
Societal Pressures Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Lately it seems like everyone feels pressure to be more productive."
"The Devil Wears Prada is not just for women, it is not just about fashion. It is a brilliantly written piece of fiction that details the menacingly transformative nature of societal pressures, capitalism, and morality."
"You can live your whole life trying to get approval from a world that is so fickle."
"Who is the truly crazy one? Is it really children who still have an open mind, who still know how to be creative and think outside the box, who are not backed into a corner by society's social pressures? Or is it adults who often lead completely meaningless lives just because they believe that that is what others expect of them, that that is what society expects them to do?"
"Nobody is free from out-of-control beauty standards, but what's interesting is that they're different all around the world."
"Priority should be given to maintaining the marriage because of the forces that are at play, breaking the couples apart."
"The mode of the economy affects people's moods as well. And with the Japanese stock market the way it is, Mother really wants me out of the house."
"Just start speaking up, there are so many people that would love to silence you."
"All you have to do is watch a little TV to see the same pressures exist for men."
"Nobody should feel like they are worth any less because of their body."
"I know how lucky we are like and so yeah I'm really proud of that any regrets in your twenties thinking your early 20s you care yes I'm gonna say oh what an attitude thing oh my god you care so much much about what other people think."
"These are the things she tried so hard to escape from, they always turned eyes on her."
"I think she's a great role model for a lot of young girls who are struggling in a world obsessed with diet and appearance."
"It's harder for them just because the attention is so ubiquitous."
"It's kind of sad that she's even been made to feel like that."
"Everybody's so caught up for a check, 'Oh, I'm on demon time,' listen, that [__] comes with bad energy and spirits."
"Lean on Christ, lean on his understanding, and stop letting the ways of this world dictate the things that you do and the way that you operate every single day."
"Your life isn't over because there's so many people smiling for the camera and dying behind the scenes."
"Just be yourself and do what you want. Don't worry about the haters."
"We should not expect women to be superhuman."
"Diet culture diet losing 5 pounds before summer that is toxic."
"It's those pressures that actually make me optimistic."
"All kinds of people are affected by the stereotypes of perfection because it's everywhere."
"It's a meditation on every frantic aspect of Modern Life."
"There's so many pressures and there's so many ways that the forces of evil work."
"The whole reason people had to make like a self-love phenomenon is because nobody actually loves the things about themselves that aren't good."
"Society isn't doing us any favors. People are stressed with the pressure to achieve, and this trend is especially evident in our youth."
"Girls have a lot of pressure to look a certain way and behave a certain way compared to dudes."
"What has encouraged us to keep up this toxic hustle culture?"
"It actually puts more pressure on the human being to meet these unrealistic standards."
"Everyone around you seems to be consistently checking off all of the things they hoped, wished, and dreamed for."
"We're living in a time right now where to be sane in this climate is the surest way to go crazy."
"The suffering is the point, not only are they saying they're going to remove you from your job unless you comply but you're not going to get any of the benefits that you paid into with your taxes."
"It's what I really appreciate is not just oh what do I want to remember in the future it's just the reason I love the five-year Journal is I'm experiencing the change."
"She was so pretty that she actually received an acid threat to her face."
"You put a dress on this little boy, you're literally sending him to school with a target on his back."
"Stop living your life based off of what you think society expects from you."
"Let's let go of the idea that everything needs to be perfect in 2023."
"None of us should feel ashamed that we struggle with stress and anxiety and depression and bipolar."
"They want to see you dab, they want to see you pop a pill, they want to see you tatted from your face to your heels."
"Plastic surgery: 9 out of 10 women in the West unhappy with their appearance."
"Under 35s are supposed to be planting seeds, making human interactions, not burning away their lives just to survive."
"This film is about the disease of wanting to be accepted."
"It's almost like they're pushing a spirit where they want us to just roll over and die."
"They start losing that sense of enough, feeling they're not enough, not beautiful enough, not ideal enough."
"Suddenly, a banking community will not be able to lend money; people will not be able to buy houses that feeds on itself."
"There's no way to do it right and I think I sense that there's now for a lot of girls and not just girls for boys too the sense of like you have to be so extraordinary all the time."
"Imagine you ask a girl hey are you racist she's gonna go no I'm not racist that guy's a liar she is every incentive to lie [ __ ]."
"What is not worth the effort but people still obsess over it? Seeking validation on the internet."
"The demands and the shame imposed on us by others can echo inside our heads and cause us to doubt or even hate ourselves."
"The war on woman is the idea being sold to women that a career is more fulfilling."
"The rush to get back to work is not coming from the working class."
"So many people have fallen victim to the fear of man rather than the honoring of God."
"Are millennials lazy? No, they've been lied to and manipulated."
"Don't feel like you have to be pressured into doing anything out here that you don't want to do."
"People go broke impressing people that's broke."
"Your parents had to bust in order to make you so why are they on my case...?"
"If your pure motive to lose weight is to fit in with beauty standards, that is the wrong motive."
"I wouldn't be surprised. I think you did. You mentioned briefly like he might have water fasted. I haven't heard of this before to get dehydrated like um, and this makes you look thinner, yeah."
"I don't agree with judging women for just trying to fit in."
"Living on the straight and narrow is not bowing to external pressures, it's failing to bow to external pressures."
"Nobody is perfect so why try to look perfect."
"Beware the mocking sneers and scoffs of those in the great and spacious building."
"I feel like from birth they're already trying to put you down, like they're trying to break that spiritual energy, you know?"
"I'm just a girl trying to love myself in a world that constantly telling me not to."
"...because as a woman in this world and as a man if you're watching this it's about guys too if you don't love the way you appear it's sometimes really hard to move through this world in a way that is confident."
"I just feel like this generation is hurting and a lot of the things we're going after is a result of us feeling like we're missing something."
"Exactly, that's the point. Women torturing their own bodies to conform to a male fantasy. Young girls throwing up their dinner."
"There's just no space anymore... for people to just be authentic."
"Do not set the goal of impressing people. Authenticity trumps conformity. Maintain your identity despite societal pressures."
"I think a lot of women are broken now. Yeah, and even men, a lot of men are [ __ ] as well. But I think society and social media, everybody believes grass is greener on the other side. No matter what it is, every single person believes grass is green on the other side."
"...men were and still are just as big of victims of societal pressures as women were for centuries."
"The woes of the rich, they've got to be perfect, they've got to have the prettiest smiles, the best looking everything."
"If that's you, you might not even know what the authentic you is because you have been told for so long who to be."
"I think it's really hard for people organizing events because there's this pressure to not have drugs at your event."
"Even if you do eat her [ __ ] better than she's ever had her [ __ ], doesn't change the world she lives in as a woman, you know? The waiter that hit me while I was between her legs."
"Our culture is just telling women you know you're inadequate if you're not achieving and accomplishing and what's wrong with you."
"It's pretty amazing that once you simplify things and you give up all of those societal pressures."
"Men are having to give up everything."
"There is an issue with lots of young men who'd seem like who feel like they don't have a drive and then they get co-opted in certain movements because in their societies masculinity and positive masculinity isn't Divine and defined and is definitely not practiced."
"Some people just don't care because most people are just trying to live their lives without judgment."
"The fat activist movement is simply the natural end result of those 95% of people who didn't make it."
"Be risky when you're young man, be real risky bro, and don't care about what people calling you bro, 'cause we in era where people try to shame you for you being broke."
"It just seems like we live in a world now where they're trying to tell us that who you really are doesn't really matter and who you want to be is more important."
"You either gangbang and sold drugs or you play sports where I'm from."
"...the importance of staying true to oneself, regardless of the surroundings or societal pressures."
"I understand better than anyone the intensity of the drive to achieve [masculinity]. We live in a world that is constantly trying to take it away from us."
"The Galaxy brain take is that if you if you help everyone else and take away as much pressure as you can but then [ __ ] on men men will become the true ultimate life form because we'll have to adapt to those pressures."
"The world every day sends us flashing, insistent, loud messages and signposts to make more money, to climb up the career ladder, and there are almost no signposts in the world to tell us to reconnect with the essence of who we are."
"Don't let societal pressures dictate your financial decisions, live according to your values."
"I understand the dynamic because the idea for me as a kid that I'll just explode our entire lives and we'll be taken away from our mother and we'll be separated from each other and all of these consequences will come is just what women are facing today."
"Most people are too caught up pretending to be rich than actually being rich."
"It's not the pressures of society, it's the absence, the paucity of raising our children with an effective emotion management system."