
Historical Achievement Quotes

There are 398 quotes

"Every world gets one first flight. The Wright brothers achieved the first flight on Earth; Ingenuity is poised to be the first for Mars."
"Opportunity went into the history books as the first rover to complete the full distance of a martian marathon."
"Albert Einstein presented his general theory of relativity while working as a Swiss patent clerk."
"Philadelphia could justly claim one of the finest transportation systems in the country by the time of the nation's Centennial Exhibition in 1876."
"It was a time of outstanding engineering and remarkable innovation, all of it driven by ambitious pioneers."
"Ending those things were significant advancements worthy of praise, and no one should forget what it took to achieve them."
"We've lifted more people out of abject poverty in the last 15 years than in the entire course of human history."
"Elliot smiles for the last time. Let's keep an eye on the clock. Just outside 201. He is a history maker in Berlin yet again."
"The decline in homicides and other violent crimes between 1990 and 2000 constitutes one of the greatest achievements in the history of urban America."
"For those few special years, the ocean liner was the greatest of humankind's achievements and the triumph of its age."
"One of the great achievements in human history."
"You couldn't just coast by on familial prestige, you actually had to, you know... DO something for it in ancient Rome."
"Auto Ordnance went from taking basically 20 years to sell 15,000 guns, to making and selling a million of them over the course of 2.5 years."
"We created the greatest economy in the history of the world and we're going to do it again."
"The vision initiated by Williams and carried through by men like Professor Ken Julian and his team wins Trinidad and Tobago the prosperity it now enjoys."
"A nationwide network of limited access highways: Eisenhower's vision became reality."
"We haven't had a historic triumph since the moon landing."
"We are the first human beings to create all dynasties and societies all over the world."
"We made history today. Congratulations to everybody."
"You have more black women put on the federal courts of appeals than it's ever been done by any president."
"He definitely was the greatest heavyweight champion of all time."
"Fixing things began by recruiting the first Black woman elected to the United States Senate."
"The first human in space didn't just do some suborbital 20-minute flight, but instead he actually went full-blown orbital."
"Known as the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk, this revolutionary stealth fighter would go on to fly 1,250 sorties and drop more than 2,000 tons of bombs on Iraq without a single aircraft being shot down."
"Hasakura's achievements became part of the fabric of the less than a decade-old newly formed Empire of Japan."
"Every nation has tried for nearly 40 years now, and they have all failed to build what this one little team were able to achieve back in the 1970s."
"This got called beating the game because it was the first time someone had ever finished an original game of NES Tetris without losing."
"No human being may be owned by another, good guy United States 1845 baby!"
"In just three flight days we've gone from the surface of the Earth to more than halfway to the moon."
"Whoever built the most accurately aligned structure on Earth was not a simple people group using primitive methods but incredibly intelligent workers sustained by some hidden insights."
"Utah women were the first to legally vote in a United States election under an equal suffrage law."
"The completion of the canal was an epic engineering accomplishment."
"Black poverty levels are the lowest ever recorded in the history of our country."
"By 1990, Apple's sales surged to 5.6 billion dollars."
"Unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate in 51 years."
"Lowest unemployment in African-American history."
"She made history here that is officially now called the Biles."
"Lovelace proved that a certain interesting problem can be solved using a computer program. The proof was just do it."
"Thomas Jefferson doubled the territory of his country overnight."
"But through Kate’s tireless efforts, in 1893 New Zealand would become the first nation in the world to grant all women the right to vote in elections."
"Japan's unexpected victory in the Sino-Japanese war showcased to the world just how far the country had come."
"Soviet Union improved the lives of ordinary people more rapidly than any state has ever done in history."
"Neil Armstrong reaches an altitude of 39 miles or 62 kilometers and speeds of 3989 miles per hour or 6419 kilometers per hour."
"We launched the fastest economic recovery anyone has ever seen."
"Man lands on the moon in 1969, and there were about 3.6 billion of us."
"It is my firm belief that the establishment of the State of Israel is the greatest political achievement of the 20th century."
"The Aztecs had a more dynamic demographic empire, and Tenochtitlan became the largest city indigenous city ever created by the indigenous people."
"This is what the United States was capable in World War one... we can do that again."
"The ship canal has been described by historians certainly as if you like the greatest feat of engineering in Victorian Britain."
"The culmination of the civil rights and voting rights acts."
"Hannibal's crossing of the Alps is simultaneously a monumental achievement of logistics and willpower while also being totally metal."
"Just to set this up just a little bit, Sean, those in Ravensberg, Baños about 15 years ago set the world's record in the log press with 385 pounds."
"For a Jewish man to become Prime Minister was something sensational."
"Nobody has ever seen anything like it. What they were able to do during World War II."
"John Fairfax was a fearless adventurer who became the first person to row solo across the Atlantic Ocean in 1969."
"Ho did not live to see his dream realized, but his followers did, winning the revolution and creating the united and independent Vietnam Ho had envisioned more than 50 years earlier."
"On Pace to become the first player in NBA history the average 30 points per game on 60% shooter from the field."
"We just did something about climate change for the first time in decades."
"The first team in wrestling history to win tag gold in Ring of Honor, New Japan, NXT, and WWE."
"Joe Biden will have secured the most votes in the history of the country in terms of presidential wins."
"Britain was among the first states in the history of the world to abolish the slave trade."
"Fischer elevated chess to Heights nobody thought was possible in 1972."
"The rest of the world was in utter disbelief what was once called impossible and insane had been done in little over a decade."
"The Levant is now our clay and Egypt is in disarray."
"His performance at the 1936 Olympics is legendary he remains a household name right up there with Jackie Robinson or Muhammad Ali."
"Freedom reads is a way for people on the outside to express our kinship, our support, and our belief in the possibilities of those on the inside."
"The Wright brothers didn't know how to get the plane off the ground until after they got it off the ground."
"Elgin Baylor deservedly so is the Finals MVP."
"Hidden Figures is about one of our greatest American stories. How we did, what for so long had seemed impossible."
"I remember watching this and I was like yo we're getting a glimpse of Joe the actual guy not the wrestler not the character the guy."
"The moon landing was the most significant accomplishment humans have ever engaged in."
"The change that occurred in trajectory... we did Apollo better starting from 1967."
"It's sad to think that humanity's greatest achievement was nearly 50 years ago."
"John F. Kennedy's proposal to land a man on the moon had finally been achieved."
"Refounding the Empire of Genghis Khan is an achievement in and of itself."
"Kenny Omega makes history. For Kenny Omega to go into all these different organizations and win championships, it would be like an athlete going into the Olympics and winning gold medals in all sorts of different sports."
"We have had a summer of strength and we're going to buck history by making history."
"A hundred years ago, no one would have believed that humans would fly into space."
"She even became the first American woman to be awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize."
"Matt, we may be on the verge of history here with you if you can take another title. How much does that fire you up?"
"Perseverance and collaboration make groundbreaking science and history possible."
"Jean Barrett became the first woman to circumnavigate the globe."
"One lifetime, this country went from two guys flying 100 feet to another American stepping on the moon."
"Once upon a time, there was just one human genome... and it took hundreds of people, many years to read it."
"Sputnik... a stunning technical achievement."
"He gave it all to us though he gave it all to him that 17 team one of the greatest teams of all time."
"Monaco's journey: rewriting careers and rewriting history."
"We're gonna be playing in a complete sandbox and we're going to go for the classic colonize the colonizers run here again starting as the Sikh Empire and subjugating Great Britain is an achievement."
"The elimination of slavery was a Christian accomplishment in Christian Europe."
"Wilt actually had the third and fourth most points and eighth most points in a single season in this career."
"The first African-American to ever hold the position of Secretary of State."
"It's really important that we got one of these guys into space."
"And perhaps that is the greatest accomplishment of the Knights Templar."
"Says something good about our country that we elected a black man president of the united states in a majority white country. That's a pretty amazing thing that's unprecedented in virtually all of world history."
"The rebirth of Israel is the triumph of hope against despair, the triumph of the human spirit against the forces of annihilation."
"The French team are led by Didier deschan, the man who captained France to their first ever World Cup back in 1998."
"But it's time that the black sheep's rising up, the old guys are rising up and our time is now."
"During 1942, the war workers of the United States produced 48,000 military planes of all types, more than the total production of planes by Germany, Italy, and Japan combined for that year."
"This will go down in the history books as one of the greatest trades of all time."
"One of humanity's most inspiring achievements was when we first flew into space."
"Kennedy's dream was finally realized in July 1969 when Apollo 11 touched down on the lunar surface."
"History will be made... one of these two teams... will go to the semifinals for the first time in program history."
"Former President Truman got to see his idea come to life, and he got to play a major role in it when he and his wife, Bess, were the first two Medicare beneficiaries."
"In just 200 years, the Maya had achieved a rebirth."
"What more history are we going to make this season?"
"No one before or after him could take on and defeat the Roman legions with such contemptuous ease."
"The first men to break the sound barrier in 1947, a living legend."
"Marconi made history by successfully transmitting the first transatlantic Wireless Telegraph signal."
"Centuries before the Pyramids of Giza, India had urban planning that wouldn't be beat."
"I found Rome a city of bricks and I left it a city of marble."
"The Steelers had arguably the greatest draft haul of all time."
"The Olympic Games: where winning wasn't just an achievement, it was history in the making."
"By 1970, they're the second most important political and economic power in the world. It's an unbelievable, fuming achievement."
"By 1964, Honda became the world's largest manufacturer of motorcycles."
"The arrival of the first people here still ranks is one of the greatest feats in human migration."
"In 1992, Terminator 2 Judgment Day was nominated for an incredible six Academy Awards, making it the only film in the Terminator series to be nominated for an Oscar."
"We had all the advantages that Americans didn't have in 1918. We had a record-setting vaccine, as far as time goes, to get a vaccine out in less than a year. Nobody expected that to happen."
"The hohokam did not simply exist, they did not simply live, they triumphed."
"TSM Apex was solidifying themselves as a dynasty and going on one of the greatest runs in esports history."
"Germanicus received the privilege of a triumph."
"Here's the thing, we have the opportunity to make one of the greatest teams of all time right now."
"America's love and strength, not its fears and doubts, have paved the way to victory."
"Tesla has also achieved probably one of the biggest milestones in US history."
"They have completed the greatest comeback in Super Bowl history."
"The only team to finish a full season undefeated in the modern era."
"By 3100 BC, Egypt had a complete civilization."
"Unemployment for African Americans is at the lowest level in history."
"And for women, the lowest level of unemployment in 21 years."
"The single greatest three-month period of job creation in American history."
"The job growth that we have seen over the last three months, 9.3 million, is the single greatest period of job creation in American history."
"I will be the first White British Irish heavyweight in 115 years to win the heavyweight championship of the world."
"Evander Holyfield joins Tim Witherspoon, Muhammad Ali, and Floyd Patterson to become only the fourth man in the history of the sport to have lost the heavyweight championship and then won it back in the ring."
"Congratulations, y'all already was making history."
"Mike Tyson then illustrated my reign with bloodshed and pain."
"My name is always gonna be there, you know, and Ruiz Jr. the first Mexican heavyweight champion now nothing could take that away from me."
"Pericles managed to get his dream to come true, which was to build all those beautiful temples on the Acropolis and to have his name on our lips 2,500 years later."
"Building a pyramid was a smart move, a sense of national pride and achievement."
"CJ Strad gets it done, he is bringing a Lombardi trophy home to Houston for the first time."
"The Apollo space program: One of Mankind's greatest achievements ever."
"Libby Riddles made history when she became the first woman to win the prestigious Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race."
"The Colts are Super Bowl champions, never forget that."
"How do you battle the sea and win? And most remarkably of all, how did the Dutch achieve most of this using nothing but mediaeval technology over 800 years ago?"
"He made history in 1999 as the world's first black grand master."
"Napoleon's victories in Italy greatly increased his prestige."
"It's good to be here and try to make history in boxing."
"Carthage committed itself to the task and within a decade had formed its very own elephant Corps."
"Stephen Strasburg helped Washington win their first World Series."
"The domestication of dogs was a revolutionary achievement."
"From the time Kennedy made this speech it took NASA only 7 years of dedicated work to perfect the Apollo program."
"We as a global community ended slavery and we did it without the benefit of social media and without the internet."
"He literally had seven years of being one of the top five players of all time."
"The Caliphate of the Islamic Golden Age boasted the highest literacy rate of the Middle Ages."
"The Islamic Golden Age boasted the highest literacy rate of the Middle Ages."
"This team now will go down, confirmed itself as one of the greatest ever."
"Aloha Wanderwell is recognized as the first woman to drive around the world."
"Harriet Quimby became the first woman to fly over the English Channel."
"Cynisca of Sparta became the first woman to win at the Olympic Games."
"Ryan had one of the greatest seasons by any quarterback ever."
"The Romans had just managed to outclass the Mediterranean seafaring superpower."
"This is it, Chicago Bulls NBA champions for the first time since 1998."
"We built up the most prosperous nation that the world has ever seen."
"We created the greatest economy in history and now we are doing it again."
"Smeaton had built such a sturdy lighthouse that it lasted twice as long as the previous three combined."
"Of course, man. Right now, I just want to celebrate. I just made history, baby, for Mexico!"
"History has been made, oh my God, they actually did it."
"Felix Baumgartner made history by becoming the first person to break the sound barrier in free fall, reaching about Mach 1.25."
"Just don't sell it short. This was a monumental achievement that truly has no equal."
"Uruguay won the first World Cup in 1930, becoming the first FIFA World Cup winners."
"Cleveland is a city of champions once again."
"Telescopes today are pretty advanced but it's incredible what people 6,000 years ago were capable of making with only rocks."
"History was made and this is how we got there."
"Laila Lombardi is the only woman in history to score a point in Formula One."
"Breaking codes is an activity that requires great intelligence when human beings do it, and here was a machine that was doing the work that human code breakers did."
"They have lasted longer than any other spacecraft in history."
"We had the best economic performance in the last 17 years."
"First Slovenians to win the Tour de France twice."
"To get the achievement, all we have to do is restore Byzantium itself."
"The Tuttle twins had become the most successful crowdfunded children's show in history."
"Renaissance Technologies is the most profitable hedge fund in history."
"And Brady was trying to make history here tonight, become the first quarterback to ever win five Super Bowls."
"Champions League, though, this is gonna be it, if we win this, it's 36 trophies and a new record."
"Congratulations, the European Space Agency successfully landed men on the moon and got them back in one piece in 1974."
"Here men from the planet Earth set foot on the moon July 1969. We came in peace for all mankind."
"You make history today you are officially the only person ever in PBA history to win three majors in one year."
"MJ's game-winning shot gave the Bulls their second three-peat."
"You've got to feel like that's Pena's opportunity to really cement herself in the history books."
"African American youth unemployment has reached the lowest level ever recorded in history."
"Blacks acquiring 20 million acres post-slavery, a testament to their wisdom."
"Beyonce made history and I will always commend her for it."
"Everyone remembers what Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin accomplished when Apollo 11 brought those men to the moon."
"Last night was the first time in this franchise's history that it wasn't by a stroke of luck."
"Isabella achieved a feat unprecedented in English history: she dethroned an anointed king and ruled for four years."
"This is the first time in all three competitions the one with three people in it won. So I'm like, yep, we made history, what's up."
"George melier made around 500 films in just 14 years."
"His work had already been done... 170 airplanes had consistently rolled out of American factories every day since the beginning of 1942."
"But perhaps the most impressive part of the entire project was Brunel's persistence."
"Neil Armstrong forever etched his name in history."
"In this small command module with nothing but inches of aluminum protecting the crew from the emptiness of space, they showed the world what was possible."
"China appears to have done something really unprecedented in human history."