
Design Process Quotes

There are 371 quotes

"Design, test, learn from the design, adjust the design, test, repeat until success."
"The only way to do this properly is to engage one designer or firm and to forge a meaningful relationship between the designer and the client."
"Imagination is about creating your own designs using all the knowledge you've cultivated."
"These constraints often incite the creative process."
"Everything we did here, from the displacement to the sesame seeds to the materials, entirely procedural."
"Focus on the picture, stop wondering if you're designing the right way and design, and the design will tell you what it needs."
"Let's say you have a login flow, a sign-up flow, a checkout experience flow, you can have each of these all wired together as different flows."
"I feel like the best rooms are kind of like done over time. We even really find pieces that you really like and I love mixing like new and old and vintage and new like modern kind of design like styles all kind of blended together."
"Design the aesthetic before diving into HTML/CSS and JavaScript."
"Everything has to work together and that thought process is what went into Helens cell."
"Making mock-ups really brings your images to life."
"Finding those related colors is just the first step."
"The entire process of making a vehicle is just super seamless."
"We had to make sure that we broke it down into the components that allowed us to give that mix and match capability."
"For every new phone, you come up with lots and lots of different designs."
"You're never too far in your design to reel things back."
"You don't want to be limited by your knowledge of a program. If you model straight into the software without thinking and drawing what you want, you're going to end up drawing what you're comfortable with in the software."
"Starting the design process... love to hear your suggestions."
"It is vastly easier to design a tool from thousands of broken examples."
"I think it's very interesting... we went through a lot of iterations to get to the right place."
"This right here isn't the final product, but it was a start to the design and would influence the future final design."
"Ever added Honma sets itself apart in its modeling process."
"It’s proof too of your skill as an architect and your ability to shepherd your ideas through the battlefield of design and construction."
"Design is about taking those ideas and developing them, refining them, creating whole collections."
"Governments are now much more open about the existence of UFOs."
"This redesign didn't take too many passes before I settled on a look that I was really happy with."
"Welcome to the drawing board, where you'll follow your inspiration and create amazing architecture."
"All projects like this begin at the same point, before anything is manufactured the entire design will be prototyped in a computer aided design system."
"Our game designers, they work really hard on providing all these tools to people."
"Iterate and revise: the first thing you make is rarely the final product."
"I just can't emphasize enough how much like thought went into every detail."
"This is pretty damn ugly so I've redrawn it a bit nicer."
"UX designers exist primarily to bridge the gap between the idea and the code."
"I decided to design my own deck of playing cards after seven videos, three months of work, and a ton of input from this amazing community."
"You have to go back to the original creator and say, hey, could you do the file package?"
"The first part you get is almost never right."
"I never said it was gonna look good, at least not yet."
"This looks really cool, it's already starting to come to life."
"Working with colors is one of the most important parts of the design process."
"There's an infinite number of variations on how your gradient can look."
"A solid design process can help designers deliver quality work."
"There's no easy way about it, there's no quick way, you're going to do it, it's actually something that takes rigor, practice, structure, and knowing it as a design process."
"I've grown to become an expert recycler in a lot of ways where I can take previous efforts and build off of those to make a new design."
"It is all very exciting, I feel like this is the bit that I enjoy, the paints, the fabrics, the bits that make it look pretty."
"Practice designing means going from vague rough sketch to complete garment or accessory worn by a person."
"Iterative design: Learn from your mistakes and try again."
"A lot of design nowadays is just about the destination and then once I drop all the raids flex you know like that's what matters and it's like oh yeah but what's the process."
"It's just iterative design... you fail, you learn, and then you just sort of take all those learnings and put them into operations."
"It's been a really interesting, challenging but certainly a process that we'd recommend."
"It's definitely a process but eventually you'll find the pieces that really go together."
"Lettering a quote and designing a quote is really just the process of considering these four points."
"Good designs come from repeated trial and error with many failed iterations along the way."
"Safety is the starting point, and the design comes afterwards."
"You kind of want the paint to just go away, and then that's when the design actually begins."
"Prototyping is awesome because before building the actual app you can design it."
"We're learning way faster this way if you do a design in 20 minutes rather than taking three days or four days."
"We started with one design, he's like, 'No, that's not it, second, third, fourth, it's like, oh, that's good,' and I was like, 'Nah, we can't be good, it's gotta be great.'"
"It's not a bad design it's a learning design you don't know what you don't know that's right."
"It went through many many iterations... right up till the very end."
"Start with a simple sketch and let it evolve over time."
"Never fall in love with your designs, be proud of them."
"Best way to start making something look cohesive: asking for imagery from clients."
"Every time we design a shoe in Nike basketball, it starts with innovation and the technology and then you kind of blend that with style and art."
"A designer would never, never, literally three nevers, no three never ever ever in a million years, just choose a color for the walls off of a paint chip without actually putting it together with the other stuff."
"That's how design is done sometimes, you just guess and do whatever you like."
"Trust the process, especially when it comes to designing cottage core or terraforming."
"The color schemes were a big part of my thought process while doing this."
"Nailing the core concept is kind of like a bit of a required step before you can actually start working on prototypes."
"The best part, seeing my mock-up become reality."
"Testing early and often helps find issues earlier in the design process."
"Your design is always going to start boring but when you start applying more love to it, that's when your design starts to shine."
"That's gonna be my register button now it's still not an official button until we select both of them so my selection tool we just you need to shift click both of them."
"This really evolved very organically, much more organically than a lot of my design work really because I was building it for myself."
"It's not quite perfect, but it's my first ever working design."
"The story ends up being the design document and the framework for the entire game."
"After many attempts I think I finally came up with something I'm happy with."
"Selecting, design, and selection... the one thing that has held us up the most."
"Wireframing by hand is a really important first step of the process for me."
"The purpose of this tutorial is just to show some easy process to create this kind of a quad remesh geometry."
"Getting that feedback early on in the design process helped me outline things and present them so much more effectively."
"I spent a lot of time planning this place out in my head and then more time drawing out plans on paper."
"Once you start using vectors, this process isn't as simple anymore."
"This is how the process of designing works."
"A huge shout out to Millinote for sponsoring today's video. I always say that one of the most important parts of designing a space is creating a mood board before you actually start purchasing products."
"Don't aim to be perfect in the initial design phase because you can later go back and make changes to the database."
"When coming up with the design for the steering wheel, for instance, they rushed down to the local drug store and bought plastic fingernails so they could better visualize the driving experience from the perspective of an American woman."
"Character design is not a yes or a no kind of concept."
"I've always imagined what would be like to go directly from your design process to a responsive web, and this is the closest thing that you can get for that."
"It's the freedom to create high-quality reference images that Mid Journey offers us, it's just unparalleled, and yeah, it's just something we should integrate into our design process, I believe."
"The general process moving forward is design, change, test, print, problem-solve, and repeat until all the problems are solved and I'm happy with the design."
"So for the mini, I posed my actual original mudskipper model of the way that I wanted the papercraft to look, and then I just added trusty old default cube to my scene and just kind of traced over my model that way."
"I like to give myself three pillars or design themes that I can constantly think about while I'm doing the design and as long as those are included then I can feel good that I'm on track to achieving what I want to with the image."
"I had done a couple of museums so I know how they work, so I started to try out on this specific site all these typology types, person types, and they never worked."
"We're almost building a trailer, so at that point we kept playing with it and playing with it and it turned into what you see here."
"I hope you guys enjoyed the design process and I hope it didn't give you too much nightmare fuel, some nightmare fuel just not too much."
"When hiring managers see your case study, they're actually looking at what your design thinking process is."
"Don't spend a lot of time designing. What happens when I zoom out?"
"The design process doesn't end there, there is then a moment where you're working together closely with the engineers to make sure that they're implementing your designs correctly."
"We really shouldn't leave it up to the engineers and we really shouldn't leave it until the later stages of the design to do this modeling."
"This is something that is very exciting. It's something that should be in every designer's toolbox and it should be a part of every designer's design process."
"Design process: Inspiration, mood board, creation, review."
"I prefer to start my design process by drawing out my ideas by hand."
"It's one of the reasons why we have the design sessions."
"As Engineers, we recognize that if you're going to design a visual system, you've got to deal with constraints and various concerns."
"Let's take a look at the designing process of these villains."
"It's this kind of almost a creative process where you're going backwards and forwards between the aesthetics and the environmental performance."
"I did kind of want to show you the real-world process when you're building a website from an actual design file."
"I get asked a lot how do you design original work, you're watching me do it right now."
"Now we have our concept, we'll go to the next step, which is modeling the scene."
"But this is one of my go-to colors when I’m working with the green, and as I say, I’ll probably add to it with a little bit of color here and there as well."
"You put your spec at the center as a packet center, and then you design, simulate, validate, and build."
"It's not about just cracking out a logo in one day and doing it for 30 different logos in 30 days. It's about spending time on one logo."
"...so yeah there's just a little demo of like how you know the designers on the team would interact with these components just really easily drag and drop them into their screens as they're working on them configure it how they like move on and be good to go..."
"Spend more time with these details, elaborate, and hone in on the micro-interactions that are novel."
"Showing the progression of design is just as important as the final product."
"So first of all, I'm going to select, actually no, first of all, down this right-hand side here, I've got three prints that I've created and they're full repeat prints, and I've created these in Adobe Photoshop."
"...just flatten, make it look sure, make sure it looks good, feels good, color's right, then flat, yep, flatten should be one of the last steps you take when making a sticker."
"You always want to start off with really good assets before moving into the design process."
"Be patient with the process of finding assets because you never know, you might find that image that just really takes that design to the next level."
"I feel like this is a great format and style of video to really teach you guys about my thought process within design."
"The main goal at this stage is to get inspiration. You don't want to copy any of these designs, you just want to draw Inspirations."
"Architects use Trace throughout the entire design process, from the beginning of concept through the end of construction."
"Mood boards doesn't mean you find one image that you like and you replicate this one image exactly, the idea is you build collections of images for different things."
"Designs never seem to work out the way you first sketch them."
"After we've identified the need, the next stage we're going to go through is we define the need through our specification."
"The more you know about your character on a mental cerebral level, the more successful your design will be in manifesting."
"Hopefully, this kind of gave you a little bit of insight into what I think about when dealing with the story elements of a character."
"We had to design most of the components by scaling photographs."
"Master is the thing that we know is correct and you can really iterate on your visual designs and catch bugs along the way before they get out."
"Creating a mock-up, a life-size mock-up in your design software, helps me in the design process."
"BIM is mostly used in practice today as a way to streamline the design process."
"There's a dance, a feedback loop you do form into function back into form back into function and eventually you whittle it down into a very functional and also very elegant product."
"Once your designs are uploaded and sized appropriately, we can click 'Make it'."
"I love how the design has gone from the outside inside."
"Are you more interested in process design optimization or the functionality of a product like designing, manufacturing, and assembling a Tesla Model X or iPhone 15?"
"Designing this way is like building a multi-story building: first the legs, then the base, and then the head."
"By increasing the design time, or shortening the design time, it starts to allow firms to iterate through and understand alternatives inside their design."
"In today's video, I'm going to take you guys through my full process on how I would design a Japanese half sleeve."
"It's a way of actually engaging with people and pulling them into this design and development lifecycle."
"Feedback loops are important for growth and for iteration in anybody's designs."
"It's going to be process, process, process, and explaining your decisions why you did certain things that you did."
"Start simple, lay it out flat, lay it out simply with as few quads as possible and then go from there."
"UX design is a cycle of continuous improvement."
"I find presentation is an important part of doing concepts; you're always selling your idea."
"Understanding design ideation is key to solving problems."
"I love how simple it is as a process but I love the finish and I love metallics."
"Trial and Error is a Perfectly Legitimate Course of Action When it Comes to Designing."
"As a designer, I look at the brand, I research what they're all about, what their customers love about the brand."
"It's worth your time to really iterate on those visual designs."
"Good visual design is all about iteration."
"Pattern designing is very trial and error... it's kind of fun in a way because it's very satisfying once you do get the correct combination."
"Upfront design is not about creating the perfect end state; it's about creating a good starting point and having a direction."
"Everything was designed on paper before it was designed in reality."
"Reviewing portfolios is always interesting, like we get to take a look at different cultural backgrounds, architectural design processes, and all of that."
"Start with reality and work your way back from that to get something that you like."
"The designers knew when to put the pencil down."
"Auto layout is saving us a lot of time."
"A mood board is a great start, however, for your plans, I think you should really look into all the specifics."
"These are drawings which are not real; they are meant to study a project and explain some particular element of it."
"I know that some people have asked where do you get your inspiration for the designs that you create."
"The fabric will talk to you; it'll tell you, 'Girl, you're forcing me,' and if you're gentle, it'll say, 'Ooh, that's nice.'"
"You have a design process that allows you to reduce costs, time, and money. It speeds up the development process."
"Keep doing revisions on your own design, keep weeding out what's not working, and add in keeping what's working."
"From an initial concept idea to make a ninja fly, Airjitzu was given an incredible amount of design work and prototyping."
"We made lots of prototypes of different things and tested them with people, so the prototype and test combination was the thing that really made their successful choice."
"Your users can now become a part of the design process and design along with you, which is really cool."
"Don't get attached to wireframes; they are meant to change as you gather more information through research and feedback from your clients and from your users."
"When it comes to UX portfolio, you need to make sure that you explain through how you make certain design decisions."
"We're going to create separation between these elements."
"The first one is definitely user research."
"The first step is to create a sketch of your design."
"We're going to be talking about components today, we're going to talk about publishing components."
"Sometimes mistakes and pitfalls are required to create better designs."
"It allows creativity to flourish once you've narrowed your scope."
"Combining components and Boolean groups together means that with icon design, we have the ability to reuse elements across icons that share a similar base."
"When you think you're finished with the design, spend at least another 15 minutes on it."
"It becomes very easy working with your inspiration and finally putting that in your garment."
"Design the layout first, then add the animation into that, and you are safe."
"Design is all about experimenting with the outcome and editing, styling, restyling until you're no longer inspired and ready for a refresh."
"Even if the final result isn't perfect, it is an efficient way to get close to a final design."
"These workshops will take you through the entire design process that we outlined in this webinar, from design to production deployment using MATLAB, Simulink, and the PicoZed SDR."
"It is more important at the beginning to build a prototype than make a good rendering."
"The material no longer remains a passive receptor of shape but really becomes an active generator of the design."
"This is very very useful. It can help you a lot and it can speed up the placement process based on the schematic."
"It is nice to leave our mistakes behind, especially the mistakes we made when we were designing the garden."
"I have really enjoyed the layout process. Generally, when I'm laying something out just on my own, I shut everything off."
"We never arrive at a product on accident or just because, so everything's designed for a reason."
"Whenever I'm designing something like this, cardboard is such a great tool."
"Seeing that gray and how it can transform, that to me is always important to represent when we do a new color."
"Always start your surface models by focusing on the core surfaces that make up the exterior."
"Work with your model in the shaded visibility option and spend time to reflect on the contour throughout the process."
"Once you get into the habit of creating your own libraries, it's actually quite a straightforward process to add new components."
"Everything in Fusion starts as a sketch."
"You save hours of time on wireframes, mockups, and final designs."
"Focus group discussion is the best option because that is the forum where you can get all the users in a single table and get the right kind of inputs which is needed to design the new landing page."
"We need to be in the center of this object before we start sketching."
"Let's begin with designing the user interface; we have already integrated the Bootstrap."
"Color is considered at every single step."
"Sketching is not scribbling; it is a free-form process but it is controlled."
"Each level of abstraction can repeat its allocated requirements until there is a design."