
Career Planning Quotes

There are 396 quotes

"Find an intersection of what you like to do, what you're good at, and the cause that you want to make and improve on. When you find it, go for it, and it takes tons of hard work, but it won't feel like hard work because you're going to enjoy it so much."
"It's about getting a skill that lets you live a fulfilling life with a meaningful career."
"Let's talk about life after YouTube... this might not last forever... we're taking advantage of it."
"Finding the best job for you involves considering your degrees, skills, interests, and the skills you would be willing to learn."
"If you're a student and you're thinking of a potential path, make sure that you take an internship before you finish your degree."
"LeBron James said that his final season in the NBA will be alongside his son as his teammate."
"Ultimately, you have to prepare for these next three months but do not let the next three months define what you have done or what you will do at the NFL level."
"Find a career that you're interested in and then work your way backwards on what steps you need to take in order to get there."
"It's important to know what you need from a job."
"I retired at 45 while a lot of my peers who made more money than me won't be done until they're 65."
"What am I good at? What am I not good at? How am I going to put myself in a position to be successful?"
"You should be career cushioning at like every day of your life, regardless if there's a recession or the economy is doing great."
"Focus on your hobbies, focus on having fun, improve slowly every day, and in a couple of years, you'll be leaning more one direction and you'll know what to do then."
"Most people do not plan out their career... and essentially start giving their precious gift away because time is the one thing that you can't get back."
"If you strategize your career for the long term, you’ll always come out as the winner, and you’ll enjoy a comfortable, luxurious lifestyle."
"I think it's important to note that, you know, no matter what major you choose at the outset, especially like when you're still in like the first year or two of your degree, like it's ... you're not locked into something necessarily, right?"
"The mistake is to think of life as 100 years long and to think that you have this 20 or 30-year period in which you will concentrate a huge amount of the output of your professional life. And that's actually not very long."
"It's great to ask kids, 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' But one thing that might be added to that question is, 'What five things do you want to be when you grow up?'"
"I used to work a lot because... it'll let you know what you don't want to do when you get older."
"You better figure out who is going to be running this world, and put yourself on the right side of that if you want to be profitable."
"Start early if there's something you wanna do, that you know, after college, try to start in college if you have an idea."
"That's why I'm trying to make my best friend, who's a CPA, she promises me she's going to come work for me in a month."
"You got to know your worth, you got to figure out what you want to do and make a plan."
"I applied to all my schools intending to major in neuroscience on the pre-med track, but I also made sure to include that I was interested in the arts like animation, video editing, media studies, social media."
"You don't have to choose but if you had to go first I'd say go to the CIA first and then pursue your private sector career."
"Start putting yourself in a position where your job wouldn't be at risk."
"Make sure you know and keep up with where people happen to be in the industry so this could take months or even years."
"Once you've done that for every company in your area you'll now start to see some similarities you'll get to see if everyone wants to have a formal education are there certain certifications that everyone would like you to have."
"I think fortnight has gone away from being a global phenomenon which it once was with everyone and their literal mother playing it too far and away the number one game."
"Sacrificing the first few years to discover what you actually want is definitely beneficial for your career."
"A career as a footballer is only so long, so you want to live every single moment when you can."
"These jobs allow you to have a job in the coming years as well without any concern when it comes to automation."
"I plan on spending my whole year kind of based around the concept of touring with Ozzy and releasing the record."
"I've always had another job or something lined up."
"If you only remember one thing, look into the Johnson O'Connor aptitudes test."
"Our education system does a particularly poor job in helping people answer that question."
"Putting in the work now is going to set the table for the next 30, 40, 50 years of your trading life."
"There's always a new group of 23-year-olds coming onto the market."
"Don't feel like you have to map out your career well in advance."
"It's a lot easier to find a job when you have a job than to be looking as an unemployed person."
"I think a lot about what pro players would want and a lot of it comes down to legacy."
"It's important to pivot towards what you want to do ultimately and re-evaluate goals."
"If your career is going to last 80000 hours, it is worth spending many of those to find out what real data and evidence suggest would be a good high-impact path for you."
"You can be extremely talented and be successful, but the way to make it last, and the way to be better than everyone for a long period of time, is to have a plan and stick to that plan."
"Over the past decades, students who have blindly followed their passion without rational analysis of whether their career choice truly was wise have been more unhappy with their job choices than those who coupled passion with rationality."
"Most important announcements and sometimes scholarship opportunities are posted on LinkedIn or on the social media platforms of the department you've gained admission into."
"There's really no plan, you know, when I came into this I said that I wanted to be the best. Now that's what I'm looking to do for as long as I can do it until I walk away to do something else."
"Don't rush life. Your twenties is when you build foundation, understand yourself, and choose a career path."
"Everyone after I beat Ben wants me to fight the best fighter in the world, but that's not how this fight game works."
"Palestry, it's a tough one. You could say, do you send him out alone? You send him somewhere where he's getting game time every week."
"Let me do a gesture that has no risk. Let me do a gesture that's going to put more money in my pocket and prolong my career."
"LeBron, I gave him a one-year extension, but I think that might be the last one I give him."
"Fortunately, Todd Howard is not yet thinking about retirement."
"I think maybe one of my biggest concerns in my career is just to figure out how to exit gracefully. I've watched people overstay their welcome and I just don't ever want to be that guy."
"Make sure you give yourself enough time to burn out do those things before you get on this platform and decide to make a career out of it or just for fun."
"I knew if I could learn this skill and then I knew that there's like intricacies and tactics, I'm never going to be able to, I'm never going to be jobless essentially."
"Make sure the degree that you're studying for has a proven ROI after you graduate."
"It seems like Mike actually was not wandering the wilderness trying to work out what he wants to do next it seems like the dude loves video games wanted to do a games company and just had to wait for his if I could non-compete to go."
"If you're off of work now is your opportunity to get ready to take advantage of the opportunities that come next."
"There is such a thing as starting too early... it's best to start a little bit higher level... compare your work with professional work."
"Start researching the fields and start researching the sort of jobs that are in that field."
"We gotta extend this run as long as it'll go for sure."
"You do have to look at the requirements of the job versus the nice to haves, right?"
"Our movements pretty incredible and and you know they're they're just beautiful people and if you tell them you're pissed off they'll they'll have your back."
"He was telling me like with his hour he's gonna like put in the most work and do those clubs before doing the theater. I think that's so smart."
"College is great, but it has to make sense financially and for your career path."
"If you're in high school and you do not know what you want to do as a career, that is okay. Don't feel pressured to know what you want to do for the rest of your life as a teenager."
"True luxury at this state would be a period of retirement every 3 to 4 years."
"Hot take: College is 90% not worth it unless you're going for a career that requires extra school on top of your four-year degree. That's a hot take in general."
"I never quit my job until I had my next job and so opportunities look a lot like work for me."
"What people should do is put a little more time toward trial and error in finding where the Maximizer counts instead of just sticking with the first part."
"If you're being made to feel like a failure in a job you've otherwise been very effective in, you probably need to think about an exit strategy."
"You've got to begin now and you can get to an incredible place at the end of 24 months."
"Some of you were considering leaving an employer but decided to have a very honest conversation with your manager about what it is you saw for your own career for yourself how you're unlocking all these abilities."
"Before you climb the ladder, make sure it's leaning against the right building."
"Explore what ideal career, work, and money could look like for you."
"Have a backup plan. Don't put all your eggs in one basket."
"A roadmap for each phase, instructions on skill sets to acquire, worksheets, and blueprints to work through the processes."
"I was just expecting to play baseball, basketball, football in high school and go get a real job after that."
"Fantastic time to work on health, to work on debt, paying off some debt as well, and to restructure your career."
"Your dollar comes first because your career is going to go by fast."
"If you do everything that I told you to learn over the course of these 12 weeks here is everything that you would have that guarantees your music career launches perfectly."
"Find your niche and be realistic with your timeline."
"Don't become an obstacle for the person trying to become the entrepreneur."
"Forget about this guy going into the future, he's only going to be signed for another three years." - Illustrating the transient nature of circumstances, highlighting the importance of seizing the present moment.
"When you get to that place you're looking ahead to, you'll be able to take charge and find the best job for you."
"You have to figure out where you are in that timeline."
"The Puppeteer had a good point, honestly. He had their careers in mind."
"Make sure you have an AI proof career and job and that begins with leveraging AI to the maximum degree in whatever you are doing right now."
"Find a major that coincides with your interests and your passions."
"Those are the pros and cons that are great to know about accounting before you major in it or before you go out and find your first accounting job."
"Trying to put it together, like how do you rap? Oh, you gotta get a studio, you gotta get how much studio equipment? This [__] is expensive."
"As long as you're a statistical outlier, you'll probably make it to retirement."
"You can't hand your job down to your children, so when you're ready to move on, move on."
"Finding a business this early in your career is actually extremely smart."
"You gotta put in the work now so that when you're at the peak of your earning powers as a fighter... you can cash in on it."
"Money is relative. The point of this video is for you to see how I think about taking jobs and how you can apply it to your own jobs."
"If anything ever happened to my YouTube channel, would I stream? First thing I would do, get a real job."
"Every single career in the future is going to be tech-enabled somehow or some way."
"I can't be unemployed right after graduation. Should I do what everyone else is doing?"
"If your child doesn't make it as a footballer and you've sacrificed everything, then they've got nothing to fall back on."
"Apprenticeships are on the rise as an alternative to college."
"Pray for the Lord's guidance in children's careers."
"College is college, man. Get a trade skill first."
"Prioritize her well-being and align her career with personal values."
"Interviewing is not a one-way street. You should be evaluating employers just as much as they're evaluating you."
"Jake is far more motivated in the direction he's got a clear path for where he wants to go with this."
"Think about the skills you want to showcase and the design aesthetic you want to showcase the most."
"We want to flip that. What if we only worked for 20 years and we got to enjoy retirement for a lot longer?"
"Your portfolio should be more about the work you want to get and less about the work you've already done."
"People pick their jobs based on work-life balance."
"Because my parents instilled education and academics and me so much after I graduated high school I was gonna go to a traditional college and become a pharmacist."
"Burnout is real, you need to have a sustainable plan long term."
"I want to be so, yeah, that's what I'm looking at."
"I want to retire at 32, vanish off to the sunset."
"My plan is to fight the biggest name, showcase my boxing, and go back to the UFC."
"We're not saying that will definitely happen, but we are leaving the door open to potentially adding more trades if this is a career that players enjoy."
"For each position you have held, think of the situation, task, action, and results."
"If I could do it over again, you know what I would do at the age of 18? I would spend all my time learning how to run businesses and make money."
"The average craftsman will out earn the average undergraduate until they're 52 years old."
"We swept the Suns, Jason Tatum made Finals MVP, and for the offseason, I'm not sure what we want to do."
"Before you even consider the job change, make sure it's the right career."
"I identified 20 criteria that were really important for me to evaluate in a current employer."
"My career -- I have many more years in front of me and I'm really going to make the best out of it."
"Figure it out early, stick to it, invest in yourself."
"Always make sure that you have a stable exit strategy because you never know what's going to happen and at the end of the day you always need to know your worth in this world."
"Technology as an industry is moving so fast that there's people that are going to school and graduating after four years and the job that they went to school for no longer exists."
"My career doesn't have to be in one year, two years."
"Start taking the steps you're able to now to reduce your vulnerability to the job losses a recession can bring."
"Negotiate both salary and benefits, considering factors like work-life balance and growth opportunities."
"Evaluate multiple job offers to find the best fit for your career goals and lifestyle."
"Kids, if you have your heart set on being a celebrity in sports or YouTube, always have a plan B."
"Seek opportunity, try new skills, figure out what you're good at, and decide which skills you want to turn into a career and which ones you want to keep as a hobby."
"If you work this thing right, you're going to be a millionaire before you turn 40."
"Some of you may be thinking about making money from home. You're really checking in with your skill set because you are very talented."
"Yeah, my goal is just to do this another six years, you know, to 40. Yeah, to 40, and that's it."
"Figure out how much money you need to be making at minimum to pay your bills, meet your financial goals, and then you kind of know once you meet that, okay maybe I'm ready to do this full-time."
"Choosing a life path it's not a black and white thing... there's room for having a job on the side."
"You could be stepping on the style that's the style that's going to get you all the jobs in the future."
"He could probably work a really light schedule, cherry-pick what he wants to do."
"You want to assess what your talent is so that eventually you can come in and make a coherent tactic."
"I've had two amazing professional chapters, and I have plans for my next chapter."
"Before you spend all those years studying something and going into debt, it's very important to figure out what the best college degree for you is."
"It's like you have to know what you're good at and what you're bad at correct you can't just go right into a kitchen to see what the [ __ ] happens right like you're never going to get anywhere right correct cool 100."
"You have one career, one journey of work, one life's work. So, how do I make the most of that one journey?"
"I'm looking at three more years so definitely more than I've ever done and then having a blast doing it."
"For the record we had this Divergence forming back here at our Market cycle this was our first bottom this was our second bottom price clearly going down indicator clearly going up that's bullish Divergence."
"It's really about what career path are you trying to take... Do you need this qualification to excel your career?"
"I want to have an advantage for work in the future."
"I have one next step: receive a phone call with the name of a next opponent and I'll be ready."
"Name me a basketball situation purely basketball that after trading for Kevin Durant represents a better opportunity for him to win an NBA championship."
"We're kind of figuring it out as we go for me at least I plan to be here doing this for you guys as long as there's interest."
"The seriousness of year 10...the goal is to earn the year 10 contract."
"If you figure out what that is and what it would require to get there then you can start working toward that and get there eventually."
"Rarely do your dreams for your career or life work out the way that you want them to."
"You need to manage your rise before you plateau and go downhill."
"Making the decision to maybe take a year out and take a step back and think a little bit more about what it is that you actually want to do isn't gonna put you miles behind everybody else."
"I graduated from SF training and spent the last three or four days trying to get my choice assignment."
"Remember that you don't need to rush when it comes to your money or your career."
"Your 20s are a time to work your ass off, be smart with your money, invest as much as you can, and solidify the entire foundation of your career."
"I take myself I respect myself enough I take my career and how I'm going to provide for generations to come seriously."
"I began conversations with Jason and the Glazer family a few weeks ago about a possible succession plan. Their understanding and support mean the world to me."
"Don't say I'm gonna go back to school and then I'll apply for it because the job won't be there apply for it now."
"I'm just here in my 20s just getting ahead of the game."
"Don't focus on what you missed or lost out on but more so focus on the practical the career the finances all right."
"Find what you like to do and structure your life in that direction."
"Most talented people care about their legacy enough to know they don't want to wait till they can't do it anymore."
"Build your brand the right way, think about the long-term thing, right like if you want to do this for five 10 15 20 years you need to think about what is best for the longevity of your career."
"That organization is going to set me up for success."
"A lot of these guys are so excited to be in the NBA they don't always think about what they're gonna do afterwards and so this is a different route."
"What is your real timeline if you're Steph Curry on the Warriors?"
"You need to figure out your projects and you need to start building your different project portfolio."
"It was so worth it because I knew that I had a passion for it and I had a plan."
"Majoring in something you'll get a job in and minoring in something you love." - Passion and practicality combined.
"Nothing beats actually talking to people who are in the position that you want to get into." - Networking for success.
"Romelu Lukaku has stated that he wants to spend at least a portion of his career back at Anderlecht."
"The most success in the shortest period of time doesn't equate to the most success in the long haul."
"I still think there's like a lot of work to be done like on relationships and on deciding what I want to do as a career or college."
"If the company you want to work for doesn't have all auditions open yet try to work on it before they, before they open to get a bit of a head start but make sure it still reflects you know what your current deal is."
"Historically when a person knows before anyone else what is about to happen, they can profit from it, they can choose a better career path and better investments."
"You want to be passionate about what you're doing... pick three niches which you have the most interest in."
"I think he needs to take six months, work on the grappling, come back maybe a change of weight classes as well."
"I'd buy the real estate and once I had enough of the real estate, I would invest in the coaching."
"It's much better to have a plan for a career that you decide to change later than to have no plan at all."
"Your networking is really, really important while you're still in college. Maximize opportunities."
"I hope to do five years at Norwich. I want to settle in and build something here."
"Lewis is coming to the end of his career; they maybe have to start thinking about the next Lewis Hamilton."
"Get your finances in order, get your career in order, get your business in order."
"For us, we both knew that I could go to grad school and probably make a 4.0 and graduate and get the job and do all of that and that was going to be easy for me."
"You're building a career that's gonna last for your whole lifetime."
"Here's what my job is. Here's what I'm trying to achieve this week or this month."
"Eventually, I'm going to work a job that allows me to do that or start trying to find ways to be self-employed."
"Task over title... what would be the tasks that I would be doing on a day-to-day basis and would I ultimately end up enjoying those tasks..."
"Following your dreams means really evaluating what it is that you want to do."
"Do your research in the field you want to go into."
"Maybe college is not the thing that everyone needs to do."
"Definitely, I'm definitely putting a body of work together, very excited about it. We might, I'm still torn between just doing an EP or an album, but I'm definitely putting a body of work together this year."
"I take jobs based on how interesting I figure they'll be."
"I think now I'm at the point where I'm trying to decide what do I do with my business here and the way that I do it."
"Keep investing in yourself and look into long-term career planning."