most of your wealth comes from buying underperforming assets and fixing them up, making them worth more."
"Inspirational book that really gets you thinking: buy assets not liabilities."
"I became a millionaire by running a number of personal apps."
"I like to always think about my assets as a combination of time, money, health, and energy."
"It is better to have two million dollars that you own than to have 20 million dollars that somebody else owns."
"This is why the people that benefit from inflation are the wealthy, the financially educated people."
"When you own assets you are the one making money when everybody else is spending money."
"Florida's Chief Financial Officer said his Department would pull $2 billion worth of its assets managed by BlackRock."
"You're going to control this deal with $200,000 which is no money on a $3 million asset."
"You build wealth with assets, not work or talent. You build it with assets."
"Financial freedom is when you're able to build assets and those assets are able to pay your bills without you having to do any physical labor. That's financial freedom."
"Taking a loan against your appreciated assets... is a great way to get liquidity without triggering a taxable event."
"I'm gonna do a little bit of cash parking in Google."
"Execute a plan, don't deviate from it, and buy quality assets at deep discounts."
"You talked about replacing the treasury bond as an asset."
"If you're just Joe Q right now you get paid a lot to sit on the sidelines... you get paid to be safe and if your gold price is hanging in there I think that it's just a lot easier to allocate your assets in this environment."
"Assets are things that provide you income, liabilities are things that consume income. But you can't just look at that within what's going on right now, you really need to be looking at that through the future as well."
"If you're not holding real assets like gold or silver, it's going to be a costly mistake."
"Finances are a part of prepping, tighten up your purse strings and reallocate your assets to essentials."
"If we go into World War Three then I'm gonna want a more reliable asset."
"Car should be your last priority—it's a depreciating asset."
"Crypto bubble inflation: did you buy the hype or the utility? Let use case and fundamentals be your guide."
"Cash is not trash when assets go down; your cash becomes more valuable."
"It taught a million young people that they need to have an asset in their portfolio that isn't simultaneously somebody else's liability, that is classical money, which is silver."
"My assets generate income, so I own 100% of my time."
"Assets that generate income give you freedom, choices, and more time."
"It's a lot harder to sleep through a 30 correction when you don't actually believe in the asset that you're holding."
"Remember, my strategy at a basic level is for assets that I believe and have strong roadmaps and I'm already very familiar with the fundamentals. I do not just look at the technicals on this channel."
"Tokenization of all types of assets are coming."
"This becomes a monstrous asset for this entire new Financial world."
"I don't think people realize how much the interaction between the two layers... are going to change the way we view assets and liabilities."
"Everybody's worried about inflation, that's why you're seeing a lot of people not wanting to move their cash to other assets."
"Understanding the long-term sort of trajectory of this asset... is one of the more comforting things."
"Options decay to zero, so you need securities that can be a linchpin of your investment portfolio."
"I believe it's the number one way to protect and preserve your wealth."
"Wealth comes from ownership. You have to have assets that have the opportunity to retain value or appreciate in value."
"Assume risk wisely. Cash for necessities, precious metals for assets."
"Deposit one Bitcoin worth 27,000, withdraw 13,500 in USDT, never get liquidated, never pay interest, never have to pay it back unless you want to."
"You got to get out of all of the bubble assets."
"Asset allocation is definitely a highly personal decision."
"Sell your silver and buy things with it, mainly cryptos."
"I typically try to avoid holding cryptocurrencies on exchanges because when your crypto is on an exchange it's not your crypto, it's their crypto."
"Everything is moving exactly as it should and again this goes back to like your own business your side hustle your current career or obtaining assets of some kind."
"You should have like 30% of your liquid assets on hand."
"Buying shares is a wonderful thing... don't necessarily care to own."
"Proof of reserves are a point in time review of asset Holdings rather than an ongoing reporting cycle, it opens up potential for borrowing or other forms of temporary asset acquisition or reshuffling to show a more favorable picture on reserves."
"Words of wisdom: look at it as wealth, not as an investment."
"If you don't own any gold and silver, I think you're making a big mistake as an asset allocator."
"Your house isn't an asset if it's losing money every month." - Robert Kiyosaki
"Email is traffic you actually own, so that's definitely an asset."
"It's having physical either having physical in your possession or storing it in a large Vault."